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How Can I Vote For Trump

Electoral College Certificates And Votes By State

I’m a Republican and I can’t vote for Trump

*Maine appoints its electors proportionally. Biden-Harris won in the First Congressional District and took the state Trump-Pence won the Second Congressional District. Maine’s electoral votes were proportionally awarded accordingly: for President, Biden 3 and Trump 1 for Vice President, Harris 3 and Pence 1.

**Nebraska appoints its electors proportionally. Trump-Pence won in the First and Third Congressional Districts and took the state Biden-Harris won the Second Congressional District. Nebraska’s electoral votes were proportionally awarded accordingly: for President, Trump 4 and Biden 1 for Vice President, Pence 4 and Harris 1.

…a Process, not a Place

The Office of the Federal Register is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration and, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, coordinates certain functions of the Electoral College between the States and Congress. It has no role in appointing electors and has no contact with them.

False Claims Of Fraud

Trump and a variety of his surrogates and supporters made a series of observably false claims that the election was fraudulent. Claims that substantial fraud was committed have been repeatedly debunked. On November 9 and 10, The New York Times called the offices of top election officials in every state all 45 of those who responded said there was no evidence of fraud. Some described the election as remarkably successful considering the coronavirus pandemic, the record turnout, and the unprecedented number of mailed ballots. On November 12, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement calling the 2020 election “the most secure in American history” and noting “here is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” Trump fired the director of CISA five days later.

Motivated by the myth of widespread fraud, Republican state lawmakers initiated a push to make voting laws more restrictive.

How Can Christians Vote For Trump

Voters in 13 states and one territory will prepare to cast their votes Super Tuesday.

I agree with Pope Francis who said recently those who would build walls are not acting as Christians.

Any candidate who has to think twice before disavowing the Ku Klux Klan is not a Christian.

Any candidate who would ban Muslims from entering the U.S. is not a Christian.

Name calling is not Christian, whether it’s calling women bimbos or saying Mexicans are rapists or criminals.

The pope reportedly told journalists on the plane back from Mexico to Rome, “A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel.”

Pope Francis did not actually say Donald Trump is not a Christian, or specifically name him. He also may have used the word Christian as an adjective instead of a noun. That could be lost in translation from Spanish to English.

But I’m not afraid to say that Trump is not acting as a Christian.

It is not Christian to shut the door in the face of those in need. In Mexico, the pope prayed for us to have “open hearts” in the face of a the “humanitarian crisis” of mass migration around the world.

His words coincide with Bible teachings, including to love your neighbor as yourself. And what would have happened to Baby Jesus had Mary and Joseph not found refuge?

What if we turned them away as Trump and some other candidates wish to turn away refugees and immigrants?

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Researching Voting Methods Checking Registration Tracking Wait Times And Absentee Ballots

Biden voters are more likely than Trump voters to say they took a variety of steps to ensure they would be able to cast a ballot in the days and weeks leading up to Election Day. Nearly half of voters say they checked their voter registration status prior to the election including 56% of Biden voters and 40% of Trump voters. And a majority of Biden voters also say they researched their options for how to vote in person or by mail this year, compared with 32% of Trump voters.

Among those who voted in person in the November election, 17% say they checked wait times at an in-person polling place before going to vote: 22% of Biden voters and 14% of Trump voters say they did this.

About half of absentee or mail-in ballot voters say they tracked their ballots status through a website or app: Nearly six-in-ten Biden voters say they did this, compared with 40% of Trump voters.

Black voters, Hispanic voters and Asian voters are somewhat more likely than White voters to say they checked their registration status, though these differences are closely related to levels of support for the two candidates within different racial and ethnic groups.

Younger voters and those with more years of formal education are also more likely to say they took several of these steps than older voters or those with fewer years of education, respectively.

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They were worried about the spread of the delta variant and how COVID-19 continues to hurt the economy. They were wary of Democrats’ big spending plans on infrastructure and other programs, alarmed by the troubles they see along the Texas border, and were very disturbed by the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“What happened in Afghanistan, to me, was the worst thing that’s happened since Saigon.” That reference to the 1975 U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam came from Paul, who lives in central Pennsylvania.

He didn’t buy Biden’s explanation that Trump set the exit in motion by committing to a withdrawal of troops in a deal with the Taliban last year.

“He didn’t have to stick to the timeframe Trump set up,” Paul asserted, “but he kept sticking to it and sticking to it, and a lot of people died and a lot of people were left behind. So I think that was squarely on him.”

Still, perhaps unlike the pandemic and the economy, Afghanistan may fade from the news over time and, as such, may not affect long-term impressions of Biden as much.

And on the coronavirus, the focus group participants all vaccinated mostly gave Biden solid marks. It’s clear he benefits from comparisons to his predecessor on that.

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Most Voters Say It Was Easy To Vote In The Election

More than nine-in-ten voters say that voting in the election this November was either very easy or somewhat easy , while just 6% say that voting was very or somewhat difficult.

A month before the election, about a third of registered voters expected voting would be at least somewhat difficult, compared with 36% who expected it to be somewhat easy and 29% who expected it to be very easy.

Biden supporters had been somewhat more likely than Trump supporters to say they expected voting to be at least somewhat difficult in the preelection survey, with 38% of Biden supporters and three-in-ten Trump supporters saying this.

However, nearly identical shares of those who voted for Biden and those who voted for Trump now say that voting this November was easy. And Biden voters are now somewhat more likely than Trump voters to say that voting was very easy .

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Senate Rules For Confirming Executive Branch Nominees

The U.S. Senate’sadvice and consent authority for presidential nominations is located in the Appointments Clause of Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which reads:

And he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law…

After the president sends a nomination to the Senate, most are considered by the appropriate Senate committee. The nominee then testifies before the committee, and the committee holds a vote to report the nomination to the full Senate favorably, unfavorably, or without recommendation. The committee can also choose to take no action at all.

The full Senate can approve or reject a nomination. Most nominations are brought up by unanimous consent and approved without objection. Routine nominations often are grouped by unanimous consent in order to be brought up and approved together. Some nominations, generally to higher-level positions, may need more consideration. Under Senate rules, there are no time limits on debate except when conducted under cloture or a unanimous consent agreement. Senators may speak on a nomination for as long as they want.

The Voting Experience In 2020

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A slim majority of voters say they voted in person this November, compared with 46% who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot. About one-quarter report having voted in person on Election Day, and an identical share say they voted in person before Election Day.

Two-thirds of Trump voters say they voted in person, compared with 42% of Biden voters. Nearly four-in-ten Trump voters say they voted in person on Election Day, while just 17% of Biden voters say they cast their ballot at a polling place on Nov. 3.

Trump voters are also slightly more likely than Biden voters to say they voted in person before Election Day. Three-in-ten Trump voters report voting this way, compared with 24% of Biden voters.

Black voters were less likely to vote by absentee or mail-in ballot than white, Hispanic and Asian American voters. About four-in-ten Black voters say they voted by mail, compared with 45% of white voters, 51% of Hispanic voters and two-thirds of Asian American voters.

Among those who voted for Biden, these gaps are even larger. While 64% of White voters who supported Biden say they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot, smaller shares of Bidens Hispanic supporters and Black supporters voted this way.

Voters ages 65 and older are more likely to say they voted by mail than younger voters. Similar shares of voters ages 18 to 34 , 35 to 49 and 50 to 64 say they voted by mail. Among those 65 and older, a majority say they voted this way.

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Certification Of Electoral College Votes

The 117th United States Congress first convened on January 3, 2021, and was scheduled to count and certify the Electoral College votes on January 6, 2021. There were 222 Democrats and 212 Republicans in the House there were 51 Republicans, 46 Democrats, and two independents in the Senate. Several Republican members of the House and Senate said they would raise objections to the reported count in several states, meeting the requirement that if a member from each body objects, the two houses must meet separately to discuss whether to accept the certified state vote. A statement from the vice president’s office said Pence welcomes the plan by Republicans to “raise objections and bring forward evidence” challenging the election results.

On December 28, 2020, Representative Louie Gohmert filed a lawsuit in Texas challenging the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act of 1887, claiming Vice President Pence has the power and ability to unilaterally decide which slates of electoral votes get counted. The case was dismissed on January 1, 2021, for lack of both standing and jurisdiction. The plaintiffs filed an appeal, and the appeal was dismissed by a three-judge panel of the appeals court the next day.

Donald Trump Presidential Campaign 2016

See also: Donald Trump

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. He was the 2016 Republican nominee for president of the United States. He declared his candidacy on June 16, 2015, and officially received the nomination of the Republican Party on July 19, 2016, at the Republican National Convention.

A New York-based real estate developer, author, chairman of The Trump Organization, and former executive producer of The Apprentice a reality television show in which he also starredTrump had never before sought or held elected public office prior to his 2016 run, though he flirted with political bids off and on between the late 1980s and 2015. He became more active in national politics in 2011 when he began publicly questioning whether Barack Obama was a natural citizen. That same year, Trump indicated some interest in seeking the Republican nomination for president but ultimately declined to run.


  • Trump’s slogan throughout his campaign was “Make America Great Again,” which Trump defined in his book, Crippled America, as “restoring a sense of dignity to the White House, and to our country in general.”
  • The featured page on Trump is History of Donald Trump’s political donations.

    For more information about Trump’s political donations, visit this page.

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    No One In Washington Is Sensible

    I may be voting Republican this time, but I dont mind if Trump wins and Republicans lose control of the Senate. I despise Mitch McConnell . Hes been in politics so long hes completely blind and insulated from reality. So is Nancy Pelosi . They are both career politicians whose only thought in any situation is whats best for my party right now the normal rules of law and morality are out the window.

    If Trump loses and the Supreme Court post hasnt been confirmed, McConnell would absolutely install a judge in the lame duck session before the new President is installed. It would be disgusting, but I wouldnt put anything past him.

    In that scenario, I would definitely support balancing the court creating one extra space but not packing it with lots of new posts. That would be sensible, but I dont think anyone in Washington is sensible.

    In Their Own Words: Why Some Voters Faced Difficulties Casting Ballots

    Texplainer: I

    While most voters who cast ballots in the November election say voting was very or somewhat easy for them personally , about 6% of voters say they encountered difficulties when casting their ballot.

    For about half of these voters , logistical issues like long lines or safety concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic made voting difficult. One-in-five pointed to long voting lines, and many cited unusually long wait times at polling places. One 58-year-old woman voter said, I had to stand in the cold and rain for approximately an hour and a half. Never had to stand in line for more than 10-15 minutes inside before.

    For 16% of these voters, issues with submitting absentee or mail ballots made voting difficult. While some pointed to confusion about rules and requirements surrounding vote by mail, others mentioned delays in receiving or tracking their mail ballots in time. A 26-year-old man said, I requested a mail in ballot, didnt receive it, contacted my county and they said to wait 10 more business days. I contacted them again, then they finally sent a new one to me the week before the election. I made the choice to drop it off rather than mail it in because it was so close to Election Day.

    Some voters also noted that safety concerns about voting during the pandemic led to hurdles while making voting plans. One woman noted, People in my family tested positive for COVID-19 on October 26, so instead of voting in person, we had to request a mail in ballot at the last minute.

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