Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Did Judge Judy Vote For Trump

When They Said Trump Will Never Be President Judge Judy Knocked Out Every Hater Omg

Judge Judy Has Advice For Donald Trump

If youve ever stayed home from work or school, youve seen Judge Judy on TV. shes the no-nonsense personality that is the tough but fair voice that America needs. Thats why shes the person to ask about our insanely controversial and polarizing political climate.

When shes pressed on the possible Trump candidacy, the TV judge has a few eloquent but sharp things to say, and we love her all the more for it because she is firmly on the Donald Trump train!

According to Judge Judy,

I think that if he really wants to be considered as a real candidate, he has to start to temper some of that rhetoric, because while the truthfulness and the candor and the directness of his speeches was appealing for a period of time, in order to be considered pres to me, and Im crazy about Donald. In order to be presidential there has to be a measure in the way you present your argument, she said. To Judy, Trumps winning streak is a measure of the American people. They were hungry for plain speak. And Donald is plain speak.

Here is her interview, its a must-share!

Are you glad that Judge Judy knows that Donald Trump is what America needs? I sure as hell am!

Judge Judy Dismisses Biden: ‘do You See Greatness’

Judge Judy Sheindlin says she doesn’t see “greatness” in 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner and former Vice President Joe BidenMichael BloombergJovanni Ortiz in talks for potential Harris jobThe economic challenges facing Jerome Powell and Joe Biden Poll: Harris, Michelle Obama lead for 2024 if Biden doesn’t run MORE, whom the popular TV personality has endorsed.

You dont see it in this field. You dont see someone who can beat the president, other than Mike Bloomberg? host Chris Cuomo

That is correct, she replied.

Joe Biden cant do it? Cuomo followed up.

You’ve been following politics your whole life,” Sheindlin said to Cuomo, the son of the late New York Gov. Mario Cuomo and brother of current New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo . “Do you see greatness?

“I see greatness in the process,” the CNN host replied. “I see greatness in the prospects. It’s not my place to judge the different candidates.”

“I don’t necessarily have to judge them,” the TV judge responded after some crosstalk. “I just don’t think anyone matches Michael Bloomberg’s experience.”

The 77-year-old syndicated television host is on a media tour to advocate for the former New York mayor and billionaire businessman, who is currently rising in the polls but still 24 points behind Biden in the RealClearPolitics average. Bloomberg has 5.8 percent support, placing fifth overall among 2020 Democratic hopefuls.

Ethics Complaints Filed Against Kavanaugh

Multiple ethics complaints were filed against Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings, 83 in all. The first two were filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Court during the hearings by the Super PACDemocratic Coalition. The first on September 10, accused Kavanaugh of lying when he told the Senate Judiciary Committee he was unaware that he received information stolen from Senate Democrats when he was working in the Bush White House in the early 2000s the second on September 27, alleging that Kavanaugh violated the judiciary’s code of conduct by ‘engaging in a public and partisan campaign of lies to cover-up and conceal sexual misconduct and crimes he committed in the past.’

On October 10, Chief Justice John Roberts appointed judges from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to address the complaints. In December 2018, the judicial panel dismissed all 83 ethics complaints, concluding that while the complaints “are serious,” there is no existing authority that allows lower court judges to investigate or discipline Supreme Court justices.

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A Danger To All Of Us

Former US President Trump a danger to all of us. He is a danger to every person on earth. Trump is not trying to be evil he is simply ignorant, highly egotistical and ruled by fear. He is not aware of what the consequences of his actions will be on civilization. And as I said, he is a symptom more so than a cause.

The danger is in his influence on the thinking of the misfits of the world. We should not put them in power as decision-makers any more than we should let a terrorist run a nuclear missile silo.

The balkinization of our country is an aftereffect of the influence that Trump exerted on Republicans. The Republican Party is now a terrorist organization. The only upside is that the entire nation will see what happens to those who side with Trump and implement his policies. The states that do not trash democracy will at least survive.

The Cause Of Division And Conflict

Donald Trump Mocked To Try Judge Judy After SCOTUS Rejects ...

Cruelty and division are tearing at the fabric of our civilization. But these are only symptoms of the actual cause of all our problems. The widespread division within society, bullying, slander and political chaos were clearly predicted by “The Solution…”

When I was younger my research uncovered a major but relatively unknown source of world problems. This knowledge compelled me to form a corporation to change the world through education. Almost immediately after doing so my life was systematically destroyed, and my early unpublished work was irrevocable confiscated. As an activist, I wanted to change the world for the better. As a result of doing so, I became the target.

THE SOLUTION… is powerful enough that government officials previously removed it from publication. Explains the underlying cause of a divided world and contains simple methods you need to create the life you want. Be held down no longer, read this book while you can! Understanding will change the world as we know it. Open your mind now! Be free!

8/30/21 UPDATE:

The members of Congress whose records are requested preserved include Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Andy Biggs also of a Arizona, Mo Brooks of Alabama, Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Judy Hice of Georgia, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Matt Gaetz of Florida.

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Judge Judy Just Jumped Into The 2020 Election With A Move That Made Trumps Blood Boil

Judge Judy is known for telling it like it is.

So you would think shed have President Trumps back.

But that couldnt be further from the truth.

In a recent op-ed in USA Today, Judge Judy chose to make her opinions known about the 2020 election.

And in a shock statement, she threw her support behind the anti-gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Bloomberg is not in the race, but there has been a lot of speculation that he would run.

He has gotten heavily involved in politics in recent years, funneling tens of millions of dollars into anti-gun Democrat causes.

Judge Judy wrote:

At one time, Bloomberg was a Republican, only for him to change his party affiliation to Independent.

But in 2018, the billionaire changed his party affiliation to Democrat, adding speculation that he would run for President.

If he did run, he could fund a massive campaign, considering he is the 12th richest person in the world.

But his rabidly anti-gun record could very likely sink his chances against Trump.

Do you think Michael Bloomberg could beat President Trump?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Trump Indictment And Arrest Latest Updates Current Article

Trump indictment and arrest, latest updates. This article will remain current. The latest on the imminent indictment and arrest of former President Donald Trump will be posted here.

But besides posting updates, we do something else. This website goes deeper into the underlying problem and potential solution than other news sites ever do.

Every time Trump suffers a defeat or is admired and respected less in the mind of someone, his power to harm others is reduced, and his influence wanes. The trend we are seeing is all downhill for Trump. Trumps power is dwindling. For this reason it is relatively certain that Trump will be subpoenaed, indicted, arrested and sent to prison.


12/01/01 UPDATE: Today the Jan. 6th Committee voted to hold Jeffrey Clark in criminal contempt of Congress. Clark will be referred to the Department of Justice Justice. The DOJ will then convene a grand jury to determine whether or not he is charged criminally.

11/29/23 UPDATE: The Jan, 6th Committee is going to vote on holding Jeffrey Clark in Contempt of Congress for failing to answer questions about Trump pressuring certain individuals to investigate false election fraud claims.

11/23/21 UPDATE: Jan. 6th Committee subpoenas Proud Boys International, L.L.C., Henry Enrique Tarrio, Oath Keepers, Elmer Stewart Rhodes, Robert Patrick Lewis / 1st Amendment Praetorian.

Plans were also made to seize voting machines.

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Judge Judy Tops List For Trump Supreme Court: ‘no

Last person on Earth not on Facebook

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said yesterday that he would appoint Judge Judith Scheindlin to the Supreme Court to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

“If TV generals are good enough to give me all the military advice I need, then a TV judge should be perfect for the Supreme Court,” said Trump.

“For two centuries, cases have been argued in October, but not decided until June. Judge Judy decides two cases every half hour. She could clear the whole docket in a month. Businessmen love efficiency.”

Trump went on to claim that cutting the Supreme Court term would save the country $300 billion. “Judge Judy will want the hearings televised, and we will charge the networks billions in broadcast rights,” said Trump. “She’s a natural. And, we can make more money by having the Supreme Court judge my beauty pageants.”

Former VP candidate and beauty pageant contestant Sarah Palin endorsed Trump’s choice. “Judge Judy will be awesome,” said Palin. “It’s time these so-called Supremes got down to business, and stopped doing all this readin’ and writin’ that our brave soldiers do not have time for, defending our gun rights that our community organizer president wants to take away, so we can stop all this terrorism, and stand up for our Constitution that guarantees those rights that Judge Judy will keep as she decides.”

“Judge Judy will put the lamestream media to shame”, interjected Palin. “Just wait ’til those cases are on TV”.

Who Did Judge Judy Endorse

Judge Judy on Donald Trump

Michael Bloomberg was the first political candidate that Judge Judy endorsed, and it happened back in January 2020.

“When I looked at the field of 2020 candidates, for one reason or another, although I’m sure they’re all very nice people, there was no other voice for me other than a voice of someone who has experience in governance, she shared on The View.

She went on to share her respect for the former mayor as a self-made man, though some cited his exorbitant wealth as a deterring factor in his candidacy.

New York City has the most diverse population of any place else in the United States of America. Things were run effectively and efficiently during his 12 years as mayor. Hes a brilliant, self-made guy who runs and manages thousands of people, and has for 30 years.

Judge Judy has not publicly endorsed any other candidate since.

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Thoughts Do Create Matter: Author At Age 13

EASTWOOD: “I was not always confident. At age 13 I was a shy ‘nobody.’ Middle class with no advantages and introverted, I applied the principle that thoughts create matter using visualization. I imagined myself a great architect and solar inventor reducing America’s fossil fuel dependence and in the limelight.

“Within months my solar homes were being built in my home town. At 13 years old a Yale Professor called my mother to ask me to work on his solar invention.

Within three years I was on the entire front page of our local newspaper as The Kid with Sun in His Eyes.

“By age 18 I had a contract with the American Supply Company. At the Capitol of the constitution state the eyes of the world were on me as I unveiled a full-scale model of my modular solar system at the annual energy exposition in Hartford Connecticut.

“I was so successful applying the principle ‘that thoughts create’ that I set my goals higher. I had something more important to do.”

The project I am working on now is “A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS One Earth & People.”

Imagine you just entered a paradise of unimaginable beauty.

The spirit of “A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS One Earth & People,” is in my early idealistic life in Connecticut USA and and an event that will stand out in my memory forever.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

Albert Einstein

Judge Judy Sheindlin: Who Has She Endorsed For The 2020 Election

As the 2020 presidential election draws closer, celebrities are telling all about who they plan to vote for when they head to the polls in November. The upcoming election is already proving to be a vocal one as President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden face off in what some have dubbed perhaps the most important election in our lifetime, but who, exactly, does Judge Judy Sheindlin intend to cast her ballot for?

A powerhouse in the courtroom, a decades-long career that has led her to become the highest-paid television host in the country thanks to her now-ending series Judge Judy, Sheindlin is no stranger to politics. In January of this year, during an appearance on The View, Sheindlin officially put her endorsement behind then Democratic-candidate and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. She went on to give a two-minute-long monologue explaining her reasoning, stating that she’s “never seen America so angry with each other as a family” and that she “felt as if it was time for America which is the greatest country in the world to have the greatest president.” She added that “there was no other voice for me other than a voice of someone who has experience in governance.”

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There Is A Journey We Must All Take

If you are going to create what you want in life and if we are going to survive as a global community, we must be willing to understand how we create our reality. This involves looking at the implications of what Einstein and a group of leading physicists discovered about reality that the media did not properly report to the world for a number of reasons.

45 years of research goes into every book

“Einsteins colleague and a group of leading physicists made a discovery that was never properly conveyed to the public. It was too profound to be accepted in the mainstream and threatened the elite. As a result, we were not made aware of this discovery and the inevitable implications it had for civilization itself.

“The discovery offers a solution to our current political and global problems. It has the potential to be a new unifying principle for civilization. The new science can also be applied in your own life. The news affects you because it redefines who you are and reveals how you can actually create anything you want right now.

“News of this discovery was blocked by media and the scientific establishment because it threatened power holders in big universities and clashed with the status quo. Specifically, it takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.”

William Eastwood

THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE – Journey Out of the Illusion, explains the journey out of the illusion we must all take.

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