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How Do I Follow President Trump On Twitter

Other Suspensions Of Donald Trump By Social Media Companies

Twitter ‘doing all it can’ to make President Trump ‘lose the election’

The move by Twitter follows the temporary suspension of Trumps and YouTube channel, and the permanent suspension of unofficial Reddit pages set up by his supporters. Apple has given Parlera Twitter alternative favored by the right-winga 24-hour ultimatum to better moderate the content posted by its users or face a ban from the Apple App Store. Google suspended the Parler app from the Google Play store.

All of the companies note that the president and his supporters have violated their platforms polices by making posts that promote or coordinate violence.

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New York Two months after former US President Donald Trump was inaugurated in 2017, Twitter executive Vijaya Gadde was asked how she felt about his proposition that he might not have won the White House without the social media platform.

“Vijaya is at the crossroads of some of the most important policy decisions the company is making and how it interacts with governments around the world.”

Former Twitter COO Adam Bain

Twitter Cfo: No Changes To Our Thinking On Trump’s Account

“There has been no changes to anything we have shared in the past around the former president’s account,” Twitter CFO Ned Segal said on Yahoo Finance Live.

On Jan. 8 of this year, Twitter famously handed out a permanent suspension of then President Donald Trump’s widely followed account. The decision came in the wake of the uprising on Capitol Hill, which many believe was fueled by Trump’s comments on Twitter.

Segal says it’s important Twitter stays consistent with its policies.

“When you step back and think about our policies, we want to work hard to be consistent, to be transparent so people know exactly what to expect from us. We don’t have an oversight board like that . Our team is accountable for the decisions that we make. There is no changes to anything we have talked about in the past,”Segal added.

On Wednesday, an independent oversight board at Facebook is expected to announce whether it will uphold the indefinite ban on the former president or reverse it.

Even with the Trump bans, both social media giants notched very strong growth in the first quarter.

Facebook’s first-quarter sales and profits rose 48% and 93%, respectively year-over-year as ad spending recovered from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme was similar at Twitter first quarter sales gained 28% from a year ago. Twitter posted net earnings of 8 cents a share compared to a year ago loss of 1 cent a share.

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‘civil War’ Trends On Twitter After Iowa Trump Rally Attendee’s Remarks Go Viral

“Civil War” was a top trending topic on on Sunday after remarks from an attendee of former President Donald Trump‘s rally in Iowa were widely circulated online and by the media.

Trump held a rally at the Iowa State Fairground in Des Moines on Saturday. At the event, Trump supporter Lori Levi told MSNBC that she believes the U.S. is headed for a “civil war.” Levi criticized Democrats and Republicans, saying most members of the GOP are “as weak as they possibly could be in Congress.”

“They’re establishment. They don’t care about the American people because they’re in their elite little tower,” she said. “So we’re just sick of it, you know, and we’re not going to take it anymore. I see a civil war coming. I do. I see civil war coming.”

As of Sunday afternoon, the term “Civil War” had been tweeted nearly 67,000 times as it trended on the major social media platform. Many were criticizing Trump supporters and the right-wing “Make America Great Again” movement. Some also tried to offer solutions to the current divide within American society.

“Polarization is worse than ever and getting worse not better. There is a Civil War coming if we don’t stop dehumanizing those we disagree with politically,” unsuccessful Democratic presidential and New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang tweeted. The political activist promoted his new Forward Party PAC, which aims to promote democratic reforms.

Donald Trumps Tweets Have Now Disappeared From Twitter

Ted Cruz: I Do Follow Donald Trump On Twitter

The suspension means that Trumps tens of thousands of prior tweets are out of public view on Twitter. Retweets of the presidents messages are gone from the forwarding users timelines, and quote tweets are replaced with the message This Tweet is unavailable.

The ability to navigate other users likes, retweets, and quotes of the presidents tweets is gone, as is the ability to see, in one place, all replies to anything he has tweeted.

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How The Storming Of The Capitol Unfolded

Additionally, Twitter said his second tweet on Friday “may also serve as encouragement to those potentially considering violent acts that the inauguration would be a ‘safe’ target”.

Mr Trump has no plans to attend Mr Biden’s inauguration, making him the first president in more than 150 years – and just the fourth in US history – to miss the occasion.

Twitter initially suspended Mr Trump’s account for 12 hours on Wednesday after he posted a video that repeated false claims about election fraud and praised the rioters who stormed the Capitol.

Five people were killed in the violence, including police officer Brian Sicknick, who was seriously hurt “while physically engaging with protesters”.

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Meanwhile, Twitter said plans for future armed protests have already begun “proliferating on and off” the platform, including a proposed secondary attack on the Capitol on 17 January.

Earlier, they permanently banned two Trump loyalists – former national security adviser Michael Flynn and attorney Sidney Powell.

It was part of a broader purge of accounts promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory, whose supporters made up a large portion of the rioters.

The company also said Trump attorney Lin Wood was permanently suspended on Tuesday for violating its rules, but provided no additional details.

Donald Trump Twitter Archive And Stats

Trumps latest tweets are always on TV, imagine all the news that are based just on his tweets. Well, Donald Trump has shared almost 47K original tweets since 2009. We do not count the RTs he makes, just the original tweets he has written and sent. Donald Trump original tweets are 46,919tweets divided in:

  • 30,572 text tweets: tweets containing only text
  • 3,624 replies: tweets where he replies to other users
  • 12,906 links or images

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Tweets As Official Statements

Throughout his presidency, Trump frequently appeared to issue orders through his tweets. Whether these tweets were official directives was unclear. A US National Archives spokesman said that Trump’s tweets are considered presidential records.

In 2017, the Department of Justice argued in one court case that Trump’s tweets were “official statements of the President of the United States.” In another cases, the DOJ argued they were official policy statements but that the tweets were also “personal conduct that is not an exercise of state power.” The ABA Journal wrote in 2017, “There’s little caselaw on to what extent government use of social media can be considered official or a ‘public forum,’ which affords First Amendment protection to people who might be excluded based on their viewpoints.”

In 2019, the Secretary of the U.S. Navy said he did not interpret a Trump tweet as a “formal order to act” after Trump tweeted that the Navy should not take away Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher‘s status as a Navy SEAL.

In 2020, a court asked that Trump clarify his intention after he tweeted what appeared to be an order calling for the disclosure of documents related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. In a court filing White House Chief of Staff said that: “The President indicated to me that his statements on Twitter were not self-executing declassification orders and do not require the declassification or release of any particular documents.”

What If We All Unfollowed Trump On Twitter

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey speaks out on banning President Donald Trump

Editors Note: Melissa Blake is a freelance writer and blogger from Illinois. She covers disability rights and womens issues and has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, Harpers Bazaar, Good Housekeeping and Glamour, among others. Read her blog, So About What I Said, and follow her . The views expressed in this commentary are solely hers. View more opinion on CNN.

In the nearly three years that Donald Trump has been in the White House, his outbursts have become all too predictable. Nowhere is this more evident than on Twitter, the space where he appears to feel most comfortable being outrageous and hateful. After tweeting racist attacks Saturday characterizing the city of Baltimore and the district of Rep. Elijah Cummings as infested with rats and crime, Trump the following Friday seemed to make fun of Cummings house reportedly being burglarized.

Some say that Trump should be banned from Twitter, and I wholeheartedly agree. But, sadly, that is unlikely, especially since Twitter views Trump differently than its millions of regular users.Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets would hide important information people should be able to see and debate, Twitter stated in a blog post last year.

But heres the thing: We dont have to read him. We dont have to endlessly scroll to see the latest disgusting and dangerous rhetoric hes spewing on any given day.

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Interesting Facts About Donald Trump In Twitter

  • How many Twitter followers Donald Trump had? Trumps Twitter account had over 77 million followers
  • How many mentions did Trump receive in Twitter? He used to get 10,000 mentions in 20 minutes. Can you imagine his phone?
  • Is there one fake Donald Trump in Twitter? Ummm, one? Not just one, thousands!
  • Trump only followed around 50 people and mostly his companies and his family .
  • CNN Trump tweets were not very nice.
  • How muchwas a tweet from Donald Trump worth? The market value will was almost 115K USD. However, since Donald Trumps tweets got tons of engagement, its real value was over 5K USD. Amazing.

Former President Trump liked Twitter. Twitter is the place where Donald Trump feet safe, independent and where he can say whatever he wants. We havent tried to judge the content of the tweets. Donald Trumps use of Twitter was very peculiar because he is used it everyday and each of his tweets used to generate a huge controversy. In fact, the way he addresses the media was not been seen before, he insults and make fun of them. That could be one of the reasons why Twitter banned Trumps Twitter account for good.

Lets compare the value of the Former USA President with an ex-President: Barack Obama. A tweet from Barack Obama is worth over the triple than a tweet from Trump:

Twitter Custom Data For You

So, no matter if you need to access Trumps Twitter archive or to the tweets right from when Trump became President in 2017. We at Tweet Binder offer custom solutions and full access to Twitter data. Even free instant Twitter reports that will allow you analyze anyones tweets today. Give us a try and feel free to contact us if you need any help with anything Trump-Twitter matter.

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Brielle Biermann Receives Backlash After Defending Donald Trump On Twitter

Brielle Biermann is facing some vitriolic backlash for weighing in on politics and defending President Donald Trump.

The reality star took to Twitter on Monday to seemingly defend Trump against widespread criticism of his handling of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

This is not political, Biermann, 23, wrote. I dont care how i/you feel about Trump as a politician but he is a PERSON. Running the country.

He has felt like all of us, Biermann added. Do you think someone wants to do the best they can when theyre constantly belittled/bullied for everything they do/say?

This is not political- i dont care how i/you feel about trump as a politician but he is a PERSON. Running the country. He has feelings like all of us. Do you think someone wants to do the best they can when theyre constantly belittled/bullied for everything they do/say?

Brielle Biermann

While Biermann prefaced her remarks by saying they were not politically motivated, many of her fans and followers were quick to shoot down her argument, slam her stance, and unfollow her on the social media platform.

If hed stop constantly belittling/bullying others, I would see your point, but he spews vile insults at every turn, one user wrote, while another added, Do you follow him on Twitter? Literally ALL he does is belittle and bully others. Where is your outrage about that? Where is the leadership in that? Check yourself.

How bout THESE tweets? from the bigmouth herself


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Donald Trump Twitter: How Did The Former President Use Twitter


Donald Trumps tweets were a great way to know what the former President was thinking, what he was doing or thinking about to do. Always that Donald Trump used Twitter a newspaper wrote a new article. They were also a great source of conflict and controversy, just read the replies to any tweet he sent. We analyzed every tweet sent by Donald Trump since he became the President of the United States of America to see how he used Twitter. Can you imagine doing a hashtag tracking of all the hashtags he posted?

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Trumps Most Retweeted And Liked Tweet

The most retweeted tweet by Donald Trump was the one where he announced he had Covid-19 :

In 2017 Donald Trump sent his second most retweeted tweet. The tweet where he showed a video making fun of CNN News is the one with the highest number of retweets and likes. It reached 324,000 retweets and 529,000 likes. Tweets sent by Trump about the CNN were not quite delicate.

The third one was from November 2016 and we already shared it before where he said that Today we make America great again. This tweets had 302,432 retweets and 491K likes.

We also investigated the tweets sent to TO Donald Trump with the highest number of mentions. It belongs to Jimmy Kimmel and it was sent in 2017

Hey u up?

Jimmy Kimmel

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