Thursday, July 25, 2024

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What Republican Is Running Against Trump

Trump Has Said Hes Not Interested In Debating His Republican Opponents

Trumpâs GOP Rival Challenges SNLâs âTrumpâ? To Debate On The Beat | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Everyone remembers the 2016 Republican primary debates and how entertaining they were. Many Republicans were running for the coveted spot and Trump stood out during the debates. When the candidates were asked to raise their hands if they would support whoever ultimately won the primary, Trump was the only one who didnt raise his hand. And then he kept talking about how he had donated to many of the candidates campaigns in the past.

But it looks like this time around, Trump wont have a chance to debate the candidates running against him for 2020. Trumps 2020 campaign is already going strong, and there are no hints of any plans by the RNC to have debates with his opponents.

The reason why both parties had debates for the primaries in 2016 was because there wasnt an incumbent President running. But this time around, its different for the Republicans. They have an incumbent, so theyre not going to give a lot of attention to Trumps opponents.

Back in September, Trump was asked if he would debate a Republican opponent, NBC reported. Trump responded: I would say this: They are all at less than 1 percent. I guess its a publicity stunt. We just got a little while ago 94 percent popularity or approval within the Republican party. So to be honest, Im not looking to get them any credibility. They have no credibility.

Kansas will also not hold a caucus for Republicans in 2020.

Arizona Republicans also voted to cancel their primary too.

Sen Ted Cruz Of Texas

During his remarks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Road to Majority conference in Florida last month, Cruz said that a conservative revival is coming and hearkened back to the Reagan revolution. It took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan, he said. Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0. Left unsaid, but implied, is that Cruz sees himself as the Reagan 2.0 who will ensure Biden is a one-term president.

Cruz said at that conference that having social conservative or patriotic views can get you canceled, and its time to fight back. He also recited a favorite quote from the late Andrew Breitbart who said politics is downstream from culture, and said the phrase was now outdated. Today, politics is culture, Cruz said, which might help explain why he signaled his support to free Britney Spears from her conservatorship the day after her court testimony.

Cruz has begun making endorsements in other races, including Susan Wright in the runoff for Texas 6th Congressional District later this month, as well as former Rep. Matt Salmon in Arizonas gubernatorial race next year. While Republicans are undoubtedly happy to have Cruzs support, Democrats like it, too, at least in Virginia, where fundraising emails from Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe that mention Cruzs endorsement of his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin bring in big bucks, per the Dallas Morning News.

List Of Registered 2024 Presidential Candidates

The following table lists candidates who filed with the FEC to run for president. Some applicants used pseudonyms candidate names and party affiliations are written as they appeared on the FEC website on the date that they initially filed with the FEC.

Candidates who have filed for the 2024 presidential election

Also Check: Why Does President Trump Lie So Much

No Evidence Election Was Compromised Cybersecurity Agency Says

The dust-up in Wayne County unfolded amid a nationwide effort by Trump and many of his GOP allies to push back on the results of the election. The outgoing president has claimed widespread voting fraud, without evidence, in the several of the states that he lost, including Michigan.

On Wednesday, the president reiterated his claim that a giant scam robbed him of a victory in the state. I win Michigan! .

He and his allies, however, have repeatedly failed to produce evidence supporting their allegations of election fraud.

That failure has spelled trouble in court for his campaign to get the election results overturned. In Michigan, an appeals court on Monday unanimously ruled against a Republican bid to invalidate the vote in Wayne County. The decision backed a lower-court ruling that found the allegations to be simply not credible.

And the legal setbacks for Trump havent been confined to Michigans borders, either. As NPRs Pam Fessler explains, similar efforts challenging the vote in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin have failed to gain traction.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during a news conference Wednesday in Atlanta.

Georgias secretary of state said Tuesday that some fellow Republicans have tried to pressure him into disqualifying legal ballots that may not have favored President Trump.

Failed candidate Doug Collins is a liar but whats new?Raffensperger wrote in a Facebook post.

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List Of Republicans Who Opposed The Donald Trump 2020 Presidential Campaign

Georgias GOP Senate candidates are running against Trump ...
This article is part of a series about

This is a list of Republicans and conservatives who opposed the re-election of incumbent Donald Trump, the 2020 Republican Party nominee for President of the United States. Among them are former Republicans who left the party in 2016 or later due to their opposition to Trump, those who held office as a Republican, Republicans who endorsed a different candidate, and Republican presidential primary election candidates that announced opposition to Trump as the presumptive nominee. Over 70 former senior Republican national security officials and 61 additional senior officials have also signed onto a statement declaring, “We are profoundly concerned about our nation’s security and standing in the world under the leadership of Donald Trump. The President has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term.”

A group of former senior U.S. government officials and conservativesincluding from the Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, and Trump administrations have formed The Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform to, “focus on a return to principles-based governing in the post-Trump era.”

A third group of Republicans, Republican Voters Against Trump was launched in May 2020 has collected over 500 testimonials opposing Donald Trump.

Former President Donald Trump

The biggest question mark for Republicans is if Trump will run for president in 2024. He hasnt exactly frozen the field, since Republicans are already positioning themselves to run, but perhaps hes refrigerated it a bit?

Trump is the 800-pound gorilla, said Dan Eberhart, a Republican donor. Trump has got command of the organs of the party and is going to have an enormous amount of resources and name ID and the ability to throw these rallies in the fall of 2022. I think that sets him up very well to being pole position for 2024 if he wants.

Trump, 74, is currently bettors top candidate on PredictIt, an online prediction market, and hes also led in several early polls, including a February Morning Consult/Politico poll. The poll found 54% of Republican voters would back Trump if the 2024 primary were held today. Those kinds of numbers would mean game over in a primary, but they also suggest many Republicans are eager for a new face.

During a recent podcast interview, Trump said he would make his decision on whether he will run in the 2024 presidential election sometime later, and after being asked which Republicans he thought represented the future of the party, he listed off some of the politicians youll see later on this list, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.

Read Also: What Republicans Are Saying About Trump Now

Us Election 202: Who Are The Likely Republican Candidates To Run For President Against Joe Biden

Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump and Ted Cruz are among the rumoured candidates to become Donald Trumpâs successor

The 2020 presidential race has only just finished, but the Republican candidates for 2024 are already preparing themselves for their shot at the White House.

We take a look at who may be looking to get themselves in to the race.

His Political Career Was Surprising And Brief

Walshs political career has more in common with Trump than he might like to acknowledge: Like Trump, Walsh eked out a surprise victory in his one and only successful race for office, beating incumbent Melissa Bean in 2010 by a few hundred votes.

Though he quickly made himself one of the faces of the tea party opposing Obama, Walsh had a history of changing views, telling the ChicagoTribune during an unsuccessful run for Congress in the 90s: I think Im the kind of Republican who can win because Im open and tolerant. Im not some right-wing conservative. In addition to politics, Walsh, an Illinois native, previously worked as a community college teacher, in finance, as a fundraiser and a researcher, according to the Tribune.

Walshs district was re-drawn after the 2010 census and he was soundly defeated in his re-election bid, after which he reportedly became a radio host.

Sen Toomey Against Trump As Gop 2024 Nominee After ‘unacceptable’ Post

Trump 2020 GOP Challenger: âNo Limitâ To Damage Another Trump Term Could Do | The Last Word | MSNBC

Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania is urging fellow Republicans not to nominate Donald Trump should he announce a bid to be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee, as is expected.

Toomey, who has a long record of voting as a conservative, was speaking to CNBC at Italy’s Ambrosetti Forum on Friday. “I think after what happened post-2020 election, I think the president’s behavior was completely unacceptable,” he said. “So I don’t think he should be the nominee to lead the party in 2024.”

After largely supporting Trump’s agenda, Toomey drew the line at the former president’s behavior following his 2020 election loss and his involvement in the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol.

Toomey became one of seven Republican senators to vote to convict Trump on an impeachment charge of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol. For this departure from the kind of Trump loyalism that had become required of Republicans since 2016, Toomey nearly received formal censure from his party. However, he ended up receiving only a “strong rebuke.”

The Pennsylvania senator was also one of the first high-up members of his party to congratulate President Joe Biden for his win, saying that “Trump should accept the outcome of the election and facilitate the presidential transition process.”

Toomey declined to provide any names of alternative candidates for the Republican nomination, instead insisting there are “many, many” potential candidates who “could do a fantastic job.”

Former Ambassador To The United Nations Nikki Haley

Haley has changed her tone when it comes to Trump. After saying he let us down and lost any sort of political viability he was going to have following Jan. 6, Haley is, at least publicly, a fan again. During her remarks at the Iowa Republican Party dinner on June 24, Haley praised Trump and told a story about him asking if he should call Kim Jong Un little rocket man during his speech at the U.N. Haley said she cautioned him to treat the audience like church instead of a rally, but he went ahead and used the term.

Haley even sounded kind of Trumpian during her speech, telling Republicans they were too nice. We have to be tough about how we fight, she said. We keep getting steamrolled and then whine and complain about it. The days of being nice should be over.

She also didnt shy away from her gender, opening the speech by saying, America needs more strong conservative women leaders and less of Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris, and praising female Iowa Republicans like U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst and Gov. Kim Reynolds. I wear heels, Haley said. Its not for a fashion statement. I use it for kicking. But I always kick with a smile.

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