Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Who Will Be Running Against Trump

Before He Was Running Against Trump Joe Walsh Was Trying To Be Trump

Chris Christie Believed to Be Running (Against Trump?) in 2024
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  • Mike Pence Could Become Donald Trump’s Nemesis In 2024

    Former Vice President Mike Pence remains at the center of speculation about his plans for the 2024 presidential election, and though that’s more than three years away, he may already be contemplating a run.

    Pence’s political advocacy group, Advancing American Freedom , is seeking to raise $18 million within its first year, according to an Axios report published on Wednesday.

    As a former vice president and a household name, Pence would ordinarily seem well-positioned to contest the Republican nomination, but his path to the White House could be blocked by one major obstacle: former President Donald Trump.

    A recent CNN/SSRS poll showed that 49 percent of Republicansnow believe someone else should be the party’s candidate, though Trump is still the favorite to win the GOP nomination.

    The former president has repeatedly hinted at another White House run, saying his supporters will be “happy” with what he decides, while Pence has been even more reticent on his plans.

    However, if his support among Republican voters declines and Pence can successfully build a war chest going into the primary campaign, he could see himself as a potentially viable opponent.

    David A. Bateman, an associate professor at Cornell University’s Department of Government, told Newsweek it would be very unusual if Pence weren’t considering a run.

    Us Election 202: Who Are The Likely Republican Candidates To Run For President Against Joe Biden

    Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump and Ted Cruz are among the rumoured candidates to become Donald Trumpâs successor

    The 2020 presidential race has only just finished, but the Republican candidates for 2024 are already preparing themselves for their shot at the White House.

    We take a look at who may be looking to get themselves in to the race.

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    Fulton County Georgia Criminal Election Influence Investigation

    Prosecuting Office: Fulton County, GA District Attorneys Office.

    Case Summary: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DAs Office opened an investigation into attempted election interference by former President Trump. The investigation is looking into potential violations of Georgia election laws, including the solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the elections administration.

    Case Status: On Feb. 10, 2021, the Fulton County DAs Office sent letters to Governor Brian Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Duncan, Secretary of State Raffensperger, and Attorney General Carr informing them of the new investigation and requesting that all records relating to the election, including emails sent by employees from non-government accounts, be preserved.

    Fulton County DA Fani Willis also reportedly plans to investigate a phone call between Senator Lindsey Graham and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Raffensperger claims Graham asked the Secretary of State if he could throw out legally cast ballots. Grahams spokesperson claims that this is not true and Graham was instead asking about the signature verification process. The DAs office is also reportedly looking into whether Rudy Giuliani violated election laws in making false statements to Georgia officials.

    Sarah Palin Hints At Alaska Senate Run Against Republican Lisa Murkowski

    running angry trump attacks dr fauci press and polls

    The former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin has hinted at a run for US Senate.

    If God wants me to do it I will, Palin recently told Ché Ahn, leader of the New Apostolic Reformation movement, according to Right Wing Watch, a progressive advocacy group, and footage posted to social media.

    Palin would be running against Lisa Murkowski, a Republican who has not been as steadfast in her support of Donald Trump as most others in the GOP in Congress.

    I would say you guys better be there for me this time, because a lot of people were not there for me last time, Palin told her Christian audience, referring to her spell as running mate to John McCain in 2008.

    Palin was a relative unknown when McCain picked her to run against Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The campaign was a disaster for the Republican party as Palin was widely mocked for her perceived ignorance and unsuitability to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Obama won decisively.

    But Palins rise to prominence is now seen as a turning point on the road to the presidency of Donald Trump.

    In discussing a possible Senate run, Palin dismissed a Republican woman already in the race and endorsed by Trump.

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    Georgia And Arizona Senators Show Progressive

    Walker, the 1982 Heisman Trophy winner and a Wrightsville, Ga., native, has long lived in Texas after a professional football career that ended in Dallas, but he changed his voter registration last week to an Atlanta house owned by his wife, Julie Blanchard. Blanchard is under investigation by the Georgia secretary of state’s office over potential illegal voting after The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported she voted in Georgia despite living in Texas.

    Walker has also repeated false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election despite elections officials finding no evidence of widespread fraud that affected the outcome.

    It’s unclear when Walker will make a formal Senate announcement. The campaign paperwork filed Tuesday ends months of speculation about his political plans, including a prediction in June from Trump that the former football star would soon suit up for the Republican primary.

    “He told me he’s going to, and I think he will,” Trump said on the conservative talk radio Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. “He’s a great guy. He’s a patriot. And he’s a very loyal person, he’s a very strong person. They love him in Georgia, I’ll tell you.”

    Some national Republicans have been wary of Walker’s candidacy, though. The first-time candidate comes with potential baggage that could harm his chances in both the primary and general elections, including his Texas residency.

    Second Capitol Police Suit Over The Jan 6 Riots

    Smith v. Trump, No. 21-cv-02265

    Plaintiff: Seven Capitol Police officers

    Case Summary: On Aug. 26, 2021, a second group of Capitol Police officers filed suit over injuries they suffered while defending the Capitol on Jan. 6. The officers allege that Trump and his co-defendantsincluding the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepersconspired to incite a riot and attack the Capitol, leaving the officers physically and emotionally injured.

    Like the other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump, the complaint asserts that Trump violated the KKK Act by conspiring to instigate the riots. The complaint also alleges that unnamed defendantslisted as John Does who carried out the attackphysically assaulted the officers at Trumps provocation, which could make Trump liable for the officers injuries.

    The plaintiffs also add in a unique claim not found in other Jan. 6 lawsuits against Trump: that the defendants violated the DC Bias-Related Crimes Act, a local hate-crime statute. According to the complaint, the defendants were motivated by political bias against the Democratic Party when they instigated and executed the Capitol attack.

    Case Status: The officers filed their suit in DC federal court on Aug 26, 2021.

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    Possible Running Mates Again

    “At the moment, Pence will be weighing up whether to oppose Trump or try and woo him again to be the 45th President’s running mate for 2024,” Shanahan went on.

    “There’s a lot of ground to cover before he needs to make any decision, and first he needs to determine what direction the GOP is set to take in the run-up to 2024. Trumpism may not be as solid as it might currently seem – it was clearly rejected by the voters of California, and Donald Trump’s standing in the party could yet be destroyed by the outcomes of the January 6 Capitol insurrection Inquiry, or even if one of the many mooted lawsuits against Trump actually gets to court. Even if it’s not, the chances of Trump actually running for the presidency again are less than 50:50,” he said.

    “Whatever happens, Pence will need to come out of 45’s shadow and start to offer voters a distinct manifesto: something that shows him to be other than the vanilla supplicant who offered Trump a challenge-free easy ride through an unprecedently turbulent four years in the White House. He’ll need to woo the money – and that’s why these current toe-in-the-water events matter.

    “Expect Pence to keep up the campaign of being politically relevant for the next 18 months, but don’t expect him to commit to any kind of run until we tick into 2023. Being coy at the moment is an asset. He’ll keep the media interested, but keep his powder dry,” Shanahan added.

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    Ivanka Trump Will Not Run Against Sen. Marco Rubio In 2022

    The rising likelihood of former President Donald Trump mounting a bid for the White House in 2024 paired with President Bidens falling poll numbers are giving Democrats anxiety, according to a report.

    Stoking more speculation is Trumps campaign-style rally Saturday at the state fairgrounds in Iowa, the key early voting state where a recent poll found that voters view him more favorably now than they did when he was president.

    The former president hasnt said whether he will run for another term in 2024, but Jason Miller, a longtime aide, said he believes the chances are between 99 and 100 percent.

    He has not said the magical words to me, but if you talk to him for a few minutes, its pretty clear that hes running, Miller told Cheddar News in an interview last month.

    Coupled with Bidens tanking job approval ratings, which have fallen into the 30s following the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and his sputtering legislative agenda, Democrats are anxious.

    Theres not a strategist or insider that Im hanging out with who would like to see Donald Trump running again, Rachel Bitecofer, a Democratic pollster, told The Hill. Nobody should think he would be a weak nominee.

    She told the publication that Democrats still havent gotten over his shocking victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the 74 million votes Trump won in 2020 and his enormous influence among Republicans dont bode well for Democrats.

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    Mike Pence Will Run For President In 2024 But Has No Chance Of Winning Against Emboldened Trump Ex Aide Says

    • 15:34 ET, Sep 20 2021

    MIKE Pence will launch a bid for president in 2024 but has no chance of winning the Republican nomination as hes likely to face an angry and emboldened Donald Trump, an ex-White House aide says.

    Speculation that Pence is seeking a run for the White House is growing as hes reportedly trying to raise $18million this year.

    Conservative group Advancing American Freedom has already spent around $60,000 in digital ads since launching in April, and Pence has been involved in fundraising for high profile Republicans such as House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy, according to Axios.

    The former VP spoke at the memorial service for Indiana’s Cpl. Humberto Sanchez – who was killed in last month’s ISIS-K terror blast in Afghanistan.

    Olivia Troye, who served on the White House Coronavirus Taskforce between February-August 2020, thinks Pence will try to win over both “Trump loyalists” and moderate conservatives.

    She claims his ambition to run for president is “apparent” and says the fundraising reports “solidify” his goal.

    Troye told The Sun: It has always been his goal to run for the presidency and thats why he ended up aligning himself with Trump as much as I know that he likely detests him.

    But, the former aide said she doesnt think he will win the nomination.

    Trump Sued Her She Won

    Meanwhile Trumps current fundraising efforts which are going to his and his allies political committees and have taken in unprecedented sums for a former president cannot be used to finance an official presidential campaign. But the money can be used to pay for travel, events, advisers and ad campaigns. It can also be used to support pro-Trump candidates or other political causes. So when Trump uses his 2024 flirtations to boost his war chest, theres a self-fulfilling element to it. He can use that money to fund operations that build buzz and a potential mandate for an official run. Moreover, the more Trump locks donors into his fundraising apparatus, the more he may intimidate challengers or dampen their own ability to raise money, since there are a finite number of donors to draw money from.

    It’s impossible to extricate Trump’s hunger for profit from his hunger for political power.

    Lastly, Trump knows that he can parlay the enhanced attention he gets from constantly dangling a presidential run into non-presidential ambitions, like a new media outlet or any other new business. An entertainer and businessman at heart, Trump instinctively thinks of attention as something that can be monetized, and it’s impossible to extricate his hunger for profit from his hunger for political power.

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    No Evidence Election Was Compromised Cybersecurity Agency Says

    The dust-up in Wayne County unfolded amid a nationwide effort by Trump and many of his GOP allies to push back on the results of the election. The outgoing president has claimed widespread voting fraud, without evidence, in the several of the states that he lost, including Michigan.

    On Wednesday, the president reiterated his claim that a giant scam robbed him of a victory in the state. I win Michigan! .

    He and his allies, however, have repeatedly failed to produce evidence supporting their allegations of election fraud.

    That failure has spelled trouble in court for his campaign to get the election results overturned. In Michigan, an appeals court on Monday unanimously ruled against a Republican bid to invalidate the vote in Wayne County. The decision backed a lower-court ruling that found the allegations to be simply not credible.

    And the legal setbacks for Trump havent been confined to Michigans borders, either. As NPRs Pam Fessler explains, similar efforts challenging the vote in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin have failed to gain traction.

    Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger speaks during a news conference Wednesday in Atlanta.

    Georgias secretary of state said Tuesday that some fellow Republicans have tried to pressure him into disqualifying legal ballots that may not have favored President Trump.

    Failed candidate Doug Collins is a liar but whats new?Raffensperger wrote in a Facebook post.

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