Thursday, July 25, 2024

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What Are Trump’s Policies

Bringing Back The Pandemic

Trump’s Policy Of Giving Putin Everything He Wants Was No Help To Ukraine

President Trump has long campaigned on “America First” principles, and has pushed for bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the US.

During his first campaign, Mr Trump promised huge tax cuts for working Americans, to lower the corporate tax rate, to shake up the trade status quo and to revive American manufacturing.

On some of those, he has delivered.

In the last four years, he has rolled back federal regulations on businesses, enacted corporate and income tax cuts and signed executive orders supporting preferences for domestic-made products.

Since January 2017, the US has added more than 480,000 manufacturing jobs, though analysts say growth in the sector is slowing down and Mr Trump’s related policies – like tariffs – have not addressed the structural issues at play.

Mr Trump has also predicted the economy will bounce back immediately after the pandemic – though critics say his Covid-19 response has caused long-term economic damage.

Actions To Hinder Implementation Of Aca

President Trump continued Republican attacks on the ACA while in office, according to the New York Times, including steps such as:

  • Weakening the individual mandate through his first executive order, which resulted in limiting enforcement of mandate penalties by the IRS. For example, tax returns without indications of health insurance will still be processed, overriding instructions from the Obama administration to the IRS to reject them.
  • Reducing funding for advertising for the 2017 and 2018 exchange enrollment periods by up to 90%, with other reductions to support resources used to answer questions and help people sign-up for coverage. This action could reduce ACA enrollment.
  • Cutting the enrollment period for 2018 by half, to 45 days. The NYT editorial board referred to this as part of a concerted “sabotage” effort.
  • Issuing public statements that the exchanges are unstable or in a death spiral. CBO reported in May 2017 that the exchanges would remain stable under current law , but would be less stable if the AHCA were passed.

Impact On The Economy Deficit And Debt

The non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation of the U.S. Congress published its macroeconomic analysis of the Senate version of the Act, on November 30, 2017:

  • Gross domestic product would be 0.7% higher on average each year during the 2018â2027 period relative to the CBO baseline forecast, a cumulative total of $1,895 billion, due to an increase in labor supply and business investment. This is the level of GDP, not annual growth rate, so the economic impact is relatively minor.
  • Employment would be about 0.6% higher each year during the 2018â2027 period than otherwise. The lower marginal tax rate on labor would provide “strong incentives for an increase in labor supply.”
  • Personal consumption, the largest component of GDP, would increase by 0.6%.

The CBO estimated in April 2018 that implementing the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years, or about $1.891 trillion after taking into account macroeconomic feedback effects, in addition to the $9.8 trillion increase forecast under the current policy baseline and existing $20 trillion national debt.

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The First Step Act Provides Rehabilitative Programs To Inmates Helping Them Successfully Rejoin Society And Not Return To Crime

It is true that the First Step Act calls for the Bureau of Prisons to significantly expand these opportunities, but because of a lack of funding, around 25 percent of people who spend more than a year in federal prison have not completed any program, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, which backed the bill.

Banking And Consumer Protection

Five Impeachment Charges for Donald Trump

President Trump began efforts to loosen regulations imposed on financial institutions under the DoddâFrank Act, which was implemented following the 2007â2008 subprime mortgage crisis. The president also installed budget director Mick Mulvaney to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau established by DoddâFrank. Mr. Mulvaney had been a “staunch opponent” of the Agency’s past history of broad regulations. President Trump tweeted on November 25, 2017, that “Financial institutions have been devastated and unable to properly serve the public” even though commercial banks generated a record level of profit of $157 billion in 2016, lending activity was robust, and bank stocks were in record territory. The Trump administration and others have asserted that excessive financial regulation since 2008 has caused banks, particularly smaller banks, to decline in numbers. However, the FDIC has noted that “Consolidation in the U.S. banking industry is a multidecade trend that reduced the number of federally insured banks from 17,901 in 1984 to 7,357 in 2011” and this trend has continued through 2017.

The Republican-controlled House passed the Financial CHOICE Act, an expansive rollback of the DoddâFrank Act, on June 8, 2017. A less aggressive bill was approved by the Republican-controlled Senate on March 14, 2018. The House approved the Senate measure on May 22, 2018.

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Bad News For Naturalized Citizens

The Trump administration is threatening to strip some naturalized immigrants of their U.S. citizenship, and seeking more than $200 million in funding for an effort to investigate up to 700,000 immigrant files. While the policy is unlikely to impact the vast majority of new Americans, its a major shift for naturalized immigrants who have long enjoyed an assumption of permanence after gaining citizenship.

Military Weapons Once Again Flowed To Local Police Departments

On August 28, 2017, Sessions lifted the Obama administrations ban on transferring military surplus items to local law enforcement agencies. Those previous guidelines were created to protect the public from police misuse of military-grade weapons in the aftermath of the unrest in Ferguson, MO, in 2014 after the death of Michael Brown at the hands of police.

As of 2020, Americans are still living with the impacts of this political strategy. Just this year, Trump used Twitter to threaten any protesters that showed up at his June Tulsa rally. More worrying, perhaps, is that military surplus items in the hands of domestic law enforcement are more dangerous to people of color. The New York Times recently found that Minneapolis police used force against black people at a rate of 7 times more than white people.

Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!

Donald J. Trump

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Trump And The Roe Decision

TRUMP AND THE ROE DECISION. There’s a debate among some on the right about former President Donald Trump and the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Does Trump deserve any credit for what happened?

Some anti-Trump voices say the answer is no. “Am I glad to see Roe gone?” asked National Review’sKevin D. Williamson in a recent article. “Absolutely. Do I think that Trump’s role in this could have been performed by a reasonably well-trained monkey? Absolutely.” Williamson went on to write that “no conservative who knows how to read supported Trump in 2016 because he was solid on judicial originalism,” arguing instead that “it was movement conservatism … that kept the Trump presidency from being a disaster for the right.”

Williamson is an extreme case he likes to call Trump a monkey. But other, less strident anti-Trump voices have also tried to minimize Trump’s contributions. So what is the reality? Does Trump, in fact, deserve some credit for the overturn of Roe? The answer is absolutely yes.

Subscribe today to the Washington Examiner magazine that will keep you up to date with what’s going on in Washington.

The discussion began when moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump, “Do you want the court, including the justices that you will name, to overturn Roe v.Wade, which includes, in fact, states, a woman’s right to an abortion?”

Is Donald Trump To Blame For Baby Formula Shortage

Supreme Court orders Biden administration to restart Trump ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Questions have been raised as to whether former President Donald Trump should shoulder more of the blame for the current baby formula shortage due to a trade deal the U.S. signed in his final year in office.

The current lack of formula has been linked to the closure of Abbott Nutrition’s plant in Sturgis, Michiganwith Abbot being only one of only a handful of companies in the U.S. that produces almost all baby formula sold in the country. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also recalled several formula brands over fears the product was contaminated with bacteria.

Trump and a number of other GOP figures are using the nationwide shortages to attack President Joe Biden as the party hopes to retake control of both the House and Senate in November’s midterms.

However, a number of people have suggested that a trade agreement the U.S. entered into during Trump’s administration has also severely hampered the ability to import formulas from other countries to help deal with the crisis.

In July 2020, the U.S. entered into the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement , which discouraged formula imports from Canada due to an increased surcharge per kilogram.

Trump bears much of the blame for the current shortage of baby formula in the U.S, since his Administrations USMCA free trade agreement has made it virtually IMPOSSIBLE for our country to import infant formula from Canada.

Jon Cooper May 18, 2022

Newsweek reached out to the FDA for comment.

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Executive Order On Border Security

The executive order on border security, entitled Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, contains several sections which undermine human rights, including the expanded use of detention, limits on access to asylum, enhanced enforcement along the US-Mexico border, and the construction of a 2,000 mile border wall.

Construction of a Border Wall and Additional Border Patrol Personnel

Section 4 of the border security executive order directs DHS to take steps to obtain operational control of the US-Mexico border by planning, designing and constructing a wall along the length of the border. It also directs DHS to allocate unused funding for the purpose of constructing a wall and to undertake a comprehensive study on the security of the southern border within 180 days. Section 8 directs DHS to hire an additional 5,000 Border Patrol agents as soon as practicable.

Response: The construction of a border wall was a main promise of Trumps presidential campaign, despite concerns by experts that the wall would be expensive, difficult to construct, ineffective in deterring illegal migration, harmful to the environment on the border, offensive to personal property rights, and a threat to the economic and social well-being of border communities. President Trumps promise to force Mexico to pay for a wall has created intense tensions in the relationship between these hitherto allied nations.

Increased Construction of Detention Facilities and Detention of Immigrants

Federal Policy On Education 2017

Cabinet White House staff Transition team
Policy positions
Polling indexes: Opinion polling during the Trump administration

This page tracked major events and policy positions of the Trump administration and the 115th United States Congress on education from 2017 and 2018.

In the first year of his presidency, President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing the secretary of education to rescind any rules and regulations that exerted control over policy matters that by law are under state and local jurisdiction on April 26, 2017. In early 2018, Trump also signed into law two bills that repealed education-related regulations enacted by the Obama administration and held multiple listening sessions on preventing school violence.

  • 13Footnotes
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    Green Cards Are No Longer Being Issued During Covid

    Later in March, Trump signed an executive order to temporarily ban the issuance of green cards to people seeking permanent residency in the United States.

    On Twitter, Trump drummed up more vitriol by referring to COVID-19 as an invisible enemy, instead of a virus that could be controlled with social distancing, enforced mask use, and rapid testing. He also continued making the false and racist assertion that immigrants are taking the jobs of U.S. citizens. Trump tweeted:In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!

    Things Trump Got Right

    Donald Trump Confronts a New Label: Loser

    Nobody does nothing as president, not even someone who watches television for five or six hours a day.

    About the author: David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

    In his single term as president, George H. W. Bush negotiated the peaceful reunification of Germany. He liberated Kuwait while losing few American lives. He signed legislation to end acid rain. He did a budget deal that reduced federal deficits, enacted the Americans With Disabilities Act, and successfully resolved the collapse of the savings-and-loan industry.

    Jimmy Carter, in his one term, deregulated passenger aviation. He updated the regulation of rail freight, shipping, and trucking, laying the foundation for Americas modern delivery system. He negotiated the Camp David Accords, ending belligerency between Egypt and Israel. He avoided a major crisis in Central America with his Panama Canal Treaty.

    William Howard Taft also achieved much in his one term as president. It was his Department of Justice that busted the Standard Oil monopoly. Taft forcefully advocated a central bank for the United States, although that project was not completed until the year after he lost the presidency to Woodrow Wilson. Taft urged free trade with Canada and negotiated the treaty that ended a century of rancorous North American waterway disputes.

    Stricter regulation of vaping
    Dramatic reductions in the burning of coal

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    The Trump Administration Proposes Adding A Citizenship Question To The 2020 Census

    In December, the Department of Justice requested that Census Bureau Director Ron Jarmin include a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census. Not only would the move undermine years of careful research and increase costs significantly, but undocumented immigrants were considered less likely to provide census data due to fear of reprisals .

    In late 2017, documents were leaked that revealed one of the true intents behind the citizenship question: Republicans were looking for ways to further gerrymander districts along racial lines to make larger gains in elections. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled against the Trump administration in 2019 and the question did not appear on the 2020 census.

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