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What Was Trump’s Last Tweet

Hours After Media Networks Announced Biden Had Won Trump Took To Social Media To Promote False Information

President Trump’s recent tweet âwill drive his opponents crazyâ

President Trump took to Twitter late Saturday to falsely claim he had won the 2020 presidential election, airing a fresh barrage of baseless attacks mere hours after Democratic candidate Joe Biden had achieved victory.

His post coming after major media networks said Trump lost the election prompted Twitter to immediately slap a label on the tweet, saying This claim about election fraud is disputed. The tech giant, however, took minimal action to limit Trumps millions of followers from viewing it or re-sharing it widely.

The presidents all-caps tweet questioned the integrity of the vote, alleging BAD THINGS had occurred, even though he has not presented any evidence of electoral fraud.

The tweet threatened to sow online discord on the very day that news organizations called Biden the president-elect because he exceeded 270 electoral votes. Other top Trump allies and surrogates throughout the day similarly sought to undermine confidence in Bidens apparent victory and raise money for potential legal challenges in key battleground states.

On Saturday, the company opted against placing a gray box over Trumps comment that would have removed it from public view. And it did not impose other restrictions, including on comments and favorites, that might have similarly limited its reach.

Donald Trumps Tweets Have Now Disappeared From Twitter

The suspension means that Trumps tens of thousands of prior tweets are out of public view on Twitter. Retweets of the presidents messages are gone from the forwarding users timelines, and quote tweets are replaced with the message This Tweet is unavailable.

The ability to navigate other users likes, retweets, and quotes of the presidents tweets is gone, as is the ability to see, in one place, all replies to anything he has tweeted.

Trump Calls Trudeau ‘very Dishonest & Weak’

The G-7 summit in Canada ended in acrimony as President Trump – who left early – responded to remarks by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau by attacking him and pulling back the United States’ endorsement of the summit communique from Air Force One on June 9, 2018.

A Trudeau spokesman did not address Trump’s insults in a statement, but noted, “The Prime Minister said nothing he hasn’t said before — both in public, and in private conversations with the President.”

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‘the Special Council Was Established Based On An Illegal Act’

This late Friday-night tweet from Mar-a-Lago, which came a day after the release of former FBI Director James Comey’s memos about his interactions with the president, appeared aimed at undermining special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. Comey has testified that he asked a friend to share the content of a memo with a reporter, hoping that would prompt the appointment of a special counsel. Comey’s memos were unclassified, with some portions blacked out as classified.

Trump Threatens ‘to Use The Powers Granted To The Presidency And Get Involved’

US Election 2020: Trump tweets I won the election ...

The backdrop to this tweet on May 2, 2018: a dispute between the Justice Department and pro-Trump House members demanding documents related to Mueller’s probe. Trump’s message echoes his unfounded claims that the presidential election was rigged against him — and foreshadows his “I hereby demand” tweet of May 20.

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‘the Real Story On Collusion Is In Donna B’s New Book’

Trump urged the Justice Department and FBI to investigate his former presidential rival in this string of morning tweets on Nov. 3, 2017. He argued in one tweet, “The real story on Collusion is in Donna B’s new book. Crooked Hillary bought the DNC & then stole the Democratic Primary from Crazy Bernie!” Trump referred to a book excerpt by Donna Brazile, the Democratic National Committee’s former interim leader, that stated that Hillary Clinton’s joint fundraising agreement with the DNC effectively gave her control of it. Her main challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders, signed his own agreement with the party months later. Brazile alleged she found proof that the primary was rigged for Clinton, but she walked back that claim on ABC’s “This Week” on Nov. 5.

How To Read Donald Trumps Tweets Now

Archives of Trumps tweets exist both privately and publicly, even though compiling such repositories can run afoul of Twitters terms of service. Nonetheless, at least some of the presidents tweets are subject to the Presidential Records Act, which requires the preservation of their content.

The is an effort created by a sole developer who says he wanted to provide a public resource. It allows users to search through more than 56,000 tweets posted to the account between 2009 and today.

The archive allows you to filter tweets by date and the device used. It has even archived the tweets the Trump posted and then later deleted, starting in September 2016.

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A Very Dangerous Person

The President has under two weeks left in office before Joe Biden is inaugurated, however there have been public calls for the removal of Trump with top two Democrats describing the President as dangerous.

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer both said Vice President Mike Pence should invoke the 25th amendment of the US Constitution to remove him from office before then.

‘corker Begged Me To Endorse Him For Re

Trump acknowledges Biden’s win in latest tweet

Trump Twitter-attacked Tennessee’s Sen. Bob Corker, who had taken a critical line toward the White House, in these tweets and a later one on Oct. 8, 2017. The prominent Republican lawmaker fired back by tweeting: “It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.” More context on Trump’s contentions in these tweets: Corker considered the Iran nuclear deal badly flawed. And Corker’s chief of staff said that Trump called Corker the week before to ask him to reconsider his decision to leave the Senate, and “reaffirmed that he would have endorsed him, as he has said many times.”

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Trump Allowed Back Onto Twitter

Technology reporters

US President Donald Trump has been allowed to Tweet again, after being locked out of his account for 12 hours.

Posting a more conciliatory message, he refrained from reiterating false claims of voter fraud.

Twitter said that it would ban Mr Trump “permanently” if he breached the platform’s rules again.

The move from Twitter puts clear water between it and Facebook, which suspended him “indefinitely” on Thursday.

Twitter has instead given the outgoing president a final warning.

Earlier on Thursday, the popular gaming platform Twitch also placed an indefinite ban on Mr Trump’s channel, which he has used for rally broadcasts.

Mr Trump tweeted several message on Wednesday, calling the people who stormed Capitol Hill “patriots”. He also said “We love you.”

The Last Trump Tweet Against The Media

The suspension came two days after Trump spoke at a rally in front of the White House and called on his supporters to march to the Capitol building in protest of Congress’s certification of President-elect Joe Bidens victory. The march devolved into a riot as individuals stormed and infiltrated the building. Twitter cited risk of further incitement of violence and a pattern of behavior that violated the companys rules in a statement explaining the decision.

The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker houses a database of Trumps anti-media tweets that dates back to June 15, 2015, the date Trump declared his candidacy for president. According to our analysis of nearly 24,500 of Trumps tweets across that time, 2,520 anti-press tweets means that he has, on average, tweeted negatively about the press more than once a day for the past 5 ½ years.

A series of court established that each of those tweets from Trumps personal handle, @realDonaldTrump, is an official statement from the Office of the President of the United States. When Trump tried to circumvent Twitters suspension by posting on @POTUS, the official handle for the Office of the President, the social media platform removed those tweets as well. The Trump campaign account, @TeamTrump, was also suspended.

Tweeting Against Newsrooms, Journalists

Tweeting Against the Opposition Party

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Twitter Permanently Suspends President Donald Trump

Twitter permanently suspended President Donald Trumps account on Friday, citing the risk of further incitement of violence.

The presidents account, with 88 million followers, was initially banned for 12 hours on Wednesday due to severe violations of our Civic Integrity policy, after he used the platform to condemn Vice President Mike Pence as his supporters stormed the Capitol.

Almost immediately, the account that Trump had used for years to convey his every thought, to denounce his enemies and praise his friends, to convey uncountable false statements and official White House announcements, simply disappeared. It was suddenly impossible to see his previous tweets, or even to see his reaction to Twitter’s decision. Instead, his empty account had been marked: “Account suspended.”

Trump’s attempts to tweet from associated accounts also were blocked. At one point, he was tweeting from his campaign account, but that was promptly suspended.

In a blog post, Twitter detailed the reasoning behind the decision.

In the context of horrific events this week, we made it clear on Wednesday that additional violations of the Twitter Rules would potentially result in this very course of action, Twitter wrote. Our public interest framework exists to enable the public to hear from elected officials and world leaders directly. It is built on a principle that the people have a right to hold power to account in the open.

‘these Are Sick And Demented People Who Were In The Sights Of Scotland Yard’

Trump Election Tweet Gets Quickly Labeled By Twitter

This Trump tweet after a London subway bombing on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017, was quickly rebuked by British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said, “I never think it’s helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation.” Trump said he had been briefed on the explosion. The Associated Press later reported that the homemade bomb partially detonated, injuring 30 people. Trump also tweeted that day that his travel ban “should be far larger, tougher and more specific,” and in another message said that “Our hearts & prayers go out to the people of London.”

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Trump Says Immediately Return Illegal Immigrants ‘with No Judges Or Court Cases’

On June 24, 2018, the president argued that immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally should not get due process. In the next sentence he referred to “Law and Order.”

These tweets came four days after he signed an executive order halting the separation of children from parents when they are detained illegally crossing the border, following an uproar.

Homelessness Issue A Target

In 2019, Trump spent Christmas Day threatening the governor: Governor Gavin N has done a really bad job on taking care of the homeless population in California. If he cant fix the problem, the Federal Govt. will get involved! he wrote.

The crisis across the state was the subject of at least a dozen messages from Trump in the last two years, and Trump used it to attack other political figures, such as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Sometimes his tweets included a sweeping indictment of the state and its problems and leaders at all levels.

California leads the nation, by far, in both the number of homeless people, and the percentage increase in the homeless population two terrible stats,he wrote in December 2019. Crazy Nancy should focus on that in her very down district, and helping her incompetent governor with the big homeless problem!

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Sticking To The Script

Trump most commonly tweeted about the government, media and corporate institutions, which often became fodder for news coverage. The media often framed the tweets as attacks and counter-punching. But in a closer read, they were not merely responses to criticism or bad news. They regularly described something, the way a narrator would.

But his recasting of reality through his own lens may have also played a role in Trumps downfall. All the attacks, all the twisting of information, all the fear, may have worn out just enough people in key states to ensure his defeat.

When that defeat struck, Trumps storytelling framework did not change: It escalated and multiplied, consuming everything and everyone who did not blatantly support what many have called the Big Lie that the election was rigged against him:

  • Jan. 3, 2021: I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia. He was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ballots under table scam, ballot destruction, out of state voters, dead voters, and more. He has no clue!
  • Jan. 6, 2021: Mike Pence didnt have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

When Did Twitter First Take Action Against Trump

President Donald Trump Angrily Tweets After He Surrenders On Census | The Last Word | MSNBC

Twitter first took action against Mr Trump in May 2020 appending fact-checks to tweets he sent claiming postal votes were fraudulent.

Later that same week it posted a warning label when the president threatened to send in the military to quell Black Lives Matter protests as he added, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”.

Twitter used these fact-checks and warning labels increasingly throughout the year for Trump tweets about coronavirus and the presidential election, culminating in Friday’s ban.

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‘north Korea Has Agreed To Suspend All Nuclear Tests And Close Up A Major Test Site’

This tweet heralded “very good news for North Korea and the World,” as North Korea announced the suspension of nuclear tests and intercontinental ballistic missile launches, before summits with South Korea and the United States. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who said in 2017 that his country had completed its nuclear forces, said it has reached the level where it no longer needs underground testing or to test launch ICBMs. He also said it would close the nuclear testing facility at Punggye-ri. Notably, it was already believed to have been rendered unusable because of tunnel collapses after North Korea tested its most powerful bomb yet last year.

‘should Get Death Penalty’

A day after authorities said a driver took a truck down a bike path in lower Manhattan — ultimately killing eight people and injuring 12 — Trump urged the death penalty for the suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, on Nov. 1, 2017. He did so again on Nov. 2. It is highly unusual for a president to weigh in on the fate of a defendant before trial.

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