Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Has Donald Trump Ever Been Arrested

Heres A List Of The Crimes That Made Donald Trump President

Will Trump Ever Be Indicted In New York? Prosecutor’s Resignation Offers New Clues

Donald Trump operates like a typical mob boss, in charge of an organized crime family. As events of the past week have shown, he surrounds himself with sleazy characters who live in the shadows and commit many different types of crimes, most of which they are never held accountable for.

Reading the indictments written by special counsel Mueller and his team it is hard not to be impressed with just now many different crimes each person has been charged with. The Manafort and Gates indictments read like novellas, filled with plot twists, mystery and intrigue. The indictments against 12 Russian intelligence agents were incredibly detailed, showing Putin and his pals just how much U.S. intelligence agencies know and can prove about their nefarious activities.

Its easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer volume of evidence and accusations, but according to the Washington Post there are three primary criminal acts that made Trump president.

Hush money. The government has set forth how the campaign finance violations occurred, and Cohen, as part of his plea deal, agreed to the governments description of what happened. The fact that David Pecker is cooperating with prosecutors gives even more credibility to Cohens claims of how crimes were committed just before the 2016 election. Pecker began helping Trump bury unfavorable stories in August of 2015, just after his bid for the presidency was announced.

Peter Navarro Calls Potential Gag Order Against Him Doj Hypocrisy

12:00 ,

Peter Navarro may be hit with a gag order pertaining to his arrest for ignoring a 6 January Committee subpoena, if the Department of Justice so deems, it was reported.

Mr Navarro told Fox News on Wednesday that the reasoning for the potential gag order reflects a glaring hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, in a letter to judge Amit Mehta of the DC district court, Mr Navarro argued that although he remained without legal representation, the prosecution has begun filing motions to push for a speedy trial.

He also said that that he is at a severe disadvantage and is facing trouble putting together a team of legal experts.

House Panel’s Possible Options For Alleging Trump 1/6 Crimes

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump last year of inciting the Capitol insurrection

WASHINGTON — The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump last year of inciting the Capitol insurrection. But neither Trump nor any of his top advisers have faced charges over the attack in a court of law, and it’s uncertain if they ever will.

But increasingly, lawmakers on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault are pressing Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate Trump and his associates. They’ve been laying out possible crimes in at least one court filing and openly discussing others, all related to that day’s violent attack by Trump supporters looking to disrupt Congress’ formal certification of his reelection defeat.

Here’s a look at some of the suggested crimes floated by the House panel:


After floating possible crimes for several months, lawmakers on the panel put it on paper for the first time in a March court filing. The filing was in response to a lawsuit from John Eastman, a lawyer and law professor who was consulting with Trump while attempting to overturn the election and who tried to withhold documents from the committee.



The president continued to rely on this allegation in his efforts to overturn the results of the election, the committee said.




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All Of The Trumpworld Figures Whove Been Arrested Indicted Or Jailed

At least 18 people connected to President Trump have been locked up, indicted, or arrested since the real-estate mogul announced his candidacy in 2015.

About a year before Donald Trumps shocking presidential victory, the real-estate mogul made a promise: If elected, he would surround himself only with the best people.

Im going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people, Trump told The Washington Post in August 2015. We want top of the line professionals.

Since then, its become clear Trump has a dubious understanding of best. At least 18 shady figures in the presidents orbit have either been arrested or gone to jail since he took office, on charges from fraud to battery to child pornography. While many of those charges stem from former Special Counsel Robert Muellers investigation into Russian election interference in 2016, several other politicians and donors have been convicted of crimes unrelated to the president.

Here are all the Trumpworld figures who have been arrested, indicted, or locked up:

Courtesy Alexandria Sheriff’s Office

Donald Trumps Odds Of Going To Prison Just Skyrocketed

Trump Demands Long Jail Sentences for

Three years after it began its criminal investigation of Donald Trumps Trump Organization and its executives, the Manhattan District Attorneys Office is reportedly expected to charge the ex-presidents company and its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, with tax-related crimes on Thursday, according TheWall Street Journal. Obviously this marks a major escalation of the probe, and Trump will presumably respond to the news by lashing out like a man increasingly concerned that prison may be in his future.

According to the Journal, Weisselberg and the company are expected to be hit with charges related to allegedly avoiding paying taxes on fringe benefits. For months Cyrus Vance Jr.s office has been investigating whether the perks the CFO was awarded, including cars, corporate apartments, and private school tuition, were a way of evading money owed to the IRS. In addition to reportedly obtaining Weisselbergs personal tax returns, the D.A.s office scored a trove of financial documents from his ex-daughter-in-law, Jennifer Weisselberg, whose former husband, Barry Weisselberg, is also a longtime employee of the company.

Meanwhile, per the Journal:

As Weisselbergs ex-daughter-in-law told Air Mail in April, Trump doesnt care about Allen, but Allen knows every bad thing he ever did.

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Jared Kushner Reportedly Planned Move To Miami Before Trump Had Even Lost Election

05:01 , Oliver O’Connell

Senior White House adviser and son-in-law of Donald Trump reportedly began etching his plans to flee the coop before the former president had officially even lost his bid for reelection in 2020, according to The New York Times.

Were moving to Miami, Mr Kushner reportedly told his wife Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser in her fathers administration, just a little more than 24 hours after the last polls had closed in Alaska at midnight on 4 November.

Johanna Chisholm reports:

Opinionthe Annoyingly Simple Legal Strategy Trump Is Using To Avoid Criminal Charges

The problem is that complexities can open the door to potential defenses in a criminal trial. Putting aside the enormous task of collecting, analyzing and summarizing all of the documents , the prosecution must also prove criminal intent, which can be challenging when the target heads a large organization. In fact, the typical defense offered by tax evaders “my accountants prepared my returns and I just signed them” hasn’t gone unnoticed by Trump, who has already pointed out that his tax returns were prepared by “among the biggest and most prestigious law and accounting firms in the U.S.” It could be a heavy lift to convict a former president of any kind of business fraud when he has surrounded himself with lawyers and accountants.

That is why the cooperation of those same lawyers and accountants can be essential to obtaining a criminal conviction. Michael Cohen, Trump’s convicted former attorney, is enthusiastically cooperating against his former boss, and there is immense pressure on Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, to do the same. But both men come with considerable baggage Cohen is a convicted felon, and Weisselberg is under investigation of allegations of tax misdeeds of his own that might impair their credibility at trial.

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New York State Civil Inquiry

Ms. James, the state attorney general, has been assisting with the Manhattan district attorneys criminal investigation while conducting her own civil inquiry into some of the same conduct.

The civil inquiry is focused on whether Mr. Trumps statements about the value of his assets, which Ms. James has said were marked by repeated misrepresentations, were part of a pattern of fraud, or simply Trumpian showmanship.

In April, a state judge ruled that Mr. Trump was in contempt of court after Ms. James filed a motion asking the former president to turn over documents her office had sought in eight requests. His lawyers said that a search had been conducted for the documents requested, and that no documents that were not already in the attorney generals possession could be found.

But the judge fined Mr. Trump $10,000 a day until he filed affidavits describing the search for the documents. The contempt order was lifted May 11 after he paid a $110,000 fine and submitted those affidavits.

In February, a state judge ruled that Ms. James could question Mr. Trump and two of his adult children, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, under oath as part of the inquiry. The Trumps appealed that decision, arguing the investigation was politically motivated.

But in May, a state appeals court ruled that the Trumps had not shown they were being treated differently from other investigative subjects and ordered them to sit for questioning.

Are We Afraid To Test The Principle That No One Is Above The Law

Trump’s presidential campaign adviser has been arrested

When President Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace, the odds of his standing trial for obstruction of justice seemed high: His actions undermining the Watergate investigation had been tape-recorded, and his part in the coverup led to pressure on the legal system to hold him accountable. In September 1974, however, one month after Nixon left office, his successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him. Ford later told a congressional subcommittee that the pardon was designed to shift our attentions from the pursuit of a fallen President to the pursuit of the urgent needs of a rising nation.

It didnt not in the immediate aftermath and, in some ways, not ever. Although views later softened, many Americans at the time saw the pardon as a mistake. Some were livid. One powerful man had essentially condoned the criminality of another. The get-out-of-jail-free card exacerbated public cynicism and deepened the nations social fractures. The White House switchboard lit up with calls that ran 8 to 1 against Fords action. The New York Times captured some of the liberal rage when it described the pardon as an affront to the American system of justice. A president who thought he was doing the right thing had taken justice into his own hands, casting doubt on a bedrock idea: Justice is blind no one is above the law.

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Profiting From His Own Inauguration

The Attorney General of D.C. has sued Trump over diverting 2017 inauguration funds to Trump properties, alleging that the nonprofit inaugural committee wasted approximately $1 million of charitable funds in overpayment to Trump businesses that charged exorbitant rates, including $175,000 for a ballroom that usually rented for $5,000. The AG alleges the Trump Entities unconscionably benefited from nonprofit funds required to be used for the public good. The suit seeks to have the ill-gotten gains from the Trump properties donated to public-serving nonprofits.

Read the complaint.

A Federal Judge Opined That Trump More Likely Than Not Committed Crimes

Meanwhile, on Monday, a federal district court judge David Carter, of the Central District of California issued a rather remarkable order making clear he believed Trump had likely committed crimes.

The ruling came down in a lawsuit over whether Trumps lawyer, John Eastman, had to turn over certain emails to the January 6 committee. Eastman claimed they were subject to attorney-client privilege, but the committee argued that privilege didnt apply here, in part because of the crime-fraud exception.

So this was really the committees first big attempt to argue that Trump committed crimes in connection with his effort to overturn the election and Judge Carter found their arguments persuasive.

The committee had argued that they believed Trump had committed three crimes. First was obstruction of an official proceeding . Second was conspiracy . Third was simple common law fraud .

Carter didnt assess the common law fraud question because it wasnt relevant to the emails in front of him, but he concluded it was more likely than not that Trump committed obstruction and conspiracy related to the January 6 vote count.

And he used strong words indeed. Saying Trump and his allies launched a coup in search of a legal theory that spurred violent attacks on the seat of our nations government, Carter wrote that if Trumps plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power.

Recommended Reading: Superpowerchecks.con

Why Has Donald Trump Not Faced Charges For Criminal Incitement

Donald Trump may be the most convicted man never charged in America. Several reports have revealed the Justice Department has decided not to charge him with campaign finance violations related to hush money paid to former stripper Stormy Daniels. What was touted by many experts as a slam dunk criminal charge has now joined a lengthy list of alleged crimes that were once endless nightly cable news sensations.

The disconnect between analysis and reality matters little in the media. Many of the same experts now tout the charge of criminal incitement in the Capitol riots. It is another open and shut case in their minds. For four years, they supplied a stream of allegations, all described as conclusive, to feed the insatiable appetites of the audiences. The campaign finance charge was one of the more credible claims, since former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to it. But these crimes are hard to litigate, as shown by the failed 2012 prosecution of John Edwards.

Now experts believe that the speech by Trump last month was criminal incitement. Legal analyst Elie Honig said she would gladly show a jury his inflammatory remarks and argue they cross the line to criminality. Professor Richard Ashby Wilson said, Trump crossed the Rubicon and incited a mob to attack the Capitol as Congress was in the process of tallying the Electoral College vote results. Trump should be criminally indicted for inciting insurrection against our democracy.

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