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Is President Trump Talking Tonight

Trump Approval Rating By State 2021

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The presidential job approval ratings in the U.S. were introduced in the late 1930s by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president during their term. Approval ratings are determined by polling given to a sample of people.

Like most surveys, poll results may be inaccurate due to samples that self-select. However, statisticians generally accept the approval rating as a factual indicator of the peoples feelings about the president.

As of April 2020, President Trumps approval rate is 46.0% and his disapproval is at 49.6%.

Polling Average Put Bidens Approval Rating Higher Than 39%

Experts say approval ratings should be calculated by looking at an average between polls not a single poll. On the day the claim was made, the polling average for Bidens approval rating was 45.2%.

The best practice to look at multiple polls and not to fixate on an individual poll, which can be cherry-picked to make inaccurate arguments,Barry Burden, director of the Elections Research Center and professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said in an email.

The website FiveThirtyEight rates how different polls vary in terms of accuracy and statistical bias. It calculates approval ratings for presidents based on a weighted average that takes into account poll quality and uncertainty.

According to that polling average, Bidens approval rate was 45.2% on the day the claim was posted.

The Facebook post appeared to refer to an Economist/YouGov poll conducted Sept. 4-7. It reported 39% of American adults approved of Biden. YouGov noted this was the first time the majority of Americans disapproved of Biden during his presidency.

However, Burden told USA TODAY this poll was unusually low.

Rnc Convention Streaming Info: How To Watch Republican Convention Live Online

The 2020 Republican National Convention will stream live on the RNCs official website, via their , , and pages, or on Twitch. You can also watch the RNC live on your computer or mobile device via Amazon Prime Video .

For more information on how to watch the 2020 Republican National Convention live, check out our handy guide.

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Former President Trump Addresses Cpac

Former President Donald Trump made his first public speech since leaving office at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference read more

Former President Donald Trump made his first public speech since leaving office at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida. He criticized President Biden, talked about the 2020 election, and indicated he had not ruled out running for president in 2024. close

President Trump To Address American People Tonight About Border Wall


WASHINGTON President Donald Trump will argue to the nation Tuesday night that a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border requires the long and invulnerable wall hes demanding before ending a partial government shutdown that has hundreds of thousands of federal workers fearing missed paychecks on Friday.

Trumps first Oval Office speech will be followed by a Thursday visit to the southern border to highlight his demand for a barrier. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted that he will meet with those on the front lines of the national security and humanitarian crisis.

The administration is also at least talking about the idea of declaring a national emergency to allow Trump to move forward on the wall without Congress approving the $5.6 billion he wants. Vice President Mike Pence said again Tuesday that the idea of making such a declaration remains on the table.

Such a move would certainly draw legal challenges, and Trump who told lawmakers he would be willing to keep the government closed for months or even years has said he would like to continue negotiations for now.

The passion you hear from President Trump, his determination to take this case to the American people, as he will tonight in his national broadcast from the Oval Office, comes from this presidents deep desire to do his job to protect the American people, Pence said Tuesday on ABCs Good Morning America.

Pelosi and Schumer called for equal time to respond to Trump.

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Even If It Were True 94 Percent Republican Approval Would Not Be A Record

Its not the case that Trumps approval rating among Republicans is 94 percent, but even if it were, it wouldnt be the record he claims.

As Politifact detailed in June, when Trump claimed during a news conference with then-British Prime Minister Theresa May that I have a 90 to 94 percent approval rating, as of this morning, in the Republican Party an all-time record, he was discounting George W. Bushs GOP approval rating in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, which hit 99 percent. In fact, Trumps Republican approval rating during his first 30 months in office lagged behind not just George W. Bush, but George H.W. Bush as well.

So Trumps claim is a lie about a lie. But that sort of thing is par for the course for him.

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Voxs German Lopez is here to guide you through the Biden administrations burst of policymaking. .

As for Trump, Bidens 42.9 percent approval rating right now is only slightly higher than Trumps 42 percent on the eve of the 2018 midterms, when Republicans lost 40 House seats.

The one potential silver lining for Biden is that the trajectory of Trumps numbers shows that some improvement in the second year is possible, albeit rare. Trumps approval rating hit its lowest point in 2017 but improved by about 5 points over 2018, which likely helped him avoid an even worse midterm defeat. It is possible that if conditions in the country improve, Bidens numbers could rebound.

Of course, things could also get worse.

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Where Can I Watch Donald Trumps Cpac 2021 Speech Live Today

CPAC 2021 will be live streamed on the events website under the Watch Live tab. Viewers will likely be able to watch Donald Trumps speech today live on cable news networks including Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN, however the best way to catch full general sessions and breakout discussions is on the CPAC website.

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Tucker Carlson Tonight 11/10/21 | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP November 10, 2021

Only one president, Grover Cleveland, has ever lost a re-election bid and come back to reclaim the White House. In modern times, one-term presidents have worried more about rehabilitating their legacies by taking on nonpartisan causes Democrat Jimmy Carter by building housing for the poor and George H.W. Bush by raising money for disaster aid, for example than about trying to shape national elections. But Trump retains a hold on the Republican electorate that is hard to overstate, and he has no intention of relinquishing it.

“There’s a reason why they’re called ‘Trump voters,'” Miller said. “They either don’t normally vote or don’t normally vote for Republicans.”

Trump lost the popular vote by more than 7 million last year and the Electoral College by the same 306-232 result by which he had won four years earlier but he got more votes than any other Republican nominee in history. And it would have taken fewer than 44,000 votes, spread across swing states Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, to reverse the outcome.

Republicans, including Trump allies, say it’s too early to know what he will do, or what the political landscape will look like, in four years. A busload of Republican hopefuls are taking similar strides to position themselves. They include former Vice President Mike Pence, who is speaking to New Hampshire Republicans on Thursday, an event that the Concord Monitor called the kickoff of the 2024 race.

That’s basically what Trump is doing.

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Trump To Address Nation Tonight At 9pm On Newsmax And Oann

According to the Marshall Report, President Trump will be addressing America at 9 pm ET tonight. The subject? Im not sure, but there is a reference to evidence of something and a picture of laptops seized from members of congress by the National Guard.

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I honestly have no idea if this is legit, but I felt like it was a bold enough move to be the real deal.

We have every right to be suspicious. Weve been promised things for years, and no one important has been charged or tried for crimes despite years of investigation. To borrow a phrase from Peter Strzok, theres no there there.

Is there, some there-there?

He plans to address the American people at 9:00pm Eastern Time tonight. He asks that you tune in to hear the EVIDENCE that the mainstream media has been hiding and not reporting!!!

Well, the Left is frantically trying to find a way to kick him out of office before the 20th of January. Thats a huge red flag to me.

They tried to get the joint chiefs to turn on him, and that failed. They seem to agree that he is the commander in chief until the end of his term. So, what do they know, and are they prepared to break this open?

Will it matter?

Mr. Trump knows the legacy media will not cover it or will break away the moment the Democrats appear to look bad, so theres no point in hoping for any unbiased coverage there. But is there anything to cover?

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Trump Blames Biden For Most Embarrassing And Humiliating Period In Us History

  • Trump blasted Biden over his decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan
  • The withdrawal comes after the U.S. signed a deal with the Taliban in 2020
  • Trump is set to release a book covering the four years of his term as president

Former President Donald Trump on Sunday blasted President Joe Biden over a string of catastrophic events that occurred since he took over the White House in January.

During an interview on Life, Liberty & Levin hosted by Mark Levin, the former head of state slammed Bidens decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan as embarrassing. He also claimed nobody talked about the soldiers who were injured in the Kabul bombing in October.

Trump also blasted Biden over high gas prices and the immigration crisis at the southern border, saying the U.S. became a dumping ground for other countries.

It was an amazing four years. We did so much in terms of foreign policy, in terms of our nation, Trump told Levin during the interview.

And you look at the economy, you look at the horror show of what happened with the bad withdrawal. I think its the most embarrassing and humiliating period in the history of our country.

Trumps remarks over the Afghanistan withdrawal come nearly two months after Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of the United States Central Command, in September said a deal between Trump and the Taliban in 2020 led to the collapse of the Afghan government.

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Iowa National Democrats Criticize State Republicans For Supporting Trump After Jan 6 Riot

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Ross Wilburn criticized Iowa Republicans for supporting Trump after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in January.

“Iowa Republicans have tied themselves to a man who attacked the foundations of our democracy throughout his time in office,” Wilburn said in a statement. “Just nine months ago, he incited a violent mob to attack his own Vice President and threaten the lives of lawmakers who were simply fulfilling their constitutional duty to certify our election.”

A slew of Iowa’s top Republican leaders warmed up the crowd ahead of Trump, including Reynolds, Grassley and U.S. Reps. Ashley Hinson and Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

Reynolds led the crowd in a chant of “U.S.A.” and criticized Biden on his immigration policies, mentioning that she visited the U.S.-Mexico border this week.

“I was just there this week,” she said. “You know whos never been there? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They dont care. They dont care whats happening at the border.”

Vice President Kamala Harris visited the U.S.-Mexico border in June.

Reynolds also mentioned Biden’s COVID-19 response, eliciting boos from the crowd.

“They dont respect you,” she said of Democrats. “They dont respect your faith, your values. They dont think youre capable of making your own decisions and they dont think you should. And this is what America looks like under democratic leadership but Im here to tell you were fighting back.”

Trump Hints At 2024 Ambitions If Hints Are $90 Million In The Bank And Two Advisers From Iowa

President Trump Speaking in Fargo Tonight

Although Trump talked briefly about electing Republicans to Congress next year, his speech sounded more like that of a candidate seeking another run at the presidency in 2024.

We will quickly complete the border wall and we will end illegal immigration once and for all, he said, running through a list of promises. We will have to start it all over again it would have been so much better if we had an honest election, but well be able to do it again.

At one point, he speculated about Stacey Abrams, a former Georgia gubernatorial candidate, running for president.

Lets run against Stacey Abrams, Id like that, he said.

Trump has left open the door to trying to reclaim the White House, though he hasnt made any official declarations. According to the Washington Post, Trump was eager to announce his 2024 candidacy in August as the American withdrawal from Afghanistan turned chaotic. Advisers talked him out of it with how a formally declared candidacy introduces new rules about fundraising and media appearances, according to the Post.

Trump never left the political arena, even as he boarded Marine One to leave the White House shortly before Bidens inauguration in January. He had already launched a political action committee, dubbed Save America, soon after it was clear Biden won the electoral college in November.

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Republican Approval Doesnt Matter As Much As Trump Seems To Think It Does

According to Gallups latest numbers, a mere 27 percent of Americans currently identify as Republicans, compared to 29 percent who identify as Democrats and 40 percent who identify as Independents.

So while Trumps approval rating among Republicans is no doubt strong, it doesnt necessarily mean a whole lot especially when compared to his broader approval rating, which is mired in the low 40s, and his bleak numbers in hypothetical matchups against the 2020 Democratic frontrunners.

But Trumps falsehoods about his Republican approval rating do say something about the ease and shamelessness with which he lies. The president is not only willing to cherry-pick polls to portray himself as more popular than he really is, but in this case hes apparently willing to pluck numbers out of thin air.

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