Saturday, July 27, 2024

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How Can I Meet President Trump

Relationship With The News Media

Donald Trump is doing everything he can to hurt GOP chances in 2022

Early into his presidency, Trump developed a highly contentious relationship with the news media, repeatedly referring to them as the “fake news media” and “the enemy of the people.” As a candidate, Trump had refused press credentials for offending publications but said he would not do so if elected. Trump both privately and publicly mused about taking away critical reporters’ White House press credentials. At the same time, the Trump White House gave temporary press passes to far-right pro-Trump fringe outlets, such as InfoWars and The Gateway Pundit, which are known for publishing hoaxes and conspiracy theories.

On his first day in office, Trump falsely accused journalists of understating the size of the crowd at his inauguration and called the news media “among the most dishonest human beings on earth.” Trump’s claims were notably defended by Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who claimed the inauguration crowd had been the biggest in history, a claim disproven by photographs. Trump’s senior adviser Kellyanne Conway then defended Spicer when asked about the falsehood, saying it was an “alternative fact,” not a falsehood.

The Trump Justice Department obtained by court order the 2017 phone logs or email metadata of reporters from CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, and Politico as part of investigations into leaks of classified information.

Trump To Meet Mexican President Ahead Of Immigration Speech

Donald Trump is flying to Mexico City Wednesday to meet with Mexicos president just hours before he delivers a major address on immigration in Arizona.

Trump confirmed he is meeting the president in a tweet Tuesday evening.

I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow, the tweet from the candidate said.

I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow.

Donald J. Trump

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto also confirmed in a tweet Trump would be travelling to Mexico.

El Señor ha aceptado esta invitación y se reunirá mañana en privado con el Presidente .

Presidencia México

Pena Nieto invited both Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to meet with him, his office said in a statement Tuesday night.

Trump has made his promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border a cornerstone of his campaign, saying frequently at rallies that Mexico would pay for the wall.

In July, Pena Nieto told CNN that it would be impossible for Mexico to fund Trumps proposed wall.

There is no way that Mexico can pay a wall like that, he said.

Earlier this year, the Mexican leader compared Trumps rise and rhetoric to that of fascist dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

False And Misleading Statements

Veracity of statements by Donald TrumpFact-checkersThe Washington PostToronto Starthe midterm electionsimpeachment inquiryPost

The number and scale of Trump’s statements in public speeches, remarks, and tweets identified as false by scholars, fact-checkers, and commentators were characterized as unprecedented for an American president and even unprecedented in U.S. politics.The New Yorker called falsehoods a distinctive part of his political identity, and they have also been described by Republican political advisor Amanda Carpenter as a gaslighting tactic. His White House had dismissed the idea of objective truth and his campaign and presidency have been described as being “post-truth” and hyper-Orwellian. Trump’s rhetorical signature included disregarding data from federal institutions that was incompatible to his arguments quoting hearsay, anecdotal evidence, and questionable claims in partisan media denying reality and distracting when falsehoods were exposed.

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Maxwell Accuser Testifies Epstein Brought Her To Meet Donald Trump At Age 14

Dec. 1 — A woman who accused Ghislaine Maxwell of grooming her to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein testified Wednesday that the late financier took her to meet Donald Trump when she was 14 years old.

Under questioning from Maxwell’s defense attorney, Laura Menninger, during the trial in New York City, the woman, identified by the pseudonym Jane, said she met Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., in the 1990s.

She did not accuse the former president of any improper behavior and acknowledged she took part in a Miss Teen USA beauty pageant associated with Trump in 1998 but did not specify if that was before Epstein brought her to the resort or why they made the visit.

Trump was regularly photographed alongside Epstein, who was found dead in his prison cell as he faced federal sex trafficking charges in July 2019, in the 1990s and 2000s and ” in a 2002 interview.

After Epstein’s arrest in 2019, he said the late financier had been banned from Mar-a-Lago and said he was “not a fan” of him.

Last year, Trump said he wished Maxwell “well” when asked about the charges against her.

Jane also recalled being on one of Epstein’s private plane flights with Prince Andrew, under further questioning from Menninger.

When asked by the prosecution about money she received from the Epstein Victim Compensation Fund, Jane began to sob.

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Trumps Foreign Policy Moments

Trump The Loser President : politics

Donald J. Trumps presidency marked a profound departure from U.S. leadership in areas such as trade and diplomacy, as well as an across-the-board toughening of immigration policies.

In his inaugural address, President Donald J. Trump announces an America First approach to foreign policy and trade, which centers on reducing U.S. trade deficits and rebalancing burden sharing within alliances. Trump promises to unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism and emphasizes that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

Trump directs the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a twelve-country, Asia-focused trade agreement the United States had championed under the Barack Obama administration.

The president signs an executive order banning nationals of six Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the United States for ninety days. The order, later amended to include an additional two countries, also indefinitely freezes refugee intake from Syria. Days later, a federal judge in Washington State blocks part of the order, beginning a series of judicial challenges. That same week, Trump signs two other executive orders concerning immigration. One directs federal funds to the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the other bars so-called sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

Washington Post

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Shutdown Of Icbm Assembly Facility Near Pyongyang

The Voice of America reported on July 25 that there is evidence that North Korea has dismantled an intercontinental ballistic missile construction facility near Pyongyang. It was confirmed by analyzing satellite images taken around the March 16 with the latest satellite images in July. It was the investigated place of the factory that the Hwasong-15 ICBM that North Korea test-launched on November 29, 2017, was assembled at this plant and then moved on a transporter-erector-launcher . Kim Jong-un was at this vehicle factory that was connected to the ICBM assembly factory when he gave the command for the transfer of the TEL carrying the Hwasong-15 ICBM. State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert announced that the U.S would be looking for DPRK’s consent for allowing the Verification process of the denuclearization of North Korea. Heather also added Verification is obviously something that is paramount. Verification from legitimate groups and done by legitimate countries.”

On Trump Looking Good

Trump: Ill tell you what that was pretty impressive, folks. You know, I hate to say this Jim, do you want to say something? What do you after that?

You are please, Jim. Please.

Brown: If he doesnt look good, we dont look good.

Trump: Great, right? Isnt that a great statement?

Brown: Yes, it is.

Reporter: Can I just ask a quick question of Kanye?

Trump: Really very interesting.

Yes, yeah. Please.

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Notice Of Updated Methodology

The current table of Cabinet-level turnover has been updated from a previous version, accessible here for reference, that was based on a different methodology this change was made on May 21, 2019. This newer table provides data going back to President Reagan and adheres to a strict definition of Cabinet by only including the heads of the executive departments. While presidents often promote a position like EPA administrator to Cabinet-level status, these appointments are ad hoc, can be short-lived, and make it difficult to compare over time. Given the variability, we only include Senate-confirmed Cabinet members who are in the presidential line of succession, since this allows for greater consistency and standardization. More information on this update is available in a piece on Brookingss FixGov blog. Additionally, since Reagans presidency, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security have been added to the list . Year of departure is determined by the date a Cabinet member announced they were resigning, regardless of their final end date.

Pompeo’s Subsequent Visits To North Korea

White House Races To Identify Those In Close Contact With President Trump | TODAY
Wikisource has original text related to this article:A letter from Kim Jong Un to Donald Trump

On July 67, Pompeo travelled to North Korea for the third time to continue the negotiations with Kim Yong-chol, “a senior official who has been point person in deliberations with the United States, South Korea and China”. After the meeting, Pompeo said that the talks were productive and that progress had been made “on almost all of the central issues”. However, North Korean state media criticized the meeting soon after, saying the U.S. had shown a “gangster-like attitude” and calling the demands of the Trump administration “deeply regrettable”. Notwithstanding the stern reports, Pompeo delivered a letter from Kim to Trump, in which the latter expressed his hope for successful implementation of the US-North Korea Joint Statement and reaffirmed his will for improving the relations between the countries.

South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha spoke to Pompeo by telephone on August 25, urging the U.S. and DPRK to continue talks relating to denuclearization and peace on the Korean peninsula, in spite of concerns over the cancellation of the trip by Trump. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono revealed appreciation for Pompeo’s “prompt communication with South Korea, and said Japan would be pleased to cooperate with the U.S. for denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

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Trump Rails Against ‘prosecutorial Misconduct’ After Mar

Donald Trump on Tuesday night spoke to Fox News’s Sean Hannity for an hour-long interview. He revealed he had met Kyle Rittenhouse at Mar-a-Lago and said he should have never been prosecuted. He also weighed in on Sunday’s tragic Christmas parade incident, saying that the driver who rammed his vehicle into the crowd should never have been freed on bail. The former president accused Joe Biden of being ‘weak’ and condemned his policies on energy, on China and on Russia. Trump said that the dossier produced by Christopher Steele had been proven as ‘fake news’ and that outlets that reported on it should issue retractions.…read

Second Usnorth Korean Summit

On October 7, 2018, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Kim met in Pyongyang and agreed to a second U.S.North Korea summit, with South Korea’s presidential office stating that it would take place “as soon as possible.” It is unknown at this time when the second summit will take place. However, Pompeo stated it would happen “soon” and that details have been revealed to South Korean President Moon Jae-In during a meeting in the South Korean capital of Seoul. During the State of the Union Address President Trump announced Vietnam to host the second meeting between the two leaders. According to President Trump, this summit will be held in Vietnam on February 2728, 2019.

On February 8, 2019, President Trump announced that Hanoi will host the summit meeting.

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On Kim Kardashian’s Visit Prison Reform

Trump: Ill tell you what Kim was in. Mrs. Johnson, we got her out. She was very unfairly treated. And there are many other people like that, that

West: Yeah, we have Larry Hoovers lawyer with us today. And its a prisoner that was focused on he has six life sentences, and they have him next to the Unabomber doing 23 and 1. That means

Trump: What did he do? Larry? What happened?

Moore: Why was he in?

Trump Yes, tell me Tell us.

Moore: Allegedly, its for conspiracy from prison from state prison. You know, its alleged. But we do believe even if he did commit those crimes, the sentence was overly broad and too strict.

Trump: What was the sentence?

Moore: Six consecutive life sentences in the most secure prison in the world, also known as a clean version of hell, for basically an economic crime.

West: What prison is that? Name the prison.

Moore: ADX supermax, in Florence, Colorado. They house the Unabomber, al-Qaida operatives, mass killers, Oklahoma City bomber, things of that nature.

Trump: How old is he? How old?

Moore: 68.

Trump: 68 years old?

Moore: Yes, 68 years old.

Historical Evaluations And Public Opinion

The 2020 âEverything Terrible Trump Has Doneâ? Year End ...

C-SPAN‘s 2021 President Historians Survey ranked Trump as the fourth-worst president overall, with Trump being rated the worst in the leadership characteristics of Moral Authority and Administrative Skills. Trump’s best rated leadership characteristic was Public Persuasion, where he ranked 32nd out of the 44 individuals who were previously president.

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Negotiation Process Between Us And Dprk

In August, during the ASEAN Regional Forum 2018, North Korea’s nuclear program was the critical agenda item. ASEAN forum foreign ministers issued a joint statement calling for a “complete denuclearization” which is the same phrase used in the joint statement issued after the summit, and represents a change from last year’s call for a “complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization”. South Korea’s Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha has said that she had “considerable” consultations over the issue of the declaration to a formal end of the 1950-53 Korean war with the Chinese and U.S. foreign ministers. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said “everyone can announce a declaration ending the war if they do not want the war to happen again”. North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said he was alarmed by U.S. insistence on maintaining sanctions until North Korea denuclearizes and what he said was U.S. reluctance to declare a formal end to the Korean War.United States Forces in Korea maintains several nuclear bomber fighters and DPRK is demanding USA safety guarantee for giving up nuclear weapon programs of Pyongyang.

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