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How Are Trump’s Ratings

As Death Toll Mounts Trump Brags That His Tv Ratings Are As Big As ‘the Bachelor’

Trump’s approval ratings on the rise

President Donald Trump continued to display an unnervingly tone-deaf perspective on the mounting coronavirus threat in the U.S. by bragging about his TV ratings in not one but five tweets Sunday.

The former star of reality program The Apprentice boasted that the ratings of his news conferences are as high as the finale of The Bachelor and Monday Night Football. That drives the Lamestream Media … CRAZY, he wrote. Then, like a commercial for an upcoming TV show, Trump added: See you at 5:00 P.M.! referring to Sundays press briefing.

Because the Ratings of my News Conferences etc. are so high, Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers according to the , the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. Trump is reaching too many people, we must stop him. said one lunatic. See you at 5:00 P.M.!

Donald J. Trump

President Trump is a ratings hit. Since reviving the daily White House briefing Mr. Trump and his coronavirus updates have attracted an average audience of 8.5 million on cable news, roughly the viewership of the season finale of The Bachelor. Numbers are continuing to rise…

Donald J. Trump

…On Monday, nearly 12.2 million people watched Mr. Trumps briefing on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, according to Nielsen Monday Night Football numbers. Millions more are watching on ABC, CBS, NBC and online streaming sites, and the audience is expanding. On Monday, Fox News…

Donald J. Trump

George Conway

Donald Trump’s Approval Ratings Flounders Amid Jan 6 Revelations

Donald Trump has faced a dip in his popularity according to a Fox News poll taken after the first January 6 hearing.

The opinion poll was conducted between June 10 and June 13, according to a Fox News report. This is days after the first January 6 hearing that was held on June 9.

The poll, which also highlighted that President Joe Biden has seen his popularity fall, showed the fluctuation in the former president’s popularity.

According to the poll, 55 percent of registered voters asked have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, compared to 44 percent holding a favorable opinion.

The poll also highlighted data taken from previous polls of the former president.

In February, 54 percent of registered voters held an unfavorable opinion of Trump, this is compared to 45 percent favorable. In December 2021, Trump received the same percentage of favorable and unfavorable votes.

According to the poll, the last time Trump held such a small favorable opinion vote of 44 percent was in late October 2020. In this poll, 55 percent of participants held an unfavorable opinion of him.

In June 2018, 45 percent of Fox News poll participants held a favorable opinion of Trump while 53 percent held an unfavorable opinion.

Newsweek has contacted Donald Trump‘s office for comment.

The first January 6 hearing, which was televised during prime time, was able to focus on Trump and his role, if any, in the January 6 Capitol riot.

Yet He’s Still In Political Danger

Still, most polls show his ratings slightly underwater, with the Real Clear Politics average showing two per cent more disapprove of his leadership than approve.

The other bad news for Trump involves the general election. He’s beaten his likely opponent, Joe Biden, just one time in 24 head-to-head national polls listed on the site this year.

Of course, U.S. elections are fought state by state. What the swing states show is a close race, with some challenges for the incumbent.

Trump has been a bit behind in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and a bit ahead in Florida. There’s less data from Ohio, and it’s mixed. An additional challenge for Trump is, entering this crisis, he was trailing Biden in the Republican-leaning states of Arizona and North Carolina.

There is another important point to be made, since any talk of U.S. presidential polling inevitably draws complaints that pollsters got it wrong in 2016, and Trump himself habitually claims his true support is much higher than published figures.

It’s this: the national polls were not wrong in 2016.

In fact, they were close to bang-on. The Real Clear Politics average missed the 2016 result by one percentage point. Same for Florida, and to a lesser extent in Pennsylvania.

But they were wrong where it mattered most in 2016: at the state level, in Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. Surveys in those key states were way off.

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Polls Put Trumps Approval Rating Lower

Despite the recent decline in Biden’s approval, Trump’s ratings were lower during his time in office.

“Biden’s approval rating has clearly taken a turn for the worse in the past several weeks, but he is still faring better than Trump at this point in their presidencies,” Burden said. “Trump had one of the lowest and steadiest approval ratings of any modern president.”

FiveThirtyEight put the polling average for Trump’s approval rating at 38.8% on Sept. 9, 2017, his first year in office. The lowest point of his term came on Dec. 16, 2017, with an average approval rate of 36.4%.

This claim is also wrong looking only at the YouGov poll.

YouGov reported Trumps approval rating never increased far above 40% and reached a term low of 34% in a poll conducted Nov. 10-14, 2017.

In other words, Trump’s low is well below Biden’s current level in YouGov polling.

According to Gallup, Trumps approval rating ranged between 34% and 49% over the course of his presidency. Trump hit the lower end of that range in January, following the insurrection at the Capitol.

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Fun Facts  Donald Trump 2016

Americans tend to view presidents more favorably in retrospect than they do while in office, Gallup polling has shown.

In addition to leaving office, another factor has kept Trump from a continuous spotlight: Social media giants Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have all banned the former president from posting on their platforms, a decision they enacted shortly after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in January. The companies have argued the move is necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous misinformation, though its raised questions about free speech and censorship on social media.

Trump has remained an active guest on conservative platforms, and he briefly posted thoughts to a personal blog. But stripped of his Twitter account and the White House megaphone, hes largely receded from mainstream attention.

Selzer said none of that appears to be hurting Trumps favorability numbers in Iowa.

It doesnt seem to be a case of out of sight out of mind, she said. Maybe its a little bit more of absence makes the heart grow fonder.

In a December 2018 Iowa Poll of registered Republicans, only 19% of respondents said they thought posting potentially inflammatory messages on Twitter on a regular basis was a good move for Trump. Far more 72% said doing so was a mistake.

Karen Moon, a 32-year-old Indianola resident and poll respondent, said she was never a fan of Trumps public persona.

She would definitely vote for him if he ran again for president, Moon said.

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United States Presidential Approval Rating

In the United States, presidential job approval ratings were first conducted by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president of the United States during their term. An approval rating is a percentage determined by polling which indicates the percentage of respondents to an opinion poll who approve of a particular person or program. Typically, an approval rating is given to a politician based on responses to a poll in which a sample of people are asked whether they approve or disapprove of that particular political figure. A question might ask: Do you approve or disapprove of the way that the current president is handling their job as president?

Like most surveys that measure opinions, individual poll results may be inaccurate. Many unscientific approval rating systems exist that show inaccurate statistics. Examples that self select, such as online questions are of this type however, the aggregate approval rating is generally accepted by statisticians as a statistically valid indicator of the comparative changes in the popular United States mood regarding a president.

Approval Ratings By State

Approval ratings vary greatly by state and can indicate how a state will vote in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election. Since his inauguration in January 2017, President Trumps net approval has decreased in every state. President Trumps approval rating is decreasing in important states that he won in his 2016 election, including swing states and states that are consistently Republican in every election. The three key states Trump had in his 2016 election are Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, all of which currently have approval ratings under 50%.

Below are each states approval ratings for President Trump as of February 2020. Data is from a poll by the Morning Consult.

  • Net approval since Trump took office has decreased by 22 percentage points

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Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks Below Donald Trump’s

President Joe Biden‘s latest approval rating for May 2022 is lower than former President Donald Trump‘s rating for May 2018, showing that the latter was more highly regarded by the public at the same points in their presidencies.

Comparing May 20, 2018, to May 20, 2022, Trump’s lead over Biden was not by much, according to the data shared by FiveThirtyEight. Biden scored an approval rating of 40.7 percent, while Trump scored 42.4 percent, a lead of less than 2 percentage points.

The FiveThirtyEight data considers several different polls and takes into account the quality, recency, sample size and partisan tendencies of each one.

In recent months, the Biden administration has been plagued by criticisms over issues like rising inflation, border policies and a nationwide baby formula shortage that is leaving many American families in fear or despair. A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research released Friday showed that Biden’s approval rating dipped to 39 percent, the lowest of his presidency, signaling trouble for the Democratic Party ahead of the coming midterm elections.

Despite the negative implications for his approval on Friday, Biden touted what he said were record-low state unemployment rates. He said in a statement that combatting inflation is his “top priority,” but also pointed to job creation as an indicator of economic recovery.

Trump’s Just Mad Cassidy Hutchinson Got Such Good Ratings

Trump’s approval rating drops 6 points in new poll l ABCNews

WASHINGTON More than 13 million Americans tuned in to watch bombshell testimony from a former White House aide this week, making the Jan. 6 committees latest hearing its second-most-viewed thus far.L.A. Times

A worried Trump gave an interview to Newsmax yesterday to attack Cassidy Hutchinson, calling her testimony to the Jan. 6th committee “absolutely crazy.”

“This committee is, a lot of people say, illegally formed,” Trump said.

“When you look at what they’re doing, and you look at what they’re saying, what they’re doing to the country, the good news is, a lot of people aren’t watching. A lot of people aren’t listening to it, but they’re trying to do real harm.”

“This lady, yesterday is there something wrong with her?” Trump said. “She said I jumped from a car, I started strangling a Secret Service agent? I grabbed the steering wheel of a car? Said I wanted guns at my rally? I didn’t want guns. I have to speak, too.”

It was the usual rambling word salad.

“I was going down to Florida with a group of people. A great group of people, patriots, her name was thrown out there and they said, ‘Keep away from her.’ They said bad things about her.”

Sure they did.

“She’s making up stories, one after another, and the craziest of all was that I tried to commandeer a car with Secret Service agents, telling them to take us down to the Capitol. It was totally false, that a person can get away with it.”

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Trump Will Leave Office With His Lowest Approval Rating Ever

By Annie Karni

Throughout four years of scandals and investigations, President Trump has maintained an approval rating that rarely budged from a 10-point band between 35 and 45 percent. Nothing he could say, do or tweet appeared to dramatically change public opinion of him.

But the events of Jan. 6 when a violent mob of Trump supporters incited by the president stormed the Capitol appear to have damaged him in his final days in office in a way that finally moved the needle.

Mr. Trump is set to depart office on Wednesday with an approval rating of 29 percent, the lowest of his presidency, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center.

About 75 percent of the public said Mr. Trump bore some responsibility for the violence and destruction of Jan. 6, which put the lives of the vice president and members of Congress at risk and resulted in five deaths, according to the survey.

And his behavior since the election a period during which he has repeatedly tried to contest his loss, relied on conspiracy theorists for advice, encouraged supporters who do not view President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. as legitimate, and refused to concede has cost Mr. Trump support even with those individuals who have loyally supported him up until now.

According to Pew, the share of his supporters who described his conduct as poor has doubled, to 20 percent from 10 percent, over the past two months.

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Ballotpedias Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

Policy positions

Weeks covered: 69

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedias polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedias polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new presidents term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Bidens overall approval average at this point in his term is 47.1%, 6.5 percentage points higher than President Trumps average of 40.7% at this point in his term.
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