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Can Biden Beat Trump In Texas

What Are The Democrats Counting On To Win The Republican Bastion

SHOCK: Biden Ties Trump in Texas

First among the several factors that have kindled the democratic partys hope is the demographic change in the state in the last one decade. As per data released by the US Census Bureau, in 2018 the state had 11.36 million Hispanic citizens as opposed to 11.91 million white citizens. The Hispanic population has seen a sharp rise, largely due to immigration, since 2010 when the Hispanic population in Texas was 9.46 million . Although Hispanic voters are not known to be monolithic in party preference, they tend to favour democratic party over the GOP. Among others, the state is also home to 3.4 million black citizens and 1.4 million Asian Americans.

In the last two years, nearly 1.9 million new voters mostly comprising young voters and Hispanic voters have registered to vote in Texas and this group is largely seen as leaning towards liberal politics. Also, Trumps hardline immigration policies and the project to construct the border wall hasnt gone well with the Latino voters.

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In fact, in 2018 mid-term senate elections, an increased voter turnout helped Democratic candidate Beto ORourke to narrow down the margin against incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz to just 2.6 percentage points, compared to 16 per cent lead enjoyed by Cruz against the Democratic candidate in 2012.

Texas Governor Abbott: Cartels Are Opening Fire On Texas Troops Biden Abandoned Everyone On Border

Texas Governor Greg Abbott told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that President Joe Biden has completely abandoned Texans who live on the U.S.-Mexico border, people who overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2020.

Abbott said that Bidens reversal of the previous administrations policies has led to catastrophic results on the border, including Mexican cartels becoming even more aggressive.

And the cartels on the Mexican side of the border, theyre beginning to open fire on the National Guard that Texas has down on the border to secure the border, Abbott said. This is escalating into a firing war on each side of the border where Texas and our National Guard are having to defend themselves and defend the state of Texas.

Abbott said that the hottest point of activity right now is in Starr County where the cartels on the Mexican side of the border are shooting at the National Guard on the Texas side of the border.

And so what Texas is having to do, were having to step up and guard multiple points across the entire border, Abbott said. The Biden administration has completely abandoned all the people who live on the border, and theyve abandoned people in the state of Texas, and Maria, these are counties and these are people who traditionally have voted Democrat that the Biden administration is ignoring, and hes putting them in danger.



A Deeper Look At 5 Key States That Flipped Red To Blue

Arizona: Every election, most of the vote in Arizona comes from Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. That was no different this year, as more than 60% of the state’s vote came from Maricopa. So winning it is key. And that’s exactly what Biden did.

Biden became the first Democrat since Harry Truman in 1948 to win Maricopa, which is fast-growing and diversifying. Biden defeated Trump there, 50% to 48%, or by about 45,000 votes. Biden’s statewide margin: a little over 10,000.

Trump actually increased his margins in the rural counties overall, but Biden also gained significantly in Pima County, where Tucson is. There, Biden won by 40,000 more votes than Clinton in 2016.


Michigan: Votes for Democrats in Michigan start in Detroit, or Wayne County. About 1 in 5 Biden votes in the state came from Wayne County. He won it by 32,000 more votes than Clinton did.

But Biden also flipped Kent County, home to Grand Rapids, winning 31,000 more votes than Democrats did in 2016.

Biden made up even more votes in the suburbs, improving more than 94,000 over 2016 just from four counties Oakland, Washtenaw, Macomb and Ottawa. And more than half of those votes came from Oakland.

Like in other places, Trump expanded here in rural areas but not enough to offset Biden’s improvements, for a 51% to 48% win, or 145,000 votes.

Remember, this is a state Trump won by just over 10,000 votes in 2016.





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If Democrats Put Some Money Into The Lone Star State Now They Could Close Off President Trumps Options

Joe Biden can end the election on election night. All it takes is an investment in Texas. Texas is the state where big, late money and showing up could put an end to the suspense about whether President Trumpwill concede defeat Nov. 3. Thats because Texass 38 electoral college votes are the most up for grabs of any swing state.

Yes, Texas is a swing state in this election. Biden has consistently polled better in Texas than has any recent Democratic candidate according to FiveThirtyEights polling average, Trump leads Biden in Texas by 1.6 points, a statistical tie and polls have consistently underestimated the actual results for every recent Democratic candidate on Election Day. Its a strategic opportunity Biden must seize because if he wins Texas, he wins the election.

You might be saying: But the polls show Biden with a comfortable lead in Pennsylvania, so why focus on Texas? Heres the answer: Pennsylvanians are going to vote by mail in huge numbers, and it will take days, if not weeks, to certify the results there. Biden may very well win that state, but we might not know for sure until it is too late, after Trump has already had time to create election chaos and doubt about the results. The same could be said about the swing states ofMichigan, North Carolina,Wisconsin andFlorida.

Donald Trump Defeats Joe Biden In Texas Ap Projects

Biden Says He Will Beat Trump in Southern States

SAN ANTONIO Despite the margin of victory being narrower than any presidential election since 2000, the Associated Press is projecting that President Donald Trump will defeat Joe Biden in Texaswinning the Lone Star States 38 electoral votes in the process.

The development denies the Democratic Party its best chance in years to turn Texas blue, something the state still hasnt done since 1976. With 82% of precincts reporting just after midnight Tuesday night, Trump was leading with 52% of the vote to Biden’s 46%.

While the outcome appears to be in Trumps favor this year, the numbers indicate that Texas continues to show an eagerness to lighten its shade of red. In a year that saw the state shatter early voting records, Biden came closer than any Democratic presidential contender has this century to beating a Republican in the Lone Star State. In 2012, 1.26 million votes separated Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. In 2016, that number was shaved to 807,179 ballots separating Trump and Hillary Clinton. And, as of 12:15 a.m. Wednesday, 622,258 were the difference between Biden and Trump.

Victory in Texas boosted Trump to beyond 200 electoral votes. Nationwide, Biden has 223 to Trump’s 212.

the county will have supported a Democratic presidential candidate

2004 was the last time Bexar County voted for a Republican presidential candidate in the general election when George W. Bush defeated John Kerry by about 50,000 ballots.

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Beto Beats Trump In Texas Biden Ties In Hypothetical Head

Former Texas representative and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke would trounce President Donald Trump in the Lone Star State in 2020, according to a new University of Texas poll. Among registered voters in Texas, the survey found that 49 percent would vote for O’Rourke in next year’s general election while only 38 percent would choose Trump.

This unusual advantage for a Democrat in Texas is owed to O’Rourke’s support in the poll among independents, who break for him by wide margins over Trump.

This favorability among independents also provides a critical edge to other Democrats who, the poll found, in hypothetical matchups could best Trump in Texas. Senator Elizabeth Warren earned 41-percent support in the poll, three points ahead of Trump in a potential head-to-head. At 39 percent, Senator Bernie Sanders came out two points in front of Trump, and at 40 percent, Senator Kamala Harris came out on top by one point. The margin of error was calculated at 2.6 percentage points.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was among the lowest-performing candidates in the survey, coming into a statistical tie with Trump in Texas at 37 percent. While Biden earned a higher share of support among Texas Democrats than some of the other candidates, independents were not enthused about him, failing to break for his candidacy strongly enough to overcome the electoral advantage for Republicans in the state.

Biden Team Begins Final Push In Pennsylvania Starting With Two Events In Philadelphia

Joseph R. Biden Jr. began a major push in Pennsylvania on Sunday with two events in Philadelphia, in a final effort to shore up his strength in a state that could determine the outcome of the election.

My message is simple: Pennsylvania is critical in this election, Mr. Biden said at a Souls to the Polls event at Sharon Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon and again at a drive-in rally that evening.

Every single vote matters, he added, noting that President Trump had won the state in 2016 by only about 44,000 votes. The power to change this country is literally in your hands.

During his drive-in rally, Mr. Biden attacked Mr. Trump along familiar lines, criticizing his botched response to the coronavirus pandemic, his threat to overturn the Affordable Care Act, his denial of climate change and his standing in the world.

Hes Putins puppy, thats who he is, he said. Donald Trumps not strong, hes weak. He commands virtually no respect on the international stage.

And in an especially biting broadside that drew honks and applause from the crowd, he said the way to combat the pandemic was to oust Mr. Trump from office. The truth is, to beat the virus, weve first got to beat Donald Trump. Hes the virus, he said.

We need to get every soul in Philadelphia to the polls, he said, urging voters to get their absentee ballots to a drop box as soon as you can if they still had one or to vote in person on Election Day.

I should be up by Can you imagine? he said.

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The Consequences Of A Presidency Defined By Dishonesty Could Last Far Beyond A Four

Born amid made-up crowd size claims and alternative facts, the Trump presidency has been a factory of falsehood from the start, churning out distortions, conspiracy theories and brazen lies at an assembly-line pace that has challenged fact-checkers and defied historical analogy.

But now, with the election two days away, the consequences of four years of fabulism are coming into focus as President Trump argues that the vote itself is inherently rigged, tearing at the credibility of the system. Should the contest go into extra innings through legal challenges after Tuesday, it may leave a public with little faith in the outcome and in its own democracy.

The nightmarish scenario of widespread doubt and denial of the legitimacy of the election would cap a period in American history when truth itself has seemed at stake under a president who has strayed so far from the normal bounds that he creates what allies call his own reality. Even if the election ends with a clear victory or defeat for Mr. Trump, scholars and players alike say the very concept of public trust in an established set of facts necessary for the operation of a democratic society has eroded during his tenure with potentially long-term ramifications.

Poll Shows Biden Beating Trump In Texas Which Hasn’t Been Won By A Democrat In Over 40 Years

October 8, 2021: U.S. debt ceiling, Trump, Biden, Texas abortion ban, North Korea

A new poll out of the traditionally Republican-stronghold of Texas shows President Donald Trump trailing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by 5 points.

The polling, which was conducted by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler, showed Biden with support from 48 percent of Texas voters, while Trump was backed by just 43 percent. However, 5 percent of respondents said they were undecided while 4 percent said they’d back a different candidate.

But the results were notably different from when a similar poll was conducted by the newspaper and the university back in February. In that previous survey, Biden was supported by 47 percent of respondents while the incumbent president was backed by 46 percent. Much has changed since that poll was carried out, however, as many of the other Democratic contenders had not yet dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden.

The new polling also showed that 50 percent of Texans “disapprove” or “strongly disapprove” of the job Trump is doing of those, 43 percent were in the “strongly disapprove” category. Just 44 percent of respondents said they “approve” or “strongly approve” of the president, while another 7 percent responded that they neither approve or disapprove.

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A New Dallas Morning News/ut

By Robert T. Garrett

4:45 AM on Oct 25, 2020 CDT

AUSTIN Former Vice President Joe Biden has regained a narrow lead over President Donald Trump in Texas, after wooing more independents and Hispanics, according to a poll released Sunday by The Dallas Morning News and University of Texas at Tyler.

Bidens lead among likely voters is 48%-45%, within the polls margin of error.

In the Texas race for U.S. Senate, Republican incumbent John Cornyn lost a bit more ground against Democrat MJ Hegar. Cornyns lead now stands at 8 points, down from 11 in September.

Also, in a sign of potential trouble for Texas as it grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, fewer than half of Texas registered voters say theyre likely to take a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Thats a slide from last spring, when about three-quarters were willing.

Texas remains a tossup because of the publics attitudes toward President Trump, said political scientist Mark Owens, who directed the poll.

In September, 32% of Texans said they had no confidence in Trumps ability to keep communities safe from the coronavirus pandemic, Owens noted. Today, 44% voice that sentiment. Trump, though, still has the advantage as the candidate Texans believe would handle the economy best.

The former vice presidents rebound from last month, when Trump led among likely Texas voters, 48-46, is sure to boost the already high spirits of state Democrats.

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