Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Is There A Trump Care

The Trump Administration Has Failed To Stabilize The Child Care Industry During The Pandemic

Trump Supporters Don’t Even Care That They’re Being Conned

The coronavirus crisis revealed to many Americans what has always been true: The child care sector is essential for working parents and the countrys economy. Many child care providers have remained open throughout the pandemic to care for the children of essential workers and those called back to work. And though most child care providers are currently open, they are struggling financially to stay open due to increased expenses and reduced enrollment and revenue. As a result, 1 in 5 child care workers have lost their job since the pandemic began in March. Notably, while many small businesses have received emergency loans, few child care providers have received such relief either because they did not apply amid worries about not being able to pay back loans or because banks, who had discretion in approving loan applications, denied their applications.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Child Care Is Essential Act on July 29, but the White House and Congress could not agree on a final deal for a pandemic relief bill that includes significant funds for child care. Now, more than 80 percent of child care providers say that they will be forced to close permanently without further federal funding.

Trumpcare Also Does The Following

The following are some of the major changes made by the AHCA and BCRA. The Changes below reflect the bill as it stands as of July 13th, 2017 :

TIP: The ACA included about 20 tax provisions the AHCA undoes or changes many of them. The list above is not exhaustive . Learn more about the taxes in the ACA.

Trumpcare/american Healthcare Act/better Care And Reconciliation Act Summary

The latest version of TrumpCare, with all the changes to the Better Care Reconciliation Act and provisions from the American HealthCare Act , AKA TrumpCare phase 1 contains provisions that:

First, the American HealthCare Act made the following changes (most of which the BCRA keeps items the BCRA changed are crossed out

The Senate Bill that is Replacing the House Bill does everything noted above with a few changes, they are:

  • There is a 6 month waiting period if you want to reenter the market after not having coverage for more than 63 days ,
  • Further reduces Medicaid spending,
  • Tax credits are based on age and income from 0% 350% FPL .
  • Cost Sharing Reduction subsidies are approved until 2019 on a per-month basis .

Then the latest July 13th update to the Better Care Reconciliation Act makes a few changes that include:

NOTES: Immediately following the July 13th version a few more changes were made. The bill now also includes the Ted Cruz Amendment which allows insurers to sell inexpensive plans to consumers that include basic coverage up to an annual cap . This amendment is likely to bring down average premiums considerably, but it does this by allowing insurers to sell low-benefit, low-cost, plans with annual limits. So there is a trade-off there.

The CBO estimates for uninsured under the BCRA.

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An Introduction To The Many Healthcare Bills Regulations And Ideas We Call Trumpcare

Below we explain different aspects of TrumpCare.

When people say TrumpCare they are essentially referring to healthcare changes made, attempted to be made, and/or pushed for under President Trump . This is sort of like how when people say ObamaCare they are referring to changes to the healthcare system under Obama, but especially the Affordable Care Act.

Changes and policy ideas under Trump that may be considered TrumpCare have included:

In other words, TrumpCare is a term that describes the ongoing health care reform effort under Donald Trump .

This is somewhat complicated by the fact that a repeal and replace plan did not pass Congress, and instead the Trump administration has been gradually reshaping the healthcare system using executive orders, legislative action, action in congress, and changes done via federal agencies like HHS.

What Is Different About The American Health Care Act / Better Care Reconciliation Act And The Affordable Care Act

Trump Obamacare order shows he doesn

We explain the difference between ObamaCare and TrumpCare to show how TrumpCare and ObamaCare are different.

The goal of this page is to compare TrumpCare to ObamaCare in the form it was before Trump took office. To do that we will look at Trumpcare as it existed in July of 2017 when Congress and the administration were attempting to pass a repeal and replace plan and compare it to the Affordable Care Act as it existed before Trump took office and began making changes.

In other words, this page reflects all changes up to the July 13th, 2017 changes to the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 , but does not include later changes like the executive order to repeal the individual mandate or the administrations backing of the court case that could declare the ACA illegal .

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Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Affordable Care Act

If successful, the move would permanently end the health insurance program popularly known as Obamacare and wipe out coverage for as many as 23 million Americans.

By Sheryl Gay Stolberg

WASHINGTON The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court late Thursday to overturn the Affordable Care Act a move that, if successful, would bring a permanent end to the health insurance program popularly known as Obamacare and wipe out coverage for as many as 23 million Americans.

In an 82-page brief submitted an hour before a midnight deadline, the administration joined Republican officials in Texas and 17 other states in arguing that in 2017, Congress, then controlled by Republicans, had rendered the law unconstitutional when it zeroed out the tax penalty for not buying insurance the so-called individual mandate.

The administrations argument, coming in the thick of an election season as well as a pandemic that has devastated the economy and left millions of unemployed Americans without health coverage is sure to reignite Washingtons bitter political debate over health care.

In his brief, Solicitor General Noel J. Francisco argued that the health laws two remaining central provisions are now invalid because Congress intended that all three work together.

The court has not said when it will hear oral arguments, but they are most likely to take place in the fall, just as Americans are preparing to go to the polls in November.

A Few Problems With Trumpcare Worth Highlighting

The goal here is to try to present honest information and note harp on the TrumpCare sticking points, with that said there are a few problems worth highlighting before moving on.

  • It lets insurers charge older Americans more and allows for junk insurance by getting rid of standards like actuarial values.
  • It defunds Planned Parenthood.
  • Women, seniors, and lower-income Americans get the short end of the stick, while industry and higher-income Americans get a better deal.
  • The biggest negative is that it fails to address many sticking points of ObamaCare, and doesnt seek to expand coverage. Instead, it addresses some Republicans issues from a centered standpoint by trading entitlements for low-income people for entitlements for all.

TIP: Want to know what Americans like and dont like about ObamaCare? See the comments of our Tell Trump What You Like or Dont Like About ObamaCare page.

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Tax Law Has Left Behind Millions Of Low

In addition to President Trumps failures to stabilize the child care industry amid the coronavirus crisis, the tax law that he signed into law in 2017 has not made it any easier for lower-income families to access affordable careincreasing deficits by $1.9 trillion and heavily favoring corporations and wealthy Americans. Even the provision that Trump and his congressional allies frequently tout as pro-family prioritized the needs of wealthy families while leaving millions of low-income families behind. The value of the child tax credit increased from $1,000 to $2,000 per child, but lower-income families cannot claim the full value and many hardly get any benefit.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a single mother of two earning the minimum wage receives a $75 boost from the tax law, whereas a married couple earning $400,000 with two children receives $4,000. In total, 11 million children receive a benefit of $75 or less from this law and the families of about 1 million children were shut out of the CTC entirely.

It’s Time To Pass The Torch: Sen Leahy Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection

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In Tuesday’s elections, Republican candidates surged in blue states, cities rejected majorpolice reform and suburban voters showed their independence. The major takeaways? This is a more moderate and centrist country than activists on either the right or left let on, and Donald Trump fever may be breaking.

The system is working. Leave Trump behind. Primaries are a problem. The people who vote get to choose.

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How Much Will Trumpcare Insurance Cost People With Health Issues

One of the main goals of Obamacare was to make insurance affordable for people with health problems. Insurers are happy to insure healthy people. People in good health have few claims, so essentially they are just sending a check to the insurer every month. Its a good deal if you can get it.

But its a very different story if you have serious health issues. For these people, insurers actually have to cough up the money. In the good old days, before the Affordable Care Act , insurers would either refuse to insure people with serious health conditions altogether or add large supplements to their premiums.

The ACA prohibited insurers from discriminating against people based on their health condition. They could charge different premiums by age, but they couldnt turn anyone down because of their health, and they had to charge everyone the same rate. This means that a 60-year-old with three heart attacks would pay the same premium as a 60-year-old who is a serious marathon runner.

Donald Trump has repeatedly said that he wants to get rid of the ACA and is currently pushing a case before the Supreme Court that would end it if he wins. While he says that he wants to preserve protections for people with pre-existing conditions, he has introduced no legislation that would have this effect or even outlined a plan for protecting people with health problems.

The Bottomline On Trumpcare

The bottom line on ObamaCare vs. TrumpCare is perhaps best expressed by the following points:

  • TrumpCare gives large employers, young healthy people, and industry a break in costs via tax cuts and deregulation. It also helps those who live in states that didnt expand Medicaid but have the money to buy insurance with cost assistance .
  • The plan presents some real complications for the sick, poor, low-income workers, seniors, and women due to reduced assistance and the defunding of planned parenthood, higher age ratios and less assistance for non-Medicare seniors, the freezing of Medicaid Expansion, and the focus on tax breaks and HSAs over assistance.
  • Healthcare providers will lose countless patients, and this could cause a healthcare provider crisis.
  • Young people are not incentivized to get plans and this could cause a problem with insurance.
  • Employees who just got coverage and small employers will lose assistance, but large employers wont be burdened with the complexities of choosing between health care and full-time employees.

Thus, the bottom line here is that the law reduces costs for the wealthy, healthy, and young and substantially raises costs for many in other demographics.

The middle class wont notice much difference unless they get sick and go without coverage. Our poorest people, women, seniors, and low-wage workers will see some new hurdles.

Those with higher incomes will most certainly benefit.

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Trumpcare As Found On Donaldjtrumpcom Compared To The Healthcare Bills Passed In The House And Senate

NOTE: Keep in mind things are changing rapidly, so everything below is subject to change.

The following is a short version of Trumps plan on his website , the sections in red have not been addressed yet.

In other words, most of what Trump promised didnt make it into phase 1 of the American HealthCare Act/Better Care Reconciliation Act, or the new rules, with the exception of a few items like repealing the mandates fee and beefing up HSAs.

NOTE: There has been many, many attempted and actual changes to the Affordable Care Act during Trumps time in office. The repeal and replace plans did not pass, but many changes did occur . This page focuses on what Trump promised on his site and the repeal and replace plans. See the links above for the orders and HHS changes, well work on weaving them into here shortly. With that said, many planks from the bills got done via orders and HHS, and another repeal and replace plan with similar provisions is likely, so the rest is worth a read from that perspective.

  • Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.
  • Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.TIP: The income threshold for medical expenses is reduced from 10% to 5.8% under the AHCA, this isnt directly related, but is noteworthy.
  • Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals.
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    Eliminating the penalty also caused insurance premiums to rise, says Sabrina Corlette, director of the Center on Health Insurance Reforms at Georgetown University. “Insurance companies were getting very strong signals from the Trump administration that even if the ACA wasn’t repealed, the Trump administration probably was not going to enforce the individual mandate,” she says. Insurance companies figured that without a financial penalty, healthy people would opt not to buy insurance, and the pool of those that remained would be smaller and sicker.

    So, even though the $0 penalty didn’t actually go into effect until 2019, Corlette says, “insurance companies in anticipation of the individual mandate going away and in anticipation that consumers would believe that the individual mandate was no longer going to be enforced priced for that for 2018.” According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, premiums went up about 32%, on average, for ACA “silver plans” that went into effect in early 2018, although most people received subsidies to offset those premium hikes.

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