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What Is Trump’s Approval Rating Among Republicans

Opposition To Trump Remains: ‘i Would Have To Do Quite A Bit Of Soul Searching’

Trump approval rating drops among younger voters

But even as Trump mulls a campaign rollout, other would-be GOP contenders have been flooding the state, including former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, U.S. Sen. Tim Scott and former Vice President Mike Pence.

Iowa Republicans again plan to hold their heralded first-in-the-nation caucuses, and the early visits indicate Trump would likely face at least some opposition.

Glenna Bents is among the 33% of Iowa Republicans who hope Trump does not seek the partys nomination.

If he’s a political leader, then I must not be a political follower, she said.

Bents, a 75-year-old Ames resident and poll respondent, said she approves of the job Iowa Republicans such as U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley and Gov. Kim Reynolds are doing. But she doesnt appreciate Trumps vulgarness and is looking for someone with diplomacy, manners and respect.

If Trump is the partys eventual nominee, she said, I would have to do quite a bit of soul searching before voting for him in the general election.

The share of Iowa Republicans who say they feel more allegiance to Trump than to the Republican Party has fallen from 26% in November 2021 to 21% today. Seventy percent now say they feel more allegiance to the Republican Party up from 61% in 2021.

Brett Funk, a 32-year-old Sheffield resident and poll respondent, said he would like to see Trump run again, but only because he sees him as beatable.

Trump Loves Lying About Polls

As Ive extensively detailed, Trump is shameless when it comes to lying about polling. Last month, for instance, he repeatedly touted a disreputable Zogby poll that inflated his general approval rating by about 10 percent. Earlier in the summer, when internal Trump campaign polling that showed the president lagging behind Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden in key battleground states leaked to the media, Trump responded in much the same way by tweeting out a disreputable poll from Rasmussen showing his overall approval rating at an inflated 50 percent.

But Trump has reserved his most shameless polling-related lies for claims about his Republican approval rating. In July, for instance, he tweeted that his GOP approval was the highest in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. There must be something wrong, please recheck that poll!

Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. There must be something wrong, please recheck that poll!

Donald J. Trump

Indeed, there was something wrong namely that public opinion polling didnt even exist during Abe Lincolns time.

Question6 Overall Do You Think The Country Is Better Off Or Worse Off Today Than It Was A Year Ago

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoBetter               41%     5%    76%    38%    37%    45%    53%    25%Worse                52     94     14     56     56     48     44     70SAME             5      1      7      4      4      5      1      3DK/NA                 3      -      2      2      3      2      2      3                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspBetter               44%    43%    37%    40%    30%    38%    34%    67%    42%Worse                44     51     58     56     65     58     61     24     50SAME             8      4      4      2      2      2      2      7      4DK/NA                 4      2      2      2      3      2      2      2      4

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Poll: Trumps Approval Rating With Gop Voters Rebounds To 81%

Former President Donald Trumps popularity with Republicans has rebounded with an 81% approval rate, according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll.

The poll indicated that approval for Trump among GOP voters has risen by 5% since it hit 76% in mid-January following the Capitol riot and just before the House of Representatives voted to impeach the former president.

Then-President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump on stage after speaking to supporters at Joint Base Andrews before boarding Air Force One for his last time as President on Jan. 20, 2021 in Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.

GOP women led the way with 15% more of them indicating their support for Trump than had earlier in January.

Of those Republicans polled, 50% also believe that Trump should continue to have a major role in the party, an increase of nine percentage points since the Capitol riot.

Since his departure from public life, Trump has said little about any political plans but has reportedly discussed the creation of a third political force in American politics, called the Patriot Party. Although a party calling itself the MAGA Patriot Party filed papers with the Federal Election Commission Monday, the Trump campaign disavowed any affiliation with the organization on Tuesday.

A Large Share Of Republicans Want Trump To Remain Head Of The Party Cnbc Survey Shows

CNN Poll: President Trump

A CNBC survey conducted in the days before former President Donald Trumps impeachment trial finds a large share of Republicans want him to remain head of their party, but a majority of Americans want him out of politics.

The CNBC All-America Economic Survey shows 54% of Americans want Trump to remove himself from politics entirely. That was the sentiment of 81% of Democrats and 47% of Independents, but only 26% of Republicans.

When it comes to Republicans, 74% want him to stay active in some way, including 48% who want him to remain head of the Republican Party, 11% who want him to start a third party, and 12% who say he should remain active in politics but not as head of any party.

If were talking about Donald Trumps future, at the moment, the survey shows he still has this strong core support within his own party who really want him to continue to be their leader, said Jay Campbell, a partner with Hart Research and the Democratic pollster for the survey.

But Micah Roberts, the surveys Republican pollster, and a partner with Public Opinion Strategies, emphasized the change from when Trump was president. Polls before the election regularly showed Trump with GOP approval ratings around 90%, meaning at least some Republicans have defected from Trump.

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Question2 Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Way The Republicans In Congress Are Handling Their Job

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove              23%    51%     6%    22%    24%    23%    18%    30%Disapprove           65     44     90     65     63     67     74     59DK/NA                12      5      4     14     13     11      8     11                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove              20%    20%    27%    28%    27%    25%    26%    15%    24%Disapprove           58     69     66     66     62     65     64     76     62DK/NA                22     11      7      6     11     10     11      9     13

Donald Trumps Approval Rating Among Republicans Is Far Less Impressive Than He Suggests New Poll Indicates

President Donald Trump has often touted his strong approval ratings among Republican voters in recent weeks. But, according to poll data released Tuesday, that support may be far less impressive than he makes it out to be.

The survey, conducted by The Washington Post, originally found that Donald Trumps approval rating among Republicans was about 85 percent. Those results were on par with similar polls done in recent months, including one by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News from July that found his approval rating among conservative voters was as high as 88 percent.

But then, the Posts split poll-takers who identified as Republican into three separate groups: people who strongly identify with the GOP, people who identify as Republican but not strongly and the remaining group who technically call themselves independents but say they lean toward the Republican Party. The results after these distinctions were made showed glaring discrepancies.

Trumps overall approval rating for those who identified as strongly Republican is an overwhelming 93 percent. But voters who identified themselves in this category make up less than 20 percent of Americans likely to vote in elections.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted that his approval ratings are very good and that they may even lead to a Red Wave this November.

Do not underestimate the UNITY within the Republican Party!

Donald J. Trump

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Republican Voters Were Asked Whether They Have A Favorable Or Unfavorable View Of

Across each of the four early primary states, the former president is more popular than other prominent GOP figures, including: Vice President Mike Pence, whos seen positive sentiment decline across the map since January 2021 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell , who is most polarizing among the GOP electorate and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy , who is still largely unknown to the rank and file.

The question of Trumps popularity appeared to be on his mind when he sat last week for an interview with The Washington Post. Noting how candidates are seeking his endorsement, he said, our numbers are higher than ever.

Indeed, Trumps popularity among Republicans in those states roughly matches his standing nationwide.

Trumps role as kingmaker

Gail Gitcho has worked for a wide ideological and stylistic gamut of GOP candidates, from Sen. Mitt Romneys 2012 presidential campaign to Sen. Josh Hawleys successful 2018 bid. She said there is a difference between political authority with voters and the ability to totally pull their strings.

Its one thing to say, Trump is popular, and quite another to say, voters will do whatever they are told every time, she said, shaking off the potential losses of Trump-backed candidates as a pivotal indicator of Trumps power with the GOP base.

Early indications paint a mixed picture of how Trumps influence and endorsements are proving their worth ahead of primaries and the November elections.

Not Only Is Trumps Approval With Republicans Not 96 Percent Energy Appears To Be Slipping

Trump has historic approval ratings among the base in Florida: Blaise Ingoglia

So heres this again.

Thats from late Tuesday night, but President Trump has made the same claim repeatedly. He said his approval among Republicans was 96 percent on June 8, on June 6, on May 21, on May 12, on May 2, on April 21 and on April 10, which was the first time he claimed his approval was 96 percent. For about a year prior, he had consistently claimed it was 95 percent. Before that, he kept saying it was 94 percent.

As weve repeatedly pointed out, this isnt how approval ratings work. You dont earn a new level and stay at that level for months on end. If Trumps approval rating was at 94 percent over and over in 2018, it would probably have jumped to 96 percent once or twice if only because of margins of error and he would have tweeted about it.

But its also obviously false because theres no public poll showing anything similar. In fact, despite Trumps claim that 24 out of 25 Republicans view his job performance with approval, recent polling suggests energy within his party for his performance as president might actually be slipping.

The Economist conducts a national poll each week in partnership with YouGov. Each week, it asks respondents both whether they approve of the job that Trump is doing and whether they view Trump favorably as an individual.

For the most part, those views are static: Fewer than half of Americans view Trump with approval, but most Republicans do. The same pattern holds for favorability.

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Half Of Republican Respondents Said Former President Should Play Major Role In Partys Future

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Former president Donald Trumps popularity rating among Republicans has begun to bounce back since he left office, with half of respondents saying they think he should play a major role in the GOPs future.

According to tracking by Morning Consult, 81 per cent of Republican voters polled between 23 to 25 January hold positive views of Mr Trump, including 54 per cent who do so strongly.

The number marks an improvement on the 76 per cent low of Republican voters who favoured him in tracking between 10 and 12 of January ahead of his impeachment when those who strongly favoured Mr Trump sat at 49 per cent.

Fifty percent of Republican voters in a poll by the company between the 22 and 25 of January also think Mr Trump should maintain a significant role in the partys future, an increase of nine percentage points since the insurrection.

The former presidents popularity dropped following the 6 January when pro-Trump supporters attacked the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Joe Bidens win, vandalising and looting the building.

Trump Approval Ratings Still Strong In Key Battleground States: Poll

Former President Trump remains overwhelmingly popular among Republican voters in key battleground states heading into the midterm election cycle, according to a new roundup of polls released Monday.

Nearly 4 in 5 Republican voters surveyed in Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania rated Trump favorably, according to Morning Consult surveys conducted in March.

The former president had slightly higher favorability in Georgia and North Carolina than he did in Ohio and Pennsylvania .

Each of those states have important Senate races that Trump has waded into or where he is considering endorsing a GOP candidate.

Morning Consult surveyed at least 855 registered Republican voters in each state from March 1-20. The margin of error for each poll is about 3.7 percentage points.

The polls suggest that Trump-backed candidates in those states could greatly benefit from the former presidents support, even as some of his recent endorsements have fallen flat. But it remains to be seen to what extent approval of Trump will transfer to his picks.

Trumps popularity in the four states has remained virtually unchanged since he left office, Morning Consult found.

In North Carolina, Trump has endorsed Rep. Ted Budd for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Richard Burr , who is retiring. In Pennsylvania, Trump recently endorsed former television host Mehmet Oz to replace retiring Sen. Pat Toomey

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United States Presidential Approval Rating

In the United States, presidential job approval ratings were first conducted by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president of the United States during their term. An approval rating is a percentage determined by polling which indicates the percentage of respondents to an opinion poll who approve of a particular person or program. Typically, an approval rating is given to a politician based on responses to a poll in which a sample of people are asked whether they approve or disapprove of that particular political figure. A question might ask: Do you approve or disapprove of the way that the current president is handling their job as president?

Like most surveys that measure opinions, individual poll results may be inaccurate. Many unscientific approval rating systems exist that show inaccurate statistics. Examples that self select, such as online questions are of this type however, the aggregate approval rating is generally accepted by statisticians as a statistically valid indicator of the comparative changes in the popular United States mood regarding a president.

% Of Republican Voters Approve Of The Outgoing President Up 3 Points From Last Weeks Nadir

What is Donald Trump
  • 20% of GOP voters disapprove of Trumps job performance, similar to the share who support a Senate conviction in the upcoming impeachment trial.

  • The bulk of Republican voters disapprove of the way Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has handled impeachment proceedings.

  • Overall, 55% of voters back Trumps conviction and removal by the Senate, 5 points more than the share who did so ahead of the chambers February 2020 vote for his first impeachment trial.

President Donald Trumps approval rating among Republican voters is back on the uptick after it dropped earlier this month following the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a group of Trump supporters, underscoring the political risk facing Senate Republicans who are set to decide the presidents fate in their chambers upcoming impeachment trial.

Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking conducted Jan. 15-17 found 79 percent of Republican voters approve of the outgoing president, up 3 percentage points from 76 percent in polling conducted Jan. 10-12, before 10 House Republicans joined all Democrats in voting to impeach Trump on a charge of inciting the insurrection that resulted in the deaths of five people, including a Capitol Police officer.

The samples included responses from more than 4,400 Republican voters, with margins of error of 1 point.

Nearly half of Republican voters disapprove of McConnells approach to impeachment, while 32 percent approve of how hes tackled the issue.

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Question3 Do You Approve Or Disapprove Of The Way The Democrats In Congress Are Handling Their Job

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoApprove              30%     5%    64%    23%    24%    35%    38%    21%Disapprove           60     93     28     66     66     54     58     69DK/NA                10      2      8     10     10     10      5     10                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspApprove              24%    35%    30%    33%    19%    33%    26%    53%    26%Disapprove           56     57     65     62     73     58     65     37     63DK/NA                20      8      6      5      8      9      8     10     12

Trumps Support In Iowa For Another Run Surpasses Bidens

According to news reports, Trumps decision is more a matter of when to launch a 2024 campaign, not if he should.

Some Republican operatives believe he should wait to make an announcement until after the November midterm elections to avoid taking the focus off Biden, whose approval ratings have plummeted amid rising inflation and soaring gas prices. But aides and allies have said an announcement could come as early as this summer.

Unlike Biden, Trump has fared well in Iowa in the past, placing second in the 2016 presidential caucuses and carrying the state in both the 2016 and 2020 general elections. Today, he garners more support in Iowa for another presidential bid than Biden, his 2020 rival, the poll shows.

Just 23% of Iowans say they hope Biden, 79, runs for president again, while 67% say they hope he does not. Nine percent are not sure.

Unlike Trump, Biden fails to garner a majority of support from within his own party for another campaign. Among Democrats, just 37% say he should run again, while 52% say they hope he does not.

Bidens approval rating in Iowa has hit a new low at 27%. At the same time, the share of Iowans who believe the country is on the wrong track has surpassed even what it was during the 2008 Great Recession. Today, 84% of Iowans believe things in the nation are on the wrong track. Just 10% say they believe things are headed in the right direction.

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