Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Who Is Running Against Donald Trump For President

The Republicans Running To Support Donald Trump

Donald Trump Announces He’s Running for President

Across the country, candidates who support Donald Trumps false claims about the 2020 election are running for office, promising to replace fellow-Republicans who went along with certifying last years results. Republicans are favored to take back both houses of Congress in 2022 and tighten their grip on state houses, raising urgent questions about whether the Party, which largely proved unwilling to support Donald Trumps push to overturn the election last year, might be more amenable to doing so in 2024.

One of those candidates is Don Bolduc, a retired Army general and the only Republican who has declared his candidacy for next years U.S. Senate race in New Hampshire against the Democratic incumbent, Maggie Hassan. Establishment Republicans in Washington are hoping that New Hampshires governor, Chris Sununu, will also challenge Hassan, in part because Bolduc has firmly attached himself to Trump, praising the former President frequently and signing a letter with other former military leaders claiming election fraud. Trump has not yet endorsed a candidate in the race, but he recently released a statement praising Bolducs attacks on General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump and Biden.

What is it that you want to bring to the Senate?

This reminds me a little bit of former President Trump. Can you talk about his appeal?

The Vice President?


Trump Ally Roger Stone Issues Threat To Ron Desantis If He Tries Running For President

Roger Stone, a felon and longtime confidant of Donald Trump, has warned Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that he aims to block the Republican governors reelection by running against him unless DeSantis pledges not to participate in the 2024 presidential race.

Stone, a Florida resident, told CBS Miami on Friday that he has no illusions about my ability to become elected governor, adding: Thats not the point here.

But Stone is convinced he could siphon off enough votes to ruin DeSantis reelection chances next year. Stone said he would run in the race as a Libertarian or for another third party, CBS reported.

The warning from Stone was an attempt to scare off a potentially daunting contender for his pal Trump in the 2024 race though Stone claimed he believed any state governor should commit to completing a full term.

Trump boasted last month that he would beat DeSantis in a Republican presidential primary revealing that such a match-up is on his mind.

Stone told CBS that DeSantis should pledge to the people of Florida that he will fill out all four years of a second term before reelection.

What I dont want to see is for him to be reelected and then immediately abandon Florida to run off and run for president, particularly if hes running against Donald Trump, he added.

DeSantis has said that hes running for reelection and has called speculation that hell make a stab at the presidency manufactured.

He Had A Trump Change Of Heart

A noted critic of onetime Trump rival Hillary Clinton, Walsh, who served a term in Congress before he was defeated in 2012, was all-in on Trump ahead of the 2016 election, even tweeting: If Trump loses, Im grabbing my musket. You in?

But since Trump took office, Walsh has soured on the president, frequently using his Twitter account to call him out for his lies.

Weve got a guy in the White House whos unfit, completely unfit, to be president, and it stuns me that nobody stepped up, nobody in the Republican party, Walsh said on This Week. The country is sick of this guys tantrum. Hes a child.

Despite trying to draw a line between himself and Trump, Walsh admitted to Stephanopoulos joining in on the divisive rhetoric that has become a signature Trump strategy. Like Trump, Walsh made racist comments about then-President Barack Obama, questioning his birthplace.

On November 8th, I’m voting for Trump.On November 9th, if Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket.You in?

Joe Walsh

I helped create Trump. And George, thats not an easy thing to say. Look, we were divided before Trump, Walsh said. There were plenty of times where I went beyond the policy and the idea differences, and I got personal and I got hateful. I said some ugly things about President Obama that I regret. And its difficult, but I think I think that helped create Trump. And I feel responsible for that.

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Walsh Has Railed Against Obama For His Race

Walsh has never shied away from making controversial statements on Twitter and Obama has been one of his favorite targets with Walsh repeatedly claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black.

Walsh tweeted some version of the sentiment more than a dozen times between 2014 and 2018, accusing Obama of having no experience and claiming he was held to a lower standard as president because of his skin color.

The single greatest act of racism in American history was the election of Barack Obama, Walsh tweeted in June 2016. People voted for him simply because he was black.

The single greatest act of racism in American history was the election of Barack Obama. People voted for him simply because he was black.

Joe Walsh

Before that, in June 2015, Walsh had : America finally tipped when we elected an Obama only cuz he was black & we obsessed over some Bruce who turned himself into a Caitlyn. .

Walsh also repeatedly claimed Obama was Muslim and, just as Trump did, spread the baseless conspiracy that Obama was not born in the United States, writing in August 2015, Obama never let a voter feel his birth certificate alongside a photo of Trump letting a voter feel his hair.

Obama never let a voter feel his birth certificate

Joe Walsh

For better or worse, Im not afraid to say it publicly, Walsh wrote in December 2016. I think Obama is Muslim. I think in his head and in his heart he has always been.

United States Presidential Election

Donald Trump Told Aides, Voters
2016 United States presidential election
46.1% 48.2%


President before election

The 2016 United States presidential election was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Republican ticket of businessman Donald Trump and Indiana governor Mike Pence defeated the Democratic ticket of former secretary of stateHillary Clinton and U.S. senator from Virginia Tim Kaine, in what was considered one of the greatest upsets in American history. Trump took office as the 45th president, and Pence as the 48th vice president, on January 20, 2017. It was the fifth and most recent presidential election in which the winning candidate lost the popular vote.

The tone of the general election campaign was widely characterized as divisive and negative. Trump faced controversy over his views on race and immigration, incidents of violence against protestors at his rallies, and numerous sexual misconduct allegations including the Access Hollywood tape. Clinton’s popularity and public image were tarnished by concerns about her ethics and trustworthiness, and an FBI investigation of her improper use of a private email server, which received more media coverage than any other topic during the campaign.

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List Of Registered 2024 Presidential Candidates

The following table lists candidates who filed with the FEC to run for president. Some applicants used pseudonyms candidate names and party affiliations are written as they appeared on the FEC website on the date that they initially filed with the FEC.

Candidates who have filed for the 2024 presidential election

Eye On 202: Joe Biden Slams Donald Trump At Virginia Election Rally

US President Joe Biden slammed his predecessor Donald Trump by name repeatedly at an election rally just the day before he left for Rome and then on to Glasgow last week. Its not 2024 yet, and Trump is not back on the ballot, this time to stop Biden from winning a second term.

The election rally was in support of Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who is running for governor in the state of Virginia. Biden attacked Trump at least 27 times. He mentioned McAuliffes Republican rival Glenn Youngkin by name only twice, that too while reading out a news article about him.

I ran against Donald Trump. And Terry is running against an acolyte of Donald Trump, the president said. Terrys opponent doesnt like to talk about how – very much now – but to win the Republican nomination, he embraced Donald Trump. Thats three times right here.

Democrats have sought to portray Youngkin as someone in the mold of Trump, who remains extremely unpopular in Virginia. But the governor race is being followed widely and closely for implications for the mid-term election of 2022 when the US House of Representatives and a third of the Senate will be up for grabs and all the way up to 2024 when Biden could seek a second term or step aside for another Democrat.

The state of New Jersey is also voting on Tuesday – either to give current Democratic governor Phil Murphy another term or elect Republican rival Jack Ciattarelli.

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Putting A Number To The Trump Years

None of this should be interpreted to mean the period of “the Trump years” is approaching an end. For all we know, it has not yet reached its halfway point.

But the era has been nothing if not dynamic, with big swings up and down for the former president’s popularity while he was in office and since. And while his approval sank to its all-time low in the Gallup Poll after the Jan. 6 rioters breached the Capitol, Trump has nevertheless defended that incident in his recent statements.

Just this week he released a statement saying: “The real insurrection happened on November 3rd, the Presidential Election, not on January 6th which was a day of protesting the Fake Election results.”

As has often been his pattern, Trump does not dispute facts, he substitutes a complete counterfactual scenario that he prefers to reality.

In this most recent instance, he was responding to the flurry of subpoenas issued by the House panel investigating the events of Jan. 6 and their connection to Trump’s White House. The subpoenas cover many of Trump’s inner circle, including his last chief of staff, , and Trump’s 2016 campaign strategist Steve Bannon both of whom have already refused to comply. On Friday, Bannon was indicted by a federal grand jury for contempt of Congress.

Former Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo

Mark Cuban Running Against Donald Trump For President?

Pompeo attended a series of events across the state in March, and he spoke at the Family Leadership Summit in and . During his recent stops, he’s made a point of hinting slyly at the subtext of his visits.

My wife Susan was born in Iowa City, but she was raised in Wichita. She spent her summers at Coralville and Strawberry Point, he said at the Family Leadership Summit. So that’s why I’m back, I don’t know why some of these other folks coming back now. I can’t figure it out.

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The Top 10 Gop Presidential Candidates For 2024 Ranked

The 2021 election is over, which means its time to talk about 2024.

Okay, well, at least a little bit.

The 2021 election reinforced the difficult path that lies ahead for Democrats in their efforts to keep unified control of Washington, particularly with President Bidens numbers having declined. And the jockeying for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination began long ago.

Below are our extremely early rankings of who could be in the running for it with the important caveat that most or all of the first nine probably dont run if No. 1 does. As usual, this is in order of how likely their nomination would seem to be.

Also mentioned: Rick Scott, Kristi L. Noem, Josh Hawley, Glenn Youngkin, Liz Cheney, Larry Hogan, Tom Cotton

10. Mike Pompeo: Few have made their designs on potentially running for president as obvious as Trumps former secretary of state and CIA director. Pompeos closing days as the nations top diplomat were extensively devoted to arguing that his tenure was a success, often using official resources in a patently political way . Pompeos office insisted recently that Pompeo was just joking when he suggested he would run regardless of former president Donald Trumps plans. But we should probably take that as evidence that hes quite anxious to do it. The big question with Pompeo is just how compelling he actually is as a candidate.

Us Sen Ted Cruz Of Texas

Cruz leveraged a sophisticated ground game and widespread evangelical support to defeat Trump and win Iowa’s 2016 GOP caucuses. He told Newsmax in July that he is “certainly looking at” running for president again in 2024.

He campaigned on behalf of U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst in October 2020, and he returned to headline a fundraiser for U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson as she prepares to run for reelection in 2022.

More:Possible 2024 presidential contender Ted Cruz says ‘the road to revival’ comes through Iowa

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Votes Trump Gained From Recounts: 2343

In Wisconsin, Biden gained 74 votes following a partial recount of the state’s results that focused only on two Democratic strongholds, Milwaukee and Dane counties. It increased Biden’s statewide margin to 20,682 votes out of about 3 million cast.

Adding the differences in both states together, Trump gained 2,343 votes as a result of the Georgia and Wisconsin recounts.

His Political Career Was Surprising And Brief

Donald Trump is running for president in 2020. Here

Walshs political career has more in common with Trump than he might like to acknowledge: Like Trump, Walsh eked out a surprise victory in his one and only successful race for office, beating incumbent Melissa Bean in 2010 by a few hundred votes.

Though he quickly made himself one of the faces of the tea party opposing Obama, Walsh had a history of changing views, telling the ChicagoTribune during an unsuccessful run for Congress in the 90s: I think Im the kind of Republican who can win because Im open and tolerant. Im not some right-wing conservative. In addition to politics, Walsh, an Illinois native, previously worked as a community college teacher, in finance, as a fundraiser and a researcher, according to the Tribune.

Walshs district was re-drawn after the 2010 census and he was soundly defeated in his re-election bid, after which he reportedly became a radio host.

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