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When Did Trump Become A Republican

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When did Donald Trump become a Republican? | Fox News Republican Debate

In January 2017, The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report concluding that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. The report found that the Russians did not directly tamper with polls, but instead disseminated pro-Trump messages across the Internet and hacked the DNC. Facebook later announced in 2017 that over 3,000 political ads on their site were linked to Russia. Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey and insisted that there was no collusion! between his team and the hackers.

Former FBI director Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel to investigate possible collusion between Russia and Trumps campaign. The Mueller Report found that Russia “interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion” and “violated U.S. criminal law. It ultimately failed to find the rumored link between the Trump administration and the interference, concluding: the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. Several Trump associates were indicted, including Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and Michael Flynn.

Trump Did Not Disparage Gop In 1998 People Magazine Interview

CLAIM: If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. Donald Trump in 1998 People magazine interview.

APS ASSESSMENT: False. The president did not make such a comment to People magazine.

THE FACTS: Singer and actress Bette Midler, who often speaks out against Trump, shared the false quote attributed to Trump on her Twitter account Sunday, with the comment that Trump certainly knew his crowd. Julie Farin, a People magazine spokeswoman, told The Associated Press that the magazine looked into the claim exhaustively when it first surfaced years ago but did not find anything remotely like it made by the president.

The image used with the false quote shows Trump during a 1988 appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show where he discussed running for president, but made no reference to Republicans being the dumbest group of voters. The quote first began circulating in 2015 and has been widely shared across social media platforms, including Facebook. It has been widely debunked since that time.

Heres more information on Facebooks fact-checking program:

This is part of The Associated Press ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.

A Dearth Of Shared Facts And Information

One of the few things that Republicans and Democrats could agree on during Trumps tenure is that they didnt share the same set of facts. In a 2019 survey, around three-quarters of Americans said most Republican and Democratic voters disagreed not just over political plans and policies, but over basic facts.

Much of the disconnect between the parties involved the news media, which Trump routinely disparaged as fake news and the enemy of the people. Republicans, in particular, expressed widespread and growing distrust of the press. In a 2019 survey, Republicans voiced more distrust than trust in 2o of the 30 specific news outlets they were asked about, even as Democrats expressed more trust than distrust in 22 of those same outlets. Republicans overwhelmingly turned to and trusted one outlet included in the study Fox News even as Democrats used and expressed trust in a wider range of sources. The study concluded that the two sides placed their trust in two nearly inverse media environments.

Some of the media organizations Trump criticized most vocally saw the biggest increases in GOP distrust over time. The share of Republicans who said they distrusted CNN rose from 33% in a 2014 survey to 58% by 2019. The proportion of Republicans who said they distrusted The Washington Post and The New York Times rose 17 and 12 percentage points, respectively, during that span.3

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Trump Meets With Mccarthy Agrees To Help Republicans Take Back The House

By Steve Holland

3 Min Read

WASHINGTON – Former President Donald Trump had a fence-mending meeting with U.S. House of Representatives Republican leader Kevin McCarthy on Thursday in which Trump promised to help the party take back the chamber in 2022 congressional elections.

The meeting came three weeks after McCarthy enraged Trump by saying the then-outgoing president bore responsibility for the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

Trump and McCarthy met at the former presidents Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump now lives since leaving the White House on Jan. 20 under a cloud of controversy.

Trump had privately vented about McCarthy to his advisers after the California Republican said Trump was responsible for the Capitol siege in which five people died, a source familiar with the situation said. McCarthy later backtracked, saying he did not believe Trump had provoked the assault.

Trump faces a U.S. Senate trial next month after the House impeached him on Jan. 13 on a charge of inciting insurrection stemming from his incendiary speech to supporters before they stormed the Capitol. He has falsely claimed that the Nov. 3 election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden was rigged.

Advisers say Trump has talked recently about forming an alternative to the Republican Party, the Patriot Party, which could have disastrous effects for Republicans in elections to come if it were to happen.

Attendance And Officials Skipping Convention

Troy Balderson: How did a moderate Republican become a ...

As Trump rose to become the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party, a number of prominent Republicans announced they would not attend the convention. Of the living former Republican nominees for president, only 1996 nominee announced that he would attend the convention Romney, , and all announced that they would skip the convention. A number of Republican , and , particularly those facing difficult reelection campaigns, also indicated that they would not attend, seeking to distance themselves from Trump and spend more time with voters in their home states. Most notably, Governor Kasich chose to avoid the convention, while Ohio attended the convention but avoided taking a major role in its proceedings. On July 8, 2016, Senator announced that he would not attend the convention. Many Republican senators did not attend the convention at all: Senator of , who would be ” with his wife” Senator of , who said he had “to mow his lawn” and Senator of , who would be traveling in Alaska by .

A number of prominent businesses and trade groups, including , and , scaled back participation in the convention, sharply reducing their contributions for convention events and sponsorship. In June, six major companies that sponsored the 2012 Republican convention, , , , and announced they would not sponsor the 2016 Republican convention. followed suit, announcing that it, too, would be withdrawing funding from the convention over Trump’s position on certain election issues.

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Technology Has Changed The Way Politics Is Done

In the past, politicians and parties took out adverts in newspapers or on television, where they might have been seen by millions of people.

Now, they can send messages directly to the individuals they want to target, using services such as Facebook.

Its far more efficient. But it means they focus more on motivating their core supporters, rather than trying to persuade people who disagree.

Mr Elleithee said: You see campaigns investing more in talking to people that already share their world view than talking to people in the middle.

Thats dangerous in a lot of ways. It just feeds the polarisation.

Storming Of The Capitol

On January 6, 2021, while congressional certification of the presidential election results was taking place in the United States Capitol, Trump held a rally at the Ellipse, where he called for the election result to be overturned and urged his supporters to “take back our country” by marching to the Capitol to “show strength” and “fight like hell.” Trump’s speech started at noon. By 12:30 p.m., rally attendees had gathered outside the Capitol, and at 1 p.m, his supporters pushed past police barriers onto Capitol grounds. Trump’s speech ended at 1:10 p.m., the crowd grew larger as more supporters marched on the Capitol. Around 2:15 p.m. the mob broke into the building, disrupting certification and causing the evacuation of Congress. During the violence, Trump posted mixed messages on Twitter and Facebook, eventually tweeting to the rioters at 6 p.m, “go home with love & in peace”, but describing them as “great patriots” and “very special”, while still complaining that the election was stolen. After the mob was removed from the Capitol, Congress reconvened and confirmed the Biden election win in the early hours of the following morning. There were many injuries, and five people, including a Capitol Police officer, died.

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Cuba And Travel Restrictions

To pressure Cubas communist government to reform and end its support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Trump tightened travel restrictions to Cuba in April 2019.

In June 2019, Trump announced that the State Department would no longer allow private or public ships and aircraft to visit Cuba. The U.S. will also no longer allow people-to-people educational travel, which previously proved to be a popular travel exemption. Tourist groups may still be able to get around the ban by applying one of the other 11 travel exemptions that are still allowed. In September 2020, Trump announced new sanctions aimed at curtailing U.S. travel to Cuba.

President Obama loosened travel restrictions to Cuba following decades of detente between the countries, initiating a short-lived travel boom to the area.

Republicans Say Bidens Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan Is Dumber Than Dirt

Megyn Kelly to Donald Trump: When did you actually become a Republican?

President Bidens pledge to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11 prompted immediate backlash Tuesday from leading congressional Republicans, who decried his plans as outrageous, dumber than dirt and a disaster in the making.

Precipitously withdrawing U.S. forces from Afghanistan is a grave mistake. It is a retreat in the face of an enemy, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor. Foreign terrorists will not leave the United States alone simply because our politicians have grown tired of taking the fight to them.

The GOPs wholesale rejection of Bidens planned withdrawal illustrates the political risk confronting the new administration as it seeks to bring the countrys longest war to a close even as many Democrats greeted the news with relief.

It took us 10 years to find and kill Osama bin Laden. We stayed an additional 10 years to help train Afghan security forces and create conditions for a more stable future in that country, said Sen. Tim Kaine , a leading advocate for repealing the 2001 war authorization that permitted U.S. engagement in Afghanistan. It is now time to bring our troops home.

It is insane to withdraw at this time given the conditions that exist on the ground in Afghanistan, said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham , noting that he also thought Trumps deadline was very bad, ill-conceived policy.

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Fact Check: Trump Did Not Call Republicans The Dumbest Group Of Voters

5 Min Read

An old quote falsely attributed to Donald Trump has recently resurfaced online. The viral meme alleges Trump told People magazine in 1998 that Republicans are the dumbest group of voters in the country. This is false.

While the quote has been debunked several times since it apparently surfaced in 2015, users have recently been resharing it on social media. Examples can be seen here , here , here , here

The meme reads: If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. Donald Trump, People Magazine, 1998

Snopes first wrote about the false quote here in October 2015 . Since then, the quote has been debunked multiple times .

People magazine has confirmed in the past that its archive has no register of this alleged exchange.

People looked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct. . We combed through every Trump story in our archive. We couldnt find anything remotely like this quoteand no interview at all in 1998., a magazine spokesperson told that year .

In December 1987, People published a profile on Donald Trump titled Too Darn Rich. The article quoted him saying he was too busy to run for president .

Trumps 10 Most Hilariously Stupid Things He Said In 2019

President Donald Trump has a long history of saying some of the most bizarre things in politics. This year was one for the books as the president flailed, searching for excuses for his July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Here are some of the most hilariously stupid things the president has said this year:

1. Windmills cause ear cancer

If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value, Trump told Republicans in April. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one. He then made a whirring noise mimicking a turbine.

2. He wants to buy Greenland

In meetings, at dinners and in passing conversations, Mr. Trump has asked advisers whether the U.S. can acquire Greenland, listened with interest when they discuss its abundant resources and geopolitical importance and, according to two of the people, has asked his White House counsel to look into the idea, the Wall Street Journal reported in August.

Denmark essentially owns it, Trump told reporters in the days that followed. Were very good allies with Denmark. We protect Denmark like we protect large portions of the world. Strategically its interesting.

Trump then got into a fight with Danish leaders and had to cancel a trip hed planned to the country.

3. Trump is the chosen one.

4. Why dont they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.

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When Donald Trump Was A Democrat

It turns out you don’t have to look far to find evidence that Trump wasn’t always a conservative Republican. Trump was registered as a Democrat for more than eight years in the 2000s, according to New York City voter records made public during his 2016 campaign for president.

Trump owned up to his years with the other party and told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in 2004 that he identified with Democrats during that time because they were more adept at handling the economy:

“It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn’t be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats….But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we’ve had some pretty bad disasters under the Republicans.”

Trump was a registered Democrat from August 2001 through September 2009.

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