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How Many Chief Of Staff Has Trump Had

Chief Of Staff To The Vice President Of The United States

Trump Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows Tests Positive For Covid-19 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Office of the Vice President of the United States

The chief of staff to the vice president of the United States is the chief of staff position within the Office of the Vice President, part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The chief of staff has been responsible for overseeing the actions of the vice president’s staff, managing the vice president’s schedule, and deciding who is allowed to meet with the vice president.

John Bolton National Security Adviser

Mr Bolton assumed the post in April 2018, becoming Mr Trump’s third national security adviser after Michael Flynn and HR McMaster. At that time, the president’s decision to appoint Mr Bolton came as a surprise.

He remained an unapologetic cheerleader of the 2003 Iraq war, which the US president himself once lambasted as “a big mistake”. Mr Bolton was praised, however, by conservative admirers as a straight-talking foreign policy “hawk”.

Six In White House Including Trumps Chief Of Staff Have The Coronavirus

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By Maggie Haberman and Michael D. Shear

Six White House aides and a Trump campaign adviser including , President Trumps chief of staff have contracted the coronavirus, officials said, raising fears of another outbreak sweeping through the ranks of the nations top officials as cases surge to record levels in the country.

Mr. Meadows, who routinely shrugged off the need to wear masks and embraced Mr. Trumps strategy of playing down the threat from the coronavirus over the summer, informed a small group of White House advisers that he had tested positive for the virus on Wednesday, a senior administration official said late Friday.

Five other White House officials also tested positive for the virus in the days before and after Election Day, people familiar with the diagnoses told The New York Times. Bloomberg News also reported on additional cases around the president, who contracted the virus last month and spent three days in the hospital receiving experimental treatments.

Nick Trainer, who worked on the presidents campaign, has also tested positive for the coronavirus, a person briefed on his diagnosis said.

A few weeks ago, Mr. Meadows sought to keep an outbreak in Vice President Mike Pences office from becoming public.

As of Saturday morning, more than 9,830,800people in the United States had been infected with the coronavirus, and more than 236,500 had died.

That event took place in the Rose Garden and inside the White House.

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Why Was He Fired

Mr Sessions became a frequent target of the president’s ire as soon as he stepped aside, in March 2017, from the investigation over alleged Russian collusion with Mr Trump’s campaign. The recusal allowed his deputy Rod Rosenstein to oversee the inquiry, which led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller.

At various times, Mr Trump publicly belittled Mr Sessions as “beleaguered”, “VERY weak”, and “DISGRACEFUL”. But Mr Sessions reacted to most of the insults in silence.

US media reported that Gen Kelly had called Mr Sessions to say the president wanted him to step down. Mr Trump did not speak to Mr Sessions himself, and announced the departure on Twitter.

In his resignation letter, Mr Sessions made clear the decision was not his own, saying: “Dear Mr President, at your request I am submitting my resignation.”

Former White House Chief Of Staff Reince Preibus


Leading up to the hiring of Scaramucci and throughout the summer, rumors had been circulating that Trump and Preibus were no longer on good terms. On Friday, Trump tweeted that Priebus was being replaced by now-former Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly.

In addition to firing or forcing people out of his administration, others have also quit or been reassigned. These people are: Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland , U.S. Census Bureau Director John Thompson , Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub , and Deputy Chief of Staff Katie Walsh .

Hopefully, with the hiring of a new chief of staff and communications director, the Trump administration can get back to work soon.

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Senate Reaches Historic Deal On $2 Trillion Coronavirus Economic Rescue Package

It’s a precarious time for the White House to be between chiefs of staff, given that Trump is grappling with a public health crisis that threatens millions of Americans, testing his presidency just ahead of the November presidential election.

And complicating matters, both Meadows and Mulvaney have briefly each been in self quarantine due to possible exposure to the virus.

Confirming: Mark Meadows was advised this weekend that now 12 days prior at CPAC, he may have come in contact with the COVID-19 positive test individual. A precautionary test came back negative & he feels great. Hell be self-quarantined till the 14 day period passes Wednesday.

Ben Williamson

Meadows hasn’t voted on any bills since Trump named him chief of staff, including a previous multibillion-dollar coronavirus package. An aide says Meadows plans to resign from Congress around the end of March.

The constitution prohibits someone from serving in Congress and the executive branch at the same time. But Meadows has been at the White House, in and out of meetings. And Mulvaney is there, too.

Trump Officials Who Have Resigned In The Wake Of Attack On Capitol

“I wouldn’t be surprised to see more of my friends resign.”

Capitol police chief resigns as outrage grows after pro-Trump riot

In the wake of an assault on the Capitol Wednesday by a pro-Trump mob that led to four deaths, a growing number of Trump officials are questioning their roles in his administration, some going so far as to resign from their positions.

These are the Trump officials who have given notice so far.

Betsy DeVos: Education secretaryBetsy DeVos, U.S. secretary of education, resigned Thursday, according to a letter obtained by ABC News. Her resignation will take effect on Friday.

“We should be highlighting and celebrating your Administration’s many accomplishments on behalf of the American people. Instead, we are left to clean up the mess caused by violent protestors overrunning the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the people’s business,” DeVos wrote in her resignation letter, addressed to President Donald Trump.

“That behavior was unconscionable for our country,” she continued. “There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me.”

Elaine Chao: Transportation secretaryElaine Chao, U.S. secretary of transportation and wife of Sen. Mitch McConnell, resigned from her role Thursday. Her resignation will take effect on Jan. 11.

“As I’m sure is the case with many of you, it has deeply troubled in me a way I simply cannot set aside,” she added.

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Kirstjen Nielsen Homeland Security Secretary

Kirstjen Nielsen became Homeland Security Secretary in December 2017.

Her sprawling department, responsible for domestic security, covers everything from borders to responding to national emergencies.

She faced criticism for enforcing some of the most controversial elements of President Trump’s domestic agenda, such as the separation of children from their migrant parents at the Mexican border.

In a resignation letter she said it was the “right time for me to step aside”.

Notice Of Updated Methodology

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The current table of Cabinet-level turnover has been updated from a previous version, accessible here for reference, that was based on a different methodology this change was made on May 21, 2019. This newer table provides data going back to President Reagan and adheres to a strict definition of Cabinet by only including the heads of the executive departments. While presidents often promote a position like EPA administrator to Cabinet-level status, these appointments are ad hoc, can be short-lived, and make it difficult to compare over time. Given the variability, we only include Senate-confirmed Cabinet members who are in the presidential line of succession, since this allows for greater consistency and standardization. More information on this update is available in a piece on Brookingss FixGov blog. Additionally, since Reagans presidency, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security have been added to the list . Year of departure is determined by the date a Cabinet member announced they were resigning, regardless of their final end date.

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Leading The Charge Against The Gop Health Plan Rep Mark Meadows Is Right At Home

For Meadows, clashing with his party’s leaders was familiar territory by that point. In 2015, he used an obscure House procedure, known as a “motion to vacate the chair,” to send a signal to then-House Speaker John Boehner that he wanted him gone.

Georgia Congressman Jody Hice, who considers Meadows a friend, says a lot of people urged him not to do it, including members of the Freedom Caucus.

“But Mark knew that was in the rules and he said it’s in the rules for times like this,” said Hice. “Of course, the rest is history. That really put him on the map in terms of people understanding that he knew the rules, knew how to play and he had the courage to step up when things needed to be done.”

Meadows’ motion didn’t go anywhere. That kind of move could have ended his political career. Instead, it was Boehner who announced his retirement two months later. House GOP whip Steve Scalise, who was part of Boehner’s leadership team at the time, now has nothing but praise for Meadows.

“You know, Mark’s been in these positions where he’ll call the president with a recommendation or an idea, and the president sometimes might take it and sometimes might not, but then they’re able to move forward after that,” Scalise said, adding that he thinks Trump wants advisers who can be honest with him.

Which Members Of Donald Trump’s Team Have Resigned After Violence In Washington

Friday 8 January 2021 07:02, UK

Several members of Donald Trump’s team have resigned after his supporters stormed the Capitol and started a riot that left four people dead.

Leaders across the world have condemned the scenes in Washington, with many demanding he be impeached before his presidency officially ends on 20 January.

Mr Trump told those who took part in the looting to “go home” and to refrain from violence, but failed to condemn their behaviour.

He hit out at his vice president Mike Pence for “not having the courage” to breach the constitution and intervene in yesterday’s verification of the election result in Congress.

But while Mr Pence remains a member of Team Trump, others have been unable to condone his actions and have resigned.

Here Sky News looks at which members of White House staff have quit.

Betsy DeVos, secretary of education

The education secretary wrote a strongly worded resignation letter, in which she told the president “there is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had” on the “unconscionable” acts of “violent protestors”.

“Impressionable children are watching all of this, and they are learning from us,” she added.

“I believe we each have a moral obligation to exercise good judgement and model the behaviour we hope they would emulate.

“They must know from us that America is greater than what transpired yesterday.”

Matt Pottinger, deputy national security adviser

Mick Mulvaney, special US envoy to Northern Ireland

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Trumps White House Chief Of Staff Is Target Of Capitol Attack Records Request

House select committee investigating 6 January wants telecom and social media companies to preserve records on Mark Meadows

The House select committee investigating the 6 January attack on the Capitol has instructed telecom and social media companies in recent weeks to preserve records of Donald Trumps White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The move positions the select committee on the doorstep of the Oval Office as it pursues a far-reaching inquiry into whether Trump and his White House helped plan or had advance knowledge of the insurrection perpetrated by the former presidents supporters.

House select committee investigators signaled their intention to examine potential involvement by the Trump White House and House Republicans when they made a series of records demands and records preservation requests for Trump officials connected to the Capitol attack.

In the records preservation requests, the select committee instructed 35 telecom and social media companies to avoid destroying communications logs of several hundred people, including the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, and 10 House Republicans, in case it later issues subpoenas.

The former chief of staff is among several top White House officials who may hold the key to unlock inside information pertaining to the extent of the former presidents involvement in the Capitol attack that left five dead and nearly 140 injured.

White House Staff Salaries 2003

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly Undermines President ...

The following table details the number of staff members, the total combined salary, and the average salary for White House staff members in the Executive Office of the President from 2003 to 2017. The numbers are taken from official White House disclosures on staff salaries to Congress, which must be made every year. Numbers are rounded to the nearest thousand.

Staff salaries in White House EOP, 2003-2017

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FAA appointeesFive Federal Aviation Administration administrators submitted resignation letters Thursday evening, according to an email obtained by ABC News from FAA Chief of Staff Angela Stubblefield to senior managers.

Per the email, they are:

  • Arjun Garg, chief counsel and current acting deputy FAA Administrator
  • Brianna Manzelli, assistant administrator for communications
  • Kirk Shaffer, assistant administrator for airports
  • Bailey Edwards, assistant administrator for policy, international affairs and environment
  • Andrew Giacini, acting administrator for legislative affairs
  • “Our colleagues’ decisions, given the gravity of yesterday’s events, are understandable. Like all of us, they are outraged by the brazen and violent attack on one of the sacred institutions of American democracy,” Stubblefield wrote in the email.

    The resignations are effective Monday evening, she wrote.

    Anthony Ruggiero: National Security Council senior officialAnthony Ruggiero, the senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council, resigned Thursday, a source familiar with the situation confirmed to ABC News.

    Dr. Chris Ford: State Department assistant secretaryThe State Department lost its first assistant secretary over the week’s events. Dr. Chris Ford, the top diplomat for arms control, resigned Friday, a source familiar with the situation confirmed to ABC News.

    Rex Tillerson Secretary Of State

    Mr Tillerson was the first Secretary of State to be appointed under the Trump administration.

    A former oil executive, Mr Tillerson pushed for an end to sanctions on Russia and for the resumption of peace talks with North Korea.

    But his tenure was reportedly mired by clashes with the president over policy, and by the resignation of several high-ranking career diplomats.

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