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Fact Sheet: The American Rescue Plan: Reduces Health Care Costs Expands Access To Insurance Coverage And Addresses Health Care Disparities

15 times Trump promised to enact a health care plan

The Biden-Harris Administration is reducing health care costs, expanding access to coverage, and ensuring nearly everyone who buys their own individual or family health insurance through a Marketplace can receive a tax credit to reduce their premiums. The American Rescue Plan not only provides the resources for America to beat this pandemic, but it also expands access to health insurance coverage, lowers costs, and ensures that health care truly is a right for all Americans.

  • Its Working: After the Biden-Harris Administration made available a Special Enrollment Period through the Federal Marketplace from February 15 to May 15 for people who needed health care coverage during the pandemic, more than 200,000 people signed up for Marketplace coverage through in the first two weeks – a three-fold year over year increase. Now following the passage of the ARP more than 14.9 million Americans who currently lack health insurance and many current enrollees will receive additional financial support to find the coverage that best meets their needs at a price they can afford.

The American Rescue Plan:

Reduces the cost of health care coverage for 9 million consumers currently receiving financial assistance by ensuring consumers eligible for premium tax credits have at least a couple plans to choose from that wont cost more than 8.5% of their household income on their Marketplace plan premium per year.


The Trump Administration Doesn’t Care If You’re Uninsured And Have Covid

Senior Reporter, HuffPost

President Donald Trump and his administration have a message for uninsured Americans who fear the cost of treatment for COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus: We dont care.

On Tuesday, Politico reported that the federal government will not reopen health insurance enrollment on the federal exchange that serves the residents of 38 states. Peculiarly, those places are mostly GOP-leaning states that declined to create their own health insurance exchanges and that Trump won in the 2016 presidential election.

By contrast, the health insurance exchanges operated by California, Colorado, Connecticut, , Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington state and the District of Columbia are allowing uninsured people to and apply for financial assistance.

The negative consequences of this active refusal to offer help to vulnerable Americans are obvious.

The people living in the 38 states that use and those in Idaho, which hasnt reactivated its state-run exchange will likely remain uninsured, leaving them potentially exposed to tens of thousands of dollars in costs if they get sick from the novel coronavirus and need medical treatment.

No one benefits from not allowing these millions of Americans to get health coverage in the midst of a pandemic that has practically shut down the nation. There is no upside to the Trump administrations decision.

Trumpcare Was Met With Political Resistance

Trumpcare was scheduled to be voted on by the House in March of 2017, but the bill was pulled at the last minute due to Republican fears that it would not get enough votes to pass.

After making some changes to the bill, it was brought before the House in early May of 2017, and it passed by a count of 217-213, with 20 Republicans voting against it. No Democrats voted for the bill.

The Senate declined to vote on the bill as it was and instead formed the aforementioned panel to make changes.

Trumpcare also received opposition from a number of organizations including AARP, the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Hospital Association, among others.

Opposition of Trumpcare was spurred in part by a report released by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office , which estimated that the number of uninsured people under the age of 65 would nearly double by 2026.2

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Healthcare Reform News Update For January 9 2018

HHS Nominee Gets Pushback From Pro-ACA Group

As Health and Human Services secretary nominee Alex Azar begins his confirmation hearing today, pro-Affordable Care Act group Protect Our Care has released a digital ad urging senators to oppose his nomination.

âPresident Trump and Republicans in Congress are in search of a new leader for their war effort to captain their repeal and sabotage campaign, and in a former pharmaceutical executive they have found their man,â the ad states.

Despite opposition from the group and several Democratic lawmakers, Azarâs appointment to the position is expected to be confirmed.

HHS Sued by Insurer for Failure to Reimburse CSR Payments

Nonprofit insurer Maine Community Health Options has filed suit against the Trump administration for its failure to pay cost-sharing reduction reimbursements of $5.6 million last year.

In October, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that stopped the payments.

In its lawsuit, MCHO says that the failure to provide the CSR payments violated an Affordable Care Act contract between HHS and insurers.

The Cost Of Trumpcare

Donald Trump

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget did a review of Trumps healthcare plan. The following article shows a breakdown of costs: MEASURING TRUMPS HEALTHCARE PLAN. The result is a cost of roughly $550 billion over ten years under conventional scoring and about $330 billion with dynamic scoring .

Note that this analysis does not include Mr. Trumps call to negotiate aggressively for Medicare drugs, a policy that is not listed on his website. He has previously claimed that $300 billion a year could be saved through negotiation, a claim we rated as false because Medicare will only spend an average of $111 billion each year on prescription drugs. Based on previous estimates by CBO, actual savings would likely be small or negligible.

NOTE: The plan assumes a full repeal of ObamaCare before replacing it. While this is possible given Trumps statements, it isnt necessarily what we would get from the future President Trump.

NOTE: Like him or hate him, Trump has mentioned some critical health policies like expanding Medicaid and debating drug costs for Medicare. These didnt make it into the Trump plan as written, but it would be a mistake to overlook the benefits of strategies like debating drug prices for Medicare.

10-Year Estimates of Healthcare Reform to Make America Great Again
$550 billion

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Biden Leads Trump In Hypothetical Rematch: Poll

President Biden would defeat former President Trump if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday.

Biden holds a 6-point lead over Trump in a hypothetical rematch, with 50 percent of registered voters saying they would probably or definitely vote for Biden and 44 percent saying the same of Trump.

This is up from March, when Biden and Trump were tied in the hypothetical rematch, with each receiving 45 percent support.

Biden and the White House have said he intends to run for reelection in 2024. Trump has not made an official announcement but has repeatedly teased another run.

Biden has seen a bump in popularity after a series of political successes last month, including the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the announcement of some federal student loan debt forgiveness.

In the Aug. 17-25 Wall Street Journal poll, which interviewed 1,313 registered voters nationwide, 45 percent said they approved of Bidens performance as president, a 3-point bump from March.

A new Quinnipiac University poll similarly showed a 9-point spike in Bidens approval rating, jumping from 31 percent in July to 40 percent in August.

Despite the bump in job approval ratings, a majority of Democrats in Massachusetts said they think Biden should not seek a second term, according to another new poll.

Healthcare Reform News Update For April 13 2018

Poll: Slim Majority Favors a Single-Payer Government Program

A new Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll shows that 51 percent of Americans are in favor of the government creating a single-payer national health plan.

Democrats are more strongly in favor of a single-payer program, with 74 percent supporting it, compared to nearly 20 percent of Republicans. A majority of Independents support the program, with 54 percent saying they favor the program.

This latest poll mirrors a similar one last year that showed a 53 percent majority supporting a single-payer program.

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Healthcare Reform News Update For March 12 2019

Trumpâs Budget Proposal Slashes Spending for Medicaid and other HHS Programs

The White House proposed a $4.7 trillion budget for 2020 on Monday. Included in the budget request is a 12 percent cut to Health and Human Services funding.

The âBudget for a Better Americaâ proposal endorses repealing the Affordable Care Act and converting the lawâs funding into state block grants. The proposal also calls for a ban on exchange plans that do not require customer to pay a premium.

The new budget would cut Medicaid funding by almost $1.5 trillion over nine years and repeal the ACAâs expansion of the program. Medicare spending would be reduced by roughly $845 billion over 10 years.

The presidentâs budget is expected to be rejected by Congress.

News Update For January 5 2017

President Trump signs executive order on Medicare

Republicans Divided Over Obamacare Repeal-and-Replace

Battle Over Obamacare Leads to a War of Words

Democrats Warn the GOP About the âPottery Barn Ruleâ

According to this Washington Post article, the âPottery Barn ruleâ is: âYou break it, you own it.â And Democrats are saying thatâs exactly what Republicans will be faced with. Schumer said at a news conference, âTheyâre going to own it and all the problems in the health-care system.â Schumer argued that Republican alternatives to health care will be practically impossible to implement because their plans require a major source of funding that would likely require approval votes from Democrats. Senator John Cornyn , who is the 2nd ranking leader of the GOP, in response to Schumerâs comments, said, âI understand his political argument. Heâs praying and hoping for failure, which means heâs praying and hoping for more pain on the part of the American people. I would hope they would get past that and would agree to work with us, because a long-term, sustainable replacement for Obamacare is going to need to be done on a bipartisan, consensus-building basis.â

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Healthcare Reform News Update For July 21 2017

GOP Plans a Healthcare Vote for Tuesday

Republican senators are pushing for a Tuesday vote on a healthcare reform bill. However, itâs not clear which legislation senators will be voting on or if Republicans have the necessary votes to move a bill forward.

  • The American Health Care Act was passed by the House.
  • The Better Care Reconciliation Act, created by the Senate, was originally introduced June 22.
  • The first revision, introduced July 13, included the Cruz Amendment, additional funding for opioid treatment, and other small changes.
  • The second revision was introduced July 20. The Cruz Amendment was removed, some Obamacare taxes remained, and other small changes were made.
  • The Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act, a repeal-only bill, has also been introduced by the Senate.
  • Even if Republicans can get enough votes to proceed, it isnât clear which of the bills above will be presented. Also, Senator John McCain , who was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this week, is still recovering from surgery, lowering the GOPâs already slim majority in the Senate. However, Rand Paul said Thursday he will vote yes to proceed with the House-passed bill, but he has stipulations. He told reporters, âIf they want my vote, they have to at least agree that weâre going to at least have a vote on clean repeal.â

    CBO Analysis: 22 Million Would Lose Coverage Under Latest Healthcare Bill

  • Increase the number of uninsured people by 22 million in 2026
  • Trump Signs Order To Undermine Obamacare Insurance Rules

    President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an order that could rattle the Affordable Care Acts private insurance markets by allowing a proliferation of cheaper, less comprehensive plans that would undermine rules about who and what insurers must cover.

    The changes represent a step toward repeal of Obamacare, something Trump and Republicans have unsuccessfully attempted to do through legislation. Were starting that process, Trump said at a signing ceremony in the Oval Office, adding that he still expects legislation to pass at some point. Today is only the beginning.

    The order will primarily affect small businesses and people who buy private coverage on their own, rather than through employers. It could lead the kind of transformation that, according to experts, GOP repeal bills would unleash if one of them were to become law.

    In particular, the new, less regulated insurance plans could provide an attractive alternative to consumers who dont expect to have large medical bills and who are frustrated with the high premiums they pay for policies today. At the same time, comprehensive coverage could become harder and eventually even impossible to find, especially for people with pre-existing conditions.

    But some parts of the order are likely to take effect more quickly. Perhaps the most consequential of those is a decision to end a rule that limited short-term insurance plans to no more than three months.

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    News Update For April 26 2017

    Healthcare Reform Discussions Ongoing After April Recess

    The deadline for passing a government spending bill, and avoiding a shutdown, is Friday. While nothing has been fully agreed upon or scheduled, here is a short update of whatâs happening with healthcare reform:

    Healthcare Reform News Update For March 2 2018

    Trump Signs Health Care Executive Order at North Carolina Campaign Stop

    California Could Lose 18% of ACA Marketplace Enrollees Next Year

    Without the Affordable Care Actâs individual mandate, 18 percent of California residents with Covered California marketplace health plans could drop their coverage, according to a new survey by Harvard Medical School researchers.

    Without a penalty for being uninsured, healthier residents are more likely to go without coverage. The loss of these enrollees could raise premiums by 12 to 16 percent next year.

    âWhile California would continue to have a stable individual market, and we have the reserves and flexibility to adjust for this impact, the impacts would be real and significant for Californiaâs consumers,â said Peter Lee, Covered Californiaâs executive director.

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    Healthcare Reform News Update For May 14 2018

    Up to 10% of ACA Enrollees Could Switch to Association Health Plans

    Enrollment in Affordable Care Act plans could drop anywhere from 3 to 10 percent due to people switching to less-expensive association health plans , according to a new study released Friday by The Actuary magazine.

    The study analyzed two scenarios based on how association plans could be implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor. In both scenarios, the analysis showed that:

    • healthier people are more likely to switch to association health plans.
    • the cost of ACA premiums would rise as a result.

    The first scenario projects a 3 percent drop in ACA enrollment if self-employed individuals are allowed to opt in to AHPs. In this instance, enrollees would be subject to strict verification requirements and could not be excluded due to health status.

    The second scenario projects a 10 percent drop in ACA enrollment if self-employed AHP enrollees could be excluded based on health status and the regulations preempt some state regulatory authority.

    Healthcare Reform News Update For April 13 2020

    CMS: Insurers Must Provide Free COVID-19 Antibody Tests

    Insurance companies are required to provide antibody tests for the coronavirus to policyholders with no out-of-pocket costs, according to new guidance released by the Trump administration on Saturday.

    The free antibody tests will be used to detect those with immunity against the virus and help determine how many Americans were infected with the virus but experienced little or no symptoms.

    Health experts believe that extensive antibody testing is integral to easing social distancing protocols and will enable employees to go back to their workplaces faster.

    Itâs not clear whether uninsured Americans will be eligible for free antibody tests.

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    Healthcare Reform News Update For March 3 2020

    Supreme Court Will Hear ACA Appeal

    The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will take up a case against the Affordable Care Act brought about by Republican attorneys general. The case argues that the repeal of the individual mandate invalidates the entire law.

    The decision marks the third time that the Supreme Court will hear a challenge to the ACA. The justices upheld the law in two previous cases.

    The justices did not specify a timeline, but they will likely hear the case this fall with a decision expected in 2021.

    News Update For March 13 2017

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    What Is the âObamacare Nightmare Scenario?â

    Axios and researchers at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation have developed some findings that show what would happen to coverage availability if various insurance companies decided to exit the individual insurance exchanges for 2018. The findings estimate how many people would be left either without coverage or with only one insurance company as an option for coverage if certain insurance companies were to opt out. The departure of Anthem, for instance, would result in around 250,000 people having no option for coverage through the Obamacare exchanges. Over 550,000 consumers would have only one option for insurance. Compounding this ânightmare scenarioâ is the fact that each time an insurance company leaves the exchanges âit raises the stakes for the next carrier to leave,â says Katherine Hempstead of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

    Speaker Paul Ryan Interviewed on Obamacare Repeal

    Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was interviewed on CBSâs âFace the Nationâ on Sunday. Here are some highlights:

    New Bill Proposed by House Republicans Would Help Employers Find Out How Healthy Their Employees Are

    How Will the AHCA Cover People with Pre-Existing Conditions?

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