Thursday, July 25, 2024

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When Did Trump Impose Tariffs On China

What Are Tariffs Supposed To Achieve

President Trump threatens to impose US$300b in tariffs on Chinese goods

Two things: Increase government revenue. And protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Before the federal income tax was established in 1913, tariffs were a big money raiser for Washington. From 1790 to 1860, tariffs produced 90 percent of federal revenue, according to Douglas Irwin, an economist at Dartmouth College. By contrast, tariffs in recent years have accounted for only about 1 percent of federal revenue.

Tariffs are meant to raise the price of imports or punish foreign countries for unfair trade practices, like subsidizing their exporters and dumping their goods at unfairly low prices. They discourage imports by making them costlier. They also reduce pressure from foreign competition and make it easier for home-grown companies to raise prices.

As global trade grew after World War II, tariffs fell out of favor. The formation of the World Trade Organization and the forging of trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement reduced or eliminated tariffs. The average U.S. tariff is now one of the lowest in the world: 1.6 percent, the same as the European Union’s, the Pew Research Center reports.

Trade Clears Globally Not Bilaterally

The first and perhaps most obvious problem with this approach is it assumes that trade clears bilaterally. This may have been largely true 150 years ago, when transportation costs were too high to allow production across many locations, but it has become less true over time. In the first chapter of our book, Trade Wars Are Class Wars, Klein and I discuss how the global collapse in transportation, communication, and travel costs beginning in the 1980s has made bilateral trade a mostly useless measurement. Imbalances in one country are far more likely to be transmitted to another country indirectly, through other parties, than directly through the bilateral account.

Even if we knew what to count and how to assess its employment impact, in other words, it would be meaningless to limit the discussion of the costs and benefits of trade with any one country solely to that bilateral trade account. To hammer this point home, my mentor at Columbia University, the late Michael Adler, once glared angrily at his students and warned that if any of them even mentioned bilateral trade they would immediately fail the class. Bilateral trade data convey very little about the overall trade relationship between two countries.

North American Neighbors In Tariff Spat

Mexico on June 5, 2018 imposed tariffs of up to 25% on American steel, pork, cheese, apples, potatoes and bourbon, in retaliation for US tariffs on Mexican metals. While to the north, Canada on July 1 imposed tariffs on $12.6 billion worth of U.S. goods, including steel, aluminum, coffee, ketchup and bourbon whiskey in retaliation for US tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum.

A range of consumer products including cell phones, computers, clothing and toys were hit by the tariff rate increases from 10% to 25% on Friday. Auto parts were also included.

US authorities have said the tariff rate will not apply to goods that have already left China’s ports. Shipping goods from China to the US takes between three and four weeks, so the caveat gives the negotiators extra time to overcome the crisis.

Trump announced the initial set of tariff hikes on Sunday, expressing frustration with the pace of the talks.

Chinese officials responded by vowing that they would take the “necessary countermeasures.”

New ways to retaliate

Beijing has already imposed tariffs on some $110 billion worth of US goods exported to China in response to duties Washington imposed on its products last year. However, the total annual value of US goods exported to China is $120.3 billion meaning China doesn’t have much scope to use tariffs to hit back.

Read more: Opinion: Xi Jinping is taking China down a dangerous path


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We Should Point Out That The Trump Administration Did Announce Quietly Announced Earlier This Month That Some Of These Tariffs On Medical Supplies Would Be Temporarily Reduced To Deal With The Coronavirus When It Charges Onto American Shores Now It Is Here So Was That Too Little Too Late

Well, I think it was definitely a step in the right direction. We want to get rid of these tariffs and make it easier for American hospitals to be able to get access to whatever supplies they need from wherever they might need them. But I also think that it is a bit of a mea culpa by the administration, sort of recognizing that they have made it more difficult for the American medical community to be prepared for a pandemic that might arise. And so I think it’s a step in the right direction. They, for what it’s worth, put out another call at the end of the last week saying, “Hey, if there are other products that we haven’t yet taken off of our tariff list, that you do actually need to buy from China, let us know and we’ll consider removing them.” But again, time is ticking by here. And that could take weeks. And hospitals and doctors and nurses they need this stuff right now. And it seems to be a lot to ask them to go through this bureaucratic process, to ask for some tariffs to be removed when they really should be focusing their time and energy and efforts on other things.

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China Hasnt Caved To Trump Its Fought Back

Trump breaks pledge and escalates trade war with China by ...

Russel, the former top diplomat whos now at the Asia Society, says the Trump administrations approach toward China has done little to improve Beijings behavior and in fact has provoked the opposite response, in many cases.

Since Trump became president, China has moved closer to Russia both militarily and economically, helped North Korea escape US-led sanctions put in place to halt its nuclear program, and continued to do business with Iran despite US efforts to starve Tehrans regime of money.

Take the Russia relationship. Chinas military joined Russias this month for its biggest war game since the Cold War, sending 3,200 Chinese troops to the participate in the exercise. That came just four months after the US announced it was kicking China out ofits big war game, suggesting Chinas decision to participate in the Russian exercise was at least partly a response to Americas snub.

The same day the Russian war game kicked off, Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to the Russian city of Vladivostok to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of a Russian-sponsored economic forum. Standing beside Putin, Xi told reporters that China and Russia would work together to maintain stability and peace in the world.

Just two months before, Xi had awarded Putin the first Friendship Medal of the Peoples Republic of China.

Donald J. Trump

Its part of Xis grander effort to make China and not America the worlds most powerful country.

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How Have Markets Reacted

Recent stock market moves had been relatively muted as negotiations continued, but Trumps escalation of tensions at the start of the week prompted a major selloff. On Tuesday, the Dow Jones industrial average had its worst one-day drop since January.

However, there was little reaction in European markets on Friday morning, with all investors firmly focused on the talks.

Investors also took heart from the unofficial grace period offered by Washington, which means goods that set off from China to the US before the midnight deadline will still be taxed at 10%.

Trump Escalates Trade War With More China Tariffs

US President Donald Trump has said he will impose a fresh 10% tariff on another $300bn of Chinese goods, in a sharp escalation of a trade war between the two countries.

It came after the latest round of bilateral talks showed little sign of a breakthrough.

The new tariffs, due to take effect on 1 September, effectively tax all Chinese imports to the US.

The duty is likely target a wide range of goods, from smartphones to clothing.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticised the US move.

“Adding tariffs is definitely not a constructive way to resolve economic and trade frictions, it’s not the correct way,” Mr Wang said on the sidelines of a meeting of South East Asian ministers in Bangkok.

Mr Trump announced the tariff plan on Twitter, while taking aim at China for not honouring promises to buy more US agricultural products at this week’s negotiations in Shanghai.

He also attacked Chinese President Xi Jinping for failing to do more to stem sales of the synthetic opioid fentanyl.

…during the talks the U.S. will start, on September 1st, putting a small additional Tariff of 10% on the remaining 300 Billion Dollars of goods and products coming from China into our Country. This does not include the 250 Billion Dollars already Tariffed at 25%…

Donald J. Trump

In later remarks, the US president told reporters the 10% tariff was a short-term measure and that tariffs could be lifted further in stages to more than 25%.

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Tariffs I Want Tariffs

America and China are the worlds two largest economies, and the US is Chinas largest trading partner. But nothing seems to bother Trump more than that relationship.

Its an economic enemy, because they have taken advantage of us like nobody in history, he said about China during a 2015 Good Morning America interview. Its the greatest theft in the history of the world what theyve done to the United States.

Americas trade deficit in goods and services with China was $335.4 billion in 2017. That deficit keeps rising, and in August it grew by another $31 billion, meaning that Beijing exported $31 billion more goods to the US that month than the US sent the other way.

Trump and some of his top economic advisers, including Director of Trade and Industrial Policy Peter Navarro, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, see this as a bad thing.

When net exports are negative, Ross and Navarro wrote in a policy paper during the presidential campaign that is, when a country runs a trade deficit by importing more than it exports, this subtracts from growth.

They believe the remedy, therefore, is to curtail imports from China in order to boost economic growth. To do that, Trump has turned to tariffs taxes on imported goods, in this case from China that make them more expensive for American consumers to buy.

But as my colleague Matthew Yglesias has explained, doing this to boost the economy doesnt actually work:

Ustr Issues Tariffs On Chinese Products In Response To Unfair Trade Practices

Trump may impose more tariffs on China if trade talks fail

Washington, DC The Office of the United States Trade Representative todayreleased alist of products imported from China that will be subject to additional tariffs as part of the U.S. response to Chinas unfair trade practices related to the forced transfer of American technology and intellectual property.

On May 29, 2018, President Trump stated that USTR shall announce by June 15 the imposition of an additional duty of 25 percent on approximately $50 billion worth of Chinese imports containing industrially significant technologies, including those related to Chinas Made in China 2025 industrial policy. Todays action comes after an exhaustive Section 301 investigation in which USTR found that Chinas acts, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation are unreasonable and discriminatory, and burden U.S. commerce.

This list of products consists of two sets of U.S tariff lines. The first set contains 818 lines of the original 1,333 lines that were included on the proposed list on April 6. These lines cover approximately $34 billion worth of imports from China. USTR has determined to impose an additional duty of 25 percent on these 818 product lines after having sought and received views from the public and advice from the appropriate trade advisory committees. Customs and Border Protection will begin to collect the additional duties on July 6, 2018.


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Given The Trade War And The Antagonism There Not To Mention The Nasty Rhetoric Coming Out Of The White House Right Now About The Coronavirus I Mean Do You Think Playing Nice With China Is Even An Option

I don’t know. You know, I always hope that things can change. I’m an optimist by nature. It has not been the approach of the administration so far. You know, when everything was going fine, the economy was going fine and everybody was healthy, maybe it didn’t need to be considered all that much. But now I think times really, really are quite different. And a new approach is needed.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. Reuters contributed reporting. Follow The World’s COVID-19 coverage here.

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Tariffs Raise Prices And Reduce Economic Growth

Economists generally agree that free trade increases the level of economic output and income, and conversely, that trade barriers reduce economic output and income. Historical evidence shows that tariffs raise prices and reduce available quantities of goods and services for U.S. businesses and consumers, which results in lower income, reduced employment, and lower economic output.

Tariffs could reduce U.S. output through a few channels. One possibility is that a tariff may be passed on to producers and consumers in the form of higher prices. Tariffs can raise the cost of parts and materials, which would raise the price of goods using those inputs and reduce private sector output. This would result in lower incomes for both owners of capital and workers. Similarly, higher consumer prices due to tariffs would reduce the after-tax value of both labor and capital income. Because these higher prices would reduce the return to labor and capital, they would incentivize Americans to work and invest less, leading to lower output.

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A Quick Guide To The Us

The world’s two largest economies have been locked in a bitter trade battle.

The dispute has seen the US and China impose tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of one another’s goods.

US President Donald Trump has long accused China of unfair trading practices and intellectual property theft.

In China, there is a perception that America is trying to curb its rise as a global economic power.

Negotiations are ongoing but have proven difficult. In January, the two sides signed a preliminary deal but some of the thorniest issues remain unresolved.

Uncertainties around the trade war have hurt businesses and weighed on the global economy.

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