Saturday, July 27, 2024

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What The Fuck Is Wrong With Trump

Defense Attorney Explains How Much Jail Time Bannon Could Get If Convicted

Pundits finally admitting they were wrong about Trump?

Washington In an expletive-laced phone call with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy while the US Capitol was under attack, then-President Donald Trump said the rioters cared more about the election results than McCarthy did.

This story has been updated with additional reporting.

CNN’s Jim Acosta and Gloria Borger contributed to this report.

Whats Going On With Americas White People

Trumpâs rise put a sudden spotlight on the troubles of white working-class Americans. A conversation with some of those whoâve been tracking them up close.

Susan Glasser is editor of Politico.

Glenn Thrush is Politicoâs chief political correspondent.

Donald Trumpâs appeals to working-class white Americanshave no doubt stoked racial tensions. But his popularity among these voters has also put an unexpected spotlight on their grievancesâwhether they feel left behind by globalization and immigration or resentful of an elite political class that seems to ignore them. Do poor white Americans suddenly feel more disgruntled than ever, or are the rest of us just now paying attention? How much of their pique has to do with economic factors versus matters of race or, simply, health? And what does it all mean for American politicsâin 2016 and beyond? To answer those questions and more, Politico editor Susan Glasser and chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush convened four scholars from our Politico 50 list who have studied the history of white people in America and documented their recent troubles Thrush also interviewed J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, a bestselling memoir about working-class white culture. In a way, they all said, the discontent that propelled Trump to the nomination has been a long time coming.

Glasser:Angus, what is your view about how much Trump is successfully speaking to this demographic trend that you have identified?

Understand The Facebook Papers

A tech giant in trouble.The leak of internal documents by a former Facebook employee has provided an intimate look at the operations of the secretive social media company and renewed calls for better regulations of the companys wide reach into the lives of its users.

How it began.In September, The Wall Street Journal published The Facebook Files, a series of reports based on leaked documents. The series exposed evidence that Facebook, which on Oct. 28 assumed the corporate name of Meta, knew Instagram, one of its products was worsening body-image issues among teenagers.

The whistle-blower.During an interview with 60 Minutes that aired Oct. 3, who left the company in May, revealed that she was responsible for the leak of those internal documents.

Ms. Haugens testimony in Congress.On Oct. 5, Ms. Haugen testified before a Senate subcommittee, saying that Facebook was willing to use hateful and harmful content on its site to keep users coming back. Facebook executives, including Mark Zuckerberg, called her accusations untrue.

The Facebook Papers.Ms. Haugen also filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission and provided the documents to Congress in redacted form. A congressional staff member then supplied the documents, known as the , to several news organizations, including The New York Times.

Don’t Miss: Cost To Stay At Trump Hotel

What The Hell Is Wrong With Trump Supporters

Like my mother used to say: What the hell is wrong with you guys!

Donald Trump ACTED like a 6 year old CHILD throwing a tantrum!

Though she may not have any children of her own, she still had to deal with one who lived in The White House for four years!

We KNOW what the hell is wrong with Donald J. Trump. He is an IDIOT and a Narcissist, a FOOL and a FRAUD, etc

But WHAT IS THE PROBLEM with those DumbAsses who still support him? They MUST BE STUPIDER than he is, and that is just plain BRAIN-DEAD STUPID!

On January 6th, 2021 the TrumpTurds threw a MASSIVE TANTRUM at The Capitol Building, which everyone refers to as a RIOT!


Storming Of The Capitol

What the fuck is wrong with Washington Post ...

On January 6, 2021, while congressional certification of the presidential election results was taking place in the United States Capitol, Trump held a rally at the Ellipse, where he called for the election result to be overturned and urged his supporters to “take back our country” by marching to the Capitol to “show strength” and “fight like hell.” Trump’s speech started at noon. By 12:30 p.m., rally attendees had gathered outside the Capitol, and at 1 p.m, his supporters pushed past police barriers onto Capitol grounds. Trump’s speech ended at 1:10 p.m., the crowd grew larger as more supporters marched on the Capitol. Around 2:15 p.m. the mob broke into the building, disrupting certification and causing the evacuation of Congress. During the violence, Trump posted mixed messages on Twitter and Facebook, eventually tweeting to the rioters at 6 p.m, “go home with love & in peace”, but describing them as “great patriots” and “very special”, while still complaining that the election was stolen. After the mob was removed from the Capitol, Congress reconvened and confirmed the Biden election win in the early hours of the following morning. There were many injuries, and five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died.

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Summing Up Exactly What Qanon Is Is Hard To Do And Frankly A Waste Of Time But The Crux Of It Is That Donald Trump Is Secretly Fighting A Global Cabal Of Pedophiles

According to Q, nearly every president before Trump was a “criminal president” who was part of an evil global organization of Satanist pedophiles. It also claims members of the US military who are not working for the global pedophile cabal supposedly approached Trump and begged him to run for president so that they could purge the government of the deep state operatives without a military coup.

Q claims Trump is not under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, but that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are. And Trump is actually working with Mueller.

Q regularly drops clues that followers call “crumbs,” which are meant to predict things. For instance, he claimed John Podesta would be arrested or indicted Nov. 3, 2017 which, of course, didn’t happen.

What The F*ck Is Wrong With Joe Manchin

His name is on every Democrats lipsand theyre crying in frustration. On the latest New Abnormal, what makes him tick? Plus, Trumps failed blog, DeSantis as Pence, and more.

What does Joe Manchin want? Thats what Molly Jong-Fast, co-host of The New Abnormal, wants to knowalong with What the fuck is wrong? with him.

Because of the West Virginia senator, Democrats cant say they have the majority in the Senate. Unfortunately, thats the way they have to look at it, she says. Its totally screwy. We are in this weird conundrum of our own Democratic making.

Subscribe to The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, , Stitcher, , or Overcast. To listen to our weekly members-only bonus episodes, join Beast Inside here. Already a member? You can listen here and sign up for new episode email alerts here.

End the filibuster to push through top Democratic legislative priorities? Forget about it, because Manchin doesnt want to do it.

The Daily Beasts congressional reporter, Sam Brodey, joins the podcasts latest episode to offer insight on what makes the senator tickand what might possibly move him on the all-important filibuster.

While he always wants to find the middle, even as his party has moved leftward, hes looking out for his brand as much as anything else, Brodey says. I mean, this is all burnishes him as, you know, the bipartisan voice of reason, which is I think how he sees himself and how he wants to cultivate himself.

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‘a Surrender Of Global Leadership’

Laura Belmonte is a history professor and dean of the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. She is a foreign relations specialist and author of books on cultural diplomacy.

What’s Trump’s key legacy?

His attempt to surrender global leadership and replace it with a more inward-looking, fortress-like mentality. I don’t think it succeeded, but the question is how profound has the damage to America’s international reputation been – and that remains to be seen.

The moment I found jaw-dropping was the press conference he had with Vladimir Putin in 2018 in Helsinki, where he took Putin’s side over US intelligence in regard to Russian interference in the election.

I can’t think of another episode of a president siding full force with a non-democratic society adversary.

It’s also very emblematic of a larger assault on any number of multilateral institutions and treaties and frameworks that Trump has unleashed, like the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, the withdrawal of the Iranian nuclear framework.

What else stands out to you?

Trump’s applauding Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, really turning himself inside out to align the US with regimes that are the antithesis of values that the US says it wants to promote. That is something that I think was really quite distinctive.

Woodward: Historians Examining The Trump Era Will Ask ‘what The F Happened To America’

Donald Trump calls security on a protester at rally as crowds shouts ‘get her out’

Donald TrumpHouse Freedom Caucus elects Rep. Scott Perry as new chairmanMeadows ‘between a rock and a hard space’ with Trump, Jan. 6 panelOn The Money Biden caps off infrastructure weekMORE‘s presidency and his handling of the coronavirus will be asking, “What the F happened to America?”

The veteran journalist and “Rage” author criticized Trump’s handling of the pandemic in an interview Tuesday with CNN President Jeff Zucker as part of the network’s Citizen by CNN conference.

Asked about Trump saying he would give himself a perfect grade on his administration’s coronavirus response Trump said on Monday that “on the job itself, we take an A+” Woodward said, “I’m quite frankly embarrassed for him that he would say that, because all Americans know that 200,000 were killed.”

“It’s almost like denying the nose on your face,” Woodward, 77, added.

His comments come after Trump told him in an interview for the Pulitzer Prize winner’s latest book that he sought to downplay the virus in public while acknowledging its dangers in private.

Woodward said Tuesday that Trump failed to act because “he’s obsessed with reelection.”

“He’s failed to build a team, he harasses people, he attacks people who work for him. This impulse decision-making, I’ve never seen anything like it, in the presidency or any institution,” the Washington Post journalist said.

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‘contesting The 2020 Election’

What’s Trump’s key legacy?

Contesting a very constitutionally and numerically clear election victory by Joe Biden.

We’ve had plenty of really unpleasant transitions. Herbert Hoover was incredibly unpleasant about his loss, but he still rode in that car down Pennsylvania Avenue at inauguration. He didn’t talk to Franklin Roosevelt the whole time, but there still was a peaceful transfer of power.

Trump is a manifestation of political forces that have been in motion for a half century or more. A culmination of what was not only going on in the Republican party, but also the Democratic party and more broadly in American politics – a kind of disillusionment with government and institutions and expertise.

What else stands out to you?

Trump is exceptional in many ways, but one of the things that really makes him stand out is that he is one of the rare presidents who was elected without having held any elected office before.

Trump may go away, but there is this great frustration with the establishment, broadly defined. When you feel powerless, you vote for someone who’s promising to do everything differently and Trump indeed did that.

A presidency is also made by the people that the president appoints, and a great deal of experienced Republican hands were not invited to join the administration the first go round.

Presidential Campaign And 2011 Hints At Presidential Run

In 2000, Trump ran in the California and Michigan primaries for nomination as the Reform Party candidate for the 2000 United States presidential election but withdrew from the race in February 2000. A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee George W. Bush and likely Democratic nominee Al Gore showed Trump with seven percent support.

In 2011, Trump speculated about running against President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, making his first speaking appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2011 and giving speeches in early primary states. In May 2011, he announced he would not run, and he endorsed Mitt Romney in February 2012. Trump’s presidential ambitions were generally not taken seriously at the time.

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In 1999 Roberto Bui Giovanni Cattabriga Federico Guglielmi And Luca Di Meo Writing Under The Name Luther Blissett Published An Italian Novel Called Q

Luther Blissett was a name regularly adopted in the 90s by leftists, anarchists, and general troublemakers in Italy. It was used for staging all kinds of pranks. The Luther Blissetts in different cities would occasionally communicate by phone, but for the most part the project just spread organically. Think of it like an analogue Guy Fawkes Anonymous mask.

Three of the authors behind Luther Blissett Bui, Cattabriga, and Guglielmi told BuzzFeed News that the Blissett project was “a network of activists, artists and cultural agitators who all shared the name ‘Luther Blissett.'”

They now operate under the name “Wu Ming” or “No Name.”

What Happened To Fred Trumps Face His Face Shape Is Rather Unique

Mexico Should Totally Build Trumps Wall. by zortesh

Donald Trump certainly wasnt the first person in his family to gain notoriety. Long before Donald came on the scene, his father Fred was at the center of peoples attention for various reasons. As such, there are many public photos of the real estate tycoon. And in some of those photos, his face appears to have a very singular shape. This has caused people all over the internet to wonder what exactly happened to Fred Trumps face if something did actually happen to it.

Because this is the internet, the theories behind Fred Trumps face shape have been vast and varied. Suddenly, all of the armchair phrenologists have come out in full force, each with their own explanation for the late businessmans unique skull shape. One theory is that Fred may have suffered some type of injury.

Others theorize that, during his lifetime, Fred may have elected to have plastic surgery, and his appearance is due to a botched facelift . Still others have suggested Fred may have had cancer, or even suffered a root canal procedure gone wrong.

It should also be noted that several of the tweets are quite mean-spirited in nature. Remember: The way someone looks does not dictate whether they are a bad person. There are plenty of things you may not like about Fred Trump , but were certainly above simply making fun of someone for their appearance, right?

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