Friday, July 26, 2024

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How Can You Contact President Trump

Notice: To Contact Your Perfect Potus About Keeping America Great Click Here For All Other Issues Read Every Word Below Carefully Ok

Emails show how President Trump’s team scrambled to overturn election results

Dear Poorly Educated Voter,

Congrats on wanting to send your cute little opinion to WHITEHOUSE.ORG, where lets be honest, nobody gives a fuck what you think, loser. And even if I did, my staff is jumping ship way too fast to waste MANpower reading bitchy emails from morons so piss-poor and unimportant, they have time to scribble their lousy brain farts on the internets. Anyway, Ive really got America bent over a barrel now, and Im so busy deep-dicking her tight little shitter like one of my creamy-assed porn sluts, I dont listen to anyone let alone some nobody sucker like you. But tell you what: if you ever bank a few billion, you can pay full price for a Mar-a-Lago membership and come whisper fabulous treason stuff my ear any time, OK?

Donald J. Trump®Your Horse-Cocked POTUS

: , , , , 33- , .

President Trump 2020 Coin: Gold Silver Maga Collectors

Chicago, IL July 28, 2020 2020 Coin is a collectible token from the Raw Conservatives Store to celebrate the legacy of the current president of the United States. The coin is currently distributed through the Amazon platform, though the company mentioned above markets it at where the Gold and Silver Plated President Trump 2020 Coins were made to serve as a sign of the 45th POTUSs success and success.

Here is a comprehensive review of Raw Conservatives Stores Gold and Silver Plated 2020 Coins, part of any MAGA Collectors item wish list this election year.

The presidency has been somewhat questionable in between the Democrats and Republicans throughout the country. Everyone has some type of viewpoint, however the office is a position to be respected, and many individuals wish to celebrate the latest president of the USA. With the new 2020 Coin, they can do simply that.

Ideal as a gift to any genuine patriot this coin is 1.5 inches in diameter, though it is about 1/8-inch thick.

As a way to preserve the design, it includes a complimentary plastic case.

Generally, the total expense of this coin is $39.95. theres a limited promo that is offering the coin for nothing at all, apart from the $8.95 shipping and handling cost.

For anybody that wants to stock up for their collection or use, there are a couple of larger packages available at a discount with free shipping. Other choices include:=.

Donald Trump Fan Mail Address And Mailing Address

Are you a big fan of Donald Trump? Do you want to send him a fan letter to appreciate his work or give feedback on his presidency? If yes, please note down the fan mail address of Donald Trump, The Trump Organization, 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA.

Please also note down another mailing address of Donald Trump, c/o Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480. Please use this mailing address to send your fan letters and autograph requests.

Please use appropriate words only when you are going to write a letter to his fan mail address/mailing address.

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Will He Or Won’t He

The big unknown is whether DeSantis will run in 2024 if Trump does too. They’ve both batted away media stories of a rift between them, but seemed at odds earlier this year when Trump criticized DeSantis for refusing to say whether he’d received a COVID-19 vaccine booster.

The real test, says MacManus of the University of South Florida, will be whether Trump endorses DeSantis for re-election in Florida before the primary on August 23. There is no other viable Republican seeking the nomination for governor, but Trump’s refusal to express public support, she says, “will give some insights as to the degree to which friction between the two exists.”

That could, in turn, play into DeSantis’ decision about a presidential run. “There’s a 50/50 split among people like me, with half thinking DeSantis runs even if Trump does run,” MacManus says. “A lot of his timing is going to be related to how well Trump does with his endorsements this year because they’re getting national visibility. If Trump starts losing a few of those, that probably incentivizes Ron DeSantis’ mind that he’s gonna go for it no matter what.”

Others aren’t so sure. Jewett notes that DeSantis wouldn’t even be 50 in 2028 and could short-circuit his career by moving too fast and taking on the man who plucked him from congressional obscurity. He says, “He’s still pretty young, and Trump’s political and corporate history is littered with former friends who he thought betrayed him in some large or small way.”

‘how Mad Can You Get At Joe Biden: Graham Fumes Against Trump In Jan 6 Tapes

2019 State of the Union: Read President Donald Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham disparaged then-President Donald Trump and said Joe Biden was “maybe the best person to have” following the .

The key Trump ally bemoaned that Trump overplayed his hand in his 2020 election subversion ventures in an interview after the riot with Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns, authors of This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for Americas Future.


He’s misjudged the passion, he plays the TV game, and he went too far here. That rally didnt help, talking about primarying Liz. He created a sense of revenge, Graham said in audio released by CNN Tuesday, referring to Trump’s support for a primary challenge of Rep. Liz Cheney .

Lindsey Graham on tape

Acyn May 11, 2022

Graham’s remarks came directly after the Capitol riot, when outrage over the storming of the Capitol was fresh. When asked if Biden could help unify the country, Graham replied, “Totally.”

Hell maybe be the best person to have,” Graham said. “I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?”

Things have changed between Graham and Biden since then. Once close workmates in the Senate, Biden is now reportedly disillusioned by Graham’s support of Trump, and the senator has maligned the president’s policies.

“The Joe Biden we see as president is not the one we saw in the Senate. Hes pursued a far-left agenda as president, a representative from Graham told CNN.

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Calling The White House

  • 1Pick up your phone and dial the White House. Dial one of the following numbers, depending on who youd like to reach and what youd like to say: for Comments, call 202-456-1111 , or to reach the Switchboard, call 202-456-1414 .XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • The Comments line is answered by volunteers with the current administration.XResearch source
  • The Switchboard line is answered by White House staff members.XResearch source
  • 2Follow any guidelines. When your call is answered, guidelines may be given by a person or automated program. Use your keypad to enter any extensions or information, as directed.XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • 3State your request. Ask to speak to the President or make another request. Though the President cannot likely take your call, you may be directed to someone else who will listen to your thoughts.XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • If you are an expert in some field, and you wish to speak with the President, first contact the Cabinet member who would be responsible for that area. For example, an expert in teaching methods would need to contact the head of the Department of Education.
  • My Lunch With President Biden

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    President Biden invited me for lunch at the White House last Monday. But it was all off the record so I cant tell you anything he said.

    I can, though, tell you two things what I ate and how I felt after. I ate a tuna salad sandwich with tomato on whole wheat bread, with a bowl of mixed fruit and a chocolate milkshake for dessert that was so good it should have been against the law.

    What I felt afterward was this: For all you knuckleheads on Fox who say that Biden cant put two sentences together, heres a news flash: He just put NATO together, Europe together and the whole Western alliance together stretching from Canada up to Finland and all the way to Japan to help Ukraine protect its fledgling democracy from Vladimir Putins fascist assault.

    In doing so, he has enabled Ukraine to inflict significant losses on Russias invading army, thanks to a rapid deployment of U.S. and NATO trainers and massive transfers of precision weapons. And not a single American soldier was lost.

    Alas, though, I left our lunch with a full stomach but a heavy heart.

    Biden didnt say it in so many words, but he didnt have to. I could hear it between the lines: Hes worried that while he has reunited the West, he may not be able to reunite America.

    And that terrifies me because: I HAVE BEEN THERE.

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    Aia Issues Letter To President Trump Opposing Proposed Executive Order

    WASHINGTON The American Institute of Architects 2020President Jane Frederick, FAIA, and EVP/Chief Executive Officer RobertIvy, FAIA, issued the following letter today to the President of the UnitedStates opposing an executive order mandating uniform designs for federalarchitecture.

    The American Institute of Architects is writing this letter to expressits strong and unequivocal opposition to the draft executive order circulating withinyour Administration to mandate a federal style of architecture. The order, asit now stands, would dictate a specific architectural style for federal courthouses and certain other federal buildings, to be mandated by bureaucrats inWashington, D.C.

    The AIA, and its95,000 members, works to advance our nations quality of life and protect thepublics health, safety and welfare through design, as it has done for 160years. We always work with the communities to assess the most appropriatearchitecture for projects within those communities. A onesize-fits-all mandatesimply ignores needed input from impacted parties.

    We appreciatedmeeting with your staff on January 15, 2020 to discuss someof our concerns and issues impacting the design community. At thattime, it was our understanding that this draft executive order was not movingforward. We were shocked and disappointed to hear that it is still incirculation.

    AIA issued a memo to its 95,000 members on Tuesday, Feb. 4encouraging its members to contact President Trump opposing the directive.

    A Political Style Makeover

    The second coming of Donald Trump: Can he become president again? | 60 Minutes Australia

    DeSantis’ choice to become one of the most visible elected officials to defy the conventional wisdom on COVIDespecially after Trump left office and President Joe Biden imposed various mask and vaccine mandates that conservatives opposedquickly elevated the Florida governor among Republicans. In straw polls assessing support for 2024 presidential candidates taken at ConservativePolitical Action Conference events in 2021 and 2022, Trump won big with more than 50 percent both timesbut DeSantis was the only alternative candidate to garner double-digit support. In the 2022 version, DeSantis took 61 percent of the vote when Trump was not among the choices second place was a tie between former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump, Jr., each pulling just 6 percent.

    After the 2021 straw poll, observers say, DeSantis began leaning in harder on Trump-style feuds with “the media.” In May 2021, he signed an “election integrity” bill that put restrictions on mail-in ballots and the use of drop boxes but only permitted Fox News to cover it live. And after businessman Glenn Youngkin pulled off an upset in Virginia’s gubernatorial election by harping on the alleged teaching of critical race theory in public schools, DeSantis began beating that drum and others.

    What prompted the change? It’s not difficult to discern what’s going on,” says Longwell. “It became pretty clear to him he could be president.”

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    Look What People Are Saying

    CNN– Tim Ferriss, ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ & ‘The Tim Ferriss Show’– Entrepreneur Magazine – Dan Kennedy, No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent – Peter Shankman, Help A Reporter Out – Sandra Sims, Step by Step Fundraising – John Kremer, 1001 Ways to Market Your Books– Steve Purcell, – Paul Hartunian, Free Publicity Information Center – Dan Janal, PR LEADS– Anthony Record, Autograph Magazine– Robert Skrob, Information Marketing Association – Joan Stewart, The Publicity Hound

    How Ron Desantis Could Out

    His every utterance seems calculated to send progressives into a frenzy. He’s one of the most prolific political fundraisers in America. His endorsements of other like-minded America First conservative candidates help those beneficiaries pull ahead in crowded primaries. And the worst-kept secret in American politics is that he wants to swap out his Sunshine State address for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as soon as possible.

    No, the politician is not Donald Trump but rather Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who lately seems bent on executing just about every page of the former president’s political playbookonly with a sunnier demeanor, less offensive language and fewer of the personal antics that make Trump so polarizing. At 43, the once little-known backbench congressman has transformed himself into perhaps the hottest, most consequential political figure of his generation so farpossibly the only one capable of going head-to-head with Trump for the GOP nod in 2024 and with a shot at taking the presidency away from Joe Biden or whoever the Democrats nominate. The only real question is whether he’ll run against Trump if the former president enters the race or risk his flame burning out by waiting until 2028 or beyond.

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    Meeting With Russian Lawyer

    On June 9, 2016, Trump Jr., campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner held a meeting with Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who promised Trump Jr. that she had damaging information about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. According to The New York Times, Trump Jr. initially said the meeting was about adoptions of Russian children. He later issued a statement saying, “After pleasantries were exchanged the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs. Clinton. Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”

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