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Did Trump Get Rid Of Daca

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Trump administration refuses to accept new application under DACA program

But veterans of the recent, fierce battles over immigration have expressed skepticism that the deeply divided lawmakers could reach consensus on broad immigration legislation in the months before the fall elections. Repeated efforts to negotiate an immigration deal between Democratic lawmakers and Mr. Trump in the last three years have all collapsed.

In January of 2018, Mr. Trump appeared ready to embrace a bipartisan deal that would have given permanent, legal status to the Dreamers in exchange for border security enhancements and other immigration changes. But the possibility of a deal collapsed after an Oval Office meeting in which the presidents hard-line advisers rebelled against it and Mr. Trump asked why would we want all these people from shithole countries?

Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals Data Tools

Learn about participation in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program nationally and by state, as well as by top countries of origin. The two data tools offered here provide U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services data on active DACA recipients at U.S. and state levels as of December 31, 2021, as well as the Migration Policy Institutes 2021 estimates of individuals eligible to participate based on the criteria outlined at the programs launch in 2012. In September 2017, the Trump administration announced the termination of DACA, but courts have kept the program alive for people who currently have or have ever held DACA status and in January 2021, the Biden administration reopened it to first-time applicants. MPI offers its estimates to permit comparison of current DACA recipients against the number that ever could have applied under the programs original rules.

The first tool offers the number of active DACA recipients and MPI estimates at U.S. and state levels of individuals meeting all criteria to apply, whether or not they ever did. The second tool offers data for top countries of origin. Hover over a state or country to see the data.

For notes and sources, please see below second data tool.

The 30 national-origin groups included in the tool are countries with at least 500 active DACA participants as of December 31, 2021.

Furious Donald Trump Accuses Supreme Court Of ‘shotgun Blasts To The Face’ After John Roberts Stops Him From Abolishing Obama’s Daca And President Tries To Make 2020 Election About ‘new Justices’

  • In 5-4 majority ruling Supreme Court says Trump administration’s attempt to end the DACA program was not legal
  • DACA stops at least 700,000 illegal immigrants who came as children from being deported
  • Trump was elected on platform including ending DACA which was set up by Obama in 2012
  • Chief Justice John Roberts in 5-4 ruling said administration did not follow rules to reach decision properly
  • Roberts was joined Thursday by the liberal justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Steven Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor
  • Ruling says Trump can try to get rid of DACA again but has to start from the beginning
  • Conservative justices in dissent written by Clarence Thomas said DACA was illegal from the start and decision was ‘politically correct’
  • Trump blasted ‘horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court’ after string of losses in the conservative leaning court
  • Joe Biden celebrated the ruling and vowed to make the victory ‘permanent’
  • Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer called it a ‘ray of sunshine’

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Congress Get Ready To Do Your Job

On Tuesday, Trump suggested he would leave it up to Congress to take legislative action on the program. He tweeted: Congress, get ready to do your job DACA!

He also retweeted a post from an account criticizing illegal immigration. Make no mistake, we are going to put the interest of AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST! The forgotten men & women will no longer be forgotten, the original tweet said.

Trump Says He Will Renew Effort To End Daca Protections

Immigration hard

The president denounced the Supreme Court’s ruling that the administration improperly ended the DACA program in 2017.

President Donald Trump. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo

06/19/2020 12:33 PM EDT

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Undeterred by this weeks Supreme Court ruling, President Donald Trump said Friday he will renew his effort to end legal protections for hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the United States as children.

Trump denounced the high courts ruling that the administration improperly ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in 2017. Splitting with Trump and judicial conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four liberal justices in the 5-4 vote Thursday.

Through executive action, Trump could still take away the ability for 650,000 young immigrants to live and work legally in the United States. But with no legislative answer in Congress in sight, uncertainty continues for many immigrants who know of no other home except America.

In a tweet Friday morning, Trump said, The Supreme Court asked us to resubmit on DACA, nothing was lost or won. They punted, much like in a football game . We will be submitting enhanced papers shortly.

Ken Cuccinelli, acting head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said Friday that the administration was starting over. Were going to move as quickly as we can to put options in front of the president, but those are executive branch options, he told Fox & Friends.

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What Happens If Daca Ends

So where does this leave DACA recipients?

Acting US Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli told reporters in October that, if the Supreme Court allows the Trump administration to move forward with ending DACA, those who have benefited from the program will join the ranks of millions of people living in the US without authorization. Though immigration authorities prioritize deporting immigrants with criminal histories, he said, its possible that DACA recipients could be deported as well.

If thats the case, DACA recipients are concerned that their personal information, which they registered in a federal database when applying for the program, could be used by immigration authorities to track them down, Dhalla said. That data, which is housed in USCIS, includes their home addresses, passport photos, educational history, and fingerprints.

USCIS doesnt currently share the data with US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement , which handles deportations, but it could down the line.

That means some 670,000 DREAMers, many of whom have lived in the US for more than a decade and have fully integrated into American life, could face the prospect of deportation. That would mean leaving behind their community and joband educational opportunities in the US to start over in an unfamiliar country.

If there is a negative ruling in this case, there could be another family separation crisis, Dhalla said.

Trump Says Young Immigrants Can Rest Easy Exempted From Deportation Priorities

During his campaign, President Donald Trump delighted his supporters and alarmed immigrant advocates as he promised to deport anyone who was in the country illegally.

“We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out. They will come back some will come back, the best, through a process,” Trump said on February 2016.

Trump signed an executive order in the early days of his administration that widened the categories of people immigration officials can arrest and place in removal proceedings.

His directive and Department of Homeland Security implementing documents indicate that anyone in the country illegally is a priority for removal, even if they have not been convicted of crimes.

But Trump’s tone has softened toward young immigrants who came to the United as children and who have received a reprieve from deportation under an Obama-era program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals .

As a candidate, Trump labeled the program “unconstitutional,” pledging to swiftly terminate it.

As president, he said DACA is a “very, very difficult subject” for him.

Immigration enforcement guidelines issued by his administration exempt DACA recipients from deportation priorities. About 750,000 immigrants have DACA protection.

Trump told the Associated Press in April that DACA beneficiaries, so-called “Dreamers,” could “rest easy” because his administration is “not after the dreamers, we are after the criminals.”

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Supreme Court Blocks Trump From Ending Daca In Big Win For Dreamers

WASHINGTON The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has allowed nearly 800,000 young people, known as Dreamers, to avoid deportation and remain in the U.S.

Chief Justice John Roberts was the swing vote in the 5-4 decision, which deals a big legal defeat to President Donald Trump on the issue of immigration, a major focus of his domestic agenda.

Roberts wrote in the decision that the government failed to give an adequate justification for ending the federal program. The administration could again try to shut it down by offering a more detailed explanation for its action, but the White House might not want to end such a popular program in the heat of a presidential campaign.

Congress Has Been At An Impasse Over Daca For Years

What Happens Next After Supreme Court Blocks Trump’s Bid To End DACA | MSNBC

The fate of unauthorized immigrants brought to the US as children has been a subject of contentious legislative debate for years.

The primary legislative proposal to attempt to tackle the problem was the DREAM Act, first introduced in 2001, which would have offered unauthorized immigrant students the opportunity to apply for provisional protection from deportation and then a green card.The act has been introduced in Congress numerous times over the years but has never mustered enough support to pass.

In 2012, President Barack Obama stepped in to create DACA via executive action. The program allowed young, unauthorized immigrants who came to the US before age 16 to obtain legal status and work authorization if they pursued education or service in the armed forces or Coast Guard and passed a background check.

Obama had previously voiced misgivings about unilaterally suspending deportations on multiple occasions. When asked about his goals for immigration reform in a 2010 interview with Univision, Obama said he needed Congresss support: I am president, I am not king. The following year, Obama said it was just not the case that he could suspend deportations through executive order.

When he announced the DACA program in 2012, Obama conceded that the program was only intended to be a temporary stopgap measure and not an amnesty.

This is not a path to citizenship. It is not a permanent fix, he said.

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Schumer Gives Emotional Response To Supreme Court Daca Ruling: ‘i Cried Tears Of Joy’

Apple CEO Tim Cook lauded the decision, tweeting, “We’re glad for todays decision and will keep fighting until DACAs protections are permanent.”

U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas Donohue called the ruling “the right decision for Dreamers, our economy, and our country,” adding that removing DACA recipients “would deny our country talent, future leaders, and an essential piece of the American workforce including teachers, nurses, doctors, farmers, and entrepreneurs.”

And the National Immigration Law Center tweeted, “VICTORY.”

VICTORY The Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump administrations termination of #DACA was ARBITRARY AND CAPRICIOUS. Hundreds of thousands of immigrant young people can continue to live and work, and contribute to their communities in the U.S. #HomeIsHere#HeretoStay

National Immigration Law Center

Former President Barack Obama, who put DACA into place by executive order in 2012, also applauded the decision and urged Americans to vote for his former vice president, Biden, in November because he would create a “system thats truly worthy of this nation of immigrants once and for all.”

…and now to stand up for those ideals, we have to move forward and elect and a Democratic Congress that does its job, protects DREAMers, and finally creates a system thats truly worthy of this nation of immigrants once and for all.

Barack Obama

What Could Happen To Daca Recipients Under Donald Trump

Undocumented immigrants who gave information could see it used against them.

& #151 — President Barack Obamas signature immigration action could be quickly overturned when President-elect Donald Trump takes office, leaving its recipients facing uncertainty about their futures.

Obama instituted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy to allow undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children to come out of the shadows and pay a fee to receive a temporary work authorization and protection from deportation.

Because this was done via executive action and is overseen by the Department of Homeland Security, the policy may be immediately ended by the next secretary of the department.

On Monday, Obama urged Trump and the incoming administration to think long and hard before they are endangering that status of what for all practical purposes are American kids.

These are kids who were brought here by their parents. They did nothing wrong. Theyve gone to school. They have pledged allegiance to the flag. Some of them have joined the military. Theyve enrolled in school. By definition, if theyre part of this program, they are solid, wonderful young people of good character, Obama said during a press conference Monday, his first since the election. And it is my strong belief that the majority of the American people would not want to see suddenly those kids have to start hiding again. And thats something that I will encourage the president-elect to look at.

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‘i’m Relieved’: Daca Recipient Reacts To Supreme Court Decision To Uphold Protections

Roberts was joined in the majority by the liberal Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.

“We conclude that the acting secretary did violate” the Administrative Procedure Act, and that the decision to rescind DACA “must be vacated,” Roberts wrote. In his decision, Roberts called the Trump administration’s “total rescission” of DACA “arbitrary and capricious.”

The heart of Roberts majority opinion held that Trump had broken the laws governing federal agencies when he ended DACA in 2017because the memorandum that recommended its termination did not address crucial parts of the policy.

In addition, every justice in the majority except Sotomayor dismissed the argument made by the parties that brought the case to the Supreme Court that the administrations decision to terminate DACA was motivated by discrimination against Latinos.

Critically, however, Roberts pointed out in his decision that it wasn’t necessarily unconstitutional for the Trump administration to terminate DACA, but the way it did so was.

The chief justice pointed out toward the end of his opinion that the administration’s Department of Homeland Security could simply revisit its legal strategy on how to unwind DACA in the future.

“The appropriate recourse is therefore to remand to DHS so that it may reconsider the problem anew,” Roberts wrote.

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