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What Is Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Now

Bidens Personal Traits Viewed Less Positively Than Last Fall

President Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Since His 2015 Announcement | NBC News Now

Public perceptions of Bidens personal traits have turned more negative over the course of his presidency, largely paralleling the decline in his approval ratings, with some exceptions.

While a majority of Americans say stands up for what he believes in describes Biden very or fairly well, public assessments of whether Biden is honest and cares about the needs of ordinary people are more divided. About half say honest describes Biden at least fairly well, while a similar share say it does not. Similarly, about half characterize him as caring about the needs of ordinary people, while roughly as many say this is not a good descriptor.

The publics evaluation is more negative on other measures: About two-thirds say inspiring does not describe Biden well, while nearly as many say the same for mentally sharp. And although 44% say a good role model describes Biden at least fairly well, a larger share say this does not describe the president well.

While Bidens ratings on each of these traits have declined substantially over the course of his presidency, the sharpest decline is seen in views of Bidens mental sharpness and this shift is particularly pronounced among Democrats.

The trajectory of opinion follows a similar, if less stark, pattern for the other traits asked about in the survey.

Trump Support Remains Unmoved By Investigations Poll Finds

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The American publics views of former President Donald J. Trump have remained remarkably stable across a number of different measures in recent months, even as he faces multiple investigations and as he remains a central figure in the midterm elections, according to the most recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

Voters held nearly identical views from those earlier in the summer on whether they had a favorable view of Mr. Trump, whether they thought he had committed serious federal crimes, and whom they would support in a hypothetical 2024 Trump-Biden matchup.

Overall, 44 percent of voters viewed Mr. Trump favorably, and 53 percent viewed him unfavorably . The recent poll was fielded early this month, after news of the Justice Departments inquiry into Mr. Trumps handling of confidential documents but before the New York attorney general announced she was suing Mr. Trump and his family business.

Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Flounders Amid Jan 6 Revelations

Donald Trump has faced a dip in his popularity according to a Fox News poll taken after the first January 6 hearing.

The opinion poll was conducted between June 10 and June 13, according to a Fox News report. This is days after the first January 6 hearing that was held on June 9.

The poll, which also highlighted that President Joe Biden has seen his popularity fall, showed the fluctuation in the former presidents popularity.

According to the poll, 55 percent of registered voters asked have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, compared to 44 percent holding a favorable opinion.

The poll also highlighted data taken from previous polls of the former president.

In February, 54 percent of registered voters held an unfavorable opinion of Trump, this is compared to 45 percent favorable. In December 2021, Trump received the same percentage of favorable and unfavorable votes.

According to the poll, the last time Trump held such a small favorable opinion vote of 44 percent was in late October 2020. In this poll, 55 percent of participants held an unfavorable opinion of him.

In June 2018, 45 percent of Fox News poll participants held a favorable opinion of Trump while 53 percent held an unfavorable opinion.

Newsweek has contacted Donald Trumps office for comment.

The first January 6 hearing, which was televised during prime time, was able to focus on Trump and his role, if any, in the January 6 Capitol riot.

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Voxs German Lopez is here to guide you through the Biden administrations burst of policymaking. .

As for Trump, Bidens 42.9 percent approval rating right now is only slightly higher than Trumps 42 percent on the eve of the 2018 midterms, when Republicans lost 40 House seats.

The one potential silver lining for Biden is that the trajectory of Trumps numbers shows that some improvement in the second year is possible, albeit rare. Trumps approval rating hit its lowest point in 2017 but improved by about 5 points over 2018, which likely helped him avoid an even worse midterm defeat. It is possible that if conditions in the country improve, Bidens numbers could rebound.

Of course, things could also get worse.

Ballotpedia’s Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

Trump Approval Rating Dropsto 36 Percent
Cabinet White House staff Transition team
Policy positions

Weeks covered: 84

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedia’s polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedia’s polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new president’s term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Biden’s overall approval average at this point in his term is 45.8%, 4.7 percentage points higher than President Trump’s average of 41.1% at this point in his term.
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    Trumps Approval Rating Holding Steady At 43 Percent With 55 Percent Disapproving

    The same poll found that 35 percent of voters including 74 percent of Republicans but just 30 percent of independents and 3 percent of Democrats believe President-elect Joe Biden did not win the election legitimately.

    Sixty-one percent of all voters but just 21 percent of Republicans say Biden did win legitimately.

    While a record 10 House Republicans broke ranks to vote for Trumps impeachment last week, his approval rating among Republicans shows few signs that GOP voters are widely disillusioned with him.

    Almost 9 in 10 Republicans 87 percent give Trump a thumbs-up, compared with 89 percent who said the same before the November election.

    And even for the half of Republicans who say they prioritize the GOP in general over allegiance to Trump, his high approval remains unmoved by recent events.

    Among Republicans who say their primary loyalty is to Trump over the party, 98 percent approve of his performance. For those who say they prioritize the party over the president, his approval still stands at 81 percent virtually unchanged from October.

    In the NBC News survey, nearly a third of GOP voters surveyed 28 percent said Trumps words and actions related to the violence at the Capitol reinforced their vote for Trump.

    Just 5 percent said they now regretted their support for him, and two-thirds 66 percent said their feelings had not changed.

    An additional 9 percent say Trump is not as good as most.

    Trump Approval Rating By State 2022

    The presidential job approval ratings in the U.S. were introduced in the late 1930s by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president during their term. Approval ratings are determined by polling given to a sample of people.

    Like most surveys, poll results may be inaccurate due to samples that self-select. However, statisticians generally accept the approval rating as a factual indicator of the peoples feelings about the president.

    As of April 2020, President Trumps approval rate is 46.0% and his disapproval is at 49.6%.

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    Nyc Democratic House Candidate Announces Positive Covid

    Ben Kamisar

    WASHINGTON New York City Democratic House candidate Suraj Patel has tested positive for COVID-19, he confirmed in a new statement Monday.

    Patel, one of the candidates featured in a recent MTP Blog story about how the new social distancing guidelines and the threat of coronavirus has fundamentally upended House campaigns, disclosed his positive test in a new statement posted on social media and on the blogging platform Medium.

    He said he began developing symptoms earlier this month which he described as troubling tightness in my chest and difficulty breathing followed by a regular fever of 102 degrees. Patel lives with two doctors, one of whom is his brother, which he said underscored the need for him to test to see if had COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, so that his roommates would know whether they were at risk.

    Patel said that ultimately, he and his two housemates all tested positive. But hes now fully recovered and asymptomatic.

    New Yorkers and Americans at large are stepping up in a tremendous unified way. We know how important it is to our most vulnerable populations that we slow the growth of this COVID epidemic. But as this becomes less abstract and more personal when peoples loved ones start to show symptoms human nature is such that we are going to want certainty and safety, Patel wrote, before calling for universal COVID testing.

    Patel is running in the Democratic primary against longtime Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

    Trump Viewed Favorably By More In Iowa Gop Than Chuck Grassley

    Measuring President Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Against His Tweets | NBC News Now

    Trump has always been a polarizing figure in the state the percentage of all Iowans who viewed him favorably topped 50% only once before in polls dating to January 2018. That was in March 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic began to surge in the U.S.

    But he has maintained popularity among Iowa Republicans throughout his time in office, and the vast majority continue to view him favorably.

    According to the Registers Iowa Poll, 91% of Iowa Republicans have a favorable view of him and just 7% view him unfavorably. Another 2% are not sure.

    Those marks put Trump in league with Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds, who is viewed favorably by 90% of Iowa Republicans. And it surpasses Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, who is viewed favorably by 81% of Iowans.

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    I did not foresee the day when Donald Trump would be 10 points more popular with Iowa Republicans than the venerable Chuck Grassley, said pollster J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co.

    That Republican goodwill contrasts with Democrats feelings for Trump, 99% of whom view him unfavorably. Just 1% view him favorably.

    Independent Iowans are nearly evenly split, with 48% viewing him favorably and 49% viewing him unfavorably. Another 3% are unsure.

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    Polling Average Put Biden’s Approval Rating Higher Than 39%

    Experts say approval ratings should be calculated by looking at an average between polls not a single poll. On the day the claim was made, the polling average for Biden’s approval rating was 45.2%.

    “The best practice to look at multiple polls and not to fixate on an individual poll, which can be cherry-picked to make inaccurate arguments,” Barry Burden, director of the Elections Research Center and professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said in an email.

    The website FiveThirtyEight rates how different polls vary in terms of accuracy and statistical bias. It calculates approval ratings for presidents based on a weighted average that takes into account poll quality and uncertainty.

    According to that polling average, Biden’s approval rate was 45.2% on the day the claim was posted.

    The Facebook post appeared to refer to an Economist/YouGov poll conducted Sept. 4-7. It reported 39% of American adults approved of Biden. YouGov noted this was the first time the majority of Americans disapproved of Biden during his presidency.

    However, Burden told USA TODAY this poll was “unusually low.”

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    “In the last month YouGov has also reported approval ratings of 44% and 50%,” he said. “Taken as a group it is more accurate to say that Biden’s rating is hovering in the mid-40s.”

    How Does Joe Bidens Approval Rating Compare With Donald Trump

    Now seven months into his first term, Joe Biden has retained much of the popularity that propelled him into office.

    He secured the most significant vote share of any presidential challenger in US history last year, with the backing of 81,282,903 Americans to Mr Trumps 74,223,030.

    But the Afghanistan crisis now threatens to drag him near an approval black hole once occupied by his predecessor.

    Throughout the rest of his time in office, the rate remained below 50 percent, hitting a career-high of 45.8 percent in his penultimate year.

    Mr Trump was the first and only President documented by FiveThirtyEight to start his time in office with an approval rate below 50 percent.

    All of them saw approval dip below 50 percent at some point while they were in office.

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    Real Clear Politics Trump Approval Rating: 408 Percent

    In mid-September, Real Clear Politicswhich tracks numerous polls to find an averagefound the president to have a 40.8 percent approval rating, compared to 53.6 percent who disapproved of him.

    The number was a downturn for Trump, who Real Clear Politics found had a 42.9 percent approval rating in mid-July, a notch higher than his 42.4 percent approval rating the month before.

    Trump Gets His Best Rating Ever On Guns Its Still Bad

    Donald Trump

    Trump has generally dragged his feet when it comes to gun control. You might expect that to hurt him, given that Americans are in favor of stricter gun laws. Indeed, his approval rating on gun policy in our latest poll is only 38%.

    Yet that 38% is actually the highest its ever been. Its a statistically insignificantly higher than the 36% it was last month and 5 points higher than he was at the beginning of the year.

    I find that notable because gun control and Trumps mostly inaction on it has been in the news a lot recently, after mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. Despite that, his approval rating on the issue isnt going down.

    Moreover, gun policy is the only issue on which Trumps approval actually went up over the last month.

    While I wouldnt put too much on this, I do think its notable. It suggests perhaps that gun control isnt the driver of public opinion perhaps some Democrats hope it is heading into 2020.

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    Donald Trumps Final Approval Rating Is Stark Contrast To His First

    The level of disapproval of Donald Trump as he leaves office marks a stark contrast to when his term began. Trumps term officially ends on Wednesday, January 20, with President-elect Joe Biden to be inaugurated at midday.

    His tenure ended in controversy following the violent events of January 6 and his subsequent impeachment in relation to themwith which he became the first-ever president to be impeached twice.

    A Senate trial looms in which the upper chamber may convict Trump this time around, on the charge of inciting an insurrection, and it could also bar him from holding office.

    FiveThirtyEights tracker, which is a weighted average of approval polls, has Trumps final average disapproval rating at close to a peak at 57.4 percent. The highest it ever reached was 58.1 percent, just last week. His last approval average had him at 39.2 percent.

    When the tracker began, on January 23, 2017, Trump was at 41.3 percent disapproval and 45.5 percent approval.

    RealClear Politics tracker showed similar results.

    Its average, starting January 27, 2017, had him at 44.3 percent approval and 44.2 percent disapproval at that initial juncture. In its last average from January 19, Trumps rating was placed at 57 percent disapprove and 40 percent approve.

    Policy positions

    Weeks covered: 84

    To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


    Roughly Half Of Americans Approve Of What Biden Has Done So Far

    About half of Americans 49 percent said they approve of how Biden has served as president so far, less than two months into his presidency, according to the latest poll. But as was the case with his predecessor, whose last year in office was marred by the pandemic, much of that support comes from people who identify as members of his own party. Among Democrats, Bidens approval rating was 87 percent. But only 11 percent of Republicans and43 percent of independents said they approved of the president.

    Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

    Another 42 percent of Americans disapprove of what Biden has done so far as president, including 81 percent of Republicans and 43 percent of independents.

    Still, Biden currently has a higher job approval rating than former President Donald Trump ever reached during his four years in the White House, according to Marist polling data. And support for Biden seems to be growing. In this latest poll, 52 percent of Americans said they had a favorable impression of him. Thats up from 41 percent in October 2019 in the midst of Trumps first impeachment. Since then, Biden has inched up in favorability.

    Republicans in Congress face steeper job disapproval, with 64 percent of Americans saying they do not like what they are seeing, an increase of 6 percentage points over January 2019, including 38 percent of Republicans and 85 percent of Democrats.

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