Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Everytown For Gun Safety Launches $2 Million Ad Campaign

WATCH LIVE: President Trump unveils his ‘America First Healthcare Plan’ â 9/24/2020

Melissa Holzberg

Two political action committees under the Everytown for Gun Safety umbrella announced a $2 million ad campaign on Thursday targeting Latino voters. The new campaign marks the one-year anniversary of the El Paso shooting when 20 people were killed by a shooter.

The bilingual digital and TV ads will air in 2020 battleground states and media markets like Tampa, Orlando, Miami, Fort Myers and West Palm Beach in Florida, Maricopa County in Arizona and El Paso, San Antonio, Dallas and Houston in Texas.

The group also rolled out its first digital ad on Thursday. Entitled, “We have not forgotten”, is playing statewide in Texas and was a five-figure spend for Everytown. It focuses on the lack of gun control action taken by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump. The English version of the ad can be found here.

Alongside its paid media campaign, Everytown released a new poll conducted by Equis Research and Global Strategy Group of registered Latino voters to show how gun control has become a key issue to Latino voters.

The one-year milestone of the mass shooting in El Paso is a tragic reminder of the toll gun violence takes on the Latino community,” president of Everytown John Feinblatt said in a statement.

He added, It should come as no surprise that Latino voters are fed up with lawmakers who refuse to take action, and are planning to vote for candidates who will make keeping their families safe from gun violence a top priority.

Tipton The Latest Incumbent To Lose Party’s Nomination

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON There was a big surprise in Tuesdays primary elections five-term incumbent Colorado Republican Rep. Scott Tipton lost to Lauren Boebert, a gun-rights activist and restaurant owner who flouted coronavirus regulations and has spoken favorably about a fringe conspiracy theory.

Incumbents rarely lose, especially in a primary. But Tipton joins a handful of other incumbents whose parties voted them out so far this cycle.

Heres a look at the House incumbents who have already lost their party’s nomination, and how they went down.

llinois Democratic Rep. Daniel Lipinski

The writing was on the wall for Lipinski, one of the only House Democrats who had supported anti-abortion rights legislation.

While nonprofit executive Marie Newman fell just a few thousand votes short to Lipinski in 2018, Newman was able to get over the hump and take Lipinski down in the 2020 primary.

Newman had a lot of progressive allies in her corner a group affiliated with EMILYs List spent about $1 million on TV ads to boost her, and several influential progressive groups, including NARAL, backed her primary bid.

Illinois third congressional district, which includes a portion of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, is considered a safely-Democratic one, as 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won it by double-digits. So Newman is expected to join Congress in 2021.

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King

Kings loss came after a cost him support within his own party.

A Summary Of The Latest Version Of Trumpcare

Above we illustrated the absolute basics and showed how TrumpCare and ObamaCare were different. Below, well explain some more details about RyanCare/TrumpCare/McConnellCare , the reconciliation bill that didnt originally pass the House, but then passed after being Amended, and now has become the Senate bill.

Keeping in mind that the bill is still being debated and everything below is subject to change, the basics of what TrumpCare does can be summarized by saying TrumpCare :

NOTE: One thing to note early on here is that the plan originally cut small business tax credits and the plan currently cuts assistance for seniors who are not on Medicare . Neither of these is in-line with past rhetoric from Trump or the GOP.

Also worth noting here before moving on, is that both the House and Senate bill embrace waivers and the ability of insurers to sell junk plans .

This started with the MacArthur Amendment which allows states to undo key ObamaCare protections at a state level. Then this continued with the July 13th changes with a provision backed by Ted Cruz.

This will, in many cases, result in Republican-led states being able to charge the sick and elderly more while giving younger and healthier people a break, in the name of encouraging fair health insurance premiums.

The problem with that is that it could drive young and healthy people to low-cost plans, pushing premium costs up for those who choose more robust plans.

TIP: Changes made by the Senate bill are crossed out.

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Kushner Confirms Kanye West Meeting: A ‘great Discussion’

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and a top adviser, confirmed Wednesday that he met with rapper Kanye West amid the superstar’s presidential bid that’s been aided by Republicans.

Asked about the meeting during a Thursday White House briefing, Kushner said he’s known West for about 10 years and that they met when they both “happened to be in Colorado.”

“We had a great discussion about a lot of things. He has some great ideas for what he’d like to see happen in the country, and that’s why he has the candidacy that he’s been doing,” Kushner said.

“There’s a lot of issues that the president’s championed that he admires, so it was great to have a friendly discussion.”

The meeting, first reported on by the New York Times, comes as West’s quixotic presidential bid has not filed to appear on enough ballots to compete for the presidency, but has filed to be on the ballot in a handful of states that are typically key presidential battlegrounds.

West so far will be on ballots in Colorado and Oklahoma, while his campaign awaits verification in states like Ohio and Wisconsin, where he’s submitted the required paperwork and state election officials will rule on whether he met those states’ standards

Those ties between West’s candidacy and Republicans have raised concerns among Democrats that people are using West’s campaign in an attempt to siphon votes away from former Vice President and apparent Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Nrcc Will Back Colorado Candidate Who Has Expressed Support For Fringe Theory

How President Trump Will Affect Your Wallet

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON The House Republican campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Wednesday it would back a Colorado candidate who toppled one of its incumbents but has faced criticism for comments supporting the fringe, QAnon conspiracy theory.

Lauren Boebert, a gun-rights activist and restaurant owner, defeated five-term Republican Rep. Scott Tipton in a defeat most didn’t see coming, and one that could significantly shift the contours of the general election in the district.

But Boebert made news earlier this spring after her decision to flout coronavirus regulations and operate her Shooters Grill despite local orders.

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Voting Access Groups Push For Election Funding In A New Pandemic Relief Bill

Leigh Ann Caldwell

WASHINGTON As the Senate prepares to take up the next coronavirus relief bill, two voting access groups are launching a $500,000 digital ad campaign urging lawmakers to provide funding for expanded voting, including mail-in voting, in November.

The three digital ads urge voters to call their senators to pressure them to include money for elections in the next relief bill, saying that amidst a pandemic people shouldnt have to choose between their health and voting.

The ad campaign, launched by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee and Let America Vote, is focusing on 13 states, including those with Republican incumbents are at risk of losing their re-election races, including Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, North Carolina and Texas.

The House passed $3.6 billion in election funding for states in the Heroes Act that is expected to be used to implement mail-in voting in November. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to unveil the Senates Coronavirus relief bill early this week. It is unclear if he will include election funding and if so, how much.

President Donald Trump continues to sows distrust in mail-on voting, saying on Fox News Sunday that it is going to rig the election.

Multiple Bills In The Works To Make Juneteenth A Federal Holiday

Dartunorro Clark

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., told MSNBC on Thursday that she will announce legislation as soon as the end of this week to make Juneteenth, the annual June 19 commemoration of the end of slavery, a national holiday.

Harris said she will sponsor the legislation with Democratic Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Tina Smith of Minnesota, and Ed Markey of Massachusetts.

In the wake of nationwide anti-racism protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, dozens of companies have announced they intend to make June 19 a holiday for employees. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, also recently announced he would make Juneteenth as a state holiday.

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Donald Trumps Views On Abortion And Roe V Wade In His Own Words

With less than two months until the election, President Donald Trump has continued to express his views on abortion and the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, during his time in office, as well as before entering the White House.

Trump is set to face off against Democratic challenger Joe Biden in the first presidential debate on Tuesday and following Trumps recent nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, abortion and Roe v. Wade are two issues likely to be brought up.

Heres what Trump has said about both issues over the years.

1999 Interview on NBC NewsMeet the Press

Well, look, Im very pro-choice, Trump said when asked if he would ban partial-birth abortions as president. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still I just believe in choice. And, again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country. And, you know, I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City. But I am strongly for choice and, yet, I hate the concept of abortion.

When asked again if he would ban partial-birth abortions, Trump said, No. No, I am very pro-choice in every respect and as far as it goes, but I just hate it.

In his 2000 book, The America We Deserve

2011 Interview with CBN News David Brody

2016 MSNBC Town Hall

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Steve Bannon Former Top Trump Aide Applauds Biden Buy American Event

President Trump lays out his plans for health care

Kristen Welker and Mike Memoli

DUNMORE, Pa. A former top adviser to President Donald Trump is warning that Joe Bidens bid Thursday to wrest away one of his few remaining advantages in the 2020 race the economy could prove a success.

Steve Bannon, who played a lead role in the closing months of Trumps 2016 campaign and then in the early stages of his presidency, told NBC News that the former vice president appeared to be stealing notes from 2016 playbook.

Biden on Thursday, near his hometown of Scranton, rolled out the first plank of his Build Back Better economy plan, focused on attempting to revive American manufacturing through a significant infusion of federal dollars to buy American-made products, while also investing heavily in domestic research and development.

In a blistering speech, Biden said that the president had failed to live up to the promises he made to working-class voters in communities like the ones near his hometown of Scranton, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The truth is: Throughout this crisis, Donald Trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the Dow and NASDAQ. Not you, not your families, he said. “If I’m fortunate enough to be elected president, I’ll be laser-focused on working families, the middle-class families that I came from here in Scranton, not the wealthy investor class.

To Bannon, it was an effective approach run as a populist and economic nationalist to keep Bernie voters.

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Group Of 6 Statement On President Trumps Health Care Executive Order

Our organizations, which represent more than 560,000 physicians and medical students nationwide, look forward to further analyzing the Executive Order issued today by President Donald J. Trump. It is important that policies proposed be thoroughly evaluated to determine their impact on individuals and our health care system more broadly. We look forward to submitting more formal comments through the rulemaking process as the Administration seeks to establish the regulatory framework to implement the goals of todays Executive Order. However, our initial review raises serious concerns about its impact on our patients.

Our organizations share the Presidents goal of increasing access to affordable health care coverage for more Americans and offering greater choice through a more competitive insurance marketplace so long as coverage, benefits, and patient protections are not undermined. We agree that the cost of health care coverage is prohibitive for too many families and we too are concerned that out-of-pocket costs from rising co-pays and deductibles are separating individuals that have health insurance from being able to afford health care services.

About the American Academy of Family PhysiciansFounded in 1947, the AAFP represents 129,000 physicians and medical students nationwide. It is the only medical society devoted solely to primary care.

Poll: Nearly Half Of Registered Voters Concerned Voting Will Be Difficult This Fall

Carrie Dann

WASHINGTON As voters grapple with the pandemic and with President Trumps assertion without evidence that voting by mail is riddled with fraud, a new survey finds that about half of all registered voters believe it will be difficult to vote in November.

According to a new survey from the Pew Research Center, 50 percent of registered voters say they think it will be easy to vote and 49 percent say it will be difficult.

A Pew Research Center Survey ahead of the 2018 midterm elections asked the same question and just 15 percent anticipated that it would be difficult to cast their ballot.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Bidens supporters are more pessimistic than President Trumps when it comes to the ease of voting. Sixty percent of voters who say they are supporting Biden believe it will be difficult to vote, while just 35 percent of Trump voters say the same.

Black voters are particularly unlikely to believe it will be easy to vote.

The survey comes as concern grows over mail delays resulting from the newly-installed Postmaster Generals implementation of what he calls cost-cutting measures, which voting advocates worry will gum up the processing of absentee ballots. President Trump said Thursday morning that the Post Office would need millions in emergency funds which he is blocking in order to manage universal mail-in voting.

The poll also finds a partisan split in how Trump and Biden voters prefer to cast their ballots.

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Trump Campaign Returns To Airwaves In Wi Still Dark In Mi And Pa

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON President Trump’s campaign returned to the Wisconsin airwaves on Tuesday, marking the first time the campaign aired significant TV or radio advertising in the state in almost two weeks.

Trumps campaign spent $110,000 there Tuesday, and its slated to spend the same on Wednesday, according to data from Advertising Analytics. It had been dark there since July 29.

But while the campaign has returned to Wisconsin airwaves, it has been off the air in both Pennsylvania and Michigan for at least two weeks .

But while the campaign isn’t spending on TV or radio ads there, it has had some outside help. Since the campaign dropped off the air, the GOP group Restoration PAC has spent $2.4 million on ads in Michigan, and America First Action super PAC has spent $2.9 million in Pennsylvania.

The Trump campaign announced last month it would briefly pull ads to review its ad strategy, and it returned to the air days later touting a new focus on North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Arizona ahead of early voting.

But that new strategy so far hasnt included the Great Lakes states key to Trumps victory in 2016, states he won by the narrowest of margins.

Priorities Usa Drops New Ad Criticizing Trump On Affordable Care Act

Trump signs executive order on health care  attracts criticism from ...

Mike Memoli

WASHINGTON Priorities USA, which has been blitzing the airwaves for weeks with ads focused on President Donald Trumps handling of the coronavirus crisis, is expanding its campaign with a focus on the administrations efforts to undercut the Affordable Care Act.

The Democratic super PAC’s new campaign comes as former Vice President Joe Biden is set to deliver remarks about the fate of the Obama administrations signature legislative achievement, which faces another Supreme Court test as the White House is set to file brief urging justices to strike down the law.

A new broadcast television ad targeting voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan says that even now, amid the ongoing pandemic crisis, the president is “trying to end the Affordable Care Act.

Health care costs would skyrocket, and insurance companies would again be allowed to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions, the spot warns, saying Trump is failing America.

Priorities is also debuting a pair of digital ads about the healthcare law and the consequences of its potential undoing. The PAC says it is spending $2 million per week on the new campaign.

Democrats up and down the ballot campaigned aggressively in 2018 on protecting Obamacare, mainly focused on its requirement that insurers cover individuals with preexisting health conditions.

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Joni Ernst Unveils New Child Care Proposal Amid Tough Re

Leigh Ann Caldwell

WASHINGTON Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, unveiled a new proposal Tuesday to help ensure that child care is available for parents returning back to work after either being furloughed or working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal could appeal to women a demographic she needs to win re-election this year.

The legislation, which she co-authored with Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., chair of the Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee, would authorize federal grants to states for child care centers and providers to help them stay open amid financial troubles during the pandemic. Child care has become more difficult to obtain for working parents as some child care centers close, or don’t have the funds to operate under new health and safety requirements.

This pandemic has only made our child care crisis worse, Ernst said in a statement. This new effort will help relieve anxiety for families by ensuring our kids are in safe environments and stabilizing the child care sector as a whole.

Ernst is locked in an increasingly competitive re-election effort in Iowa. Recent polls show her tied or slightly trailing her Democratic opponent Theresa Greenfield. Ernsts numbers in the state have fallen alongside President Trumps. Trump won Iowa by 10 points in 2016, but a recent poll shows he has lost his edge over presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

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