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How Do I Get President Trump’s Tweets

President Trumps Tweets And How Presidents Communicate

WATCH: White House aide says Trump’s tweets about Pence on Jan. 6 were ‘unpatriotic’

As unpredictable as the Trump presidency has been, one thing that has been steady is President Trumps Twitter feed.

While hes not the first president to use Twitter, hes certainly changed the way presidents communicate directly with the American people.

Hes not ashamed to admit that he knows the power of Twitter and takes advantage of it. He told 60 Minutes after the 2016 election: Its a modern form of communication. There should be nothing you should be ashamed of. Its where its at.

Thats despite some Republicans wishing he would put down his phone, including Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who told Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric, Look, if I were advising President Trump, Id say, Put your Twitter account on hold and make sure that you are not sending out this storm of tweets before you are sure of your facts.

Twitter is nothing new for President Trump. As a private citizen, he sent out his first tweet in 2009, promoting his appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman.

Over the years he used Twitter to weigh in on celebrity breakups and notoriously President Obamas birth certificate.

On the 2016 campaign trail he used it to take jabs at his opponents on both sides of the aisle, and since taking office not much has changed. Despite having won, he still goes at Hillary Clinton and his fellow Republicans, not to mention his self-proclaimed enemy number one: the media.

Read more from Yahoo News:

Donald Trump Twitter: How Did The Former President Use Twitter

Donald Trumps tweets were a great way to know what the former President was thinking, what he was doing or thinking about to do. Always that Donald Trump used Twitter a newspaper wrote a new article. They were also a great source of conflict and controversy, just read the replies to any tweet he sent. We analyzed every tweet sent by Donald Trump since he became the President of the United States of America to see how he used Twitter. Can you imagine doing a hashtag tracking of all the hashtags he posted?

Do President Trump’s Tweets Affect Financial Markets

We study the impact of President Trump’s tweets on the financial markets.

The US stock market declines and both uncertainty and trading increase after the tweets.

We use Latent Dirichlet Allocation to affiliate tweets with distinct topics.

The response of financial markets is strongest for the topic of a trade war.

The US and the Chinese stock market respond negatively gold price responds positively.

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Evolution Of Tweets Sent By Donald Trump Since 2009

Donald Trump has always used his personal Twitter account @realDonaldTrump instead of the one from the official for the US Presidency @Potus. Former President Barack Obama used to have a team running his accounts. Whenever he sent a tweet personally, he added its signature to it so the audience would know. Trump tweets today are considered a great source of information. We have to say that this analysis is based on real Trump tweets, they are not fake or made up, those are tweets sent by Trump himself.

You can get these tweets and complete data with a . The Tweet Binder report about how Donald Trump tweets in 2020 also shows that this tweet remains as Tumps most liked tweet and Trumps most retweeted tweet he ever shared:

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The Most Special Tweeter Until He Wasnt

Trump accuses Twitter of

The media that began the Trump presidency wondering if he would stop tweeting after the inauguration is ending that presidency with conversations about the meaning of his ban from the platform, which was effected late last week. That conversation is accompanied by a near-industry-wide effort by tech companies to sever ties with the president, his office and his campaign.

The central story is simple enough. Twitter was always able to ban Mr. Trump. He broke rules that Twitter says it enforces for its users rules that Twitter made in the first place. Twitter had repeatedly admitted that this was bad but, like Facebook, not to ban him, citing the public interest .

Then, after the Capitol siege, Twitter made a new case. The reasons the company offered for the ban and the reasons that have been suggested by others for keeping him around can be summed up as follows: He is the president. Likewise for the ban: Soon he will not be president. Twitter allowed him to break rules and then one day it didnt.

In its official statement about the ban, not just to its own rules, but to the outside world, suggesting an imminent risk of further violence.

Twitter elaborated on this thinking in an update in which it said it had banned more than 70,000 other accounts for sharing harmful QAnon-associated content at scale.

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Trumps Most Retweeted And Liked Tweet

The most retweeted tweet by Donald Trump was the one where he announced he had Covid-19 :

In 2017 Donald Trump sent his second most retweeted tweet. The tweet where he showed a video making fun of CNN News is the one with the highest number of retweets and likes. It reached 324,000 retweets and 529,000 likes. Tweets sent by Trump about the CNN were not quite delicate.

The third one was from November 2016 and we already shared it before where he said that Today we make America great again. This tweets had 302,432 retweets and 491K likes.

We also investigated the tweets sent to TO Donald Trump with the highest number of mentions. It belongs to Jimmy Kimmel and it was sent in 2017

Hey u up?

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Donald Trump Is Back On Twitter

Former President Donald Trump is back on Twitter.

His messages from his own operation, Truth Social, are now being posted under the new Twitter profile President Donald J. Trumps Truth Social Posts.

The description for the account adds: President Donald J. Trumps Truth Social Posts on Twitter Making sure President Trump is heard on Twitter while he and Devin Nunes focus on Truth Social.

The tweets available Monday included 210 messages Trump has posted on Truth Social since February, which are now also tailored to Twitter. Each tweet pleads: Please Follow and Retweet.

The new account is only for Trumps messages on Truth Social and others he has chosen to retruth.

In tweets Monday, he bashed Rep. Liz Cheney and spoke up for beleaguered reelection candidate Rep. Madison Cawthorn

Donald J Trumps Truth Social Posts May 16, 2022

Trump was permanently banned from Twitter in 2021 for his role in last years attack on the U.S. Capitol. Potential new Twitter owner Elon Musk has indicated he would let Trump back on the platform, but its uncertain if Musk will finalize the purchase deal.

Twitter has a policy prohibiting banned users from dodging restrictions by utilizing other profiles to post messages. But Trump routinely defies the policy by posting messages on the . Now there are two Twitter accounts with his posts.

Twitter did not return a request for comment from HuffPost about the work-around.

Truth Social could not be reached for comment.

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New Focus On How A Trump Tweet Incited Far

Federal prosecutors and congressional investigators are documenting how the former presidents Be there, will be wild! post became a catalyst for militants before the Capitol assault.

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Follow live updates on the House committee hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Federal prosecutors and congressional investigators have gathered growing evidence of how a tweet by President Donald J. Trump less than three weeks before Jan. 6, 2021, served as a crucial call to action for extremist groups that played a central role in storming the Capitol.

Mr. Trumps Twitter post in the early hours of Dec. 19, 2020, was the first time he publicly urged supporters to come to Washington on the day Congress was scheduled to certify the Electoral College results showing Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the winner of the presidential vote. His message which concluded with, Be there, will be wild! has long been seen as instrumental in drawing the crowds that attended a pro-Trump rally on the Ellipse on Jan. 6 and then marched to the Capitol.

Prosecutors have included examples in at least five criminal cases of extremists reacting within days often hours to Mr. Trumps post.

Our President will need us. ALL OF US!!! On January 6th, Mr. Reffitt wrote. We the People owe him that debt. He Sacrificed for us and we must pay that debt.

Interesting Facts About Donald Trump In Twitter

WATCH: Trump tweet gave âa green lightâ to Capitol rioters, witness says
  • How many Twitter followers Donald Trump had? Trumps Twitter account had over 77 million followers
  • How many mentions did Trump receive in Twitter? He used to get 10,000 mentions in 20 minutes. Can you imagine his phone?
  • Is there one fake Donald Trump in Twitter? Ummm, one? Not just one, thousands!
  • Trump only followed around 50 people and mostly his companies and his family .
  • CNN Trump tweets were not very nice.
  • How muchwas a tweet from Donald Trump worth? The market value will was almost 115K USD. However, since Donald Trumps tweets got tons of engagement, its real value was over 5K USD. Amazing.

Former President Trump liked Twitter. Twitter is the place where Donald Trump feet safe, independent and where he can say whatever he wants. We havent tried to judge the content of the tweets. Donald Trumps use of Twitter was very peculiar because he is used it everyday and each of his tweets used to generate a huge controversy. In fact, the way he addresses the media was not been seen before, he insults and make fun of them. That could be one of the reasons why Twitter banned Trumps Twitter account for good.

Lets compare the value of the Former USA President with an ex-President: Barack Obama. A tweet from Barack Obama is worth over the triple than a tweet from Trump:

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Donald Trump Twitter Archive And Stats

Trumps latest tweets are always on TV, imagine all the news that are based just on his tweets. Well, Donald Trump has shared almost 47K original tweets since 2009. We do not count the RTs he makes, just the original tweets he has written and sent. Donald Trump original tweets are 46,919tweets divided in:

  • 30,572 text tweets: tweets containing only text
  • 3,624 replies: tweets where he replies to other users
  • 12,906 links or images

Twitter Flagged Donald Trumps Tweets With Election Misinformation: They Continued To Spread Both On And Off The Platform

We analyze the spread of Donald Trumps tweets that were flagged by Twitter using two intervention strategiesattaching a warning label and blocking engagement with the tweet entirely. We find that while blocking engagement on certain tweets limited their diffusion, messages we examined with warning labels spread further on Twitter than those without labels. Additionally, the messages that had been blocked on Twitter remained popular on Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit, being posted more often and garnering more visibility than messages that had either been labeled by Twitter or received no intervention at all. Taken together, our results emphasize the importance of considering content moderation at the ecosystem level.

  • How did messages flagged by Twitter spread on the platform compared to messages without interventions?
  • How did messages flagged by Twitter spread on Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit?

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Sharing Of Violent Far

Trump has been criticized for his practice of retweeting or copying material from social media accounts posting antisemitic, racist, or false information, such as claims exaggerating the number of crimes committed by black people.

During campaign

PolitiFact singled out as particularly obviously false an image retweeted by Trump that claimed that 81 percent of white murder victims are killed by black people. Politifact noted that, besides being a five-fold exaggeration, the claim was sourced to the non-existent “Crime Statistics Bureau, San Francisco” it later highlighted this retweet when awarding its 2015 “Lie of the Year” badge to Trump’s entire presidential campaign. The fake statistics were first posted by a neo-Nazi Twitter account.

CNN wrestling video

The clip appeared on pro-Trump subreddit, r/The Donald, about four days earlier, and was created by a Reddit account which had previously posted racist, antisemitic and bigoted content. A White House official later denied that the video came from Reddit the official declined “to respond to questions about where the president obtained the clip.” As of December 20,2017, the tweet had been retweeted over 330,000 times, making it Trump’s most retweeted post.

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The Craziest Meeting Of The Trump Presidency

Trump Tweets The Democrats are trying to Rig the 2020 Election, plain ...

After the US electoral college met on , confirming Joe Biden as president-elect, Mr Trump scrambled for a way to cling to power by force, according to the committee.

On December 18, a gaggle of his outside advisors including lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, and former national security adviser Michael Flynn paid a surprise visit to the White House.

What followed quickly became the stuff of legend, Mr Raskin said.

The meeting has been called unhinged, not normal and the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency.

It lasted more than six hours, with Mr Trumps team of outsiders squaring off against White House insiders in a tug-of-war between election conspiracies and legal realities.

Mr Raskin said the two sides traded personal insults, accusations of disloyalty to the president, and even challenges to physically fight.

Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who testified in a previous hearing, in Mr Trumps unsupervised meeting with the visitors, who were floating outlandish false theories of election fraud.

White House lawyers, including Pat Cipollone and Eric Herschmann, entered the Oval Office and told the president the theories were bogus.

Where is the evidence? Mr Cipollone recalled asking, in a video snippet from his recent closed-door interview.

It got to the point where the screaming was completely out there, Mr Herschmann said in his own recorded testimony.

Mr Giuliani described their response as not tough enough.

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How Trump Reshaped The Presidency In Over 11000 Tweets

The presidents tweeting was once a sideshow. But it transformed how he exerted power, leaving the White House and Twitter to grapple over whether, and how, to rein it in.

On the morning of Inauguration Day 2017, Donald J. Trump tweeted an opening message to the United States.

What followed was a barrage of personal attacks, outrage and boasting, in a near-constant stream of more than 11,000 tweets over 33 months.

At the beginning of his presidency, Mr. Trump tweeted about nine times per day.

In the past three months, President Trumps tweets have spilled out at triple the rate he set in 2017.

Former Trump Appointee In Court Over Jan 6

The defendants facing legal proceedings over their alleged and confessed participation in the Capitol riot are not just everyday grassroots Trump supporters or members of fringe extremist groups some of them are in fact alumni of the Trump administration itself. And one such person is back in court today

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Trump Vs Rashida Tlaib

This tweet is in reference to recent news of Israel banning representatives Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from entering the country due to their support for BDS which is a direct assault on Israels economy and sovereignty. Tlaib hopped on Twitter to condemn Israel for not allowing her to see her grandmother .

Tlaib wanted to cause Trouble and seek out drama. If not, she would have attended the official congressional delegation last week. Her goal was to go to Israel, undermine it and praise their enemies. Nice try, but anyone who isnt an Islamist sees through this scheme.

Telling A Different Story

WATCH: Former aide says Trump’s Jan. 6 tweet about Pence was ‘unpatriotic’ and âun-Americanâ

In terms storytelling scholars use, Trump rescripted the world to fit his themes. He took elements of news articles, viral videos, other tweets and whatever else he needed to build his messages. He took storylines that were already in the public sphere and placed new meaning on them to fit his own tale.

During the 2015 lead-up to the Republican primary, for example, the conservative Club for Growth spent US$1 million running negative ads against Trump. But Trump, tweeting, rescripted the story: The phony Club For Growth, which asked me in writing for $1,000,000 , is now wanting to do negative ads on me. Total hypocrites! The Club for Growth was a groveling and fraudulent establishment he was effective and powerful.

Trump would also rescript characters into multiple, sometimes contradictory, messages, depending on the days news. Consider his tweeting about China, which was first a partner, then a trade adversary and finally an invader:

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Election Claims And Grievances

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

In a succession of tweets on March 4, 2017, Trump stated he had just found out that his predecessor Obama had wiretapped the phones in his offices at Trump Tower during the last months of the 2016 election. Trump did not say where he had obtained the information and offered no evidence to support it. Trump compared the alleged intrusion to McCarthyism and Watergate. Anonymous White House officials told The Washington Post that Trump did not appear to coordinate his comments with other White House officials.

Although no evidence supported Trumps claims, the tweets resulted in a week of media attention. Fake news websites also took up the allegations, and one falsely claimed that a warrant for Obamas arrest had been given.

2016 campaign: Investigation into Russian influence

Trump repeatedly attacked former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump dismissed from office, via Twitter. Trump has posted a number of angry tweets directed at Robert Mueller, who was appointed as a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

2020 campaign: Suggestion of delaying election

2020 election: Attempt to overturn results

The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors.

5 January 2021

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