Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Biden Leads Sanders In Wisconsin Primary Poll

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WASHINGTON Former Vice President Joe Biden is leading Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by over 30 points in Wisconsin, according to the latest released Wednesday. Per this poll, Biden garnered 65 percent support among likely Democratic voters versus Sanders’ 32 percent support.

Wisconsin’s primary, which is still scheduled to take place on April 7 despite the coronavirus pandemic, is one of the only contests still taking place in April and it could be a stunning defeat for Sanders. In 2016, Sanders won the Wisconsin primary by 14 points. On Wednesday, Sanders called for the Wisconsin primary to be postponed, have early voting extended and encouraged people to vote by mail.

Despite lagging poll numbers, Sanders has said he will continue to assess his campaign and stay in the race. On Wednesday he said on MSNBC, “We’re taking a hard look at our campaign. We do have a narrow road, a path to victory. It’s going to be a tough fight.”

Biden has since said that there isn’t a need for more Democratic debates, but that he will not call for Sanders to exit the race.

The new poll also shows Biden just narrowly pushing ahead of President Trump in a general election match-up, where Sanders lags slightly behind Trump. Forty-eight percent of registered voters support Biden in a general election, with 45 percent supporting the president however that falls within the poll’s 4.2-point margin of error. The poll’s February tracker showed the president and Biden tied in the state.

Wisconsin Primary Confusion Leaves Biden Campaign Scrambling To Mobilize Voters

WASHINGTON As Wisconsin chaotically moves ahead with its presidential primary on Tuesday, Joe Bidens campaign is scrambling to figure out the best ways to target and mobilize voters amid a major pandemic that has fully upended the 2020 presidential contest.

Wisconsin, which has been under a stay at home order since March 25 to combat the coronavirus crisis, had been scheduled to hold its primary over the objections of Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, who unsuccessfully pressed the Republican-led legislature to halt in-person voting, and others who are warning it’s too dangerous to hold an election with the pandemic raging.

But it’s unclear what that primary will look like after Evers’ last-minute decision Monday afternoon to issue an executive order suspending in-person voting and moving it to June 9.

While Sanders bested Democrat Hillary Clinton by 13 points in Wisconsin’s 2016 primary, polling shows Biden well ahead of Sanders this time, but given the unusual circumstances of this contest, no outcome is assured. And Wisconsin is a key general election battleground that Trump narrowly carried in 2016. So Bidens team, which has been following work from home guidelines set by the campaign in early March, has been forced to campaign in earnest.

Most of the campaign efforts have been spent on direct voter contact, advisers say.

Disability Community Vote Up For Grabs In 2020 Poll Finds

Liz Brown-Kaiser

WASHINGTON A new poll finds that more than half of potential voters in battleground states say they have a disability , a family member with one , or a close friend who does , and the voting bloc is largely contested ahead of the 2020 elections.

The results released by the Democratic polling firm, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research , and the disability rights organization, RespectAbility, also show that the disability community favors Joe Biden over Senator Bernie Sanders in head-to-heads with President Trump.

Among battleground voters in the disability community, 49 percent prefer Biden compared to 44 percent who support the president only a five point difference, which is within the polls margin of error. With Sanders as the Democratic nominee however, 45 percent favor Trump while 44 percent prefer Sanders.

For those identifying as personally having a disability, Biden has a greater advantage. 53 percent of the group back the former vice president versus Trumps 41 percent. Just 45 percent of disabled voters prefer Sanders compared to a close 44 percent who support Trump.

The results from the disability community closely resemble the results from all voters interviewed in battleground states. Similar to that subset, 49 percent and 45 percent of all voters support Biden and Trump respectively. Trump holds a one percentage point lead over Sanders, 46 percent to 45 percent, among all voters.

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Biden’s Former Campaign Manager Shifts To General

Mike Memoli

WASHINGTON One year ago, Greg Schultz was racing to assemble the pieces of a Joe Biden presidential campaign as the former vice president neared his long-speculated, but never 100 percent certain entry into the crowded Democratic primary.

Now, the longtime Biden political adviser is taking on a different challenge as the campaigns general election strategist, ramping up efforts to align and execute planning among Team Biden, the Democratic National Committee, state parties and other key stakeholders.

The assignment, which became official this week, rounds out the reorganization of the senior ranks of Bidens campaign operation after Jennifer OMalley Dillon replaced Schultz as campaign manager last month. Schultz, who has continued to serve as a senior adviser to the former vice president, will also act as a campaign surrogate with a focus on key Midwestern battleground states.

Schultz first joined Bidens orbit formally in 2013 with a post in the vice president’s office, after having worked with the vice president as the Obama reelection campaigns Ohio state director in 2012.

He worked with other top Biden advisers to position the then-vice president for a potential 2016 bid which he ultimately passed on and then oversaw his post-White House political action committee before leading up the 2020 effort.

How Many Employees Are On Each Campaigns Payroll

Highlights From Donald Trump

Clinton campaign: over 600

Trump campaign: under 75

This does not mean the Clinton campaign is 8 times larger than the Trump campaign. On Trumps payroll many of the salaries youll find on the Clinton campaign can not be found. Thats because the Trump campaign tends to outsource most of its operations to Independent Contractors, as opposed to putting them on the internal campaign payroll like the Clinton campaign.

There are benefits to both approaches. Some people would much rather be employees, because theres less administrative work required and the employer pays a share of their taxes. On the other hard, some people would rather be independent contractors, because they tend to collect more money up front and through write-offs and other means have more control over how much they pay their taxes, and when.

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Biden Campaign Mobilizes In Super Tuesday States

GEORGETOWN, S.C. The Biden campaign said Wednesday its launching a new six-figure, multi-channel paid media campaign in Super Tuesday states to push early voting with a special emphasis on reaching African American voters.

The ad Service, which has been running in SC this week including just before the debate and features President Obamas remarks when he presented Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom, will be on the air in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

The ad buys will target shows and stations that over-perform with African American viewership, the campaign said. Separately, the campaign will run radio ads in Texas and North Carolina talking about how Biden will build on the Obama legacy.

In California, North Carolina and Texas, they are running digital ads on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube also focused on the early vote.

Those television ads will be Biden’s first primarily targeted to Super Tuesday states other ads have run in states holding elections on Super Tuesday, but those ads aired in markets that also covered portions of the early primary states .

And Biden’s affiliated super-PAC, Unite the County, hasn’t run an ad in a Super Tuesday state either.

Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg has already spent $172.3 million in those states, while billionaire philanthropist Tom Steyer has spent more than $35 million. Both are funding their own campaigns with their massive personal wealth.

Have A Signature Look

I dont think Trumps general look has changed much over the past thirty years. Thats pretty significant. When most politicians are going more casual, Trump is still rocking a signature suit and tie. You can say the same of Hillarys pantsuits. And even Bernie Sanders seems to present about the same degree of endearing disheveled at each appearance. As a job seeker or career professional, its generally good advice that your clothes not distract. You want everyone to be impressed by your skills and personality, not your attire. That doesnt mean you dont care about how you look, it means you consider it carefully.

Having attended a number of career events Ive noticed some professionals rock a signature look at every event. And I admit it makes them easier to spot. This doesnt mean you need to embrace the capsule wardrobe right away, but its worth thinking about how you can streamline your work attire so it both doesnt distract, and also so its distinctly you. Unless youre in a creative profession, generally less is more when it comes to wardrobe. And think about how much time youll save getting ready in the morning. This advice applies whether youre actively searching for jobs or already employed dont let pajamas become your regular wardrobe, and dress to impress even if your most important meeting is sitting at Panera applying to positions.

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Trump Holds Campaign Rally In New Hampshire Ahead Of Primary

But unlike in Iowa and New Hampshire, there is no GOP nominating contest in Nevada this year. The state party decided to cancel it in an effort to consolidate support for the president, working closely with the Republican National Committee to avoid any potential chaos at the convention in Charlotte this summer.

Senior campaign officials continue to make the case that while Democrats battle it out in search of their eventual nominee with the rise of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg complicating party unity on that side of the aisle the presidents campaign can capitalize nine months out from the general election, with no significant primary challenger.

Joe Biden Leads Donald Trump In Latest National Poll

Trump campaign shreds Biden for claiming Trump will steal election

Melissa Holzberg

WASHINGTON Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by nine points in the latest Fox News general election poll. The poll, released Saturday, shows Biden garnering 49 percent support of registered voters, and Trump at 40 percent pushing Biden outside the poll’s three-point margin of error.

The subsection groups show even stronger support for Biden. Suburban women, a key group in the 2018 midterms, support Biden over Trump by a 57-34 point margin. Biden also won self-described “moderates” with 53 percent support Trump garnered just 24 percent support from the same group.

The Fox News poll shows overall stability of Biden’s support. In their February poll, Biden led Trump 49-41 percent, and in January he led 50-41 in the same poll. However, this is the first Fox News poll to also measure support of potential general election tickets.

Biden announced at the last Democratic presidential debate that he would choose a woman as his running mate. Registered voters seem to agree with that decision in this poll, 63 percent of registered voters approve of that choice. And of three potential female senators Biden could pick, each ticket leads the Republican Trump-Pence ticket.

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Allegations Of Promoting Voter Intimidation

In the weeks before the election, Trump urged his supporters to volunteer as poll watchers on Election Day, saying they were needed to guard against “voter fraud” and a “rigged” outcome. The rhetoric was seen as a call to intimidate minority voters or challenge their credentials to prevent them from voting.

Democratic Party officials sued Trump in Arizona, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania, accusing him of voter intimidation, in violation of the 1965 Voters Rights Act and the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act, with his calls for supporters to monitor polling stations in minority neighborhoods. The Ohio Democratic Party wrote in a legal filing, “Trump has sought to advance his campaign’s goal of ‘voter suppression’ by using the loudest microphone in the nation to implore his supporters to engage in unlawful intimidation,” Other lawsuits used similar language. A separate lawsuit in New Jersey accuses the Republican National Committee of cooperating with Trump’s “ballot security” activities, which the RNC is prohibited from doing by a 1982 consent decree.

A federal District Court judge in Nevada ordered Trump campaigners to make available any training materials they provided for “poll watchers, poll observers, exit pollsters or any other similarly tasked individuals.” A District Court judge in Pennsylvania denied a request by the state Republican Party to allow poll watching by people from outside the immediate area, which is forbidden by the state election code.

President Trump Plays On Sanders Supporters Dislike Of Joe Biden

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump has been eager to play up the divisions within the Democratic presidential race, especially when it comes to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters.

Its being rigged against its sad its being rigged against Crazy Bernie, Trump said at his rally in Charlotte, N.C. on Monday after former Vice President Joe Biden picked up endorsements from former presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar ahead of the Super Tuesday contests.

And he tweeted this after Bidens big victories on Super Tuesday: The Democrat establishment came together and crushed Bernie Sanders, AGAIN! Even the fact that Elizabeth Warren stayed in the race was devastating to Bernie and allowed Sleepy Joe to unthinkably win Massachusetts. It was a perfect storm, with many good states remaining for Joe!

Heres the logic and data behind why Trump argues that the Democratic race is rigged against Sanders, even though hes simply getting out-voted.

Just 38 percent of Sanders voters say they are enthusiastic or comfortable with Biden, versus 60 percent who have reservations or who are very uncomfortable with the former vice president, according to merged data from the January and February 2020 NBC News/Wall Street Journal polls.

That same level of discontent doesnt exist in Bidens supporters. In contrast, Biden voters actually have a net-positive view of Sanders.

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Let’s Explore The Payrolls Of The Clinton And Trump Campaigns

As a payroll company, were always interested in payroll-related data. This week, we decided to see how that applies to the payroll budgets and salaries of the Clinton and Trump campaigns in the 2016 Presidential Election.

All of these salary facts addressed in this article are estimates based on the bi-weekly paychecks reported in FEC data. Major political campaigns are required by law to report operating expenditures, including salary and payroll, to the FEC.

Joe Biden Picks Up Yet More Momentum With Endorsements From Buttigieg Klobuchar Beto Orourke

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All along the way weve been valuing different geographies in terms of where we can win delegates, and planned our delegate and endorsements strategy around that, said a senior Biden campaign official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to expand upon the campaigns strategy.

The official said that having the support of so many key lawmakers who represent these districts is especially useful, since they can help mobilize their own political organizations and offer insights that can supplement or in some cases act in place of Bidens own campaign teams.

Rep. Marc Veasey said he has been visiting churches and attending community meetings to push the vote for Biden. And he said the endorsement of CBC members like him pays dividends beyond his districts lines, as more and more African American voters move into suburban parts of Texas.

The people that live in suburban areas that are not in our district that are African American, they look to us to see what were doing, he said. The influence in our districts and around our districts is very strong.

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