Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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What Did Trump Say Last Night

Former President Trump Holds Rally In Ohio

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Former President Donald Trump held a rally in Wellington, Ohio, in support of Max Miller and Mike Carey, both Republican candidates to serve in the U.S. House ofread more

Former President Donald Trump held a rally in Wellington, Ohio, in support of Max Miller and Mike Carey, both Republican candidates to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. The former president repeated his previous claims of voter fraud and a rigged 2020 election, stating that he did in fact win the election. In his remarks he also said that the teaching of critical race theory was being forced on the military by woke generals, whom he later referred to as weak and ineffective leaders.close

He Went On A Long Rant About How Jay

Trump is explaining that he worked very hard during the 2016 election, and got big crowds, while Hillary Clinton, conversely, did not have big crowds, unless she had Jay-Z perform, but he used “filthy” language, which made Trump look “clean-cut.”

Daniel Dale May 30, 2018

The president is doing a long rant about how Jay-Z swears in his songs.

Daniel Dale May 30, 2018

The 7 Craziest Things Trump Said Last Night

On Thursday night, a disheveled-looking Donald Trump wandered 40 minutes late to a campaign event in Fort Dodge, Iowa, gave a meandering, 95-minute-long speech to a crowd gathered there, and left the political media wondering if Trump had actually, finally Lost It.

The Washington Posts reporter at the event his speech off, saying that Trump sounded like a man grappling with why he is running for presidentand if its really worth it or not. The Posts report, along with Trumps quotes, were so controversial that, according to Jezebel, several Trump supporters accused the paper of making it up.

But these are real quotes that came from Donald Trumps real mouth, many of them targeted at his favorite punching bags: the media, ISIS, America Not Winning, Democrats, and Republican challenger Ben Carson, who is second in several Iowa polls.

He really went after Carson for what Trump described as pathological behavior, in which he either stabbed his friend or lied about it:

A child molester, theres no cure for that. If youre a child molester, theres no cure. They cant stop you. Pathological? Theres no cure.

He took a knife and he went after a friend! He lunged! He lunged that knife into the stomach of his friend. But, lo and behold, it hit the belt. It hit the belt, and the knife broke. Give me a break.


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When He Lied About The Coronavirus Death Toll In The Us

Since the revelation that Trump allegedly knew and downplayed just how deadly coronavirus was, hes been desperately trying to assert just how good his pandemic response was.

Which apparently means forgetting the actual death toll in the US.

Speaking about locking down the nation, Trump said:

We closed it. We saved millions of lives. If we wouldnt have closed it, we would have been talking 2.5m or 3m, far too much.

Think about it, were at 180,000, other countries are doing terribly.

Did you see the statistics of us compared to other countries, compared to Europe?

We have done an incredible job, we get absolutely no credit for the job weve done.

And I dont want it for myself, I want it for the admirals and the generals and Mike Pence.

The real recorded death toll is 198,520. Bit of a difference. No wonder he doesn’t want the credit for it.

What will the man cook up next?

Instagram Post Wrong On Us Casualties In Afghanistan

Trump said he won but hasnt, and we all saw it coming ...

Eleven American military members were killed in Afghanistan in 2020, including four in combat. But, as the U.S. nears its Aug. 31 deadline for a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan, a social media post falsely claims that there werent any American casualties in Afghanistan in the last year-and-a-half of the Trump administration.

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Congressional Races In 2022 A Key Focus For Republicans

Predicting Republican victories in the 2022 congressional races and in the 2024 presidential race if they follow his agenda Trump’s text repeated a 2020 campaign mantra: “For our party, our movement, and our country, the best is yet to come.”

House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. who has often called for party unity, and took a special trip to Palm Beach two months ago to speak with Trump about the 2022 elections hosted a dinner Friday night at the RNC retreat in Palm Beach.

In his remarks, attendees said, McCarthy talked about another key element in next year’s elections: The drawing of new congressional districts. McCarthy also said Republicans should run against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and that “Retiring Nancy” should be a major campaign theme.

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Planners devoted other Saturday panels to items most Republicans can agree on, including “Big Tech Censorship” and “Growing The Party.”

Party members who attended the retreat, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss private meetings, said GOP members believe they can work out problems between Trump and anti-Trump Republicans. “Our folks still like him,” one Republican said.

The 2024 presidential race is also on the minds of some Republicans.

There’s also Trump, who has said it is too early to decide whether he will run again in 2024.

Iowa National Democrats Criticize State Republicans For Supporting Trump After Jan 6 Riot

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Ross Wilburn criticized Iowa Republicans for supporting Trump after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in January.

“Iowa Republicans have tied themselves to a man who attacked the foundations of our democracy throughout his time in office,” Wilburn said in a statement. “Just nine months ago, he incited a violent mob to attack his own Vice President and threaten the lives of lawmakers who were simply fulfilling their constitutional duty to certify our election.”

A slew of Iowa’s top Republican leaders warmed up the crowd ahead of Trump, including Reynolds, Grassley and U.S. Reps. Ashley Hinson and Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

Reynolds led the crowd in a chant of “U.S.A.” and criticized Biden on his immigration policies, mentioning that she visited the U.S.-Mexico border this week.

“I was just there this week,” she said. “You know whos never been there? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They dont care. They dont care whats happening at the border.”

Vice President Kamala Harris visited the U.S.-Mexico border in June.

Reynolds also mentioned Biden’s COVID-19 response, eliciting boos from the crowd.

“They dont respect you,” she said of Democrats. “They dont respect your faith, your values. They dont think youre capable of making your own decisions and they dont think you should. And this is what America looks like under democratic leadership but Im here to tell you were fighting back.”

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Trump On John Dingell: ‘maybe He’s Looking Up’

Meanwhile, Sen. Lindsey Graham, a top Trump ally, and two House Republicans from Michigan called for the never-penitent president to say he’s sorry. “If he said that I think he should apologize,” Graham told reporters Thursday morning. He said he hadn’t seen the remarks, but “that would be a bad thing to say.” “John Dingell is a fine, fine man,” Graham said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also said “what the president misunderstands is that cruelty is not wit.”

“Just because he gets a laugh for saying the cruel things that he says doesn’t mean he’s funny,” Pelosi said. “It’s not funny at all. It’s very sad.”

Former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday praised John Dingell as “a patriot” on Twitter and said of Trump, “This is equally as cruel as it is pathetic, and it is beyond unconscionable that our President would behave this way.”

John Dingell was an American patriot and a selfless public servant and Debbie Dingell has carried his legacy in the House with grace and dignity. This is equally as cruel as it is pathetic, and it is beyond unconscionable that our President would behave this way.

Joe Biden

Trump ignored questions about his comments in a press availability with reporters in the Oval Office on Thursday.

Trump said he gave Dingell an “A-plus” memorial.

“Maybe he’s looking up, I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe,” Trump said to loud laughs and groans. “But let’s assume he’s looking down.”

Trump Says He’s President Of Law And Order Declares Aggressive Action On Violent Protests

#shorts Donald Trump chops with Atlanta Braves fans before World Series game | 2021 MLB World Series

President Trump said Monday he would deploy the military against protesters if local officials cannot stop violence that has erupted in some areas. “I will fight to protect you I am your president of law and order and an ally of all peaceful protesters,” Mr. Trump said.

While only states can activate the National Guard, Mr. Trump said he would deploy “thousands and thousands” of heavily armed soldiers to Washington D.C. About 200 troops were moved out of Fort Bragg to deploy to the Washington area to be ready on short notice if needed, CBS News’ David Martin reported.

“If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them,” Mr. Trump said. “I am also taking swift and decisive action to protect our great capital, Washington, D.C. What happened in the city last night was a total disgrace. As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults and the wanton destruction of property.”

Democrats quickly denounced the president’s statement.

“These are not the words of a president. They are the words of a dictator,” Democratic Senator Kamala Harris wrote on Twitter.

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Trump Expects To Win The Election According To Expert

Even with so many mail-in ballots not yet tallied including one million alone, just in the swing state of Pennsylvania, according to The Washington Post Trump truly believes that he’s got this election in the bag. “When he talked about fraud and how ‘it’s sad,’ he didn’t show any non-verbal signs consistent with sadness. In fact, his presentation became more controlled and he showed signs of excitement such as wider eyes and open lips,” Hoelscher noted.

At that point in the speech, Trump’s confidence shone through, Hoelscher added. “Given that he immediately committed himself to litigation to stop vote counting, I think Trump feels confident the election is in his control and that he has planned for this scenario,” he said. But could this show of confidence be an act, designed to delight his base? Hoelscher notes the speech lacked spontaneity. “His presentation was too polished to be unpracticed,” he said. “The entire speech was theater, as opposed to a genuine, organic expression. It’s hard to say more than that.”

While those of us watched the election results anxiously, Trump, buffeted by this confidence, instead is enjoying the theater, proposed Hoelscher. “I think he is looking forward to this fight,” he said. “His exit showed energy and confidence.”

This Is What Trump Told Supporters Before Many Stormed Capitol Hill

The president incited those who attended his rally to march to the Capitol.

President Trump speaks at Save America Rally in Washington

Many who participated in the chaos at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday came straight from an event held by President Donald Trump.

Trump’s “Save America Rally” included the president telling supporters to “stop the steal” of the election, urging them to head to the Capitol to demonstrate against Congress certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Among the crowd’s battle cries was, “Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!”

Trump spoke at the event for nearly an hour at the Ellipse, a park near the White House. After he spoke, thousands of attendees, many of them without masks, marched toward Capitol Hill as federal law enforcement vehicles raced to beat them there.

Here’s what Trump said at his rally:

Media will not show the magnitude of this crowd even I when I turned on today, I looked, and I saw thousands of people here, but you don’t see hundreds of thousands of people behind you because they don’t want to show that. We have hundreds of thousands of people here, and I just want them to be recognized by the fake news media. Turn your cameras, please, and show what is really happening out here because these people are not going to take it any longer, they’re not going to take it any longer.

Not going to let it happen.

TRUMP:Thank you.

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Meme Misattributes Quote On Afghanistan To Trump

A viral meme falsely claims that former President Donald Trump suggested that the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was an orchestrated distraction by Democrats. A spokesperson for Trump has denied he made that remark. A very similar statement, not attributed to the former president, previously went viral on Facebook.

‘not Helpful For Us Fighting The Battles In Washington’

Some 21.6 million Americans watched Trump speech on last ...

Trump did not attack any Republicans in the advance text distributed before the speech. Two attendees, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a private event, said Trump described his prepared speech as “boring,” and went off script to attack McConnell and others.

He called McConnell a “stone cold loser,” and drew gasps as he used a vulgarism to describe the Senate GOP leader . He also mocked McConnell’s wife his own former transportation secretary, Elaine Chao who resigned in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection.

As for his vice president, Trump criticized Pence for refusing to hold up the counting of electoral votes in his capacity as president of the U.S. Senate. Pence said he lacked the legal authority to interference with the tabulation of electoral votes of states that elected Biden.

The president also repeated his unfounded claims of election fraud, accusations that have been rejected by judges, election officials and some Republican leaders. McConnell and others have said Trump’s false allegations helped trigger the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Aides to McConnell and Pence did not comment on Trump’s speech. Other Republicans denounced the former president’s rhetoric, saying it hurts the party as it tries to deal with the Biden administration and the coming elections.

Trump’s speech also targeted what he called “woke corporations,” including Major League Baseball for its decision to pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta because of new voting laws in Georgia.

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