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Who Would Win Biden Vs Trump

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Biden Vs Trump | Trump Vs Biden | Who do YOU think will win the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election?

You cannot legally bet on US elections using traditional sportsbooks but PredictIt allows users to trade shares much like the stock market on the outcomes of elections and events.

PredictIt has dozens of markets in which you can try and predict the outcome of a political race or event. The way it works is that you buy shares for or against an event taking place. You can then trade your shares, with the goal of buying your shares low and then selling them high.

One example of a PredictIt market is Will Donald Trump file to run for President before the end of 2022?

On June 25, the closing price on Yes for Trump to file to run for President before the end of 2022 was 38 cents. On June 27 it was 41 cents and on July 1 it was at 37 cents.

Its up to you to decide whether to cash in or hang on until the market closes.

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Registered Voters Divided On Which Candidate Will Win

Overall, registered voters are divided over who they think will win the 2020 November election: While 50% of voters believe that Trump will win the presidential election, 48% predict a victory for Biden.

And although voters predictions for who will win the presidential election largely align with their candidate preference, voters who support Trump or lean toward voting for him are slightly more likely than Biden supporters to say that their candidate will win .

Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, majorities of voters consistently expected a Hillary Clinton victory. In August of 2016, 55% said Clinton would win, compared with 42% who expected Trump to win.

Trump supporters are far more confident their candidate will win today than they were four years ago. Currently, 90% of Trump supporters expect him to win at about the same point in the campaign four years ago, only 74% of Trump supporters said he would prevail over Clinton.

Today, voters who are more certain of their choice in candidate are more likely to expect that their candidate will win the 2020 election. Nearly all strong Trump supporters expect him to win, compared with 77% of his more moderate supporters. Similarly, among Biden supporters, those who support Biden strongly are more likely than those who support him moderately to expect him to win the November election.

Gsa Delays Certifying Biden As President

Although all major media outlets called the election for Biden on November 7, the head of the General Services Administration , Trump appointee Emily W. Murphy, refused for over two weeks to certify Biden as the president-elect. Without formal GSA certification or “ascertainment” of the winner of the election, the official transition process was delayed. On November 23, Murphy acknowledged Biden as the winner and said the Trump administration would begin the formal transition process. Trump said he had instructed his administration to “do what needs to be done” but did not concede, and indicated he intended to continue his fight to overturn the election results.

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What You Need To Know About Biden

Joe Biden, or Sleepy Joe as the POTUS refers to him, may have some factors working against him like age and height, but he has one edge over Donald Trump when it comes to a fist fight and thats his football background.

Yes, its been more than 50 years since the former vice-president donned the shoulder pads and leather helmet but that shows he isnt averse to physical contact. The man played halfback and linebacker, both positions that involve a lot of physical punishment. That means he could likely take Trumps best shot before having to summon the energy a 77-year-old would need to knock out another senior citizen.

Even earlier this year, Biden looked like he was ready to scrap with an auto parts worker in Michigan when the topic of gun control came up:

Who Would Win A Fight Between Donald Trump And Joe Biden

Frontlines The Choice 2020: Trump vs. Biden Reveals How ...

Even for someone as famously uninhibited and unapologetically profane as Vice President Joe Biden, America’s coolest uncle has been one of Donald Trump’s harshest critics this election cycle. After Trump wondered aloud in his typically evil “just-asking-questions” way whether the election had already been “rigged” for Hillary Clinton, Biden’s earnest suggestion that Trump may be “too stupid” to know the damage he’s doing generated both delighted laughter from the crowd and also this brilliant chyron.

Last week, when the noted Parks and Recreation star was asked if he wished he had the chance to debate Trump, Biden, probably after taking a long drag of a cigarette and sneering, let loose with this:

No, I wish we were in high school, and I could take him behind thegym. That’s what I wish.

You’ll never believe this, but today Donald Trump fired back:

Did you see where Biden wants to take me to the back of the barn? I’dlove that! I’d love that! Mr. Tough Guy! You know he’s Mr. Tough Guy!You know when he’s Mr. Tough Guy? When he’s standing behind amicrophone by himself! He wants to bring me to the back of the barn!Oh, some things in life you could really love doing!

Oooooh, fight!

Note that these two gentlemen were so excited to take each other on that they mixed up the agreed-upon venue! But no matter. Let’s break down who would take this hypothetical behind-the-gym-and/or-the-barn matchup.





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The Two Swing Congressional Districts: Me

Another quirk in the Electoral College system is that just two small states Maine and Nebraska have made the unusual decision to allot some of their electoral votes to the winners in each congressional district in the state, rather than giving them all to the statewide winner as the other 48 states do.

Practically, one of Maines two districts is safe for Democrats, and two of Nebraskas three districts are safe for Republicans. But the remaining district in each state Maines Second District and Nebraskas Second District is up for grabs.

With just one electoral vote at stake for each, theyll only actually matter in the closest of races. But if such a close contest transpires, theyll be absolutely crucial. For instance, the 269-269 tie map above would flip to Biden if he was able to win Nebraskas Second District.

Maines Second is rural, and white voters lacking college degrees make up a large share of the electorate. Its result in presidential years had always been the same as Maines statewide result until 2016, when Trump won it by the sizable margin of 10 points . Recent polls have showed Biden with a narrow lead there this year.

Heres another scenario where these two congressional districts could decide the president if Biden wins Michigan and Pennsylvania, but Trump wins Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin, with the two key congressional districts undecided.

Stunning Poll Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide If Held Today Also Shows 1 In 10 Democrats Regret Voting For Biden

August 19, 2021, 2:22 pm920 Views

A stunning new poll has revealed that one in ten Democrats regrets voting for Biden in the 2020 presidential race, and Donald Trump would win in a landslide if the election were held today.

According to Rasmussen Reports, 12 percent of Moderates also regret voting for Biden, while 14 percent of Black Americans regret voting for him.

According to the poll, only 37% of respondents indicated they would vote for Joe Biden if the election were conducted today, down from 45% in 2012. 43% of people said they would vote for Donald Trump, a staggering 6 point margin of victory.

The Rasmussen Reports numbers shine a new light on just how poorly Joe Biden has performed in his first few months as President of the United States.

The Details.

  • Just 37 percent of voters say they would vote for Biden today
  • 13 percent of Democrats say they would vote for Trump today
  • Moderate voters support for Biden has plummeted 13 points, while Trump has gained
  • 11 percent of 18-39 year olds regret their 2020 vote
  • 14 percent of Black Americans regret their 2020 vote
  • 9 percent of Democrats regret their 2020 vote
  • 12 percent of Moderates regret their 2020 vote.

Read the Crosstabs:

Joe Bidens approval numbers continue to decline, while numbers from Real Clear Politics reveal that while up to 55 percent of Americans thought the country was on the right track in March, that number has plummeted to 31 percent today.

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America Is Not Ready For Trumps Second Term

And he could win, fair and square.

About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

The United States was unprepared for the scope of President Donald Trumps attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election. By Election Day, Trump had spent months calling the election rigged, and historians and democracy experts warned of the damage that these false claims could make. But when the president stepped to a lectern in the White House late on Election Night and insisted hed won, many Americans were taken aback. Much worse was still to come: Trump calling Georgias secretary of state, asking him to find 11,000 votes attempting to weaponize the Justice Department and instigating the failed January 6 insurrection.

Americans are ready now. If anything, theyre overprepared. Many members of the uneasy coalition of Democrats and former Republicans who oppose Trump are frantically focused on the danger of Trump and his GOP allies trying to steal the 2022 and especially 2024 elections. This is not without justification many of Trumps henchmen, meanwhile, are frantically focused on stealing it. But these watchdogs risk missing the graver danger: Trump could win this fair and square.

The possibility remains that they might try everything else and then opt for the wrong thing after all.

Us Election Betting Odds Who Is Favourite To Win

Who will win the 2020 election? President Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden


  • Joe Bidden is the odds-on favourite at 11/20, whereas Donald Trump is valued as the slight outsider at 6/4.
  • The Democrats are highly likely to take control of the House of Representatives, valued at 1/8. A Republican hold is way out at 15/4.

  • According to the bookies, Trump is most likely to secure between 43 46% of the popular vote, valued at 6/4
  • Biden is well-fancied for a comfortable win of 330-359 Electoral College votes, coming in at 15/4 with
  • What if its not Trump or Biden? An independent candidate is placed at 250/1 to win the US Election this week.
  • The odds of Trump scraping enough Electoral College votes to win stands at 9/2.

Sporting Bet

  • Could history repeat itself? Donald Trump is 11/5 to lose the popular vote but still be elected, as he was in 2016.
  • Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are the three biggest swing-states Trump is 3/1 to take them all.
  • Joe Biden is placed at evens to win the most states in total
  • What about an Electoral College tie? Theres an outside shot of 50/1 for the vote to finish at 269-269, leaving both candidates short of the magic 270 mark.

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What You Need To Know About Trump

Having the age and height advantages while also seemingly the aggressor, Donald Trump deserves to be the betting favorite in this hypothetical physical matchup.

His former personal physician, Harold Borenstein, said back in 2015 that Trumps lab results were astonishingly excellent and he would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.

How much of that assessment was true is not for us to decide but another factor to consider is that Borenstein suggested in a 2018 interview that Trump took Propecia for hair loss. Not shaming him for keeping his famous flow intact but its worth noting that it contains a substance banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency as it could be used to mask steroid use. Could this explain the aggression? Hard to tell.

The war of words between the political rivals is not new. Back in 2018, Trump and Biden had a back-and-forth suggesting the outcome of a proposed fight and lets just say the president did not mince words:

Needless to say, Trump can really sell a fight, which is probably why hes inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in the celebrity category. For reference, heres Trump clotheslining WWE owner Vince McMahon and then shaving his head back in 2009 for WrestleMania 25:

Latest Favourability Ratings From Yougov/the Economist See Democrat Ahead

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With Joe Biden saying on Thursday that he expects to run for reelection in 2024, the latest polling from YouGov/The Economist suggests that if he faced a rematch with Donald Trump, he may win once again.

While the former president has hinted on multiple occasions that he would run again for the White House after serving just one term in office, Thursdays announcement by the current occupant of the Oval Office sees a rematch as slightly more of a possibility.

The poll, which was conducted prior to President Bidens press conference, covers a number of issues pertinent to US politics as well as tracking the favourability of senior figures in both the Democratic and Republican parties.

Overall the president is more popular than his predecessor and enjoys a stronger favourability in his own party than Mr Trump does among Republicans.

Some 32 per cent of all respondents had a very favourable opinion of Mr Biden and 18 per cent had a somewhat favourable view.

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Within the Democratic Party, 70 per cent had a very favourable view of the president, and 21 per cent opted for somewhat favourable.

For Mr Trump, 27 per cent of respondents had a very favourable opinion of the former president and 15 per cent said they had a somewhat favourable view of him.

The poll surveyed 1,500 US adults between 20 to 23 March and the results have a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

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Donald Trump Beats Joe Biden In Latest 2024 Election Poll

Although former President Donald Trump has not formally announced plans to run for reelection in 2024, new polling suggests he is well-positioned for a rematch against President Joe Biden and could even come out as the winner.

The poll released Friday by Emerson College shows Trump narrowly beating Biden in a hypothetical matchup. While neither Trump nor Biden is backed by the majority of voters, the former president is currently 2 points ahead of the current president.

Trump is supported by 45 percent of registered voters while Biden is backed by just 43 percent, the latest Emerson survey data shows. Meanwhile, 11 percent of registered voters said they want to vote for “someone else,” and just 1 percent said they remain “undecided.”

Emerson’s new poll was conducted from November 3 to 4 with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Notably, the gap between Trump and Biden has widened a bit since Emerson carried out a similar poll in early September. That previous survey showed Trump leading Biden by just 1 percentage point. However, both the Republican and Democrat were supported by a larger number of registered voters at the time.

Trump was backed by 47 percent compared to 46 percent who supported Biden. As of this month, Trump’s support has declined by 2 points while Biden’s has dropped by 3 points.

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