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What Does Trump Call Biden

Trump Hid His Calls With Putin Now Biden Has Access To Them

Trump calls on Biden to resign over unfolding crisis in Afghanistan | Taliban captures Kabul | WION

What was said between the two leaders is a great mystery, one that advisers to the current president say is imperative to find out.

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G-20 summit in Japan in 2019. | Susan Walsh/AP Photo


02/09/2021 07:55 PM EST

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Few Trump-era mysteries are as intriguing as what the 45th president said to Vladimir Putin in at least a dozen rambling, off-the-cuff calls and meetings over four years. Understanding what was said between the two could help illuminate whether Trump ever revealed sensitive information or struck any deals with the Kremlin leader that could take the new administration by surprise.

Now that President Joe Biden is in the White House, he can see for himself.

They dont need our approval to see those , a former Trump White House official said, referring to the new Biden national security team. Biden owns all the call materials. There is only one president at a time.

The Biden White House did not comment on whether it had seen the content of the calls. But so far, at least, the National Security Council has not registered any complaints with their ability to access relevant call records from the previous administration.

Of course we didnt delete anything and they would be in NARA and accessible, the official said.

We really tried hard to do it well, said the second former Trump official, who participated in the process.

The Democrats Damned Biden By Impeaching Trump

If a phone call is grounds for removal, then things are about to get interesting

Joe Biden is officially a victim of the new rules that every Democratic president is going to face from here on out. Thats thanks to his partys overzealously tying an impeachment around Donald Trumps neck before the 2020 election.

Both Biden and the Democrats are not going to like where those new rules lead when the Republican party, in all likelihood, takes back the House of Representatives in early 2023.

Traveling back in time for a moment, remember that Donald Trumps first impeachment was based on a third-party whistleblower who notified Rep. Adam Schiff of a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. On this call, a quid pro quo was allegedly discussed in which Trump would make aid to Ukraine conditional on Zelensky digging up dirt on his future opponent, then-candidate Joe Biden. It was all the rage on CNN, and enough, according to the Democrats, to impeach Trump.

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Eric Trump Calls Out Joe Biden For Spending Time Away From White House

Eric Trump has criticized President Joe Biden for spending time away from the White House during times of national crisis.

The son of former president Donald Trump made the comments during a discussion about the ongoing supply chain crisis on Fox News’s Hannity on Monday night.

Eric Trump criticized Biden for going to his home in Wilmington, Delaware, during the withdrawal from Afghanistan and accused others in his cabinet of fleeing Washington, D.C., at critical moments instead of “getting to work” to solve problems.

“The other thing that really bothers me, Sean, about this situation is, where is everybody during this crisis?” he asked host Sean Hannity. “Every crisis that Biden has and every single day there’s another one, whether it be Afghanistan or the border, right, the leaders leave.”

Eric Trump criticizes Joe Biden for spending time at his personal property instead of the White House. Irony is deader than dead.

Aaron Rupar

He went on to allege that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is “nowhere to be found” and accused Vice President Kamala Harris of avoiding traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border after the arrival of thousands of mostly Haitian migrants at a camp in Del Rio, Texas.

A brief clip that featured Trump’s comment about Biden went viral after it was posted on by journalist Aaron Rupar.

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Did Donald Trump Call For The Assassination Of Joe Biden

A post shared by MediaWise on Nov 2, 2020 at 9:31am PST

The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political action committee, posted a video of Donald Trump referring to Joe Biden as shot, suggesting in a tweet that the president was calling for the assassination of his political opponent. In the context of Trumps full remarks, its clear that Trump was suggesting Biden would have to step down from office if he were elected president because of mental deterioration when he used the word shot, and was claiming that Bidens reduced mental state would lead to Kamala Harris becoming president.

MediaWise rating: Not Legit

A post shared by MediaWise on Nov 3, 2020 at 6:36am PST

During the second presidential debate, Donald Trump claimed the Obama administration built cages used to incarcerate undocumented children separated from the parents after Biden criticized his immigration policy. This viral meme repeats the claim. While the Obama administration constructed the holding facilities, it did not use them for child separation like the Trump administration has. Also, the photo used in this meme is clearly photoshopped and uses a photo taken during Trumps presidency.

MediaWise rating: Mixed Bag

What Is The Background Of The Call

Trump, Biden campaign clash on call for pre

Mr Trump had promised that a “complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript” of the 25 July call would be released.

But the details disclosed by the White House on Wednesday morning were notes of the conversation taken by US officials who listened in.

The July call occurred days after Mr Trump directed the US government to withhold about $391m in military aid to Ukraine.

In the summary of the call, Mr Trump does not tell the Ukrainian president that US aid hinges upon him investigating Mr Biden.

But Mr Trump stresses the importance of US financial support, before pressing Mr Zelensky for action on the Democratic candidate.

“I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine,” Mr Trump says.

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Trump Calls On Barr To Act Against Biden Before Election

The president is increasingly fixated on seeing criminal action against his political opponents.

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President Trump on Tuesday called on William P. Barr, the attorney general, to take action before Election Day against his Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., over his sons foreign work, an extraordinary attempt to pressure the governments chief law enforcement to help him politically.

The president made the remark during an interview with Fox & Friends, after days of caustic criticism of Mr. Biden, the moderators of the presidential debates, the news media and, increasingly, Mr. Barr. He recently said the attorney general would go down in history as a very sad, sad situation if he did not indict Democrats like Mr. Biden and former President Barack Obama.

Weve got to get the attorney general to act, Mr. Trump said on Tuesday, when asked whether he wants to see investigations into unverified information about Mr. Biden and his son Hunter that the presidents personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, claims he recently obtained. Mr. Giuliani, who has made a range of outlandish and false assertions in an effort to damage the presidents rivals and critics, has refused to provide news outlets with the information he claims to have.

Mr. Trump called on Mr. Barr to appoint a special prosecutor or similar official, saying: Hes got to act. And hes got to act fast.

A spokesman for Mr. Biden declined to comment.

Trump Calls For Biden To Resign Over Taleban Takeover Of Afghanistan

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WASHINGTON – Former US president Donald Trump called for his successor Joe Biden to resign on Sunday over the swift takeover of Afghanistan by Taleban militants, as US troops withdrew from the country after nearly 20 years on the ground.

“It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan,” Mr Trump said in a statement, also blasting him over a surge in Covid-19 cases in the United States and domestic immigration, economic and energy policies.

The Taleban have reconquered Afghanistan in a lightning surge 20 years after they were toppled by the US invasion.

They took control of Kabul on Sunday, more than two weeks before the Aug 31 deadline set by Mr Biden to complete the withdrawal of American troops from the country.

It was under Mr Trump that the US brokered a deal with the Taleban in Doha in 2020 that would have seen the US withdraw all its troops by May 2021, in exchange for various security guarantees from the militants.

When Mr Biden took power earlier this year, he pushed back the deadline for the withdrawal and set no conditions for it.

Mr Trump has repeatedly blasted Mr Biden over the move, saying it would have been “a much different and much more successful withdrawal” if he were still president.

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List Of Nicknames Used By Donald Trump

Former U.S. PresidentDonald Trump became widely known during the 2016 United States presidential election and his subsequent presidency for using nicknames to criticize or otherwise express commentary about media figures, politicians, and foreign leaders.

The list excludes commonly-used hypocorisms such as “Mike” for “Michael” or “Steve” for “Steven”, unless they are original to Trump. Nicknames that Trump did not originate are annotated with footnotes.

The list also includes nicknames used by figures associated with Trump, and nicknames he has promoted via retweeting.

Trump Calls On Biden To Resign Over Taliban Takeover Of Afghanistan

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It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen, says former US president


Former US President Donald Trump called on his successor to resign Sunday amid the withdrawal of American troops in Afghanistan and the Talibans rapid takeover of the country.

“It’s time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for allowing what happened in Afghanistan,” Trump said in a written statement.

“This shouldn’t be a big deal. Because he wasn’t legitimately elected,” he added, also criticizing Biden over the surge of COVID-19 cases in the US, immigration, the economy and energy policies.

He said the withdrawal from Afghanistan would have been much different and much more successful if he were president.

What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary. It will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history! he said in another statement.

This will be counted as one of the greatest defeats in US history, Trump added.

Biden on Saturday defended his decision to withdraw US troops, saying the American presence in Afghanistan for the past 20 years was not acceptable.

“One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country. And an endless American presence in the middle of another countrys civil conflict was not acceptable to me.

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Short And Not Especially Sweet: Lindsey Graham Called Biden Over Trump Support

The Republican senator told the president his attacks on his son Hunter were the bare minimum to satisfy Trump supporters

The South Carolina Republican senator Lindsey Graham called Joe Biden after his victory over Donald Trump to tell the president he only joined attacks on his son, Hunter Biden, as a bare minimum to satisfy Trump supporters.

The detail was included in a lengthy profile of Graham and his Washington manoeuvres . It said the call, intended to revive a friendship damaged by call for a special prosecutor to investigate the overseas business dealings of Hunter Biden, was short, and not especially sweet.

Hunter Bidens brother, Beau Biden, died in 2015. Their sister Naomi was killed with their mother, Neilia Biden, in a car crash in 1972. Biden has a daughter, Ashley Biden, with his second wife, Jill Biden.

Hunter Bidens business dealings in Ukraine were at the heart of attempts by Trump allies to find dirt on Joe Biden as the 2020 election approached. Trump was impeached over the issue. Graham joined other Republicans in rallying behind their leader. Only one GOP senator, Mitt Romney of Utah, voted to convict, on a charge of abuse of power.

Graham was a longtime friend and ally of John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee who, like Biden, was an influential voice on foreign affairs while in the Senate.

Years Since Call With Trump Ukrainian President Met With Biden At The White House

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At the White House, there was a meeting in the Oval Office that’s been years in the making. It all started with a phone call in July of 2019, which lead to Donald Trump’s first impeachment last year.

Today at the White House, there was a meeting in the Oval Office that has been two years in the making. It started with a phone call, July 2019.

DONALD TRUMP: My call was perfect. The president yesterday of Ukraine said there was no pressure put on him whatsoever, none whatsoever.

KELLY: Then newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was on the line with then President Donald Trump trying to secure a White House meeting. Trump used the conversation to press for dirt on a political opponent. He did not get what he wanted. He got impeached instead. Zelenskyy didn’t get what he wanted either, at least not until today, when he met with that political opponent, Joe Biden. NPR’s Scott Detrow joins us now from the White House.

Hey, Scott.

SCOTT DETROW, BYLINE: Good afternoon.

KELLY: I’m trying to decide where to start. Talk about a meeting with a whole lot of baggage.


KELLY: I can hear just how much she wants to talk about it, Scott. Did any news, any development actually come out of today’s meeting?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: And the United States remains firmly committed to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression.

KELLY: That is NPR’s Scott Detrow at the White House for us.

Thank you, Scott.

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Would Bidens Energy Plan Get Rid Of Seniors Air Conditioning Heat And Electricity

A post shared by MediaWise on Nov 2, 2020 at 12:45pm PST

At a campaign rally, Donald Trump claimed that Joe Bidens energy plan would lead to seniors losing access to air conditioning, heat and electricity because of support for wind power. While Biden does support wind power among other alternative sustainable sources of power, his plan does not include taking these services away from seniors. We found no evidence to indicate it would lead to seniors losing these services. Furthermore, adding renewable energy to the power grid does not lead to less reliable access to power.

MediaWise rating: Not legit

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