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How Many People Has Donald Trump Deported

Trump Has Deported Fewer Immigrants Than Obama Did Last Year

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In an interview with 60 Minutes a week after winning the presidency, Donald Trump promised his supporters he would immediately deport up to 3 million people “that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers.”

But the numbers for his first fiscal year in office are in, and the president is well below his mark.

According to data obtained by NBC Chicago, Immigration and Customs Enforcement deported 226,119 people between October 1, 2016, and September 30.

That’s a 6 percent drop from President Barack Obama’s last year in office.

But it’s not for a lack of trying: ICE arrested 143,470 people in that same time period, a 25 percent spike from last fiscal year. A large chunk of that increase comes from the rise in “interior removals,” or deportations of people who were detained away from the border, which jumped from 65,000 to nearly 82,000 this year, a 25 percent increase.

Part of the reason why the Trump administration hasn’t been able to deport as many people as it would like is bureaucratic: According to the Washington Post, immigration courts are currently facing a backlog of 630,000 cases, three times as many as there were in 2009.

The data also shows a large drop in border apprehensions. As NBC said: “The Border Patrol made 310,531 arrests during the fiscal year, a decline of 25 percent from 415,816 a year earlier and the lowest level since 1971.”

Rod Blagojevich Sentence Commuted On Feb 18 2020

  • Former Democratic governor of Illinois
  • Convicted in 2010 and 2011 of 18 counts of wire fraud, attempted extortion and other crimes for corruption that included scheming to sell then-President-elect Barack Obamas former US Senate seat
  • Served about 8 1/2 eight years of a 14-year prison sentence and after it was commuted
  • People from across the political spectrum and from varied backgrounds have expressed support for shortening Mr. Blagojevichs sentence, the White House said, citing Sen. Dick Durbin , the Rev. Jesse Jackson, former US Rep. Bob Barr and others

Alfred Lee Crum Pardoned On Dec 22 2020

  • Pleaded guilty in 1952 to illegally operating a still, unlawful possession of a still and operating without bond for helping his wifes uncle make moonshine in Oklahoma at age 19
  • Served three years of probation before being pardoned
  • Crum is still married to the same woman, raised four kids, has attended the same church for 60 years and had the support of former US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and US Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma Brian Kuester, the White House said

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Donald Trump’s Immigration Plans: Start By Deporting 3 Million ‘criminals’

Speaking to 60 Minutes, president-elect says Mexico border wall would partially consist of fencing: Im very good at this. Its called construction

President-elect Donald Trump has said he plans to deport as many as 3 million people once he accedes to the Oval Office, and that fencing will form part of his promised wall on the border with Mexico.

In an interview with CBSs 60 Minutes, set to be broadcast Sunday, Trump said: What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million, we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate.

But were getting them out of our country, theyre here illegally.

On the campaign trail, Trump said he would deport all undocumented migrants living in the US, estimated to be about 11 million people. He has stressed his desire to deport criminal aliens and said that he would deport families in a very humane way.

His comments to CBS stopped short of such extremes but they also contrasted with the words of House speaker Paul Ryan in a Sunday interview with CNN.

That is not what our focus is, Ryan told State of the Union. We are focused on securing the border before we get on any immigration. We are not planning on erecting a deportation force, Donald Trumps not planning on that.

The Mothers Being Deported By Trump

Trump Deportation Raids Picked Up More Than 680 People, Government Says ...

President Trump has portrayed the undocumented as bad hombres who threaten the American family unit. But his crackdown has torn some families apart.

On June 28th, President Trump convened a roundtable at the White Housethat included victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.The event was part of the Administrations push to pass several newimmigration bills designed to, in Trumps words, close the dangerousloopholes exploited by criminals, gang members, drug dealers, killers,terrorists. A regular theme of the Trump Administrations messaging onimmigration has been to present undocumented bad hombres as animmediate threat to the safety and cohesion of the American family unit.

Well be rolling out the results of related investigations in the comingmonths. But here, were sharing one trend that conflicts with Trumpsrhetorical focus on immigrants who are criminal and have criminalrecords, gang members, drug dealers. In fact, his Administrationsagents are targeting, in large numbers, individuals for whompublic-safety justifications for removal dont apply. This includes aconsiderable number of women who have no criminal records and who areeither the primary caretakers of young children, or the primary familybreadwinners, or both. Four such cases are presented here.

This project was produced in collaboration with Adriana LoureiroFernández, Micah Hauser, Shana Daloria, and Nicole Einbinder.

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Andrew Worden Pardoned On Dec 23 2020

  • Pleaded guilty in 1995 in Manhattan to wire fraud in a stock-trading scam
  • Served two years of probation before being pardoned
  • Worden made mistakes in running an investment firm he founded after graduating from college, but voluntarily stopped his wrongful conduct and began to repay his victims before any criminal charges were filed and has since exhibited a decades-long commitment to philanthropy, the White House said

Cases Of American Citizens Detained

American citizens have been detained on suspicion of being illegal immigrants.

In March 2019, Customs and Border Protection detained an American brother-and-sister minors while they were travelling to school from Tijuana, Mexico, to San Ysidro, San Diego in the U.S. The 9-year old girl was detained for 32 hours while CBP were processing her identification. CBP accused the girl of having “provided inconsistent information during her inspection”. According to the girl, CBP personnel said that she did not look like the person in her passport picture, and accused her of really being her cousin. According to their mother, officers threatened the 14-year old brother with charges of human trafficking and sex trafficking, and made him sign a document alleging that the girl was really his cousin. The boy said he did sign the document so that he could see his sister again. The Mexican consulate assisted in arranging the release of the siblings.

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Department Of Veterans Affairs

On March 28, 2018, Trump announced on Twitter that Shulkin had been fired. Following his dismissal, controversy erupted about efforts by the White House to privatize VA healthcare and Shulkin’s allegedly inappropriate taxpayer-funded foreign trips.
General Counsel of Veterans Affairs
Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Gordon leaving along with Coats cleared the way for Trump to appoint Maguire as acting DNI.

Dozens of Trump administration officeholders resigned in reaction to the Capitol storming, even though their terms in office would expire fourteen days later with the inauguration of President Biden. Some senior officials, however, decided against resigning in order to ensure an “orderly transition of power” to the incoming Biden administration, out of concern that Trump would replace them with loyalist lower-level staffers who they feared could carry out illegal orders given by him.

  • Stephanie Grisham, the chief of staff for First Lady Melania Trump
  • Betsy DeVos, United States Secretary of Education also cited the Capitol Hill incident. US Senator Elizabeth Warren criticized DeVos and Chao for resigning rather than voting to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.
  • Elinore F. McCance-Katz, Assistant Secretary of HHS for Mental health and Substance Use
  • Jason Schmid, Senior GOP aide on the House Armed Services Committee
  • Tyler B. Goodspeed, Acting Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors
  • Travel Ban And Refugee Suspension

    US top court rejects former US President Donald Trump’s legal bid, access to Jan 6 records granted

    On January 27, 2017, Trump signed an executive order , titled “Protecting the Nation From Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals“, that suspended entry for citizens of seven countries for 90 days: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, totaling more than 134 million people. The order also stopped the admission of refugees of the Syrian civil war indefinitely, and the entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days. Refugees who were on their way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and detained at airports.

    Implicated by this order is 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1182 “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” 8 U.S. Code § 1182 of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952).

    On March 6, 2017, Trump signed a revised executive order, that, among other differences with the original order, excluded Iraq, visa-holders, and permanent residents from the temporary suspension and did not differentiate Syrian refugees from refugees from other countries.

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    Roger Stone Sentence Commuted On July 10 2020 Pardoned On Dec 23 2020

    • Veteran Republican political operative and adviser to Trumps 2016 campaign
    • Convicted in 2019 of seven counts of lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing the House of Representatives investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election
    • Was days away from starting a 40-month prison sentence when it was commuted Trump later also pardoned Stone after he dropped his appeal
    • Roger Stone is a victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency, the White House said, in reference to the Mueller probe

    Alfonso Costa Pardoned On Dec 22 2020

    • Former Pittsburgh dentist, developer and friend of Housing Secretary Ben Carson
    • Pleaded guilty in 2007 to health care fraud for scamming about $45,000 in dental-insurance payments
    • Served three years of probation, including one year of home confinement, before being pardoned
    • Costas request for clemency was backed by Carson and former Pittsburgh Steelers running back Jerome The Bus Bettis, as well as by numerous business associates, patients, and community leaders, the White House said

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    Trump Administration Migrant Detentions

    This article is part of a series about
    The political neutrality of this article is disputed. This article may contain biased or partisan political opinions about a political party, event, person or government stated as facts. Relevant discussion may be found on the . Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met.

    The Trump administration has detained migrants attempting to enter the United States at the United StatesMexico border. Government reports from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General in May 2019 and July 2019 found that migrants had been detained under conditions that failed federal standards. These conditions have included prolonged detention, overcrowding, and poor hygiene and food standards. Some American citizens were also wrongfully detained.

    Charles Duke Tanner Sentence Commuted On Oct 21 2020

    • Former undefeated light heavyweight boxer from Gary, Indiana
    • Convicted in 2006 of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute crack, cocaine and marijuana and attempt to possess with intent to distribute cocaine while leading a drug-trafficking gang called the Renegades
    • Served 16 years of a 30-year sentence before it was commuted
    • Although Mr. Tanner began incarceration under a life sentence, he immediately worked to better himself by enrolling in educational courses and completed hundreds of hours of educational programming, including an 18-month re-entry program that requires recommendation from staff and approval from the Warden, the White House said

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    Peter Atkinson And John Boultbee Pardoned On Dec 23 2020

    • Each was convicted in 2007 of mail fraud
    • Served sentences of time served less than a year each respectively, before being pardoned
    • The White House said their pardons were supported by Black, as well as Blacks lawyer, David Nathanson, and lawyer Ron Safer, who represented a fourth defendant in the case who avoided prison

    For First Time Biden Calls Obama Deportations ‘big Mistake’

    Presidential candidate Joe Biden says it was a big mistake for the Obama administration to have deported hundreds of thousands of people without criminal records

    LAS VEGAS — Going further than he ever has in expressing regret over Obama administration immigration policy, presidential candidate Joe Biden called it a big mistake to have deported hundreds of thousands of people without criminal records.

    We took far too long to get it right, Biden said in a wide-ranging, sometimes contentious interview with Univision anchor Jorge Ramos. The former vice president later added: I think it was a big mistake. Took too long to get it right.

    In written statements included as part of Bidens proposed immigration overhaul, the campaign already had acknowledged pain surrounding deportations that occurred when he served as President Barack Obamas vice president. But the candidate himself had not so clearly stated his personal regrets.

    The 20-minute interview was posted to Ramos Facebook page, and Biden aides said portions would be broadcast in coming days on Univision as Biden and his Democratic presidential rivals campaigned in Nevada ahead of the Feb. 22 caucuses, the third nominating contest and the first with a significant Latino population.

    Biden emphasized to Ramos his proposals to expand legal immigration, bolster the asylum process and end construction of a U.S.-Mexico border wall. The project has been President Donald Trumps hallmark anti-immigration effort.

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