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What Has Trump Done In Office

When He Separated Migrant Children From Their Parents

Newt Gingrich On The Best And Worst Things Trump Has Done In Office | The View

Of the many scandalous things that Trump has done in his presidency, the separation of children from the parents at his controversial detention facilities at the US/Mexico border was probably the worst.

Evidence had emerged of migrant children literally being placed in cages at the facility, something which Trump tried to blame Barack Obama for. In June 2019, Trump official Marsha Brown even tried to argue that said children didnt need to be safe and sanitary.

A Trump official tried to argue that detained children dont need soap, toothbrushes, or beds to be safe and sanit NowThis 1561145035

Donald Trump And The Damage Done

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By Bret Stephens

Opinion Columnist

A few days before Barack Obama left office, he invited a small group of conservative writers, all Never Trumpers, for a conversation in the White Houses Roosevelt Room. The mood was dark.

The president was worried about the future of the Republican Party. We worried about the future itself. Someone mentioned the possibility of global thermonuclear war as a plausible outcome of a Trump presidency.

Nearly four years on, its worth comparing what was predicted about the Trump administration versus what actually happened.

Among the predictions: The stock market would never recover. Wed stumble into war with North Korea or Iran. The free press would be muzzled. Vladimir Putin would rule Donald Trump through blackmail. Trump-appointed judges would dismantle the rule of law and overturn the verdict of elections. Trump would never leave office.

None of this came to pass. Bad things happened under Trump. But nothing so bad that it couldnt be stopped by courts , prevented by Congress , undermined by underlings , exposed by the press , corrected by civil servants , rejected by voters or dismissed by the very judges he appointed .

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Historical Evaluations And Public Opinion

In the sixth Siena College Research Institute’s presidential rankings, conducted after Trump had been in office for one year, Trump was ranked as the third-worst president.C-SPAN‘s 2021 President Historians Survey ranked Trump as the fourth-worst president overall and the worst in the leadership characteristics of Moral Authority and Administrative Skills. Trump’s best rated leadership characteristic was Public Persuasion, where he ranked 32nd out of the 44 individuals who were previously president.

At the time of the 2016 election, polls by Gallup found Trump had a favorable rating around 35% and an unfavorable rating around 60%, while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton held a favorable rating of 40% and an unfavorable rating of 57%. 2016 was the first election cycle in modern presidential polling in which both major-party candidates were viewed so unfavorably. By January 20, 2017, Inauguration Day, Trump’s approval rating average was 42%, the lowest rating average for an incoming president in the history of modern polling during his term it was an “incredibly stable ” 36% to 40%. Trump was the only president to never reach a 50% approval rating in the Gallup poll dating to 1938.

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Trump Declared Places Of Worship As Essential Services Some Mayors Are Fining People For Going To Church

Its true that Trump deemed places of worship as essential early on in the coronavirus pandemic.

Today, Im identifying houses of worship churches, synagogue, and mosques as essential places that provide essential services, Trump said at a May 22 press briefing. Some governors have deemed liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship. Its not right. So, Im correcting this injustice and calling houses of worship essential.

Its also true that some mayors are fining churches or church-goers, like in Chicago and Greenville, Mississippi. The Mississippi fines have since been canceled.

Our rating: True

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Tried To Take Credit For The Covid Vaccine

The 10 worst things Trump has done in his first year in office

Just days after he lost the election, news of a successful coronavirus vaccine was announced. The Trump administration was quick to claim a victory over the pandemic and falsely attributed Operation Warp Speed with being instrumental with the vaccination. In a similar move, on 11th November Trump did a tone-deaf tweet about how well the stock market was doing and that the ‘vaccine coming soon.’ In comparison to the more reserved statement from the incoming Biden administration, Trump’s tweet looked insincere at best.

Four Seasons vs. Four Seasons Total Landscaping The Daily Show 1604932802

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Tried To Penalise Sanctuary Cities For Migrants

Sanctuary cities are a loose name for states or localities that have regulations which can act as an obstacle for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hunt down migrants they think they can deport.

So of course Trump has tried to penalise those areas.

How? By threatening to withhold federal funding from them.

Stock Market Has Reached Record Highs

The highest closing record of the Dow Jones industrial average, the index of 30 top U.S. companies, was reached in February, after investors appeared to be encouraged that the trade wars initiated by Mr. Trump were being resolved. Recent interest-rate cuts in 2019 also contributed. This March, the Dow fell a record 2,013.76 points to 23,851.02, after it became clear that the U.S. economy would lock down because of the pandemic. That drop was followed by two more record-setting point drops.

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What Donald Trump Has Accomplished As President

On the cusp of the final debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden on Thursday night, many are expecting the records of both candidates to be raked over throughout the 90-minute head-to-head.

According to a list of topics announced by debate moderator Kristen Welker, Trump and Biden will be quizzed on race in America, climate change, American families, national security and leadership when they appear at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

It is also likely that topics not on the approved list will come up over the course of the showdownparticularly the coronavirus pandemic, the state of U.S. employment and Hunter Biden‘s business dealings.

President Trump will be eager to defend his record over the past four years, and could be expected to tout his supposed achievements on matters of foreign policy, job creation and other economic matters during the course of his first term in the White House.

Here are five of Trump’s key accomplishments in the eyes of the administration, the president and his supporters.

Black Employment Gains Before The Pandemic Were Real But Not The Result Of Trumps Presidential Term

Donald Trump: We have to be remembered for what’s been done | World News | WION News

Trump has repeatedly patted himself on the back for achieving the lowest Black and Hispanic unemployment rate in the history of our country.

Before the pandemic hit, the unemployment rate for Black Americans reached an all-time low at 5.9 percent in May 2018. But as many have pointed out, the decline in the Black unemployment rate began during President Obamas presidency.

Even as the overall unemployment rate dropped after a sharp rise in March, the Black unemployment rate remained higher. White Americans have found work more quickly overall, and the employment gap has persisted, even as further economic relief from the government remains nowhere in sight. The continued failure to contain the coronavirus epidemic makes a full recovery even more difficult.

Trump also chooses not to mention the kinds of jobs that Black Americans occupy. A Brookings Institution report found that Black Americans are overrepresented in low-wage, undervalued essential jobs in which theyre more likely to die due to factors like the coronavirus.

According to an Associated Press fact-check, household median income was higher for Black people before Trump took office. Furthermore, Trumps focus on the unemployment rate ignores other economic hardships that Black people face, like low rates of Black homeownership and low Black male labor force participation rates, according to the New York Times.

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Trump Issued An Executive Order To Reopen States Governors Who Refuse Will Be Sued

Trump did not sign an executive order requiring states to reopen, according to the Federal Register, which archives executive orders, and even if he did want to open states, its not likely hed have the power to do so.

“Trump has no authority to ease social distancing, or to open schools or private businesses,” Kathleen Bergin, a professor at Cornell Law School, told NPR. “These are matters for states to decide under their power to promote public health and welfare, a power guaranteed by the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Despite what he claims, no president has absolute authority over domestic policy, and he certainly has no power to override the type of measures that have been taken across the country that have proved successful in flattening the curve.

The idea of taking legal action against governors COVID-19 lockdown plans, however, was raised by Attorney General William Barr in April, USA TODAY previously reported.

“Were looking carefully at a number of these rules that are being put into place,” Barr said in an interview with conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt on April 21. “And if we think one goes too far, we initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them. And if theyre not and people bring lawsuits, we file statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs.”

At a later press briefing, Trump did not dismiss the idea.

Our rating: Partly false

When Can Americans Expect Stimulus Checks

Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that Americans can expect a new coronavirus stimulus bill at the beginning of 2021 – but not immediately following the election.

On Friday, McConnell insisted a new relief bill we be needed at the beginning of the year and claimed it will be more modest than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi‘s $3trillion proposal.

We probably need to do another package, certainly more modest than the $3trillion dollar Nancy Pelosi package, McConnell told Hugh Hewitts radio show.

I think thatll be something well need to do right at the beginning of the year.

McConnells statement contradicts that of President Trumps view on when to expect the next stimulus package – vowing on Friday, October 30, to deliver a tremendous stimulus package immediately after the election.

The stock market has done remarkably well under Trump, a nugget that the president continues to remind people of.

Trump is predicting a V-shaped recovery after the economy shrank at a 32.9% annual rate between April and June due to coronavirus.

A V-shaped recovery means the broader economy will recover quickly, returning to pre-recession levels without large sectors or groups falling behind.

To achieve this the presidents strategy is to rely on tax cuts and business deregulation.

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Under His Leadership Isis Has Lost Most Of Its Territory And Been Largely Dismantled

American-led strikes against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq began in 2014, predating the Trump administration. In 2018, Mr. Trump claimed in a tweet that ISIS had been defeated and ordered a withdrawal of U.S. troops within 30 days. He eventually gave military leaders more time after their objections. By 2019, the Islamic State had lost nearly all of its territory, but the group remains a threat.

More Than 7 Million Jobs Created Since The Election

What has President Trump done on

In January of 2020, there were about 152 million nonfarm jobs in the country about seven million more than existed in January of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the number of jobs has been growing since 2010. In fact, the country gained more jobs about eight million between 2014 and 2017, the last years of the Obama administration. And since the pandemic began, between 10 million and 20 million jobs have been lost.

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When Was Accused Of Revealing Classified Information To Russian Ambassador

Said one U.S official to a Washington Post reporter about a meeting Trump had with the Russian ambassador and and foreign minister:

He revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.

Apparently Trumps loose lips even jeopardised a mole inside the Islamic State. Awkward!

Trump Opened A Complaint Platform To Report Censorship On Facebook Twitter And Youtube

The Trump administration launched a website in May asking for examples of Americans being censored on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

At the time, the form asked users to submit their name, phone number and whether they are a U.S. citizen, USA TODAY reported. Then it asked for incidents of censorship.

“SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS should advance FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Yet too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear ‘violations’ of user policies,” the White House website reads.

The website says it is no longer accepting new responses.

Our rating: True

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When He Peddled A Conspiracy Theory About Joe Biden And Ukraine

Towards the end of 2019 Trump began spreading and widely debunked conspiracy theory that is was the Ukraine and not Russia that had interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of the Democrats.

During an interview on Fox News in November 2019, Trump said:

A lot of it, they say, had to do, they say had to with Ukraine. It is very interesting, it is very interesting, they have the server from the DNC. You know, the FBIs never gotten that server. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company?

He also tried to tie Joe Biden to this theory that linked the former vice presidents son, Hunter due to the work he had done in the Ukraine. This led to Trump trying to obtain information on the Bidens from the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, an act that eventually got Trump impeached.

When He Invented Three Million Illegal Voters To Explain Hillary Clinton Winning The Popular Vote

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Nothing worse than a sore winner even though Trump won the presidency, he cant get over the three million votes that meant Hillary Clinton was the winner of the popular ballot.

From 2017, he promised an investigation into massive voter fraud, saying up to five million votes had been illegally cast for Clinton.

Trump has yet to offer any proof.

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