Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How To Email The White House President Trump

Was Donald Trump Just Filmed Inside The White House

White House Races To Identify Those In Close Contact With President Trump | TODAY

Yes Im serious, go ahead and read that headline again.

Was President Trump just filmed inside the White House today???

Maybe more accurately, was he just filmed inside the White House gates on the White House lawn in full view?

Because that is exactly what I think I just saw.

This video was taken by the great Nancy Drew.likely a pseudonym for a lady who takes live video all over Washington, D.C.

And today she may have just stumbled onto the biggest video shes ever taken.

Because she thinks, and I am having a hard time disagreeing, that she just videoed President Trump and Melania on the White House lawn.

Of course, if you beLIEve the official story, they would have no business being there.

Heres what she posted about the video:

Ok, guys. So this video, was taken right after my live this morning at the WH. In my live, I noticed them having their pics taken, and thought Id shut down, just in case, for privacy. This was about 20 min, or so, before my live of the motorcade. Ima need, a little help here, I think. Watcha think? Did, a sista, accidentally get hooked up, today?Kinda appears as if its Daddy T, and that gorgeous, Melania

That motorcade, would be very fitting, to happen, right after this. Oh, please, let it be them

I have watched this video at least 10 times and zoomed in and Ill tell you this..I cant say for 100% certain its President Trump, but what gets me is the body language and actions.

The man walks and moves EXACTLY like President Trump!

Coaches And Ncaa Officials Testify To Congress

On Wednesday, officials for the N.C.A.A., as well as coaches and additional sports officials, testified to Congress about establishing rules around payment for college athletes.

The 1,200 colleges and universities of the N.C.A.A. are right now in the process of passing historic rules to allow new opportunities for student athletes to be compensated for the use of their name, image and likeness. These opportunities will allow student athletes to take advantage of the evolving landscape in multiple ways. And our schools intend to pass those rules as quickly as possible, preferably before the end of the month. However well-intentioned the multiplicity of state laws are, they confuse rather than clarify the N.F.L. landscape. This is why we are urging Congress to pass legislation creating a single national N.I.L. standard. Importantly, the proposal includes guardrails that would ensure that N.I.L. payments are not a proxy for pay-for-play, that a national recruiting environment for college sports is maintained and that students are not employees of their universities or their colleges. All athletes deserve to use their own name, image and likeness in commercial endorsements and on social media. And I am very much in favor of them profiting as much as they possibly can from this. They should be able to run a camp using their own name, sign autographs for money or profit off their popularity on Instagram or TikTok. That absolutely needs to happen, right now.

Printable Template For Writing A Letter To The President

For a shortcut to formatting your letter to the president, download this customizable printable letter that’s already addressed and formatted in a way that makes it easy for you to fill in your contact information and content. Just click the image below and the template will open as a PDF file that you can edit, save, and print. Adjust the text in the body of the message so that it’s specific to the cause or issue that you want to share with the president.

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Sending A Letter By Regular Mail

  • 1Write the letter respectfully. Regardless of your sentiments toward the President, or whether you’re condemning or praising POTUS, remember that you’re writing to the leader of the United States. Write an honest but respectful letter, stating your thoughts clearly and reasonably. Don’t include any threatsovert or otherwise.
  • 2Format the letter according to White House rules. The White House requests that you either type your letter on an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper, or if you hand-write it, that you use ink and your most legible handwriting. Format it as you would a business letter, or any formal communication:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • Put your name and address, including your email address, at the top right corner of the letter, with the date written out below that.
  • Use a formal salutation, such as, Dear Mr. President,
  • Close with a formal salutation, such as, Most Respectfully,
  • Print and sign your name.
  • 3Prepare the envelope. Fold your letter and insert it into the envelope. Add your return address to the top left corner of the envelope. Add a stamp to the top right corner of the envelope. Address the envelope to:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • The White House
  • Statutory And Regulatory Authorities

    The White House isnt worried about telling the public ...

    Statutory subject matter affecting the Council on Environmental Quality is codified in “Chapter 55National Environmental Policy” of 42 U.S.C. Sections 43414347 are dedicated to the Council on Environmental Quality.

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    White House Formally Rejects Trump Claim Of Executive Privilege Over Jan 6 Docs

    The White House has formally rejected an attempt by former President Trump

    Joe BidenManchin lays down demands for child tax credit: reportAbrams targets Black churchgoers during campaign stops for McAuliffe in VirginiaPentagon, State Department square off on Afghanistan accountabilityMORE considered Trump’s request to assert executive privilege and determined it “is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the documents provided to the White House on September 8, 2021.”

    “Accordingly, President Biden does not uphold the former Presidents assertion of privilege,” Remus wrote.

    The National Archives as a result will be required to turn over the documents as part of the investigation into Jan. 6 barring any legal intervention.

    Trump sent a letter to the National Archives last Friday saying he wanted to assert executive privilege to prevent the committee from obtaining more than 40 of the documents it requested, saying he had determined the records contain information subject to executive privilege, including presidential communications and deliberate process privileges.

    The Biden White House last week ordered presidential record keepers to release an initial trove of Trump-era documents to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, arguing unique circumstances compel their disclosure.

    The letter from Remus was a formal part of the process required to reject Trump’s request.

    Freedom Of Information Act

    The FOIA gives a person a right to request access to Federal agency records or information. An agency must disclose records that any person properly requests in writing. Pursuant to one or more of nine exemptions and three exclusions that the Act contains, a Federal agency may withhold certain records or parts of them. The FOIA applies only to Federal agencies and does not create a right of access to records held by the U.S. Congress, the courts, State or local government agencies, and private entities. The CEQ maintains an online requester service center.

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    Biden Revokes And Replaces Trumps Executive Order That Sought To Ban Tiktok

    President Biden on Wednesday revoked a Trump-era executive order that sought to ban the popular apps TikTok and WeChat and replaced it with one that calls for a broader review of a number of foreign-controlled applications that could pose a security risk to Americans and their data.

    The Trump order had not been carried out in the soundest fashion, Biden administration officials said in a call with reporters, adding that the new directive would establish clear intelligible criteria to evaluate national security risks posed by software applications connected to foreign governments, particularly China.

    Mr. Bidens order reflects a growing urgency among American officials, both Republican and Democrat, to aggressively counter what they see as a growing threat posed by Chinas military and technology sectors. In a rare show of bipartisanship, U.S. lawmakers have also sought to reduce Americas dependence on China for supply chain technology like semiconductors, rare minerals and other equipment. On Tuesday, the Senate approved a $250 billion spending package to bolster American technology research and development.

    The order is the first significant step Mr. Biden has taken to approach the saga between TikTok and the Trump administration, which tried to ban the app over national security concerns but was immediately challenged in federal court.

    Analysts said the new executive order is meant to create a process that could withstand such a challenge.


    Russia Outlawed Navalnys Opposition Group A Signal Before Putins Meeting With Biden

    Ivanka Trump allegedly sent White House emails from personal account: Report

    MOSCOW A Russian court on Wednesday designated Aleksei A. Navalnys political movement as extremist, a remarkable broadside by President Vladimir V. Putin that also sent a message to President Biden ahead of their meeting in Geneva next week: Russian domestic affairs are not up for discussion.

    The court decision almost certainly with the Kremlins blessing seemed likely to push the resistance to Mr. Putin further underground, after several months in which the Russian governments yearslong effort to suppress dissent has entered a new, more aggressive phase. Under the law, Mr. Navalnys organizers, donors, or even social-media supporters could now be prosecuted and face prison time.

    The ruling heightened the stakes of the summit in Geneva for Mr. Biden, who has promised to push back against violations of international norms by Mr. Putin. On arriving in Britain on Wednesday, Mr. Biden said, The United States will respond in a robust and meaningful way when the Russian government engages in harmful activity.

    The Russian president has said that, while he is prepared to discuss cyberspace and geopolitics with Mr. Biden, he will not engage in talks over how he runs his country.

    Views on our political system can differ, Mr. Putin told the heads of international news agencies last week. Just give us the right, please, to determine how to organize this part of our life.

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    How The White House Will Hand Over Social Media Accounts To President Trump

    The White House this weekexplaining its plans for a “digital transition” between the departing Obama administration and the incoming 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump. It details how each White House social media account will be transferred to Trump’s administration. Since Obama is the first commander in chief to have a significant, consistent presence on most of these apps, there’s not much in the way of precedent for figuring out how it’s all supposed to work. So the White House developed some of its own.

    For the big ones, the switchover will happen on Inauguration Day: January 20th. That’s when Donald Trump will assume the @POTUS Twitter account, for instance. The White House says that the account’s followers will carry over to the next Oval Office occupant, but tweets will be zeroed out so that the 45th president can start fresh. President Obama’s @POTUS tweet history will be moved over to . That page is already live, though it’s currently protected.

    But being given the @POTUS handle doesn’t mean that President-elect Trump will be required to actually use it. Trump has indicated that he plans to continue tweeting from his personal username, @realDonaldTrump, once sworn into office. It’s currently unclear what the @POTUS handle will be used for if anything under this scenario.

    Good question, . The handle comes with the house. Know anyone interested in ?

    President Obama May 18, 2015

    Formatting Your Letter To The President

    When drafting a letter to the president, please keep these formatting guidelines in mind.

    • Letters to the president should be submitted on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper.
    • Typing is preferred. If, for some reason, you opt to send a handwritten letter, be sure to use ink and ensure that it is neat and legible.
    • The greeting should specify either “Dear President ,” or “Dear President,”
    • As a letter to the president is a formal document, so it’s best to use a standard business letter format.
    • Write a draft of your letter, then proofread carefully to ensure that it conveys your intended meaning and is free from errors.

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    President Donald Trump Returns To The White House With Free Healthcare Saying No Thank You To Contact

    Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump returned to the White House on Monday, Oct. 5, three days after checking into Walter Reed Hospital to be treated for COVID-19. Trumps symptoms were so alarming that doctors administered oxygen combined with several rounds of aggressive antibiotic treatment, USA Today reports.

    Minutes prior to Marine One touching down on the South Lawn of the White House before 7 p.m. EST, Trump walked down the steps of Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, wearing a mask, not answering questions shouted by the journalist. Instead, he gave several thumbs up with a celebratory fist shake for the cameras gathered outside the building, the Washington Post reports.

    Thank you very much, everybody, Trump said prior to boarding. Trump took to to advise his followers to not be afraid of COVID. Dont let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge.

    Trump received around-the-clock care at WRMC, including therapies not widely available to average patients experiencing mild symptoms, which was a combination of treatment options that treat the spread of COVID-19 throughout his body, assist with breathing and boost the immune system.

    We decided that in this case the potential benefits, early on in the course, probably outweighed the risks at this time, White House physician Conley told reporters outside WRMC on Sunday, Oct. 4.

    Published inCOVID-19 coverage and News

    Send A Letter To The White House

    President Trump greets first wave of White House tours ...

    Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your correspondence gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

    • If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to reach the White House.
    • If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
    • If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen.
    • Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. If you have an email address, please share it with us too.
    • And finally, please be sure to write on the outside of your mailing envelope the complete address for the White House to make sure your letter gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

    The White HouseWashington, DC 20500

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