Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Does It Cost Money To Go To A Trump Rally

Of Course Trump Has Scammed Millions From His Not

Former Trump Aide Stephanie Grisham Slams Trump For Covid Deaths

One of the more ironic aspects of Donald Trumps improbable election win in 2016 was that many of his supporters declared they were voting for him because unlike career politicians, he actually told the truth. In reality, of course, he lied about everything all the time. Whether it was a big lie like the one about how Mexico was going to pay for his wall a weird lie like the one about having been named Michigans Man of the Year an insane lie like the one about windmills causing cancer a sad, pathetic lie like the one about his inauguration crowd being bigger than Barack Obamas or a truly WTF lie like the one about the Boy Scouts of America calling to tell him his crazy speech in front of thousands of children was the best one theyd ever heard, the man spent his entire time in office lying through his caps, to the tune of 30,573 lies in four years.

Obviously Trump hasnt stopped lying since he left Washington, with the biggest lie being that he won the 2020 election, but at the same time, his supporters continue not to care. So while it might tick off a normal person to learn that money theyd donated to a important cause had actually gone to funding personal expenses for a guy who never misses a chance to tell everyone how rich he is, were pretty sure the ex-presidents followers will not be bothered.

Algop: Admission Is Free But Ticket Needed To Attend Cullman Trump Rally

The rally is scheduled for Aug. 21 at 7 p.m at York Family Farms in Cullman, Alabama.

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl issued a statement reminding the public that while tickets to the upcoming rally featuring President Donald Trump on Saturday in Cullman is free, you still must have a ticket to attend.

Alabamians have been President Trumps strongest and most loyal supporters over the years, so its no surprise that tickets to his rally in Cullman are going so fast, said Wahl. Admission to the rally is free, but I want to make sure people know they will need tickets to get in. We dont want anyone to miss this opportunity because they didnt know they needed tickets.

President Trump has been vocal about his appreciation for his supporters in Alabama, and we look forward to once again showcasing our great state to the former President and the country during his visit to Alabama, Wahl said. With the rally less than a week away, I encourage everyone who wants to attend the rally to get their free tickets now.

The rally will be Aug. 21 at 7 p.m at York Family Farms in Cullman, Alabama, though the gates will open before then and there will be speakers and music prior to Trumps appearance.

Michael Lindell will be at the trump rally, Hooper said.

Go to the Alabama Republican Party website to get tickets, Hooper said. You must register with the State GOP to get tickets. It is going to be a great event.

How Do I Get Tickets

Those who want to attend can register for free tickets online at beneath the “events” tab. Attendees can register for two tickets per phone number on a first come first served basis.

Attendees must submit their information online and then confirm their registration with a verification code sent to their cell phone. A confirmation web page says attendees will be sent more information before the event.

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Trumps Upcoming Rally Schedule

If youre hoping to see the president in person, you may have a chance in the next few weeks. Trump has a busy rally schedule ahead of the November 6 elections.

  • Mesa, Arizona, on October 19
  • Elko, Nevada, on October 20
  • Houston, Texas, on October 22
  • Mosinee, Wisconsin, on October 24

More rallies will likely be announced in the coming weeks.

Ohio Rally Recalls Campaign Events

How much money does trump make off his merchandise

Trump stepped onto the stage as a loudspeaker blared Lee Greenwoods God Bless the USA a favorite on his playlist during last years campaign for the White House and tossed red Make America Great Again hats into the crowd.

In his 91-minute remarks, Trump lashed out at Democratic foes Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, ridiculed the “fake news” media and leveled unfounded accusations about his loss to Joe Biden in November’s presidential election. Trump said he was “ashamed” of the U.S. Supreme Court for failing to back his claims of election fraud.

Though he made no announcement about his own plans, Trump hinted he might make another run for the White House in 2024. Claiming that he has already won the presidency twice, he said, “Its possible well have to win it a third time.”

Though Trump lost the presidency to Biden, he carried Ohio by 8 percentage points. Political scientist Justin Buchler said he saw no particular relevance to the fact that Trump chose Ohio historically a swing state in presidential elections as the site of his first rally since leaving the White House.

What was more important, Buchler said, was that he appeared in Lorain County, which he won by 3 percentage points last November and where he was surrounded by people who are loyal to him.

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Donald Trump Really Wants You To Text His Name To 88022 But Will He Ever Text Back

At Donald Trump rallies and news conferences, the invocation is very often printed in the cameras’ lines of sight to ensure maximum exposure:

Text “Trump” to 88022

If you assumed this is a fundraising ploy, you’d be wrong. The Republican presidential front-runner is self-funding his campaign, remember?

Instead of money, Trump ostensibly wants a channel to communicate directly with voters. His website advertises “exclusive updates” for those who subscribe to the texting service.

One problem: Trump doesn’t seem to use the service very often.

Two weeks ago, on the day of the Wisconsin primary, I signed up and prepared for The Donald to Make My iPhone Great Again with the exclusive updates I had been promised. Here’s how it went.

And then … nothing for 14 days.

Last week, Fix colleague Philip Bump had the good idea to subscribe using a New York ZIP code to see whether the Trump campaign might be targeting residents of the Empire State ahead of the primary. He got nothing for five days.

Finally, on primary day Tuesday, the first exclusive updates arrived.

Later, after I asked the campaign about its use or underuse of the text line, both Bump and I received this message.

What. A. Waste.

Maybe, in another message, Trump could ask subscribers to name the No. 1 issue in the campaign: Text “A” for immigration, “B” for terrorism, “C” for trade, “D” for gun rights.

Here’s what Buell recommends:

Documents Show Trump Lost Millions Operating Dc Hotel

“From March it was 45/53 so a majority of independents saying they had an unfavorable opinion of former President Trump,” she said. “In this poll, it was 48/49. So he’s evened out the edge that was there as a problem with independent voters in Iowa.”

The former president boasted about those numbers in an email to supporters this week.

And his political action committee recently hired a couple of Iowa advisers.

Kedron Bardwell, a political science professor at Simpson College, says Trump has mostly frozen the field for Republicans.

“It doesn’t mean they’re not testing the waters,” Bardwell said. “But I don’t think people want to go through the amount of work it would take to build the infrastructure and get, you know, the donations lined up, ready to go, if they know that in a few months, he’s just going to drop his hat in the ring anyway.”

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Timothy Mellon Pan Am Systems $10 Million

An heir to the Mellon banking fortune and the grandson of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, his is among the biggest donations this election cycle. He owns the largest regional railroad in North America, Pan Am Railways, which went up for sale in July. Hes been notably reclusive and absent from politics. Republican operatives reportedly had to look his name up on Google when he came forward to help.

Trump Set To Leave Office With At Least $850000 Of Unpaid Campaign Rally Bills

Crowd boos Trump for vaccine stance at Alabama rally

With just weeks until his presidency ends, several cities across the U.S. are still owed payments from Donald Trump‘s campaign for rallies he held, totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The Texas city of El Paso said this week that they will be hiring outside legal counsel as part of their fight to obtain more than $500,000 from Trump’s team to cover the security and other costs from a rally held there in February 2019.

The outstanding debt includes $470,000 in additional services provided by the local police and fire departments, as well as an additional $99,000 in late fees.

Last year, the Center for Public Integrity included El Paso among a list of 10 cities still waiting for payment from the Trump campaign team for rallies as far back as 2016.

A number of city officials have now confirmed to Newsweek that they have still not received the money that they invoiced, with some accepting that it may never arrive.

The debts range from just a few thousands dollars to more than $200,000 in Albuquerque, with El Paso owed the most of them all.

The city of Burlington, Vermont, confirmed that Trump’s team still has not paid the $8,464.27 amount they are owed from a campaign rally he held there in January 2016 before he was elected president.

“Paying the invoice remains the right and honorable thing for Mr Trump to do.”

Nearly five years later, the city still has not received the money.

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What To Watch For

How Trump continues to tease a 2024 run. In an interview with the Daily Wire, an online conservative outlet, earlier this month, Trump said his supporters will be very happy with his decision about whether to run again in 2024. I look forward to doing an announcement at the right time, Trump told Daily Wire host Candace Owens. As you know, its very early. But I think people are going to be very, very happy when I make a certain announcement. You know, for campaign finance reasons, you really cant do it too early because it becomes a whole different thing.

An Economic Shot In The Arm

Regardless of the cost, the national exposure can prove to be a big plus, Rosenberg said.

In the long term, he said, people all over the world heard about Wildwood, and that publicity can bolster tourism and civic pride, as well as an immediate economic boost for area hotels and restaurants.

Despite uncertainty around his citys reimbursement, Byron said hes grateful Trump chose to come to Wildwood, bringing an estimated crowd of 15,000 to the Shore town during a slow winter month.

It was an economic shot in the arm for us, not to mention the national exposure its brought us,” Byron said. “Any president who calls is welcome in Wildwood.

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Paris Agreement Not Legally Binding

Trump touted his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which he said would have been an economic catastrophe for the U.S. The agreement, which took effect last year, was signed by 195 countries and primarily aims to keep warming well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.

The president pushed back at critics who said the pact is nonbinding.

And they all say its nonbinding, he said. Like hell its nonbinding. When we get sued by everybody because we thought it was nonbinding, then you can tell me it was nonbinding.

There are aspects of the agreement that are legally binding. Todd Stern, a former U.S. special envoy for climate change, explained in a press conference shortly before the agreement was reached that countries must submit nationally determined contributions that outline their emissions targets and report actions taken to meet those targets. But meeting emissions targets wasnt one of the legal requirements.

Stern wrote a May 8 op-ed for the Washington Post urging Trump to stay in the Paris Agreement. He said the president should keep in mind that as much as I would be sorry to see any retrenchment countries can adjust their emissions targets downward. The agreement permits it, and I know because I helped negotiate that flexibility.

Trump Had Nothing New To Say His Fans Didnt Care

Trump rally attendees left in freezing cold after Nebraska ...

For about four years, a single, manically cycloning thought got the best of me: How can all these people believe Donald Trumps lies? His untruths were so numerous, so rich and bizarre and cruel that at some point I assumed them to be a privilege of the office he held. Maybe the misinformation will fade when its uncoupled from the pomp of the presidency, I thought. Maybe all of us will see things more clearly under a new administration. Yet, six months on, the lies thrive.

Aside from some remarks he made at the Conservative Political Action Conference and his speech that preceded the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, Trump has had a quiet 2021. Much the same can be said for one of the primary amplifiers of his and others falsehoods: QAnons de facto leader, Q, hasnt posted new information since December. On Saturday, in Ohios vast middle, Trump returned to public speaking. This time, he was to be accompanied by all you might expect from an 88-degree evening at the Lorain County Fairgrounds a dusty parking area, livestock stalls and creaky grandstands under the rich, dank odor of manure and surrounded by verdant fields. Air Force One would not be deployed. His lectern wouldnt be adorned by the presidential seal. Hes not officially running for anything, even if all signs point to a bid in 2024. So, who would want to attend a Trump rally in 2021?

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Trump Rally Tickets Are Free

You read that right. If youre interested in attending a Make America Great Again rally, you wont have to pay a cent. Tickets are completely free.

However, you will need to get tickets ahead of time if you hope to attend a rally. To do that, go to the Trump campaign website, select Rallies from the top navigation, and choose the event you want to attend.

Youll need to provide your first and last name, email, mobile number, zip code, and state to get your tickets. You can request two tickets per phone number for each event

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