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What Are Donald Trump’s Ratings

Ballotpedias Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

President Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Since His 2015 Announcement | NBC News Now
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Weeks covered: 69

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedias polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedias polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new presidents term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Bidens overall approval average at this point in his term is 47.1%, 6.5 percentage points higher than President Trumps average of 40.7% at this point in his term.
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    Real Clear Politics Trump Approval Rating: 408 Percent

    In mid-September, Real Clear Politicswhich tracks numerous polls to find an averagefound the president to have a 40.8 percent approval rating, compared to 53.6 percent who disapproved of him.

    The number was a downturn for Trump, who Real Clear Politics found had a 42.9 percent approval rating in mid-July, a notch higher than his 42.4 percent approval rating the month before.

    Who Is Following The Jan 6 Hearings

    The hearings are unlikely to be a factor in shaping Republican views because most say they are paying little to no attention to the investigation. According to this latest poll, 58 percent of Americans said they were paying at least some attention to the hearings, while another 41 percent said they were paying little to no attention, including 56 percent of Republicans. Democrats are the most reliable audience for the Jan. 6 hearings, with 80 percent following along.

    Its almost an article of faith for a Republican to say, Im not paying attention to this stuff, Ayres said.

    READ MORE:Majority of Americans think Supreme Court overturning Roe was more about politics than law

    No matter how earth-shattering these hearings are, there is also little to suggest they will inform the way people vote during the November midterms. In fact, only 9 percent of U.S. adults said it will be top of mind for them this fall, including 17 percent of Democrats and 2 percent of Republicans. A far larger share of Americans 37 percent said they care most about inflation, including 57 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of independents.

    For Democrats, abortion ranked as the top concern. Following the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe v. Wade and the loss of federal protections for the medical procedure in June, 29 percent of Democrats and 18 percent of Americans overall picked abortion as what matters most to them.

    Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

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    Icymi: What Else Is Happening In The World

    A federal judge blocked much of Floridas new restrictive voting law Thursday, but the ruling will likely be appealed, NBCs Jane C. Timm reports.

    The Senate is one step closer to an agreement on funding for a Covid relief package.

    Meta, formerly known as Facebook, hired a Republican firm to spread negative stories smearing rival platform TikTok, The Washington Post reports.

    A dozen House Republicans joined Democrats to pass a bill capping the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 per month. Now, the bill heads to the Senate.

    The war in Ukraine continues as Russia abandons the highly contaminated Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Ukranians brace for renewed attacks, according to AP

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., plans to vote against confirming Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, despite his vote just last year to elevate her to a D.C. appeals court.

    Donald Trumps Approval Rating Hit Seven Month High After Election Loss

    Donald Trump

    President Donald Trumps approval rating reached a seven-month high in the wake of his election defeat to President-Elect Joe Biden and his ongoing refusal to concede the contest to his Democratic rival.

    According to the FiveThirtyEight presidential approval rating tracker, Trump hit an average approval rating of 45 percent on Wednesday last weeka 5-point increase on his July low of around 40 percent.

    At the same time, Trumps November 11 disapproval rating stood at 52 percent, a fall of 4 points on July that put his net disapproval rating at 7 percentage points.

    President Trumps approval rating last reached 45 percent in was a little more than seven months ago, with his average backing reaching 45.4 percent on April 7, according to the FiveThirtyEight tracker.

    However, his net disapproval rating was slightly better than it stood on Wednesday last week, with 49.7 percent saying they disapproved of the presidents performance on April 7giving the commander-in-chief a 5-point net disapproval rating.

    Approval polling conducted by Rasmussen Reports on November 13 showed Trump had a net-positive approval rating of 5 percentage points. Fifty-two percent of those surveyed said they approved of Trump 10 days after Election Day, while 47 percent said they disapproved.

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    Presidential Approval Tracker: How Popular Is Joe Biden

    Joe Bidens presidency has been dominated by historic challenges a resurgent Covid pandemic, an uncertain economy and the American militarys withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    But how will these events affect his approval rating?

    Bidens predecessor, Donald Trump, saw his approval rating stay within a narrow 9-point range during his presidency, despite all of the turbulent events and stories during his time in office.

    Bookmark this page to see if Bidens approval rating will follow suit. The chart below shows his approval rating history, along with those of former Presidents Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. It will be updated as new polls are released.

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    Voxs German Lopez is here to guide you through the Biden administrations burst of policymaking. .

    As for Trump, Bidens 42.9 percent approval rating right now is only slightly higher than Trumps 42 percent on the eve of the 2018 midterms, when Republicans lost 40 House seats.

    The one potential silver lining for Biden is that the trajectory of Trumps numbers shows that some improvement in the second year is possible, albeit rare. Trumps approval rating hit its lowest point in 2017 but improved by about 5 points over 2018, which likely helped him avoid an even worse midterm defeat. It is possible that if conditions in the country improve, Bidens numbers could rebound.

    Of course, things could also get worse.

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    Trump Support Remains Unmoved By Investigations Poll Finds

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    The American publics views of former President Donald J. Trump have remained remarkably stable across a number of different measures in recent months, even as he faces multiple investigations and as he remains a central figure in the midterm elections, according to the most recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

    Voters held nearly identical views from those earlier in the summer on whether they had a favorable view of Mr. Trump, whether they thought he had committed serious federal crimes, and whom they would support in a hypothetical 2024 Trump-Biden matchup.

    Overall, 44 percent of voters viewed Mr. Trump favorably, and 53 percent viewed him unfavorably . The recent poll was fielded early this month, after news of the Justice Departments inquiry into Mr. Trumps handling of confidential documents but before the New York attorney general announced she was suing Mr. Trump and his family business.

    Trumps Popularity Falls Among Republicans According To New Poll

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    Former US President Donald Trump

    Donald Trumps popularity among registered Republicans has fallen in the 100 days since the end of his presidency, according to a recent poll.

    The NBC News poll found that Republican support for the party was greater than the support for the former president, who was favoured by 44 per cent of Republicans.

    The figure for registered Republicans in favour of the party over the former president, in comparison, was at 50 per cent.

    It was the first time in almost two years that support for the Republican party was greater than that for Mr Trump, NBC News reported, and the first time support for the GOP reached 50 per cent against the former president.

    Among all respondents to the poll, Mr Trump was favourable for 32 per cent, and unfavourable for 55 per cent a slight worsening of Januarys figures, when the former president was 40 per cent favourable and 53 percent unfavourable among all registered voters.

    When compared to the poll for November, Mr Trump was also 9 per cent less favourable and 2 per cent more unfavourable among all respondents to the NBC News poll.

    The findings follow reports of Mr Trumps continued control over the Republican party from his Mar-a-Lago resort in southern Florida even after election defeat, the end of his single-term in office and his alleged support for the 6 January insurrection on the US Capitol.

    Among all adults, as few as 21 per cent said so.

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    Us President Joe Bidens Approval Rating Tumble And Go Down Below What Former Us Prez Donald Trump Ever Managed To Achieve

    Facing heat from several quarters, US President Joe Bidens popularity has dipped spectacularly. Now, his approval ratings have taken a tumble as well. Reportedly, Bidens current approval ratings fare lower than what his infamous predecessor, Donald Trump, ever managed to achieve during his four tumultuous years in the office, where he was impeached twice.

    The poll conducted by CNN shows that Bidens approval rating stood at 38 per cent while 62 per cent disapproved of his presidentship. On the economic front, Biden has an approval rating of only 30 per cent. The figures become grim when one notes that Trumps lowest economic approval rating was 41 per cent which came way back in 2018.

    Moreover, ahead of the midterms, the swing states havent been kind to Biden either. His net approval ratings in Ohio , Arizona , Wisconsin and Pennsylvania paint a grim picture and suggest that the battle may be uphill.

    Democrats starting to lose confidence

    While the palpable public anger is understandable, it appears that Biden is also losing the confidence of his colleagues. Reportedly, the Presidents approval rating for the handling of the economy has dwindled from 71 per cent, earlier this year to 62 per cent amongst the Democrats in the recent survey.

    Us President Is Being Forced To Deal With Some Of The Same Dynamics As His Predecessor

    Former US president Donald Trump has overtaken his successor Joe Biden in favourability ratings among American voters in what has been described as a remarkable turnaround.

    The Times reported that, just eight months after the transfer of power, Trump has a positive rating of 48% compared with Bidens 46% in a Harvard-Harris poll. Back in February, Biden had a 56% positive rating compared with Trumps 43%.

    The team that surrounded Trump during his reign also fared better than Bidens circle. Some 55% of respondents said that Mike Pence was a better vice president than his successor, Kamala Harris, and 63% believed that Mike Pompeo was a better secretary of state than Antony Blinken.

    A number of other surveys have discovered the same trend, with a poll in the bellwether state of Iowa putting Bidens approval rating at just 31%, down from 43% in June.

    Meanwhile, after Biden dropped to a new low of 43% approval in the monthly Gallup survey, down six points from August and 14 since his inauguration in January, the pollster pointed out that among elected presidents since World War Two, only Trump has had a lower job approval rating than Biden does at a similar point in their presidencies.

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    A Popular Theory For Trumps Popularity Among Republicans Appears To Be Wrong

    It is not the case, despite President Trumps regular assertions, that his approval rating among Republicans is a consistent 95 percent. Although that figure appears regularly in the presidents Twitter feed, there appears to be no basis for it in public polling.

    It is, however, the case that Trump is broadly popular among Republicans. In YouGovs most recent poll with the Economist, 88 percent of his party approves of the job hes doing somewhat offsetting the disapproval he garners among 89 percent of Democrats.

    To Democrats, the level of support for Trump within his party seems occasionally baffling. How could someone they hate so much be viewed so positively by the other party? Over the course of Trumps presidency, a theory emerged: Hes so popular among Republicans because Trump-skeptical Republicans have simply given up on the party. Wring all the skeptics out of the party, and youre left with a more unanimous, if smaller, core.

    Theres a public example of how this would work, after all: Had Rep. Justin Amash not left the party in July, the vote to impeach Trump in the House would not have been unanimously opposed by Republicans. Instead of Republicans voting 195-to-1 against impeachment, it was 195-to-0. This, perhaps, is how Trumps approval also works.

    Unfortunately for that theory, though, the numbers dont really back it up.

    The numbers havent changed much.

    Trump Rated One Of Worst Presidents In History On Par With Leader Who Died After A Month In Office

    Donald Trump approval rating: President reaches highest approval in ...

    Former President Donald Trump has ended up among the bottom four in a ranking of Americas commanders in chief.

    A number of historians were consulted for the C-SPAN list ranking everyone who has served in the top spot for the last 232 years since George Washington took office in 1789. The list left out current President Joe Biden who is only six months into his term.

    Mr Trump was ranked the lowest of all presidents who were in office during the last 150 years and the fourth worst overall. The list is the fourth iteration of the rankings by C-SPAN and is based on judgements by 142 historians and professional observers.

    Mr Trump is considered the worst president since just after the Civil War, according to the group. But he still continues to hold a vice-like grip on the Republican Party and would be the overwhelming favourite if he chooses to enter the race for the 2024 GOP nomination.

    At the other end of the list, Barack Obama jumped two spots in the rankings, going from 12th best to 10th. Ronald Reagan snagged the number nine spot, Bill Clinton came in at 19, George HW Bush at 21, and George W Bush at 29.

    The only president forced to resign because of a scandal, Richard Nixon, was ranked 31st.

    Mr Trump is the first president to have been impeached twice by the House for conditioning military aid on political favours from Ukraine, and then for inciting the mob of Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol on 6 January. He was acquitted both times by the US Senate.

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    Democrats Get A Reminder: Their Base Is Not Very Liberal

    The other big political story of this week happened about as far away from Washington, DC, as you can get in the contiguous United States. Progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin got recalled on Tuesday night. At the same time, in the nonpartisan primary for Los Angeles mayor, progressive US Rep. Karen Bass was forced into a November runoff by businessman Rick Caruso.

    Both results showed the potency of a tough-on-crime message, even in Democratic strongholds, as I discussed earlier this week.

    But they also demonstrate that Democrats overall arent anywhere near as liberal as many progressives wish they were.

    Take a look at a CNN/SSRS poll from earlier this year. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 64% identified as moderate or conservative. Just 17% said they were very liberal, with the remainder indicating they were somewhat liberal.

    Other polling isnt nearly as dramatic, though it makes the same point. Summer 2021 data from the Pew Research Center poll for instance showed that 15% of Democrats were very liberal, while 52% were either moderate , conservative or very conservative . The 2020 general election exit poll showed that just 42% of Biden voters were liberal, while 58% were moderate or conservative.

    Its no wonder then that even in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, which Biden won by over 50 points, progressives are far from shoo-ins.

    Trump Is A Barometer For Republican Views Of Supreme Court

    A person holds a sign during a rally to protest the results of the election, in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, in Washington, U.S., December 12, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

    The U.S. Supreme Court has been issuing rulings that tend to favor conservatives, but its approval ratings have dropped among Republicans as well as Democrats, according to an analysis by my Reuters colleagues and a recent Gallup poll, both released on July 28.

    A year ago, 58% of Americans approved of the court, its highest rating in about 11 years, according to the poll. This year, the courts approval rating dipped to 49%, and a historical gap between Republicans and Democrats narrowed to nothing: Members of both parties have identical approval ratings of 51% .

    The courts reputation has taken a hit among Republicans, despite it taking a sharp turn toward the right, both in terms of its membership and decisions.

    Former President Donald Trump appointed three new justices since 2017, moving the court further to the right than it had been for decades. Republican approval of the court expectedly surged in Gallups polls after those appointments.

    And, a recent Reuters analysis of the courts shadow docket rulings from the past 12 months found that the courts 6-3 conservative majority repeatedly favored religious groups and Trumps administration, while denying almost 100 other emergency applications by private individuals and groups.

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