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When Will Trump Sign Bill

What Did Biden Say

President Trump Expected To Sign COVID Relief Bill, President-Elect Biden Says More Funding Needed

In a strongly worded statement published on the transition website on Saturday, Mr Biden described Mr Trump’s refusal to sign the bill as an “abdication of responsibility”.

“It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,” Mr Biden said.

He praised the example of members of Congress in compromising and reaching a bipartisan agreement, adding: “President Trump should join them, and make sure millions of Americans can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads in this holiday season.”

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Although the aid package totals nearly half a trillion dollars, both parties have been referring to it as “interim” legislation meant to bridge the gap between the $2 trillion CARES Act and the next expansive round of coronavirus legislation.

Despite some points of disagreement and moments of gridlock, Congress has now managed to pass four bipartisan coronavirus bills in the past few weeks, moving at an unprecedented pace. But there are warning signs that such cooperation could be coming to an end.

Democrats have said that funding for state and local governments is a top priority for them in the next bill and they hope to pass it quickly.

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., signaled that he wants to pump the brakes on spending bills, raising concerns about the national debt and throwing cold water on Democrats insistence for additional state funding.

Lets weigh this very carefully because the future of our country in terms of the amount of debt that were adding up is a matter of genuine concern, McConnell told reporters this week after the Senate passed the interim bill.

McConnell also said on The Hugh Hewitt Show this week that he was not ready to just send a blank check down to states and local governments to spend any way they choose to, adding that he would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route.

McConnells comments drew immediate criticism from Democrats, including New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Trump Vetoes The Bill

Trump rejects the bill that passed overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives and Senate. This would present Congress with two options: 1. Round up the two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate to override Trumps veto before the bill expires, and then it automatically becomes law.

2. Sustain the presidents veto, a scenario likely if enough Republicans abandon the legislation, despite their earlier votes for passage. The bill is killed.

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President Trump Pushes $2000 Checks: Give Our People The Money

On Thursday, the bill was sent from Washington to Florida, where Trump is spending the holidays at his Palm Beach resort. It remains unclear whether Trump will sign it.

The government is funded through Monday. Failure to sign the bill before then could lead to a shutdown and would delay the much-needed coronavirus relief.

Trump Signs Stimulus Bill Freeing Aid And Avoiding Government Shutdown

Trump signs bill easing post

Trump demanded that the $600 in direct payments to Americans who earned less than $75,000 in the previous tax year be increased to $2,000, despite opposition from his fellow Republicans.

The signing delay resulted in some unemployment benefits’ expiring over the weekend.

“I am relieved the President has signed our bipartisan relief bill. I hope these emergency benefits can be quickly distributed to keep Americans fed & housed and our small businesses operating,” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., tweeted.

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., told MSNBC on Monday that Trump’s delay “added a layer of terrible angst during the holiday season for people who are facing eviction, people who are unemployed, people who are worried about putting food on the table,” as well as “people who are looking forward to the vaccination, and there’s lots of money in this bill for the distribution and administration of the vaccine.”

“To threaten all of that while he’s playing golf in his resort in Florida is really playing, as I said, Russian roulette with American lives,” Connolly said.

Some top Republican allies praised Trump for taking action and fighting for changes in the legislation, despite the lack of results.

“Paycheck Protection is renewed. Thousands of small businesses will be able to keep doors open and workers paid. Thank you, Mr. President, for putting people over politics,” tweeted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

“Well done Mr. President!” Graham tweeted.

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Members Of Congress To Trump: Sign Stimulus Bill

“The danger is hell be remembered for chaos and misery and erratic behavior if he allows this to expire, one Republican senator says.

12/27/2020 04:34 PM EST

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A bipartisan group of lawmakers on Sunday urged President Donald Trump to sign the bill funding the government and providing economic relief to a nation still reeling from the deadly coronavirus.

After months of inaction, Congress last week passed a $900 billion relief package and a $1.4 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September. The stimulus package included $600 direct payments to individuals and families, enhanced unemployment benefits, small business aid and funding for distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.

The fate of that bill, however, is up in the air after Trump trashed the legislation and called for $2,000 stimulus checks. Unemployment benefits for millions of Americans expired Saturday, and the federal government is poised to shut down Monday unless Trump signs the bill. Should the president veto the bill, the House and Senate which both passed the legislation by overwhelming margins could override the veto.

You dont get everything you want, even if youre the president of the United States, Sen. Pat Toomey said on Fox News Sunday.

Toomey, who isnt seeking reelection in 2022, said Trump should sign the legislation and then make his case to Congress for larger stimulus checks.

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Kamala Harris Campaigns For Ossoff Warnock In Georgia

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris campaigned Monday in Georgia for two Democratic Senate candidates whose races will determine control of the chamber.

She campaigned for Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Raphael Warnock, who are challenging Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelley Loeffler, respectively. The Senate now has 50 Republican senators and 48 members who caucus with Democrats. If both challengers win, Harris could break Senate ties in favor of Bidens priorities.

Harris recited President-elect Joe Bidens priorities for expanding Medicare and Medicaid, tripling Title I funding for schools and providing assistance to first-time homebuyers.

Everything is at stake, Harris said.

Warnock had said earlier that the Democrats would better provide health care and distribute the vaccine for COVID-19 before rebuilding the country with an infrastructure program.

Weve got to get the vaccine distributed safely and efficiently, Warnock said. Weve got to make sure that communities of color and other marginalized communities dont find themselves at the back of the line.

A small group of protesters assembled outside the event, with several carrying signs. Kamala is a socialist, a sign said.

Georgia has reliably supported Republicans statewide for decades, but Biden beat President Donald Trump this year. Harris had planned two campaign events Monday, but had to return to Washington to vote on the COVID-19 stimulus package and federal spending legislation.

Bart Jansen

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Factbox: Now What Happens To The $892 Billion Covid Aid Bill Here Are Three Options

3 Min Read

WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trumps surprise opposition to emergency coronavirus aid and annual government funding passed by Congress has left Americans and global financial markets wondering whether Washington will iron out its differences or descend into chaos in the coming days.

Trump has not yet said whether he will veto the $892 billion for COVID-19 relief that is coupled with $1.4 trillion to fund an array of federal agencies through next September.

Heres how this standoff could play out:

Biden A Profane President Particularly Fond Of Dropping F

Why did Trump take so long to sign the COVID-19 bill? | DW News

President Trump on Sunday signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill that includes $600 stimulus checks for most Americans, after refusing to accept the deal for days.

The nearly 5,600-page bill passed the House and Senate by overwhelming margins Monday night, just hours after its text was released.

Trump signed it several days after saying the legislation was a disgrace and calling on Congress to up the relief payments to $2,000 and scale back spending.

In a statement Sunday night, the president said he would ask for millions of dollars in spending to be removed from the bill.

I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed, Trump said.

While the president insisted he would send Congress a redlined version with items to be removed under the rescission process, those are merely suggestions to Congress. The bill, as signed, would not necessarily be changed.

The bill authorizes direct checks of $600 for people earning up to $75,000 per year. The amount decreases for higher earners, and people who make over $95,000 get nothing.

Theres an additional $600-per-child stimulus payment.

In his statement, Trump said Congress on Monday would vote on a separate bill to increase payments to individuals from $600 to $2,000.

Therefore, a family of four would receive $5,200, the president said about the increase, which would require Republican approval.

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Trump Signs Covid Relief Bill

President Donald Trump signed a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package Sunday, after objecting to the bill in an unusual video message he posted to social media last week in which he called it a “disgrace.”

“I am signing this bill to restore unemployment benefits, stop evictions, provide rental assistance, add money for PPP, return our airline workers back to work, add substantially more money for vaccine distribution, and much more,” Trump said in a statement from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump was under mounting bipartisan criticism for stalling on the bill to voice his objections to what he characterized as wasteful provisions and $600 direct payments he thought should be increased to $2,000.

In his statement, Trump said along with his signature he would include a “strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed.”

“I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill,” Trump said.

William Cummings

Trump Sidesteps Congress On Coronavirus Relief Actions

President Trump signed four actions on coronavirus relief Saturday after Congress negotiations stalled. Its unclear what authority he has to do so, and the orders are likely to be challenged in the courts.

By Maggie Haberman, Emily Cochrane and Jim Tankersley

President Trump took executive action on Saturday to circumvent Congress and try to extend an array of federal pandemic relief, resorting to a legally dubious set of edicts whose impact was unclear, as negotiations over an economic recovery package appeared on the brink of collapse.

It was not clear what authority Mr. Trump had to act on his own on the measures or what immediate effect, if any, they would have, given that Congress controls federal spending. But his decision to sign the measures billed as a federal eviction ban, a payroll tax suspension, and relief for student borrowers and $400 a week for the unemployed reflected the failure of two weeks of talks between White House officials and top congressional Democrats to strike a deal on a broad relief plan as crucial benefits have expired with no resolution in sight.

Weve had it, he added, repeatedly referring to his directives as bills, a term reserved for legislation passed by Congress. He accused the Democrats of holding up negotiations with demands for provisions that appeared to have little to do with the pandemic, though he made little mention of comparable items in the $1 trillion proposal Republicans unveiled last month.

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Donald Trump Signs Covid

Move comes after Republicans voiced anger over the delay, which resulted in millions of Americans losing unemployment aid

Donald Trump has abruptly signed a $900 billion Covid-19 relief and spending bill, ending days of drama over his refusal to accept the bipartisan deal that will deliver long-sought cash to businesses and individuals and avert a federal government shutdown.

Without the legislation, the government would have shut down on Tuesday and millions of Americans would have lost eviction protections and unemployment benefits. His delay in signing the bill has already allowed crucial unemployment aid programs to lapse.

Trump blindsided members of both parties and upended months of negotiations when he demanded last week that the package already passed by the House and Senate by large margins and believed to have Trumps support be revised to include larger relief checks and scaled-back spending.

But on Sunday night, while vacationing in Florida, Trump released a statement saying he had signed the bill, and it was his responsibility to protect the people of our country from the economic devastation and hardship caused by the coronavirus.

Trump had received the bill last Thursday and his decision to delay signing it allowed unemployment benefits for millions of Americans to expire. The lapsed benefits will not restart until the first week of January.

Trump Signs Coronavirus Aid Bill As Tensions Rise Over Next One

Trump signs historic $2.2 trillion stimulus bill amid ...

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump signed a nearly $500 billion interim coronavirus bill into law Friday that includes additional money for the small-business loan program, as well as more funding for hospitals and testing.

Trump was joined in the Oval Office for the bill signing by Republican lawmakers and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who has been a key White House negotiator with Congress in coronavirus aid legislation. During the ceremony, Trump walked back his comments from the day before that people could get an injection of a disinfectant that kills the coronavirus, telling reporters that he was being sarcastic.

Trump also threatened to hold up the next round of coronavirus legislation if the U.S. Postal Service does not raise its rates. Democrats have been arguing for money to be included for the USPS in the emergency funding bills.

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Biden Decries Trump’s ‘abdication Of Responsibility’ By Not Signing Covid Relief Bill

President-elect Joe Biden sharply criticized President Donald Trumps refusal to sign the bipartisan stimulus bill addressing the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, calling it an “abdication of responsibility” with “devastating consequences” in a statement on Saturday.

“It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families dont know if theyll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trumps refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,” Biden said.

As Trump’s criticisms have thrown the future of the relief bill in doubt, temporary unemployment benefits approved in response to the pandemic expired at midnight Saturday.

Biden blasted Trump for allowing the benefits to lapse.

“This abdication of responsibility has devastating consequences. Today, about 10 million Americans will lose unemployment insurance benefits,” Biden said. “In just a few days, government funding will expire, putting vital services and paychecks for military personnel at risk. In less than a week, a moratorium on evictions expires, putting millions at risk of being forced from their homes over the holidays.”

Trump has insisted the bill should increase direct payments to taxpayers from $600 to $2,000 and that it should remove what he says is spending unrelated to pandemic relief.

Sarah Elbeshbishi

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