Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How To Communicate With Trump

Trump Launches New ‘communications’ Platform

How to Talk to a Trump Supporter

Donald Trump has launched a new “communications” website, which says it will publish content “straight from the desk” of the former US president.

Mr Trump was banned by Twitter and suspended by Facebook and YouTube after the Capitol riots in January.

The former president has since been releasing statements by press release – which the new website will now host.

Users will be able to like posts – and also share them on Twitter and Facebook accounts.

“It is a blog,” Kara Swisher, technology columnist for the New York Times told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “I was like ‘2002 is calling and it wants its blog back…’

“I don’t know what the overall plan is because he does have some very sharp digital advisers. It is just the beginning of his attempts to try to re-establish a louder ability to participate in digital media.”

Mr Trump’s senior adviser, Jason Miller, had previously said a new social media platform was to be launched. “This new platform is going to be big,” he said in March.

But Mr Miller tweeted on Tuesday that the new website was not the social media platform he had previously hyped.

“We’ll have additional information coming on that front in the very near future,” he said.

The website is reportedly built by Campaign Nucleus, a digital services company created by Mr Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Several posts on the site repeat debunked claims that last year’s presidential election was rigged.

The new site arrived just before

Trump Launches New Communications Tool After Social Media Ban

Donald TrumpRittenhouse says Biden defamed his character when linking him to white supremacistsOvernight Health Care White House touts vaccine rate for fedsTrump endorses challenger to Hogan ally in Maryland governor’s raceMORE has rolled out a new tool to communicate with his supporters in lieu of platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, which banned his accounts.

Trump’s platform, From the Desk of Donald J. Trump, features videos from the former president and statements from his leadership PAC, which have been sent out over email for several weeks.

Supporters can sign up to get notified when Trump sends out a message from his site, similar to functions on other social media platforms.

While users do not have the ability to reply to Trumps posts, they can like them and share them on their own Twitter or Facebook accounts.

“This is just a one-way communication,” one source familiar with the space told Fox News, which was the first to report on the platform. “This system allows Trump to communicate with his followers.”

The websites About page also includes a statement touting Trumps administration and a slew of mission statements, including We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founding and We believe in FREE SPEECH and Fair Elections. We must ensure fair, honest, transparent, and secure elections going forward where every LEGAL VOTE counts.

Vaccine Development And Distribution

On March 2, 2020, Trump told the media that he had heard that a COVID-19 vaccine would be available in “a matter of months”, with “a year an outside number”, after Trump attended a discussion where Fauci told him this process would take “a year to a year and a half” . During that discussion, Trump repeatedly quizzed the leaders of pharmaceutical companies on the time needed to produce vaccines, stating “I like the sound of a couple of months better”. The expected time was due to regulatory requirements for multiple rounds of tests before vaccines could be approved for the public’s use. The first non-trial COVID vaccines were administered in the US in December, 2020, nine and a half months later.

The Trump administration actively undermined states’ efforts to obtain funding for their vaccine operations and apparently never made a vaccine distribution strategy. During his presidency, Trump did not encourage Americans to get vaccinated.

In addition to starting the process of withdrawing from the WHO in 2020, and redirecting $62 million of its own assessments from the WHO, the Trump administration said it would not participate the COVAX programâa WHO-led initiative to provide equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. On September 2, 2020, Garret Grigsby of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs said they would meet American needs before “looking to do our fair share and in terms of supporting the global need for vaccinations.”

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Why Does Lakin Petition Have Only One Signature

On Monday The Post & Email discovered that President Donald J. Trump is posting updates on a under the name Donald J. Trump.

The page is indicated as an official White House site.

One of Trumps posts announced the three executive orders he signed late on Monday morning.

Also on Monday, The Post & Email attempted to reach the White House about the counter on a petition launched on Saturday which seems to be stalled with only one signature despite dozens stating that they have accessed the petition and signed it.

The petition is visible from its specific link but does not appear on a page with a number of others. One petition is showing more than twice the number of signatures required for the administration to provide a response, although it is unknown if it was launched before Donald Trump took office.

The Post & Email sent an email using the Contact form at to inquire about whether or not a technical problem was affecting a particular petition, which asks that former Lt. Col. Terry Lakin be reinstated in the U.S. Army after having been dishonorably discharged for missing movement as a result of his questioning of Barack Hussein Obamas constitutional eligibility, which was never addressed.

We also called the White House at 1-202-456-1414, which generated an automated response stating that the phone call may be monitored but not recorded. There was no option to speak with a live person.

Prominent Environmental Group Endorses Joe Biden

Trump Has a Communication Problem

WASHINGTON Former vice president Joe Biden embraced an endorsement from a prominent environmental advocacy group, the League of Conservation Voters , Monday and suggested that hes open to building on his climate plan with environmental leaders and organizations.

The LCV, which aims to elect pro-environmental candidates nationwide, announced its formal support for the apparent Democratic nominee in a statement Monday morning. That statement applauded Bidens proposed climate plan and the candidates record of protecting the environment and addressing the climate crisis.

We are proud to endorse Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States, LCV Action Fund Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Tiernan Sittenfeld, stated. We cannot afford the cost of inaction or another four years of a Trump presidency.

Responding to the endorsement, the Biden campaign said in its own statement Monday that its committed to working with the LCV on expanding its current climate policy.

I have asked my campaign to commence a process to meaningfully engage with more voices from the climate movement, Biden said. Together, his campaign along with leaders and organizations like the LCV will collaborate on additional policies in areas ranging from environmental justice to new, concrete goals we can achieve within a decade, to more investments in a clean energy economy.

We are all in to help elect Joe Biden, she added.

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Expert Decodes Trump Talk Q Codes And Road To Insurrection

“On January 1, for instance, a supporter tweeted that ‘The calvary is coming, Mr. President!’ Trump affirmed this as ‘A great honor!,'” says Janet McIntosh. Above, crowds arrive for the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC.

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The violent breach of the Capitol was a culmination of communication between President Trump and his most fanatical supporters, says linguistic anthropologist Janet McIntosh.

The register of cryptic-yet-knowing talk among Trump supporters and Q aficionados helped inspire the insurrection.

Before the crowd of thousands marched to the Capitol that day, they listened to a speech from President Donald Trump outside the White House for more than an hour.

What had they been saying? Why are these words important? McIntosh, professor at Brandeis University, and co-editor of the book Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies , explains:

How have Trumps supporters been talking about the election in recent weeks, and how did that play into the riots at the Capitol and other events around the country?

What are some examples of how QAnon followers and Patriots have been looking for these signals?

When did this language start to become evident?

There is a lot of implied secrecy in QAnon messaging. Why is this important?

Did Trump incite his crowd to violence on January 6?

Supporters Say: He Understands Money And Business

Trump said: said, Maybe you didnt pay taxes. And I said, Well, that would make me smart.

Your comeback: He has ran at least four businesses into the ground and used Trump University to scam the most vulnerable of society, Jake Orvis, president of College Democrats of Georgia said. It goes to show that with a small loan of one million dollars one can game American bankruptcy law and take advantage of struggling Americans, the Georgia Tech junior said. He understands business? More like he knows how to #FakeItTillYouMakeIt.

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Supporters Say: He Listens To The People

Trump said: If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?

Your comeback: Name one time when Trump responded politely to someone who has questioned him. Constantly shaking his head, interrupting Clinton with a pout and a scratchy, wrong from the other side of the debate stage dont show very good listening skills. As he holds the title of POTUS, keep your opinions to yourself or watch out. You might just get the crap knocked out of you.

Jay Inslee Endorses Biden For President

How to communicate with the Trump cult

WASHINGTON Washington Gov. and former 2020 presidential candidate Jay Inslee endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday in a special Earth Day edition of Biden’s “Here’s the Deal” podcast.

“You’re going to have a concrete plan for action within the next 10 years to develop a clean energy plan, so we just don’t plan to 2050. I know that you have efforts to really do things in the next 10 years and I’m very excited about this,” Inslee said.

Notably, Inslee endorsed Bidens climate change plan even though many green groups and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders have been critical of it. Specifically, groups have argued that Biden’s goal of reducing carbon emissions by 2050 instead of 2030 doesn’t go far enough.

Inslee, who focused most of his presidential bid on climate change, ended his campaign in August. He has since been back in the national spotlight due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Seattle area saw one of the country’s first major outbreaks and has over 12,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Inslee has been applauded for issuing an early stay-at-home order. On Tuesday, Inslee said he wouldn’t be lifting the movement restrictions by May 4, when the current stay-at-home order was supposed to be lifted.

“I know that you have a willingness to follow science and really help us get us out of the COVID-19 crisis. You’re going to bring a reasoned approach to that rather than just ignoring doctors. You’re going to follow their advice,” Inslee said.

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Supporters Say: He Achieved The American Dream

Trump said: I will build a great walland nobody builds walls better than me, believe me I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.

Your comeback: If he achieved the American dream, will he help you too? Sure, Trump has achieved the American Dream, if you consider receiving a million dollar loan from his father and being born into a well-to-do family with a secure social safety net, Wake Forest University senior Sebastian Ivory said Additionally, Trumps 17 cabinet appointees have a combined wealth higher than one-third of Americans. Including Betsy DeVos, who is worth over 5 billion dollars, and Wilber Ross, who is worth nearly 3 billion, Ivory said. I hate to say it, but Ive seen smarter cabinets at IKEA.

Lets Start With His Non Verbal Communication

He has tonnes of energy, and it all radiates outwards into his audience. His stance is confident, his posture open. He gestures directly to the crowd, holding his arms away from his own body, not clenching or hiding his hands. He often steeples his fingers keeping fingers firm and held together shows that there’s energy right to the tips, and solid hands give an impression of strength and determination. His eyes cast out, not down. All this builds momentum with the crowd, the energy growing without much effort. It displays confidence and vibrancy, whereas casting ones physicality downwards leads energy to slump and dissipate quickly.

He not only maintains but seeks eye contact and his face is full of character. His eyebrows, mouth, and forehead commit to visible expressions which allow people to see his ideas as well as hear them. In terms of non verbal communication, he is interesting to watch.

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Newt Gingrich Says This Is The Best Way To Communicate With President Trump

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich introduces Donald Trump during a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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Occasionally, wed talk on Seans show knowing Trump was watching. The two most effective ways of communicating with Trump are Fox & Friends and Hannity.

Newt Gingrich

Thats the former House Speaker giving some insight into how one might go about staying on the Presidents radar.

The quote is from the New York Times piece, How far will Sean Hannity go? The story, which published on Tuesday, takes a deep dive into the Fox News personality, his connection with Trump and how his show and its 13.5 million viewers has risen to the top of the cable news ratings.

Matthew Shaer, the man who penned the article, explained that the quintessential Hannity program hinges on the hosts primary preoccupations: Reverence for the military and law enforcement nostalgia for an America that Hannity feels is slipping away disdain for the mainstream media and since the last presidential election, unyielding support for the agenda of Donald Trump.

That unyielding support was on display during Trumps campaign when conservative commentators called on him to abort his bid after the Access Hollywood tapes. Not Hannity, though. He went with the what about? approach. King David had 500 concubines, for crying out loud! he said, before suggesting later on Twitter that it was Bill Clinton who should be investigated for sexual misconduct.

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