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When Was Donald Trump Elected

Why An Army Of Gop Poll Watchers Are Descending On Detroit

Donald Trump elected president

Wednesday 1 June 2022 23:10 , John Bowden

GOP operatives are determined to swamp Democratic-leaning precincts across key swing state Michigan with GOP-aligned poll watchers, poll challengers and election workers, according to statements given by those involved to Politico.

ts going to be an army, one GOP operative declared at a training session, according to video obtained by Politico. Were going to have more lawyers than weve ever recruited, because lets be honest, thats where its going to be fought, right?

Read more from John Bowden:

Herschel Walker Pushes Back Idea Trump Drafted Him For Senate Run

Wednesday 1 June 2022 12:00 , Gino Spocchia

The NFL legend and Republican Senate nominee running to oust Democrat senator Raphael Warnock in this years midterms has denied claims Donald Trump asked him to run.

President Trump never asked me, said Mr Walker when asked about his run for the Senate this week. He said he heard those claims on television but were not true.

So, Im mad at him because he never asked, Mr Walker said of his frustration with the former president taking credit. But hes taking credit that he asked.

The former NFL player was speaking to Atlanta rapper Killer Mike, one half of the musical duo Run the Jewels, when he commented on the rumours, as Eric Garcia reports:

Us Senate Campaign In Delaware

In 1972, Biden defeated Republican incumbent J. Caleb Boggs to become the junior U.S. senator from Delaware. He was the only Democrat willing to challenge Boggs. With minimal campaign funds, he was given no chance of winning. Family members managed and staffed the campaign, which relied on meeting voters face-to-face and hand-distributing position papers, an approach made feasible by Delaware’s small size. He received help from the AFLCIO and Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell. His platform focused on the environment, withdrawal from Vietnam, civil rights, mass transit, equitable taxation, health care, and public dissatisfaction with “politics as usual”. A few months before the election, Biden trailed Boggs by almost thirty percentage points, but his energy, attractive young family, and ability to connect with voters’ emotions worked to his advantage, and he won with 50.5 percent of the vote. At the time of his election, he was still 29 years old, but reached the constitutionally required age of 30 before he was sworn in as Senator.

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Did Donald Trump Ride A Tide Of Anti

Jo Gill believes a history of American anti-feminist sentiment can explain how Hillary Clinton was defeated in the US Presidential election.

  • For many US voters, the election of President Donald Trump is a worrying step backwards. But for many others, his rise to power is an exciting opportunity for national renewal.

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  • Writing before the result of the US election was known, Tim Oliver explains why President Trump might mean tough times for the US/UK ‘special relationship’

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  • An hour ago, the US networks called the election for Donald Trump. University College Dublin’s Liam Kennedy shares a personal view of what might happen next.

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  • Trump And The Media Had Troubled Relationship

    Trumps speech light on energy specifics. Heres the lowdown behind ...

    Trump was frequently parodied, especially by comedy and late-night television programs such as “Saturday Night Live.” In June 2017, comedian Kathy Griffin crossed the line of good taste when she held up what appeared to be a severed head of the president. Although her right to do so was unquestioned under the First Amendment, CNN ended its agreement with her to host its New Years Eve broadcast and several venues canceled her tour dates.

    On July 25, 2018, White House officials Bill Shine and Sarah Sanders, barred CNN’s Kaitlin Collins, that days pool reporter for all the networks, from a presidential event in the Rose Garden. Collins had shouted a question and apparently offended Trump as he was meeting with the president of the European Commission. Other members of the press, including Fox News that was usually friendly to Trump, protested the action against the reporter, which some associated with dictatorial regimes.

    In January 2020, President Trump praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for doing a good job on National Public Radio reporter Mary Louise Kelly after she reported that Pompeo shut down an interview with her. Pompeo had stopped the interview, then shouted and cursed at her, after she had asked about his support for State Department personnel. Pompeo subsequently removed another NPR reporter from a list of reporters allowed on his flight to Eastern Europe, an action that the State Department Correspondents Association condemned.

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    Donald Trump’s Victory Speech

    Donald J. Trump addressed supporters in New York early Wednesday after he was elected president in a stunning upset against Hillary Clinton.

    By Matt Flegenheimer and Michael Barbaro

    Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday in a stunning culmination of an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign that took relentless aim at the institutions and long-held ideals of American democracy.

    The surprise outcome, defying late polls that showed Hillary Clinton with a modest but persistent edge, threatened convulsions throughout the country and the world, where skeptics had watched with alarm as Mr. Trumps unvarnished overtures to disillusioned voters took hold.

    The triumph for Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience, was a powerful rejection of the establishment forces that had assembled against him, from the world of business to government, and the consensus they had forged on everything from trade to immigration.

    The results amounted to a repudiation, not only of Mrs. Clinton, but of President Obama, whose legacy is suddenly imperiled. And it was a decisive demonstration of power by a largely overlooked coalition of mostly blue-collar white and working-class voters who felt that the promise of the United States had slipped their grasp amid decades of globalization and multiculturalism.

    That, he added, is so important to me.

    Presented By The John Seigenthaler Chair Of Excellence In First Amendment Studies

    In this May 16, 2018, file photo, President Donald Trump listens to a question in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Trump was the 45th president of the United States, elected in 2016 after one of the most unconventional campaigns in U.S. history. Trump has championed First Amendment religious freedoms while being accused of religious discrimination for a travel ban aimed at Muslim countries. Image of Trump at a New Hampshire Town Hall on August 19, 2015.

    Billionaire businessman Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of the United States. He was elected in 2016 after one of the most unconventional and populist campaigns in U.S. history.

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    Potential Conflicts Of Interest

    Trump’s presidency has been marked by significant public concern about conflict of interest stemming from his diverse business ventures. In the lead up to his inauguration, Trump promised to remove himself from the day-to-day operations of his businesses. Trump placed his sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. at the head of his businesses claiming they would not communicate with him regarding his interests. However, critics noted that this would not prevent him from having input into his businesses and knowing how to benefit himself, and Trump continued to receive quarterly updates on his businesses. As his presidency progressed, he failed to take steps or show interest in further distancing himself from his business interests resulting in numerous potential conflicts. Ethics experts found Trump’s plan to address conflicts of interest between his position as president and his private business interests to be entirely inadequate. Unlike every other president in the last 40 years, Trump did not put his business interests in a blind trust or equivalent arrangement “to cleanly sever himself from his business interests”. In January 2018, a year into his presidency, Trump owned stakes in hundreds of businesses.

    Trump Attacked Establishment News Media

    Voters react to Donald Trump elected president in historic election

    It is doubtful that any national candidate since President Nixons vice president, Spiro Agnew, has been more negative toward the established media than Trump.

    He frequently called members of the media dishonest and singled them out for ridicule at his rallies. He called the press the enemy of the people and often bypassed the media by refusing to be interviewed. He instead preferred to reach his followers directly through tweets, many of which were outrageous but nonetheless captured public attention and news media coverage.

    Trump initially hired a number of people from the alt-right movement, including Steve Bannon of Breitbart News, to be in his inner circle. He and his defenders often accused the media of manufacturing fake news.

    Trump has faced criticism for his attacks on the news media. Arizona Senator Jeff Flake gave a speech on the Senate floor on Jan. 17, 2018, in which he said that Trump’s characterization of the press as the enemy of the people echoed the words of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.

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    House To Consider Bill On Assault Weapons Ban Says Pelosi

    07:33 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

    White House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said next week she will bring forward legislation to ban military-style assault weapons in the wake of the Texas school mass shooting.

    Ms Pelosi said, we will be having a hearing and marking up the assault weapon ban as soon as the House addresses several pieces of legislation.

    Earlier speaking at a rally against gun violence in San Francisco, Ms Pelosi said, We just are trying to hit it in every possible way, to try and curb mass shootings.

    Of course we want the Senate to pass the background check legislation, which will save more lives than any of the initiatives we have, she was quoted by CNN as saying.

    Abortion Sex Education And Stem Cell Research

    Pence is an , and his unwavering support of abortion restrictions has gained him the support of grassroots conservative activists. He began seeking to defund in 2007 and in three congressional sessions, he introduced legislation to block organizations that provide abortion services from receiving any funding, even for services not related to reproductive health or ., president of the , has praised Pence as a “pro-life trailblazer”.

    Pence has criticized . In 2002, he criticized a speech by then-secretary of state , who had said it was “important for young people … to protect themselves from the possibility of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease” through the use of . Pence called Powell’s comments a “sad day” and expressed his support for . He asserted that “condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases” and that Powell was “maybe inadvertently misleading millions of young people and endangering lives” despite the CDC assessment that when properly used they offer effective protection against STDs.

    Pence opposed President Obama’s executive order eliminating , saying, “I believe it is morally wrong to create human life to destroy it for research … I believe it is morally wrong to take the tax dollars of millions of pro-life Americans.” He asserted that “scientific breakthroughs have rendered embryonic stem-cell research obsolete.”

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    He Was A Great Girlboss: Kellyanne Conway Mocked For Cbs Interview Moment

    01:11 , John Bowden

    Donald Trumps former campaign adviser is facing mockery online for referring to her ex-boss as a great girlboss during an interview with CBS Mornings this week after Mr Trump publicly denounced her for a previous statement she made about him losing the 2020 election.

    Everyone who enables this pathetic monster’s book tour is a moron, one Twitter user wrote.

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    Misogyny And Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

    Watch President

    Trump has a history of insulting and belittling women when speaking to media and on social media. He made lewd comments, demeaned women’s looks, and called them names, such as ‘dog’, ‘crazed, ‘crying lowlife’, ‘face of a pig’, or ‘horseface’.

    In October 2016, two days before the second presidential debate, a 2005 “hot mic” recording surfaced in which Trump is heard bragging about kissing and groping women without their consent, saying “when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab ’em by the pussy.” The incident’s widespread media exposure led to Trump’s first public apology during the campaign and caused outrage across the political spectrum.

    At least twenty-six women, including his first wife, have publicly accused Trump of sexual misconduct. There were allegations of rape, violence, being kissed and groped without consent, looking under women’s skirts, and walking in on naked pageant contestants. In 2016, he denied all accusations, calling them “false smears” and alleging a conspiracy against him and the American people.

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    Trump Jr Boasts Johnny Depp Win Is End To Rabid Feminist Metoo Movement

    05:06 , Alisha Rahaman Sarkar

    The eldest son of former president Donald Trump is celebrating Wednesdays verdict in the highly publicised defamation lawsuit between actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, in which Mr Depp won $15m in damages.

    Believe all women… except Amber Heard, wrote Donald Trump Jr, on social media.

    The former presidents son said he hoped the defamation verdict against the terrible actress would end the effective rabid feminist notion that all men are guilty before being proven innocent that weve seen as of late.

    Josh Marcus has more.

    Its Time To Confront The Trump

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    Trumps Foreign Policy Moments

    Donald J. Trumps presidency marked a profound departure from U.S. leadership in areas such as trade and diplomacy, as well as an across-the-board toughening of immigration policies.

    In his inaugural address, President Donald J. Trump announces an America First approach to foreign policy and trade, which centers on reducing U.S. trade deficits and rebalancing burden sharing within alliances. Trump promises to unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism and emphasizes that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

    Trump directs the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a twelve-country, Asia-focused trade agreement the United States had championed under the Barack Obama administration.

    The president signs an executive order banning nationals of six Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the United States for ninety days. The order, later amended to include an additional two countries, also indefinitely freezes refugee intake from Syria. Days later, a federal judge in Washington State blocks part of the order, beginning a series of judicial challenges. That same week, Trump signs two other executive orders concerning immigration. One directs federal funds to the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the other bars so-called sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

    Washington Post

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