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Who Is Trump’s Personal Lawyer

Sekulow: Comey Leaks Are To Blame For Russia Investigation

Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer, to appear before Senate intelligence committee

Ty Cobb: The veteran Washington lawyer is the newest addition to Trumps legal team. He was brought on to be in-house counsel, meaning he will work from the White House. His hiring comes amid reports the president is growing frustrated with Kasowitz, who remains in New York and commutes to Washington. Cobb is a partner at the law firm Hogan Lovells, which is set to face off against the Trump administration in the upcoming Supreme Court case over the presidents travel restrictions.

Shaving In An Airport Restaurant

Rudy Giulianis personal grooming habits are already the stuff of legend, but he topped himself on Sunday, August 22, when he was spotted shaving his face in the Delta One lounge at JFK airport. Traveler Nick Weiss shared footage on Instagram of the former mayor eating a bowl of lobster bisque, being served a plate of brownies, then pulling out an electric razor and shaving at the table using his tablet camera as a mirror. Weiss said what made the incident even more bizarre was that the lounge had a really nice bathroom.

I was delighted and horrified, Weiss told CNN, summing up the both the shaving incident and the entire Rudy Giuliani experience.

This post has been updated throughout.

Trumps Personal Attorneys Remain Largely On The Sidelines As The President Contends With Impeachment Inquiry

President Trump enters a perilous phase of the impeachment inquiry with very limited help from his personal lawyers, who remain largely on the sidelines and in the dark about evidence at the heart of the probe gathered by the White House, according to two people familiar with the situation.

As the House begins discussing specific articles of impeachment, the president is relying almost exclusively on White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and his in-house team of attorneys, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.

In the face of allegations that Trump abused his office for political gain, the White House lawyers are not sharing with his personal attorneys some internal government records central to the inquiry about the pressure the administration put on Ukraine, citing the need to protect executive privilege.

The unusual decision to have the White House counsel captain the presidents defense at least for now departs from how previous presidents have contended with impeachment proceedings and has worried some Trump allies, who believe a multipronged defense would be stronger.

It also contrasts sharply with the legal strategy the White House deployed in responding to former special counsel Robert S. Mueller IIIs investigation. In that case, Trumps personal lawyers led his defense in coordination with select White House attorneys.

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Representing President Donald Trump

John Dowd: The high-profile lawyer joined Trumps legal team last month. The 76-year-old investigated former baseball star Pete Rose as special counsel for Major League Baseball, resulting in Roses lifetime ban from the sport. He also represented Sen. John McCain in the Keating Five scandal during which five senators were investigated for improperly intervening on behalf of a wealthy donor under investigation. McCain was cleared of all wrongdoing.

Jay Sekulow: Sekulow is a lawyer with his own radio show and has largely been the public face for Trumps legal team. He is the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, a Pat Robertson founded group meant to be the conservative answer to the American Civil Liberties Union.

Rudy Giuliani Donald Trumps Personal Lawyer In Hospital After Positive Covid

Trumps Lawyer Giuliani Says Hes Willing to Testify at ...

Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for President Donald Trump, speaks during a news conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters, Thursday Nov. 19, 2020, in Washington.AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, file

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump says his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for the coronavirus, making him the latest in Trumps inner circle to contract the disease that is now surging across the U.S.

Giuliani was exhibiting some symptoms and was admitted Sunday to Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The 76-year-old former New York mayor has traveled extensively to battleground states in an effort to help Trump subvert his election loss to Joe Biden. On numerous occasions he has met with officials for hours at a time without wearing a mask.

Trump, who announced Giulianis positive test in a Sunday afternoon tweet, wished him a speedy recovery.

Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!! Trump wrote.

Giuliani did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but on Sunday evening he retweeted Trumps announcement of his diagnosis. He also tweeted thanks to a conservative writer who had said he was praying for Giuliani.

Research shows that people who contract the virus may become infectious to others several days before they start to feel ill.

The Associated Press

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A Faith Journey And A Path To The Supreme Court

Mr. Sekulow was born in Brooklyn and grew up an observant Jew, first on Long Island and later in Atlanta, where his father, a clothing buyer, moved the family to take a job at a department store.

Mr. Sekulow attended Atlanta Baptist College, today known as Mercer University. It was around that time, he has said, that he became a Christian, in part because of the influence of a college friend, Glenn Borders, who led him through an exploration of the Bible. He would go on to be active in Jews for Jesus, an organization of evangelical believers of Jewish ancestry.

In a first-person biography on the Jews for Jesus website, he wrote that during his reading of the Old and New Testaments, my suspicion that Jesus might really be the messiah was confirmed. At a later gathering, they invited people who wanted to commit their life to Jesus to come up the aisle to meet with them at the front of the church, Mr. Sekulow wrote. I responded to that invitation.

After graduating from law school at Mercer, Mr. Sekulow worked briefly at the Internal Revenue Service, then opened a law firm in Atlanta with a few Mercer classmates and his brother Gary. Working a network of contacts, including a local pastor, Mr. Sekulow swiftly moved from routine real estate closings and wills to a business renovating and flipping historic properties, at the time a popular tax shelter for the wealthy.

State Of New York’s Investigations

On August 22, 2018, it was announced that the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance had subpoenaed Cohen in connection with its investigation into whether the Donald J. Trump Foundation had violated New York tax laws. This investigation is separate from the New York Attorney General‘s lawsuit alleging that the foundation and its directors violated state and federal laws about the operation of charities.

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One Of Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Is A Personal Injury Attorney Who Sued Trump Last Year

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Donald Trump went into the first day of his second impeachment trial reportedly feeling about as good as someone whos set a record for presidential impeachments can feel. Not only was he not worried about the stain of inciting a violent insurrection, but he and his lawyers reportedly viewed the proceedings as a positive because they would cement his influence over the Republican party. Fast-forward a day and Trump is apparently feeling a lot less hot, thanks to the opening statement delivered by his defense team, which could best be described as, What the f–k was that?

Unlike his first impeachment trial, the ex-president is unable to tweet his way through it, but he nevertheless made his feelings known. According to CNNs Kaitlan Collins, Trump was basically screaming as Bruce Castor Jr. gave his meandering, incomprehensible argument over the course of nearly 50 interminable minutes, each one worse than the last. Attempting to quantify his rage, people familiar with the matter toldTheNew York Times that on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the angriest, Trump was an eight, which we assume is similar to his anger level when, after being frisked on the way out of the White House on January 20, he was told that no, he couldnt take the flatware with him.

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Us: Former Trump Lawyer Giuliani Defiant After Fbi Raid

Trump’s personal lawyer likely to work with federal prosecutors: Sources

Giuliani has said electronics seized by federal investigators will prove he and the former US president are innocent.

Rudy Giuliani, the former personal lawyer of former United States President Donald Trump, has said evidence collected during an FBI raid on his home as part of a probe into his dealings in Ukraine would prove he and the former president are innocent.

The former mayor of New York City told Tucker Carlson of Fox News that the electronic devices seized at his Manhattan residence and a separate office on Wednesday would show he did not violate federal law as he sought to dig up dirt on political rival Joe Biden in Ukraine in 2019 to support Trump.

The evidence is exculpatory. It proves the president and I and all of us are innocent, Giuliani said of the Ukraine dealings, for which the former president was later impeached by the US House of Representatives. He was later acquitted in a Senate trial.

The investigation behind Wednesdays raid suggests authorities could be honing in on allegations that Giuliani did paid work for Ukrainian government officials while he worked for Trump, a violation of US laws against unregistered lobbying for foreign entities.

Giuliani has denied the claims.

Two Ukrainian-born men, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who helped Giuliani in those efforts, were arrested in October 2019 and charged with illegally funnelling large donations to a pro-Trump fundraising committee.

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Role Of Trumps Personal Lawyer Blurs Public And Private Lines

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By Rebecca R. Ruiz and Sharon LaFraniere

WASHINGTON A new figure has swept through the West Wing lately, a man with silver hair combed back across his head, rimless glasses perched on his nose, a white handkerchief tucked neatly into his suit pocket, a taste for legal pugilism and an uncertain role in a building confronted by a host of political and legal threats.

, a New York civil litigator who represented President Trump for 15 years in business and boasts of being called the toughest lawyer on Wall Street, has suddenly become the field marshal for a White House under siege. He is a personal lawyer for the president, not a government employee, but he has been talking about establishing an office in the White House complex where he can run his legal defense.

His visits to the White House have raised questions about the blurry line between public and private interests for a president facing legal issues. In recent days, Mr. Kasowitz has advised White House aides to discuss the inquiry into Russias interference in last years election as little as possible, two people involved said. He told aides gathered in one meeting who had asked whether it was time to hire private lawyers that it was not yet necessary, according to another person with direct knowledge.

The Real Reason Trump Dumped Giuliani As His Personal Lawyer

Donald Trump has reportedly ended his professional relationship with Rudy Giuliani, as the former Mayor of New York is “not currently representing” Trump in any legal capacity.

According to The Hill, a spokesman for the former president, Jason Miller, clarified in a statement in February 2021 that “Mayor Giuliani is not currently representing President Trump in any legal matters.” He then claimed on that despite the lack of any “pending cases” where Giuliani is representing Trump, there was no personal disagreement between the two men. “The Mayor remains an ally and a friend,” Miller added. But is that so?

The lawyer had been expected to appear on Trump’s legal team during his impeachment trial, but said in January 2021 that he wouldn’t be part of the defense, as per ABC News. Giuliani explained this choice by reasoning that he could be called as a witness. Although Trump was eventually acquitted, he still faces legal trouble for his actions before Joe Biden’s inauguration, according to AlJazeera.

Giuliani and Trump are both being sued by the NAACP and Representative Bennie Thompson over their involvement in the deadly Capitol building riots, as The Hill reported on Feb. 16, 2021. It has not yet been determined who will defend the former president against the suit. Giuliani is also currently dealing with a $1.3 billion lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, the company behind the vote-counting machines he accused of rigging the election.

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Prison And House Arrest

Cohen reported to FCI Otisville, on May 6, 2019. He was released from prison early on May 21, 2020, due to concerns regarding COVID-19, to serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest.

On July 2, 2020, Cohen was pictured dining at a Manhattan restaurant, which according to his lawyer Lanny Davis was not a violation of his prison furlough since he had not transitioned to house arrest. A week later, he was taken back into custody after federal officials asserted he had refused to sign an agreement stipulating that he would have no engagement of any kind with the mediaincluding publishing his “tell-all” bookfor the remainder of his sentence, which encompassed the November 2020 elections. The previous week he had announced on Twitter that he anticipated releasing a book on his experiences working for Donald Trump in late September 2020. He also tweeted on June 26 that a recent New York Times article entitled “Inside Barr’s Effort to Undermine Prosecutors in N.Y.” had revealed “only a part of the full story,” using the hashtag #WillSpeakSoon. After being sent to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, he was returned to FCI Otisville and held in solitary confinement 23 hours each day, which prevented him from working on his manuscript on prison library computers. Cohen denied he refused to sign the agreement, asserting his attorney had simply asked questions about it, at which point US marshals escorted him back to prison.

Who Is Joanna Hendon Trump’s New Lawyer Appears At Michael Cohen Hearing


After weeks of news about President Donald Trump’s difficulties in securing new legal help, he was represented in Manhattan federal court by a new lawyer.

Joanna C. Hendon, a partner at New Yorkbased firm Spears & Imes, appeared on the president’s behalf in federal court Friday morning at a hearing concerning Trump’s other personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Cohen sought to restrain the government from using materials obtained in a raid of his residence and office Monday.

The president has had trouble securing attorneys to represent him in relation to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Last month, attorney John Dowd resigned from Trump’s legal team, reportedly due to his belief that the president was no longer heeding his advice. Dowd was firmly against Trump sitting down with Mueller’s team for an interview.

Hendon is so far only known to be representing Trump in the matter involving Cohen.

Hendon argued Friday at the U.S. Southern District Court of New York that she needed more time to review the government’s arguments about its use of records obtained from the Cohen raids and the case in general. Her argument was rooted in proper attorney-client privilege and the fact that Trump is commander in chief.

Hendon also argued she was not trying to delay the proceeding and that all parties would benefit if the case was handled “scrupulously.”

She also told the court her firm was engaged with the case on Wednesday.

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