Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Was Trump In The Military

The Claim: This Was The First Four

Atlantic report highlights Trump’s complex relationship with the military

As the election nears, a post about President Donald Trump looks to highlight his record on military events, claiming he stands out from most modern presidents in terms of new conflicts involving the United States.

The Oct. 24 post simply reads, Did ya know? This was the 1st 4 year term with out < sic> a new war since Eisenhower. The poster did not respond to USA TODAY’s requests for comment.

Dwight Eisenhower was president from 1953-61.

A similar claim was made by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., during the Republican National Convention, saying that Trump was the first president since Ronald Reagan to not wage a new war. Reagan was six presidents after Eisenhower, serving from 1981-89.

Allegations Of Inciting Violence

Research suggests Trump’s rhetoric caused an increased incidence of hate crimes. During his 2016 campaign, he urged or praised physical attacks against protesters or reporters. Since then, some defendants prosecuted for hate crimes or violent acts cited Trump’s rhetoric in arguing that they were not culpable or should receive a lighter sentence. In May 2020, a nationwide review by ABC News identified at least 54 criminal cases from August 2015 to April 2020 in which Trump was invoked in direct connection with violence or threats of violence by mostly white men against mostly members of minority groups. On January 13, 2021, the House of Representatives impeached Trump for incitement of insurrection for his actions prior to the storming of the U.S. Capitol by a violent mob of his supporters who acted in his name.

The Military Speaks Out

Serving and Retired U.S. Military Leaders Views about the Trump Administration
Blog Post

David Sterman

In the early days of his presidency, Donald Trump was enthusiastic about the current and former senior military officers in his administration. But as his time in office continued, relationships between President Trump and some of those officers soured. Some were fired or resigned from the administration, and other senior, retired officers increasingly have made public statements about the president’s actions, statements, and policies. The volume of military leaders speaking out about the presidency is unprecedented, bringing into question norms of civil-military relations and longstanding efforts to maintain an apolitical military. This project tracks statements from current and retired military leaders at or above the 3-star rank, both critical and supportive of President Trump, over time and across issue categories.

Leadership: Purple bars represent statements that broadly speak against President Trumps leadership style. This category covers incidents related to Trumps presidential campaign, his role as Commander in Chief, and leadership of the nation.

Civil Rights: Green bars represent statements about Trumps handling of civil rights issues. This category spans racism, gender discrimination, immigration, and human rights.

to see the full table.

If you have feedback, questions, additions, or corrections, please email .

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Us House Of Representatives

Pence rejuvenated his political career by running for the U.S. House of Representatives again in 2000, this time winning the seat in after six-year incumbent opted to run for governor of Indiana. The district comprises all or portions of 19 counties in eastern Indiana. As a congressman, Pence adopted the slogan he had used on the radio, describing himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order”. While in Congress, Pence belonged to the .

In his first year in office, Pence opposed President ‘s in 2001, as well as President Bush’s Medicare prescription drug expansion the following year. Pence was re-elected four more times by comfortable margins. In the , , and House elections, he defeated Democrat .

  • : Foreign Affairs, Judiciary

In 2008, magazine listed Pence as one of the ten best members of Congress, writing that Pence’s “unalloyed traditional conservatism has repeatedly pitted him against his party elders.” Pence was mentioned as a possible Republican candidate for president in and . In September 2010, he was the top choice for president in a straw poll conducted by the . That same year, he was encouraged to run against incumbent Democratic senator , but opted not to enter the race, even after Bayh unexpectedly announced that he would retire.

Pres Trump Bans Transgender People In Us Military

Donald Trump plans military parade as critics brand him a ...

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that Trump’s announcement was “a military decision” and was “not meant to be anything more than that,” adding that that the president’s administration believed the decision reached last year by the Obama administration “erodes military readiness and unit cohesion.”

Sanders, taking questions at her daily press briefing, did not provide any information on how or when the Pentagon and White House would begin implementing the new ban.

When asked how the administration would deal with transgender troops currently serving and who are already deployed in far-flung places like Afghanistan, Sanders said only that the “implementation is something that the Department of Defense and the White House have to work together to lawfully determine.”

“I imagine the Department of Defense will be the lead on this,” she said.

Trumps tweets Wednesday, however, seemed to catch the Pentagon off guard, coming more than an hour before the Defense Department released its own brief statement on the matter, in which it referred “all questions about the President’s statements to the White House.”

“We will continue to work closely with the White House to address the new guidance provided by the Commander-in-Chief on transgender individuals serving the military,” Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said. “We will provide revised guidance to the Department in the near future.”

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In July 2016 Trump Attacked The Family Of Capt Humayun Khan A Slain Soldier Dismissing A Speech His Father Khizr Khan Made Because He Said Khan’s Mother Hadn’t Been Allowed To Speak

Trump was referring to Islam tradition of female subservience, but the family said she had not spoken because she was too emotional to talk about her son’s death.

The elder Khan also said Trump had never sacrificed anything or lost anyone, to which Trump responded, I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I’ve worked very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs.

Breaking News: Trump Calls In The Military

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has shared an update on Twitter, announcing that President Trump has called in the military.

On January 6, during the joint session of Congress held to certify the Electoral College vote, Trump supporters gathered in Washington, D.C., to protest against the certification of votes from states with evidence of fraud and irregularities in their elections.

The majority of the protest was peaceful, but a large number of patriots stormed the Capitol building, breaching police barriers and entering the building. Fights broke out between the protesters and the police.

Elijah Schaffer, a reporter for BlazeTV, shared the news on Twitter, along with a video:

BREAKING: revolution in process as Trump supporters break into the Capitol building, attacking police, breaking windows, and knocking down doors

Full anarchy at this mostly peaceful demonstration DC

The people have pushed through & are storming to main chambers


According to an update given by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, National Guard troops are currently headed to the Capitol building at the direction of President Trump, to help end the volatile situation taking place inside.

At President s direction, the National Guard is on the way along with other federal protective services. We reiterate President Trumps call against violence and to remain peaceful, the White House Press Secretary tweeted from her official government account.

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Fiscal And Economic Policy

Pence “inherited a $2 billion budget reserve from his predecessor, Mitch Daniels, and the state … added to that reserve under his watch, though not before requiring state agencies, including public universities, to reduce funding in years in which revenue fell below projections.” The state finished fiscal year 2014 with a reserve of $2 billion budget cuts ordered by Pence for the $14 billion annual state budget include $24 million cut from colleges and universities $27 million cut from the Family and Social Services Administration and $12 million cut from the . During Pence’s term as governor, the unemployment rate reflected the national average. Indiana’s job growth lagged slightly behind the national trend. In 2014, Indiana’s economy was among the slowest-growing in the United States, with 0.4 percent GDP growth, compared to the national average of 2.2 percent this was attributed in part to a sluggish manufacturing sector. and announced in 2016 that they would be closing two facilities in Indiana, sending 2,100 jobs to Mexico the Trump campaign criticized the moves and Pence expressed “deep disappointment”. Pence was unsuccessful in his efforts to persuade the companies to stay in the state, although the companies agreed to reimburse local and state governments for certain tax incentives they had received. The led by Pence had approved $24 million in incentives to ten companies who sent jobs abroad. $8.7 million had been paid out by August 2016.

Us Election : Has Trump Kept His Promises On The Military

After Trump comments, top Army general defends military’s leaders

US President Donald Trump has been defending his record on military spending and his pledge to cut back US involvement in foreign wars.

In 2017 he said he would rebuild the country’s “depleted military”. He has also called for a reduction in US troops serving abroad.

We’ve taken a look at the president’s record on the military.

President Trump’s son, Donald Jr, recently wrote on Twitter: “Trump properly funded our military after Obama-Biden decimated it.”

The chart shows military spending has steadily increased since President Trump took office in January 2017.

However, this spending is still significantly lower than during the first term of the Obama administration, using figures adjusted for inflation.

“Defence spending did go up quite substantially under President Trump to date. I wouldn’t call the growth unprecedented, though,” says Michael O’Hanlon, a security fellow at the Brookings Institution.

“Mr Trump can claim credit for a large ‘peacetime’ increase from a state that was already fairly good under Mr Obama, whose defence budgets were strong by historical standards too – more than $100bn above the Cold War annual average, once adjusted for inflation,” says Mr O’Hanlon.

Looking at military spending over the past three decades, comparing it with the size of the US economy, we can see that current spending is at nowhere near record levels.

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Abortion Sex Education And Stem Cell Research

Pence is an , and his unwavering support of abortion restrictions has gained him the support of grassroots conservative activists. He began seeking to defund in 2007 and in three congressional sessions, he introduced legislation to block organizations that provide abortion services from receiving any funding, even for services not related to reproductive health or ., president of the , has praised Pence as a “pro-life trailblazer”.

Pence has criticized . In 2002, he criticized a speech by then-secretary of state , who had said it was “important for young people … to protect themselves from the possibility of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease” through the use of . Pence called Powell’s comments a “sad day” and expressed his support for . He asserted that “condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases” and that Powell was “maybe inadvertently misleading millions of young people and endangering lives” despite the CDC assessment that when properly used they offer effective protection against STDs.

Pence opposed President Obama’s executive order eliminating , saying, “I believe it is morally wrong to create human life to destroy it for research … I believe it is morally wrong to take the tax dollars of millions of pro-life Americans.” He asserted that “scientific breakthroughs have rendered embryonic stem-cell research obsolete.”

Mattis From Admiration To Insults

Before taking office, Trump met with Mattis at Bedminster in December 2016 and brought him before the media, taking great delight in the generals Mad Dog nickname, and pronounced him right out of central casting.

But he soured on the general and others for not bending to his will on a range of issues, at home and abroad. Mattis disagreed with Trumps berating of U.S. allies, his disparagement of NATO and his abrupt pullout in Syria, which went against the advice of his military.

Trump has since branded Mattis the worlds most overrated general.

The first signs of troubled relationships with the generals came early in his presidency.

In the summer of 2017, Trump was in the Situation Room talking about U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan with Mattis, then-national security adviser H.R. McMaster – an Army general – and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and others.

The generals had a troop increase request and thought they were going to stick it up under Trumps nose and he was going to sign it, a former senior administration official told Reuters.

Trump raised all sorts of questions about the request. A meeting due to last 20 minutes went on for two hours.

He just ripped them, the generals, everybody. Why are we doing this, when can we get out, what does victory look like? It was really uncomfortable, the former official said.

After the meeting broke up, Trump asked them for real options.

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Donald Trump’s Awful Tweet About Sexual Assault In The Military

On Tuesday, the Pentagon released a report about the rampant sexual assault taking place within the United States military. The figures the report laid out were shocking to read. From the Associated Press:

The Pentagon report says that the number of sexual assaults reported by members of the military rose from 3,192 to 3,374 in 2012, while the department estimates that as many as 26,000 service members were assaulted, based on anonymous surveys, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the report.

Politicians from President Obama on down condemned the findings. For noted military theorist Donald Trump, however, the study sent a different message:

26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?

Egged On By His Father The Us President Began Expressing Contempt For Americans Who Fight In Wars As Far Back As High School His Classmates Say

How Racism Could Drive Support for War With Iran

Michael HirshForeign Policy

NEW FOR SUBSCRIBERS:Click + to receive email alerts for new stories written by Michael Hirsh

Perhaps no one was less surprised last week when it was reported that U.S. President Donald Trump had called American war dead losers and suckers than his former high school classmate George M. White.

The 74-year-old retired Army veteran was Trumps superiorthe first captain, or highest-ranking cadetin Trumps 1964 graduating class at the New York Military Academy. White said he witnessed up close Trumps contempt for military service, discipline, and tradition, as well his ungoverned sense of entitlement, all helped along by his father Fred Trumps generous donations to the school.

No, those remarks absolutely didnt surprise me. In my dealings with him he was a heartless, obnoxious son of a bitch, White told me in an interview over the weekend.

Perhaps no one was less surprised last week when it was reported that U.S. President Donald Trump had called American war dead losers and suckers than his former high school classmate George M. White.

The 74-year-old retired Army veteran was Trumps superiorthe first captain, or highest-ranking cadetin Trumps 1964 graduating class at the New York Military Academy. White said he witnessed up close Trumps contempt for military service, discipline, and tradition, as well his ungoverned sense of entitlement, all helped along by his father Fred Trumps generous donations to the school.

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