Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Who Would Win Biden Or Trump

Verdict And Betting Pick

Which Battleground States Do Trump And Biden Need To Win The Presidency? | TODAY

Look, lets not pretend this wouldnt be the most cringeworthy thing youve ever seen. Watching old people do anything physical is either a marvel of athletics or a tipped-over port-o-potty. Theres no in-between.

With that in mind, Id have to go with Trump at -165 only because I think hed have the edge for mental warfare leading up to the bout and the physical stature to take a fall. Whereas Biden looks like if he took one fall, his hip would shatter.

To get an idea of what two old people look like when theyre fighting, heres a video from the CFL Hall of Fame when Joe Kapp and Angelo Mosca decided to trade some shots:

I think we can all agree that if these two were ever to trade hands, like in the video above, it would be a doozy. Happy Betting!

America Is Not Ready For Trumps Second Term

And he could win, fair and square.

About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

The United States was unprepared for the scope of President Donald Trumps attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election. By Election Day, Trump had spent months calling the election rigged, and historians and democracy experts warned of the damage that these false claims could make. But when the president stepped to a lectern in the White House late on Election Night and insisted hed won, many Americans were taken aback. Much worse was still to come: Trump calling Georgias secretary of state, asking him to find 11,000 votes attempting to weaponize the Justice Department and instigating the failed January 6 insurrection.

Americans are ready now. If anything, theyre overprepared. Many members of the uneasy coalition of Democrats and former Republicans who oppose Trump are frantically focused on the danger of Trump and his GOP allies trying to steal the 2022 and especially 2024 elections. This is not without justification many of Trumps henchmen, meanwhile, are frantically focused on stealing it. But these watchdogs risk missing the graver danger: Trump could win this fair and square.

The possibility remains that they might try everything else and then opt for the wrong thing after all.

About The Vanderbilt Poll

The survey of 1,000 adults who are registered voters living in Tennessee was conducted between April 26 and May 14, 2022, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points. The statewide poll is conducted annually by Vanderbilt Universitys Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. In 2015, the Vanderbilt Poll became a charter member of the American Association for Public Opinion Researchs Transparency Initiative. More detailed results and methodology can be found at

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Us Election Betting Odds Who Is Favourite To Win


  • Joe Bidden is the odds-on favourite at 11/20, whereas Donald Trump is valued as the slight outsider at 6/4.
  • The Democrats are highly likely to take control of the House of Representatives, valued at 1/8. A Republican hold is way out at 15/4.

  • According to the bookies, Trump is most likely to secure between 43 46% of the popular vote, valued at 6/4
  • Biden is well-fancied for a comfortable win of 330-359 Electoral College votes, coming in at 15/4 with
  • What if its not Trump or Biden? An independent candidate is placed at 250/1 to win the US Election this week.
  • The odds of Trump scraping enough Electoral College votes to win stands at 9/2.

Sporting Bet

  • Could history repeat itself? Donald Trump is 11/5 to lose the popular vote but still be elected, as he was in 2016.
  • Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the three biggest swing-states Trump is 3/1 to take them all.
  • Joe Biden is placed at evens to win the most states in total
  • What about an Electoral College tie? Theres an outside shot of 50/1 for the vote to finish at 269-269, leaving both candidates short of the magic 270 mark.

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Vanderbilt Poll: Approval For Biden And Leeand For A 2024 Trump Presidential Rundrops As Voter Malaise Simmers

Trump vs. Biden: Where they stand on health, economy, more

May 26, 2022, 6:00 AM

In a sign that malaise over rising inflation and stressors related to pandemic recovery could be influencing Tennesseans attitudes toward elected leaders, support for President Joe Biden and Gov. Bill Lee has dropped among registered voters, according to the most recent statewide Vanderbilt Poll.

Poll co-directors John Geer, Ginny and Conner Searcy Dean of the College of Arts and Science and professor of political science, and Josh Clinton, Abby and Jon Winkelried Professor of Political Science, say the new findings align with a national trend of waning support for Biden, even among Democrats and independent voters. Tennessee voters also are less inclined to see the merit of another presidential run by Donald Trump.

Theres a general dissatisfaction with the direction of the country right now, and we pick that up in a lot of different wayswhether it be in the national poll or in how people are viewing local leaders, Geer said. One of the themes our latest poll shows is that here in Tennessee, there is a declining appetite to have a replay of the 2020 presidential election in 2024.

Among Democrats, 79 percent of those polled said they approve of Bidens performance, while last year 92 percent voiced support for him. Only 31 percent of all those polled approved of Bidens performancedown from 39 percent last year around this timeand a mere 25 percent said they hope Biden runs for reelection.

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Bidenworld Wants To Make The Midterms More About Trump And Hopes Elon Musk Helps

Still, some allies and Democrats privately worry that Biden may not be able to handle the rigors of another campaign.

A bone he broke in his foot while playing with his dog in late November 2020 still occasionally bothers Biden, resulting in a slower and shorter gait. And the White House has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events in part because it cant be permanently equipped with a teleprompter Biden aides prefer the fake White House stage built in the Old Executive Office Building next door for events, sacrificing some of the power of the historic backdrop in favor of an otherwise sterile room that was outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen.

And if Biden were to run again in 2024, it almost certainly would be a more rigorous campaign than the one he previously mounted. The outbreak of Covid kept Biden in his Delaware home for much of the 2020 general election campaign, sparing him the wear and tear of relentless travel.

As for Trump, the issues are not related to physical health so much as psychological conditioning. He wants to run, those who know him say, but wants to be sure he will win.

I always said that he would run if Biden is under 44 or 43 but if Biden is at 46, 47, he will pass, said Bryan Lanza, a GOP strategist and former Trump campaign official. Right now he is at 41 so I have to say yes right now there has to be a dramatic turning out in Biden numbers for him to pass.

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Abortion A Contentious Issue

Abortion is at the forefront of national conversation as a draft Supreme Court opinionwas leaked that suggests the conservative majority may overturn a court case that ruled that people have a constitutional right to obtain an abortion.

The draft majority opinion, written by conservativeJustice Samuel Alito, attacks the landmark 1973Roe v. Wade decisionas incorrectly decided. A final opinion is expected to be published in late June.

Among Tennesseans surveyed, 48 percent identified as pro-choice, and 50 percent identified as pro-life. Overall, 36 percent of respondents said abortion should be legal in all cases. Seventy percent of Democrats polled favored abortion being legal, while only 8 percent of Republicans prefer pro-choice legislation.

Overall, while there is a strong partisan divide on this issue, only a minority of Tennesseans, including Republicans, want to make all abortion illegal. There is strong support for having abortion be either completely legal or legal under some conditions, such as in cases of rape and incest and when the health of the mother is at stake.

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Biden Vs Trump 2024 Polls: Statewise Polls

Trump vs Biden Polls 2024: Arizona

The close Statesor the States where the Margin of Victory was less than 5%

  • Georgia, 0.23% 16 electoral votes
  • Arizona, 0.31% 11 electoral votes
  • Wisconsin, 0.63% 10 electoral votes
  • Pennsylvania, 1.16% 20 electoral votes
  • North Carolina, 1.35% 15 electoral votes
  • Nevada, 2.39% 6 electoral votes
  • Michigan, 2.78% 16 electoral votes
  • Florida, 3.36%- 29 Electoral Votes
  • How Trump And Biden Supporters Would React To Victory And Defeat

    US election: Biden supporters’ messages to Trump voters – BBC News

    When asked about their reactions to the outcome of the November 2020 election, voters say they would have more positive reactions to Biden winning the election than to Trump being reelected president. And voters reactions to Trumps possible reelection are more intense both positively and negatively than to a Biden victory.

    About half of registered voters say they would be excited or relieved if Biden was elected president, while 47% say they would be disappointed or angry.

    Among voters who say they would react positively to a Biden victory, far more would be relieved than excited . Among those who expect to react negatively, more say they would be disappointed than angry .

    More voters say they would react to a Trump victory with negative than positive emotions. Nearly twice as many voters say they would be angry if Trump wins reelection than if Biden is elected president .

    Yet somewhat more voters also say they would be excited by a Trump victory than a Biden victory.

    Although both Trump and Biden supporters express positive reactions to their own candidate winning the November election, Trump supporters are about twice as likely to say to say they would be excited if their candidate won the 2020 election than Biden supporters are of their own candidate.

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    Understand The 2022 Midterm Elections

    Why are these midterm races so important?This years races could tip the balance of power in Congress to Republicans, hobbling President Bidens agenda for the second half of his term. They will also test former President Donald J. Trumps role as a G.O.P. kingmaker. Heres what to know:

    What are the midterm elections?Midterms take place two years after a presidential election, at the midpoint of a presidential term hence the name. This year, a lot of seats are up for grabs, including all 435 House seats, 35 of the 100 Senate seats and 36 of 50 governorships.

    What do the midterms mean for Biden?With slim majorities in Congress, Democrats have struggled to pass Mr. Bidens agenda. Republican control of the House or Senate would make the presidents legislative goals a near-impossibility.

    What are the races to watch?Only a handful of seats will determine if Democrats maintain control of the House over Republicans, and a single state could shift power in the 50-50 Senate. Here are 10 races to watch in the House and Senate, as well as several key governors contests.

    When are the key races taking place?The primary gauntlet is already underway. Closely watched races in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia were held in May, with more taking place through the summer. Primaries run until September before the general election on Nov. 8.

    The generation after me is just a complete trash heap, Mr. Dean said.

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    Just over two-thirds of voters also believe the US is on the wrong track.

    When asked what issues were most on their minds in the November midterm elections, voters overwhelmingly chose the economy .

    Terrorism and border security came in second at 14 percent, followed closely by health care , senior issues and womens issues defined as birth control, abortion and equal pay at 6 percent.

    Six percent of voters said they were most concerned about energy issues, including the cost of gas and electricity as well as carbon emissions, while 4 percent said education including school standards, class size and student loans was most important to them.

    The poll surveyed 2,005 registered voters between Jan. 22 and 23 and has a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.

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    Aoc’s Odds Of Winning The 2024 Us Presidential Election

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has emerged as one of the brightest young stars of the Democratic Party but has seen her odds fall from +3,300 in the New Year to +5,000 in March and she has now plummeted all the way to +10,000. AOC is currently serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing New York’s 14th district.

    The politically savvy 31-year-old has built a massive online following and will be turning the requisite age of presidential eligibility just before the 2024 election.

    Her biggest obstacle may in fact be her own party, with her more progressive views likely to alienate some of her colleagues unless they soften over time.

    She recently hit the news for criticizing the Biden administration for not doing more to help student debt while Nancy Pelosi’s new book “This Will Not Pass” accuses AOC and other progressives of vying to be “queen bee.” Ocasio-Cortez could run the risk of being another Bernie Sanders if she can’t convince the moderates that she is willing to make concessions on key issues.

    Biden 202: Will Joe Biden Be The Democratic Party Nominee

    Analysis: What to watch for during the first Trump

    Joe Biden recently expressed his desire of contesting the 2024 Presidential election and he also said that he would be fortunate to face Donald Trump again in 2024. However, the probability of him being the Democratic partys nominee is slim.

  • Health: While public videos are not a reliable metric for assessing the President, president Biden has repeatedly shown signs of lack of awareness around him.
  • Example

    2. Mid-term performance: Current forecasts suggest that the Democratic party will lose control of both the House and the Senate. This will make it difficult for President Biden to push his candidature given his historically low approval ratings.

    3. Betting Markets: As per the prediction platform, Smarkets, around only 33% of the respondents or participants are positive about Biden being the Democratic Partys nominee for the 2024 Presidential election. Around 18% of the participants believe, Kamala Harris could be the Presidential nominee of Democrats for 2024.

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    How Trump Or Biden Could Win Mapped

    This story was featured in Drop Me The Link, our one-story election newsletter.

    Its the Friday after Election Day, and Joe Bidens path to victory is looking prohibitive for President Trump.

    So where do things go from here? This post is our updating look at the paths to victory that remain for Trump and Biden. We will adjust these maps based on projected and likely results to show you the most likely remaining avenues.

    So bookmark this page and refresh often.

    The big news Friday morning was the Biden edged ahead in two key, outstanding states: Georgia and Pennsylvania. This means he now leads in 4 of the 5 key states that remain uncalled, along with Arizona and Nevada. Trump retains a lead only in North Carolina.

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