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How To Support Donald Trump

Trump Investigated For Russia Relations

Why do people support Donald Trump?

After Trump fired FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from investigations into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special counsel to investigate. Mueller resigned in 2019 after saying the investigation was over.

William Barr, the attorney general appointed by Trump to replace Sessions, claimed that the investigation, which on many points was inconclusive, had exonerated Trump. Trump called the whole affair a witch hunt.

This investigation, which has resulted in a number of pleas and indictments of members of the Trump team, as well as of Russian foreign agents, continued into the new year, as did independent congressional investigations. Some of Trumps congressional supporters introduced resolutions for the impeachment of Rosenstein. Rosenstein resigned in May 2019.

The President received considerable criticism for meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with Russian President Vladimir Putin without another American official other than a translator in the room. Some members of Congress had called for the translator to testify about the content of the conversations.

How Rational Ignorance Shapes Our Politics

To understand why so many voted to re-elect Trump after four years of historic political turmoil featuring a failed pandemic response, a devastating economic shock and a crisis in racial justice its necessary to understand the forces that propelled him to victory in 2016.

In recent publications, Berkeley scholars have suggested that Trump won with an unconventional coalition of white working class and middle-class Americans who were motivated by resentment: The culture and economy gave them no recognition and no respect for their work. Their industries were changing, their jobs were shifting overseas or lost to automation. They perceive that Black, Latinx and Asian people, and immigrants, are advancing at their expense.

Trump supporters massed for a rally in Washington, D.C., days after Democrat Joe Biden emerged as the winner of the U.S. presidential race.

But some Berkeley scholars suggested that for many voters, support for Trump or any leader is a more passive choice that takes shape in a subrational sphere.

Gabriel Lenz, an expert in political psychology, is the author of Follow the Leader? How Voters Respond to Politicians Performance and Policies . He sees political opinion shaped by a force that is almost prosaic: an apathetic lack of awareness.

Gabriel Lenz, UC Berkeley political scientist

Lenz and other political scientists call it rational ignorance.

Politics And Policies During Presidency

As president, Trump has pursued sizable income tax cuts, deregulation, increased military spending, rollbacks of federal health-care protections, and the appointment of conservative judges consistent with conservative ” rel=”nofollow”> Republican Party) policies. However, his anti-globalization policies of trade protectionism cross party lines. In foreign affairs he has described himself as a nationalist. Trump has said that he is “totally flexible on very, very many issues.”

Trump’s signature issue is immigration, especially illegal immigration, and in particular building or expanding a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

In his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump promised significant infrastructure investment and protection for entitlements for the elderly, typically considered liberal ” rel=”nofollow”> Democratic Party) policies. In October 2016, Trump’s campaign posted fourteen categories of policy proposals on his website, which have been since removed. During October 2016, Trump outlined a series of steps for his first 100 days in office.

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Political Positions Of Donald Trump

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The political positions of Donald Trump , the 45th president of the United States, have frequentlychanged. Trump is primarily a populist and nationalist.

Republicans Supporting Donald Trump In The 2016 Presidential Election

Talk in G.O.P. Turns to a Stop Donald Trump Campaign
Elected officials’ positions on Donald Trump
Federal:Republicans and their declared positions on Donald Trump Republicans supporting Donald Trump Republicans opposing Donald Trump
State and local:

This page tracked Republican lawmakers who openly declared their support for Trump during the 2016 presidential election.

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New Concerns Over American Democracy

Throughout his tenure, Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of democratic institutions, from the free press to the federal judiciary and the electoral process itself. In surveys conducted between 2016 and 2019, more than half of Americans said Trump had little or no respect for the nations democratic institutions and traditions, though these views, too, split sharply along partisan lines.

The 2020 election brought concerns about democracy into much starker relief. Even before the election, Trump had cast doubt on the security of mail-in voting and refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the event that he lost. When he did lose, he refused to publicly concede defeat, his campaign and allies filed dozens of unsuccessful lawsuits to challenge the results and Trump personally pressured state government officials to retroactively tilt the outcome in his favor.

Most Americans placed at least some blame on Trump for the riot at the Capitol, including 52% who said he bore a lot of responsibility for it. Again, however, partisans views differed widely: 81% of Democrats said Trump bore a lot of responsibility, compared with just 18% of Republicans.

Despite Drift Toward Authoritarianism Trump Voters Stay Loyal Why

Despite his authoritarian tendencies, President Donald Trumps supporters have stayed with him because of a complex interplay of economic, cultural and racial factors, resulting in a fierce, almost cult-like loyalty, said scholars at the University of California, Berkeley.

More than a month has passed since the fiercely contested U.S. presidential election, and the nations institutions are moving day-by-day toward acceptance of the outcome that made Democrat Joe Biden the winner over incumbent Republican Donald Trump. But Trump is neither conceding nor moving on and, it appears, the same is true for millions of his supporters.

The numbers, presumably, dont lie: Results certified by officials from both parties show Biden defeated Trump by more than 7 million votes. Since the polls closed, however, Trump has blitzed the nation with unproven claims that he was robbed of victory by widespread fraud, and today only 15% of his 74.1 million voters say Bidens win is legitimate.

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Donald J. Trump

Some suggested that generations of creeping economic insecurity have inspired deep anger, compelling many voters in the white middle and working classes to embrace Trump, flaws and all, because he challenges the American status quo.

Adam Jadhav, Ph.D. student in geography

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Results From The Trump Values Similarity Test Provide The Answer

Posted July 22, 2016

On September 17th of 2015, just two months after he announced his candidacy for President of the United States, I wrote this post describing Donald Trumps personality. In that post I noted that people tend to vote for leaders in their own image and thus, the personality of Mr. Trump also highlights the characteristics of those who will likely support and vote for him. In March of 2016, as Trumps march toward nomination continued, I followed up with this post describing his values. In this follow up I stated we like people who share our values and are drawn towards them. As such, it should be no surprise that many of Mr. Trumps supporters will also share the values listed above.

Fast forward to July 18th 2016, US Todays feature article headlined #TrumpNation: Supporters see themselves in Republican nominee and further noted In Trump, some see themselves and Others see themselves as they wish they were.

Thus, according to both USA Today and myself, Trumps supporters should share common characteristics and values. Are we right? Do Trump supporters share values that are similar to Mr. Trump?

What attitudes do Trump supporters endorse?

The Table below presents the bi-variate correlations between those attitudes most and least endorsed by Trump supporters .

Do people who match Trumps values actually support Trump?

Can I predict your attitude toward Mr. Trump from your own values?


The Psychology Of Trump Supporters

How Trump And Sanders Respond To Putins Help | The Last Word | MSNBC

Some of the explanations come from a 2017 review paper published in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology by the psychologist and UC Santa Cruz professor Thomas Pettigrew. Others have been put forth as far back as 2016, by me, in various articles and blog posts for publications like Psychology Today. A number of these were inspired by insights from psychologists like Sheldon Solomon, who laid the groundwork for the influential Terror Management Theory, and David Dunning, who did the same for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

This list will begin with the more benign reasons for Trumps intransigent support. As the list goes on, the explanations become increasingly worrisome, and toward the end, border on the pathological. It should be strongly emphasized that not all Trump supporters are racist, mentally vulnerable, or fundamentally bad people. It can be detrimental to society when those with degrees and platforms try to demonize their political opponents or paint them as mentally ill when they are not. That being said, it is just as harmful to pretend that there are not clear psychological and neural factors that underlie much of Trump supporters unbridled allegiance.

The psychological phenomena described below mostly pertain to those supporters who would follow Trump off a cliff. These are the people who will stand by his side no matter what scandals come to light, or what sort of evidence for immoral and illegal behavior surfaces.

1. Practicality Trumps Morality

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Election And The Attack On The Capitol Building

The Republicans renominated Trump for president, and Joe Biden, Obamas former vice-president, emerged from a wide field to be the Democratic nominee. Biden selected as his running mate Senator Kamala Harris of California, whose mother was from India and whose father was African- American.

As the election approached, COVID-19, a virus that originated in China, began infecting an increasing number of Americans and taking an increasing number of lives. Trump downplayed the deaths, claiming that the virus would disappear. He refused to wear face masks and did not insist that supporters do so at his campaign rallies even after he was briefly hospitalized with the disease.

Largely as a result of the pandemic, many states liberalized voting so that more people could cast mail-in ballots rather than physically go to a polling place. Trump charged that this would lead to voting fraud.

Many states decided to count mail-in ballots after they finished counting votes cast in person on election day. Trump, who had urged his own supporters to vote in person on election day, was shown with an early lead as vote-counting began. This lead evaporated as more votes were counted. Although the election was held on Tuesday, it was not until that Friday that news outlets were comfortable in reporting that Biden had won both the popular vote and the majority of the Electoral College.

Donald Trump Is Not Just The Leader But The Embodiment Of An Angry Brand Of Right

Edward Keenantimer

WASHINGTONHe haunts them still.

These words which echo the famous ones about Pierre Elliott Trudeaus lingering effect on Canadian politics long after he left office aptly describe former president Donald Trumps ongoing hold on the U.S.

Hearings into his supporters Jan. 6 efforts to keep him in office are underway on prime-time TV, every midterm primary election result is interpreted as a referendum on his enduring influence, he continues to pack venues for his rallies and to lap the field in polling for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Maybe haunt is the wrong word. Midway through 2022, Trump dominates U.S. politics. Still.

He is not just the leader, but the embodiment of an angry brand of right-wing politics that exists in its own media and ideological world. Wrestling with it is the defining national issue of this era of American politics. And it may soon be a defining issue for Canadians, too.

Sometimes it can seem that is changing.

Late last month, at an airport just outside of Atlanta, Trumps former vice-president, Mike Pence, spoke at a rally in support of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. This was a direct repudiation of the former president: Trump had made defeating Kemp one of his main missions this year, and Trump appeared on a telephone rally opposing Kemp on the same night.

Could an exorcism be at hand?

Eh, maybe not.

They, a majority of Republican voters, believe he has done no wrong. And make no mistake, they still back him.

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Trump Picked This Fight: Why Heavyweight Republicans No Longer Fear Trump

Bold-face GOP names have never been so comfortable crossing Trump as in recent weeks.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp pose for a photo with a supporter after a Get Out the Vote Rally, on the eve of gubernatorial and other primaries in the state. | Brynn Anderson/AP Photo

05/26/2022 04:30 AM EDT

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Theyre weary of the incessant conflicts. The inability to get past the 2020 election results. An endorsement strategy seemingly driven by a bruised and restless ego, rather than the partys best interests.

Channeling growing fatigue among rank-and-file Republicans, some of the GOPs best-known heavyweights are increasingly defying former President Donald Trump in the wake of internecine conflicts from Georgia to Pennsylvania.

Bold-face Republican names have never been so comfortable crossing Trump as in recent weeks. Former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Mike Pence, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie were among those lending aid and comfort to one of Trumps top enemies, Gov. Brian Kemp, in Georgias Tuesday primary.

Trump Named Three Supreme Court Justices

Why do Americans support Trump? Because their society is polarised ...

Although Republicans had a majority in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, Trumps administration had a rocky start. Although he succeeded in getting Neil Gorsuch confirmed as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court , efforts to repeal Obamacare did not succeed. Controversy over both the presidents actions and tweets took attention and energy away from his plans for major improvements in Americas infrastructure and tax reform, though tax changes eventually were implemented by Congress in December 2017.

Trump was given another opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court justice when Justice Anthony Kennedy, who had often cast a decisive swing vote in close cases, announced his retirement. Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh a former Kennedy clerk who served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Considered much more conservative than Kennedy, Kavanaugh was confirmed on Oct. 6, 2018, after highly contentious Senate Judiciary Committee hearings.

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