Thursday, July 25, 2024

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What Has Trump Accomplished As President

President Trump Deports Wwii Nazi Collaborator

Trump has done more than any president: Lou Dobbs

This week, a 95-year-old former Nazi collaborator, who served as a labor camp guard during World War II was finally deported to Germany after a long immigration battle in the United States. Palij, a former concentration camp guard, immigrated to the United States in 1949 and became a citizen in 1957. At the time, he lied to U.S. immigration officials about his role in the war. It was not until much later that federal authorities learned of Palijs true involvement as a guard, and his citizenship was revoked in 2003. The United States cannot criminally prosecute World War II crimes that were carried out overseas, but Palijs deportation was ordered in 2004 after a judge said he had falsified his immigration application. Despite his deportation order, Palij remained in the United States for more than a decade because no other nation was willing to take him.

Trump Canceled Bill Gates Project Known As Id2020

ID2020 is not Bill Gates project, and Trump hasnt canceled it.

Dakota Gruener is ID2020s executive director. She launched the ID2020 Alliance program after working at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, where she worked as the right hand woman to the CEO, according to her staff bio.

Founding partners of the program include Microsoft and Gavi, which is where the Gates connection comes in. Gates co-founded Microsoft, and Gavi receives funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Our rating: False

Orders Report On Dodd

President Trump signed an executive order giving his Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and a committee of Wall Street experts 120 days to determine how the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and the Consumer Protection Act of 2010 should be changed. While not making any changes yet, this move signals that President Trump is ready to make changes that financial experts have wanted for a long time. The current legislation was put in place after the financial meltdown of 2008, and many experts feel that most of the law is not necessary while greatly adding to their financial costs.

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Repeal Parts Of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act

President Trump signed an executive order within hours of taking office seeking the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The order calls for all government heads to waive, defer grant exemptions from or delay the implementation of any provisions to the largest extent possible by law. He called on his cabinet to promote the development of a free and open market. He continues efforts to completely eliminate the law threatening lawmakers who stand in his way with the opposition during the upcoming primary season.

America First Energy Plan

Accomplishments Of President Trump

Almost immediately upon taking office, President Trump announced his America First Energy Plan. The plan calls for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to open much of Americas public lands to energy companies. The plan says that $32 billion in annual worker wages over seven years would be earned if these lands are opened. Under an order expected to be signed early next week, each state will have the right to determine the CO2 emission rate that is lawful within their state. Energy companies will no longer be required to disclose royalties and government payments.

President Trumps first weeks in office have been very productive. While he has been able to get much work done quickly through executive orders, he has also been able to set the stage for getting even more accomplished over the next year and beyond. The latest job report indicates that over 227,000 jobs have been created since he came to office.

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Trump Arrested And Dismantled Sex And Human Trafficking Rings In Several Countries

USA TODAY previously reported that there have been 8,559 arrests related to human trafficking made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Immigration and Customers Enforcements Homeland Security Investigations.

Fact check:Over 8,000 US trafficking arrests since 2017 have not included members of Congress

Claims that human trafficking arrests have skyrocketed during Trumps presidency are false, an in-depth analysis by found.

Trump has, however, been a vocal advocate for ending trafficking. He has signed several laws intended to bolster efforts to eradicate the crime and gave more than $35 million in Justice Department grants to nonprofit organizations that provide housing for human trafficking victims this month.

Our rating: False

Replacing Nafta With Usmca

Three years after he signed off the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Trump fulfilled a key promise of his 2016 election campaign by renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and replacing it with a new deal.

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement was signed off in January this year after two years of negotiations between the three nations over a deal touching on $1 trillion of trade.

In typical fashion, the president called the bill the “best and most important trade deal” that had ever been made by the U.S., and argued that it would be “good for everybody” in the country.

The Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not quite match the president’s praise for his own deal, but she did accept that the agreement was “much better than NAFTA” thanks in part to negotiations involving her party.

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The Husband And Father

Mr Trump has been married three times, though his most famous wife was his first – Ivana Zelnickova, a Czech athlete and model. The couple had three children – Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric – before they filed for divorce in 1990. The ensuing court battle made for numerous stories in the tabloid press. Those stories included allegations that he was abusive towards Ivana, though she later downplayed the incidents.

He married actress Marla Maples in 1993. They had a daughter named Tiffany before divorcing in 1999. He married his current wife, Slovenian model Melania Knauss, in 2005, and the couple have one son, Barron William Trump.

His children from his first marriage now help run Trump Organization, though he is still chief executive. Ivanka, his eldest daughter, followed her dad to the White House, where she and her husband, Jared Kushner, served as senior advisers.

Failure: The Us Economy

No president has accomplished more than President Donald Trump has

Trump often took credit for the robust US economy before the pandemic, ignoring that much of the growth began during the Obama administration.

The US faced one of the worst economic crises in its history under Trump, which was intrinsically linked to his disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus lockdowns in early 2020 and reduced consumer spending led to tens of millions of job losses as whole segments of the economy sputtered. The economy has since begun adding back jobs, but is far from a full recovery as the US struggles to contain the coronavirus and Biden takes over.

Roughly 22 million jobs were lost from February to April. Though nearly half of those jobs have been recovered, the unemployment rate is still at 7.9% . The pre-pandemic unemployment rate was 3.4%.

As Trump left office, the US national debt was at the highest levels since World War II. And US economic growth was set to average just above 0% for Trump’s first term because of the pandemic recession, according to The Washington Post.

Though the economy is still far from recovered, Trump also failed to bring Congress together to pass a second coronavirus stimulus package prior to Election Day as Americans across the country struggled to cover rent and other bills. The GOP-controlled Senate instead prioritized confirming Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, essentially placing the economy and the livelihoods of Americans on the back-burner.

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Trumps Omb Published New Anti

This is true.But the anti-trafficking community gives the Trump administration low marks because the administrations harsh treatment of undocumented immigrants has caused victims of human trafficking to fear turning to authorities for help. The administration has made it harder for victims to obtain the special T visas they used to get when they turned to authorities for help and provided information about their abusers.

Trump Signed A Law Ending The Gag Orders On Pharmacists That Prevented Them From Sharing Money

True. Mr. Trump tweeted in support of this law and deserves credit for using the bully pulpit of the presidency to demand transparency in drug prices. But Congress deserves most of the credit for the unanimous 2018 passage of this transparency law, which prohibits gag orders that prevent pharmacists from sharing prescription drug prices with customers.

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Trump Canceled The Democrats Hr6666 Bill Known As The Covid

The TRACE Act, introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., in May, is still active.

The bill would provide $100 billion in grants to organizations that perform COVID-19 testing, tracing and at-home services. Eligible entities include some health centers, nonprofit organizations and some hospitals and schools, according to Congress summary of the bill. It also could be used to pay staff or purchase personal protective equipment.

Fact check:‘Plandemic’ sequel makes false claims about Bill Gates

It was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on May 1. To become law, next, the bill will need to pass out of the committee and pass in the House and Senate. Then, it will need to be signed by the president.

USA TODAY has previously reported that Bill Gates was not involved in crafting the bill.

“In our home state of Washington, our staff have provided advisory support to public health officials on their COVID-19 response efforts, the Gates Foundation told USA TODAY in a statement. This has included participating in discussions about epidemiological approaches, such as testing, isolation, contact tracing and quarantine. The Gates Foundation has not provided grant funding to expand contact tracing in the U.S.

Our rating: False

Trump Administration Announces Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

White House

The Department of Commerce announced that it would include a question on the 2020 Census asking whether respondents are U.S. citizens. The announcement touched off a firestorm of protest by Democratic lawmakers and the open borders lobby, claiming that asking people to anonymously check a box on a form is threatening and will affect the integrity of the decennial headcount. In February 2019, the Supreme Court agreed to take up the case and is expected to hold hearings in April. The Census Bureau announced in April that it was prepared to issue the forms with or without the citizenship question.

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Trump Declared Places Of Worship As Essential Services Some Mayors Are Fining People For Going To Church

Its true that Trump deemed places of worship as essential early on in the coronavirus pandemic.

Today, Im identifying houses of worship churches, synagogue, and mosques as essential places that provide essential services, Trump said at a May 22 press briefing. Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship. Its not right. So, Im correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential.

Its also true that some mayors are fining churches or church-goers, like in Chicago and Greenville, Mississippi. The Mississippi fines have since been canceled.

Our rating: True

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Remaking The Federal Judiciary

Appointed a historic number of Federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written.

  • Nominated and confirmed over 230 Federal judges.
  • Confirmed 54 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, making up nearly a third of the entire appellate bench.
  • Filled all Court of Appeals vacancies for the first time in four decades.
  • Flipped the Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits from Democrat-appointed majorities to Republican-appointed majorities. And dramatically reshaped the long-liberal Ninth Circuit.

Appointed three Supreme Court justices, expanding its conservative-appointed majority to 6-3.

  • Appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch to replace Justice Antonin Scalia.
  • Appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy.
  • Appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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Trump Issued An Executive Order For The White House To Take Over All Electrical Grids Which Will Include Internet Servers Broadcasting Systems And Electronic Systems

The president did issue an executive order intended to secure the countrys bulk-power system, but the order does not allow the White House to take over electrical grids.

The order seeks to protect the U.S. electricity system from cyber and other attacks, Reuters reported.

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It is imperative the bulk-power system be secured against exploitation and attacks by foreign threats, Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said in a press release. This Executive Order will greatly diminish the ability of foreign adversaries to target our critical electric infrastructure.

The order makes no mention of assuming control over all electrical grids, and also does not mention internet servers, broadcasting systems or electronic systems.

Our rating: Partly false

Failure: Iran Syria And Afghanistan

What Trump has accomplished since taking office

Trump’s decision to unilaterally withdraw the US from the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018 has induced chaos throughout the Middle East.

It remains one of Trump’s most unpopular decisions in the global arena, and has been condemned by top US allies who were also signatories to the deal.

The former president failed to thwart Iran’s aggressive behavior in the region through a maximum pressure campaign, meant to squeeze Tehran into negotiating a more stringent version of the pact.

After a series of incidents in the Persian Gulf region in 2019, tensions between Washington and Tehran reached historic heights and sparked fears of war. These fears were exacerbated after Trump ordered a strike that killed Iran’s top general, Qassem Soleimani, in early January 2020. The strike led Iran to retaliate and fire on US troops in the region, and dozens were seriously injured.

Iran also abandoned the 2015 nuclear deal, which was designed to prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Trump’s decision to pull US troops out of northern Syria in October 2019 was also among his most disastrous foreign policy moves. In doing so, Trump effectively abandoned US-allied Kurdish forces who bore the brunt of the US-led campaign against ISIS to a Turkish military invasion.

The withdrawal induced a humanitarian crisis and created a security vacuum that Russia, Iran, and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an accused war criminal, all benefited from.

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Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Trump Administration On Travel Ban

The Supreme Court issues a decision upholding the Trump administrations ban on travel from certain countries that posed national security risks. As FAIR has consistently noted, Congress has delegated to the president clear, unambiguous authority to suspend entry to any alien or class of aliens deemed detrimental to the interests of the United States. Therefore, the Supreme Court interpreted the law correctly and acted responsibly when it ruled the ban to be constitutional.

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