Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How Many People Have Died Because Of Trump

Lying To The Public For Weeks

How People Have Died Because of Trump Saying Virus is Hoax

The director of the CDC warns HHS Director Alex Azar that China has potentially discovered a new coronavirus. Azar tells his chief of staff to notify the National Security Council. This is a very big deal, Azar says. Azar notifies Trump about the virus.

I think the virus is going to be its going to be fine, Trump says. We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it, Trump says. Its like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So were in very good shape.

I think its going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus, Trump says. So lets see what happens, but I think its going to work out fine.

The pandemic is very much under control in the US, Trump tweets.

This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19. The virus shown was isolated from a patient in the US. Credit: NIAID-RML

You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are getting better. Theyre all getting better. As far as what were doing with the new virus, I think that were doing a great job. He repeats this self-adulation in a .

Only a very small number in U.S. & China numbers look to be going down. All countries working well together! Trump tweets.

Latest Estimate: 4000 Americans Have Died Already Because Of Trump Healthcare Policies

In case you missed it yesterday, the latest numbers show that millions of Americans lost their health insurance last year as conservative policies in Washington and around the country began to take their toll. This is from a story in the Washington Post:

Meanwhile, as todays lead editorial in the Charlotte Observer pointed out, this is only the beginning of the unnecessary deaths:

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The Presence Of Race In The Data

When it comes to pollution and human health, communities that are vulnerable to heavily polluted neighbourhoods are often low-income and of colour. Separate to this study, Dr Elica M Moss explained her research on this situation to us, in an interview published here.

The impact can be seen across those who are low-income, but appears to specifically hit communities of colour.

The Lancet Commission went so far as to say that: Trump exploited low- and middle-income white peoples anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilize racial animus and xenophobia he then enlisted their support for policies that benefit wealthy individuals and corporations and threaten the health of most Americans, including Trumps supporters.

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Thousands Attend Experimental Indoor Concert In Barcelona

A concert for 5,000 people was held at a Barcelona arena on Saturday, one of several planned in Europe to test how crowds can gather safely during the pandemic. Attendees were screened for the coronavirus before the show.

BARCELONA, Spain Mireia Serret, a 21-year old student at the University of Barcelona, said that she was not a big fan of the band that played here on Saturday, nor does she normally like large crowds.

Nevertheless, she snapped up one of the 5,000 tickets to Europes biggest indoor rock concert since the start of the pandemic. It had just been too long since I was last able to dance and have fun at a concert, she said.

Organized by a group of Spanish music promoters as part of an initiative called Festivals for Safe Culture, the concert in the Palau de Sant Jordi was presented as Europes boldest effort to get thousands into an indoor venue, without seating or mandatory social distancing. The sole act was Love of Lesbian, a Spanish indie rock band formed decades ago.

A hospital team helped test the concertgoers for the coronavirus beforehand. Six people tested positive, according to the organizers. The team is relying on public medical records to track whether any concertgoers later test positive.

At a time when countries like France and Italy have recently put their residents back under lockdown to help stop another wave of infection, the people behind the Barcelona event said their goal was to look ahead.

Trumps Former Pandemic Coordinator Suggests That A Restrained Response May Have Cost Hundreds Of Thousands Of Lives

Trump: U.S. can never declare total victory over ...

In interviews broadcast on CNN Sunday night, former President Donald J. Trumps pandemic officials confirmed in stark and no uncertain terms what was already an open secret in Washington: The administrations pandemic response was riddled with dysfunction, and the discord, untruths and infighting most likely cost many lives.

Dr. Deborah L. Birx, Mr. Trumps coronavirus response coordinator, suggested that hundreds of thousands of Americans may have died needlessly, and Adm. Brett P. Giroir, the testing czar, said the administration had lied to the public about the availability of testing.

The comments were among a string of bombshells that emerged during a CNN special report that featured the doctors who led the governments coronavirus response in 2020.

Dr. Robert R. Redfield, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accused Mr. Trumps health secretary, Alex M. Azar III, and the secretarys leadership team of pressuring him to revise scientific reports. Now he may deny that, but its true, Dr. Redfield said in an interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNNs chief medical correspondent. Mr. Azar, in a statement, denied it.

But it was Dr. Birx, who has been pilloried for praising Mr. Trump as being so attentive to the scientific literature and for not publicly correcting the president as he made outlandish claims about unproven therapies, whose disclosures may have been the most compelling.

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The Human Cost Of The Trump Pandemic Response More Than 100000 Unnecessary Deaths

By Michael Riordan | September 30, 2020

President Trump, joined by Vice President Pence and CDC director Robert R. Redfield, takes questions during a Coronavirus Task Force update on February 29, 2020. Credit: White House photo by D. Myles Cullen

In early January 2018, Bill Clintons science adviser, Neal F. Lane, and I published a New York Times opinion column titled, The Presidents Disdain for Science, which began, Since World War II, no American president has shown greater disdain for scienceor more lack of awareness of its likely costs. That statement has proved prophetic. But when we wrote that piece, we had little idea of the horrendous human consequences of Trumps disdain: the thousands of American lives lost and millions of livelihoods shattered.

Now the number of confirmed coronavirus cases exceeds seven million, well over two percent of the US population, and millions more have likely been infected. US deaths have passed 205,000, and total federal outlaysnot including state and local costsexceed $3 trillion, with over 14 million people out of work.

Such a calculation is not particularly difficult to make. An examination of relevant national statistics shows that the Trump pandemic response has led to the unnecessary deaths of more than 100,000 Americans.

Trump Estimates 100 Million Dead From Covid

Former President Donald Trump estimated up to 100 million people would have died from COVID-19 without his administration’s efforts to spur the development of vaccines.

If not for Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administrations initiative to develop vaccines quickly to protect the public from the coronavirus, Trump said the health crisis death toll would be similar to that of the Spanish flu pandemic more than a century ago.

“I think if we didnt come up during the Trump administration with a vaccine, you could have 100 million people dead, just like you had in 1917. You take the Spanish flu, 100 million people up to 100 million people died. I think wed be in that territory,” the former president said in an interview with Fox News host Dan Bongino that aired Saturday night.

Estimates vary for the death toll of the Spanish flu, which spread across the world from 1918 to 1919, but some experts put the range somewhere between 50 million and 100 million globally. The worldwide death toll for COVID-19 is roughly 4.3 million, and more than 616,000 have died in the United States, according to the Johns Hopkins University tracker.

President Joe Biden suggested his administration needed to start the vaccine process from scratch,” but Trump loyalists argued that early Biden vaccination projections merely required the new president to continue at the pace of his predecessor.

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More Than 400000 Americans Died Of Covid

The US leads the world in total coronavirus deaths, though it does not have the most COVID-19 deaths per capita.

For their new analysis, the Lancet authors compared the US’s COVID-19 death rate with the average death rate of six other economically advanced nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK. They weighted those death rates by each country’s population, since their sizes vary widely.

They concluded that 40% of the US’s roughly 450,000 coronavirus deaths as of February 4 could have been avoided if the country had handled the pandemic similarly to its wealthy peers. That’s 180,000 lives.

The report added that other countries outperformed the US in other areas of public health. The average life expectancy in the US was 3.4 years lower than in the six countries in 2018. That year, the US had 461,000 excess deaths more deaths than expected based on historical data. That figure has been rising since 1980.

Cases In Florida A National Covid Bellwether Are Rising Especially Among Younger People

Facts Tell: How many people have to die before Trump’s administration takes COVID-19 seriously?

Scientists view Florida the state furthest along in lifting restrictions, reopening society and welcoming tourists as a bellwether for the nation.

If recent trends there are any indication, the rest of the country may be in trouble.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Florida has been steadily rising, though hospitalizations and deaths are still down. Over the past week, the state has averaged nearly 5,000 cases per day, an increase of 8 percent from its average two weeks earlier.

B.1.1.7, the more contagious variant first identified in Britain, is also rising exponentially in Florida, where it accounts for a greater proportion of total cases than in any other state, according to numbers collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Wherever we have exponential growth, we have the expectation of a surge in cases, and a surge in cases will lead to hospitalizations and deaths, said Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Florida has had one of the countrys most confusing and inefficient vaccination campaigns, and has fully vaccinated about 15 percent of its population well below what top states, like New Mexico and South Dakota, have managed. Still, immunization of older people and other high-risk individuals may blunt the number of Floridas deaths somewhat. The state has announced it will start offering the vaccine to anyone over age 18 on April 5.

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Biden: The President Said It Was A Hoax

Verdict: This needs context.

Joe Biden criticised President Trump’s handling of the pandemic, accusing him of calling it “a hoax” and said the administration “minimised the seriousness of it”.

President Trump did not directly call the virus a “hoax”.

He accused Democrats in February of “politicising the coronavirus” and mentioned the impeachment process against him, calling that a “hoax”.

He went on to say that criticism by Democrats of his handling of Covid-19 was “their new hoax.”

Biden: We Have 4% Of The World’s Population 20% Of The Deaths

Verdict: This is roughly correct.

The US population is around 328 million, which is just over 4% of the 7.7 billion global population.

There have been over 225,000 coronavirus deaths recorded in the US, according to the latest John Hopkins University data. The total number of deaths recorded worldwide is around 1,161,000.

On this metric, the US accounts for over 19% of Covid-19 deaths worldwide, although the way countries record their figures varies considerably.

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Biden: President Trump Ordered His Administration To Slow Down Coronavirus Testing

Verdict: Insufficient evidence.

At a rally in June, President Trump told the crowd: “I said to my people, slow the testing down, please.”

But he has since called his comments “semi-tongue in cheek”.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the White House’s top infectious-diseases expert, said: “To my knowledge, none of us have ever been told to slow down on testing.”

Teaching Got Harder During The Pandemic Now Fewer People Want To Enter The Profession

How Many People The President

Few professions have been more upended by the pandemic than teaching has, as school districts have vacillated between in-person, remote and hybrid models of learning, leaving teachers concerned for their health and scrambling to do their jobs effectively.

For students considering the profession, the disruptions in education this past year have seeded doubts, which can be seen in declining enrollment numbers.

A survey by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education found that teaching programs had a 19 percent drop in enrollment this year at the undergraduate level and an 11 percent decline at the graduate level. And Teach for America, which recruits recent college graduates to teach in low-income schools across the country, said it had received fewer applications for its fall 2021 corps compared with this period last year.

Many program leaders believed that enrollment numbers declined because of the perceived hazards posed by in-person teaching and the difficulties of remote learning, combined with longstanding frustrations over low pay compared with professions that require similar levels of education. Some are hopeful that enrollment will return to its prepandemic level as vaccines continue to roll out and schools resume in-person learning.

Palakiko Chandler took their little cousins to Nanakuli Beach on Oahu last weekend and noticed something they hadnt seen in a while: a parking lot full of rental cars. The tourists were back.

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White House Mandates Pfizer Vaccines For Millions Of Citizens Before The Fda Clinical Or Safety Reviews Have Been Made Public

Yes, you heard that correctly: over the past four decades. Now Trump was U.S. President for only four years, which is about 146 Scaramuccis, although it may have felt longer. So, you may be wondering whether this story is not just about Trump. But more on that later.

The Commission also catalogued the Trump Administrations many actions that could have affected human health, ranging from a trillion-dollar tax cut for corporations and high-income individuals followed by cuts in food subsidy and health care programs to repealing environmental regulations to actions that left 2.3 million fewer people in the U.S. insured. Heres a graphic from The Lancet that depicts how the percentage of uninsured Americans has changed over the past four decades and before:

The Lancet

Theres that four decades mention again. Could this story possibly be about more than Trump? As they say in cliffhangers and bagpipe playing, stay tuned.

Trump certainly did plenty to affect health during his term in office. For example, his Administration repeatedly subverted and weakened many science and health initiatives, including the federal governments pandemic preparedness capabilities before ding-ding-ding the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Oh, and then there was that whole putting kids in cages thing.

Speaking of bleep-hole, the following figure from The Lancet presents some statistics about the bleep-hole situation near the end of the Trump administration:

The LancetThe Lancet

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