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House Committee Reaches Deal To Get Trump Financial Records

Trump signs first official documents as U.S. president

WASHINGTON A House committee seeking financial records from former President Donald Trump has reached an agreement that ends litigation on the matter and requires an accounting firm to turn over some of the material, the panel’s leader announced Thursday.

The long-running case began in April 2019, when the House Committee on Oversight and Reform first subpoenaed a wealth of records from Trumps then-accounting firm, Mazars USA. The committee cited testimony from Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, that it said raised questions about the president’s representation of his financial affairs when it came to seeking loans and paying taxes.

Under the agreement, Trump has agreed to end his legal challenges to the subpoena and Mazars USA has agreed to produce responsive documents to the committee as expeditiously as possible, said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., who heads the committee.

After numerous court victories, I am pleased that my committee has now reached an agreement to obtain key financial documents that former President Trump fought for years to hide from Congress, Maloney said.

The settlement over Mazars follows a July decision by a federal appeals court in Washington that narrowed what records Congress is entitled to obtain. The court said the committee should be given records pertinent to financial ties between foreign countries and Trump or any of his businesses for 2017-18.

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Brown Challenges Florida Gubernatorial Candidate On Changing Abortion Stance

One of former President Donald Trump’s attorneys signed a letter in June asserting that there was no more classified information stored at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

This story has been updated with additional background.

CNN’s Katelyn Polantz, Zachary Cohen and Marshall Cohen contributed to this report.

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Gestapo And Brown Shirts

The imagery of an army of federal agents turned against ordinary Americans via legislative mandate legitimized the alarmist rhetoric that followed. As GOP tweets coalesced, the line item from the Inflation Reduction Act merged with reports of the Mar-a-Lago search in ways designed to make individual voters feel vulnerable.

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., tweeted, If they weaponize the FBI to go after President Trump, they will surely weaponize the IRSs 87,000 new agents to go after you.

The GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee tweeted, If they can do it to a former President, imagine what they can do to you. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., tweeted, This #DepartmentofInjustice must be held accountable. It was President Trump today, but its you next if we dont take a stand.

After making audiences feel personally threatened, GOP messaging returned to the war posture implied in Trumps original statement.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., tweeted that the FBI raiding President Trumps home was the type of things that happen in countries during civil war. Conservative pundits and politicians cast FBI agents as Gestapo and brown shirts, the latter referring to Hitlers storm troopers. In an interview on Fox News, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., exclaimed, This should scare the living daylights out of America citizens and compared the U.S. federal government to the Nazis, the Soviet Union and Latin American dictatorships.

Trump Signs Pandemic Relief Bill After Unemployment Aid Lapses

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After calling the measure a disgrace, President Trump unexpectedly signed the bill, extending expanded unemployment benefits and an eviction moratorium, and keeping the government open.

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WASHINGTON President Trump on Sunday abruptly signed a measure providing $900 billion in pandemic aid and funding the government through September, ending last-minute turmoil he himself had created over legislation that will offer an economic lifeline to millions of Americans and avert a government shutdown.

The legislative package will provide billions of dollars for the distribution of vaccines, funds for schools, small businesses, hospitals and American families, and money needed to keep the government open for the remainder of the fiscal year. The enactment came less than 48 hours before the government would have shut down and just days before an eviction moratorium and other critical pandemic relief provisions were set to expire.

But it also came after two critical unemployment programs lapsed, guaranteeing a delay in benefits for millions of unemployed Americans.

Even as he acquiesced to bipartisan pleas to sign the legislation, the president issued a series of demands for congressional action, though lawmakers showed little immediate eagerness to embrace them with just six days left in the session.

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President Trump Signs Executive Order On Modernizing Americas Water Resource Management And Water Infrastructure

WASHINGTON Today, President Trump signed an Executive Order on Modernizing Americas Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure. This historic action ensures Federal coordination on water policy is standard practice now and into the future by formally establishing a Water Subcabinet of senior Federal agency officials to facilitate efficient and effective management and modernization of our water supplies and systems while also eliminating duplication between agencies. With this Executive Order, President Trump is demonstrating his bold vision for improving our Federal water infrastructure and prioritizing access to essential water supplies for all Americans.

The Water Subcabinet will be co-chaired by U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler, and will include senior officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture , the Department of Commerce , the Department of Energy , and the Department of the Army . The Water Subcabinet will work in close coordination with senior officials from the White House Council on Environmental Quality , the Office of Management and Budget , and the Office of Science and Technology Policy , and other federal agencies as appropriate.

Under the Executive Order, the Water Subcabinet will:

· Promote effective and efficient water resources management by reducing duplication between Federal agencies developing water policy

Get Trump: The Signs And Portents

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives made history when it impeached President Donald Trump twice during his single term in office once in the 116th Congress, and then at the start of the 117th Congress, a week before the end of Mr. Trumps term. The first impeachment, in December 2019, charged Mr. Trump with:

Article 1: Abuse of Power, based on allegations that he solicited Ukrainian authorities to influence the 2020 presidential election and

Article 2: Obstruction of Congress during House-members investigations into details of the first article.

Both impeachments ran almost entirely along partisan lines. In the House, only Democrats voted for on both articles, while all Republicans and three Democrats voted against.

Senate voting also followed party lines, with all Democrats voting guilty on both articles. Senator Romney voted guilty on the first article, but only Republicans voted not guilty on both articles. Votes of 48-52 on the first article and 47-53 on the second article did not reach the 67-33 majority required to remove the president from office.

In the Senate, 50 Democrats and 7 Republicans voted guilty on February 13, 2021 3 weeks after Mr. Trump left office. That Senate-vote was also insufficient to convict Mr. Trump.

Richard Nixon leaving the White House

  • Generating enough treasonable evidence to fuel outright prosecution and eventual conviction of Mr. Trump by legal arms of the government
  • *********

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    Trump Signs $23t Relief Spending Package

    President Trump on Sunday signed the government funding and coronavirus relief package, the White House said, averting a government shutdown and delivering economic aid as the pandemic worsens.

    Trump signed off on the $2.3 trillion package from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., days after he expressed displeasure with the spending outlined in the omnibus and complained that the coronavirus relief measure should include direct payments of $2,000 per person, up from $600.

    But the delay came after Trump single-handedly brought the government to the brink of a shutdown and unemployment benefits expired for millions of Americans Saturday as the bill went unsigned.

    Trump has visited his golf club in Florida each day since arriving in the state on Wednesday and has made no public appearances. He did so again on Sunday both before and after signing the legislation.

    I will sign the Omnibus and Covid package with a strong message that makes clear to Congress that wasteful items need to be removed, Trump said in a statement upon signing the legislation. I will send back to Congress a redlined version, item by item, accompanied by the formal rescission request to Congress insisting that those funds be removed from the bill.

    Trumps demand that Congress clawback some of the spending greenlighted under the deal is already facing pushback, in a sign that congressional leaders are likely to ignore it.

    Jordain Carney contributed. Updated at 9:10 p.m.

    Conditioned To Accept Violence

    Man gets zapped trying to steal booby-trapped Trump sign

    Message laundering occurs when inflammatory language and/or unsubstantiated claims are mixed with mainstream partisan communication and presented to the public with an air of respectability. Just as money laundering enabled mobsters to disguise their ill-gotten gain as the profits of a legitimate business, message laundering presents dishonest and dangerous speech as credible, innocuous or persuasive.

    As a political communication scholar, I study how rhetoric strengthens or erodes democratic institutions. The aftermath of the FBIs Mar-a-Lago search illustrates how message laundering can undermine democratic processes and gradually condition its audience to expect and accept violence.

    After Trump released his statement, conservative politicians echoed key aspects of his message. Some sanitized Trumps ideas by combining them with more measured critique or references to democratic processes.

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., an intolerable state of weaponized politicization in the Justice Department, even as he promised to follow the facts and leave no stone unturned if the GOP retook the House. Democrats interpreted his directive to Attorney General Merrick Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar, as a threat. But the tweet launders Trumps notion of a weaponized Justice Department by combining it with McCarthys promise to use democratic processes to follow the facts.

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    Understand Inflation And How It Affects You

    Its how were going to have a place to live right now, she said. Its how were going to feed our kids. Its how were going to survive.

    She and her fiancé, who have five children between them, were collecting unemployment benefits until they expired earlier this month. Besides the extension of those benefits, the relief package will keep in place a moratorium on evictions that will otherwise expire on Dec. 31.

    It restored my hope again, said Ms. Bryant, who is about $10,000 behind on rent. Im ecstatic that I dont have to explain to my kids in five days that we have nowhere to live.

    At the same time, Ms. Bryant, 39, was frustrated that help took so long to arrive.

    Its been an emotional and psychological roller coaster, she said. I dont understand how its taken so long to pass the relief that is so desperately needed.

    A bipartisan group of lawmakers who had helped break a monthslong logjam in Congress over stimulus aid urged either an immediate signature or a veto in order to allow those in favor to act before it is too late.

    Trump Signs Massive Measure Funding Government Covid Relief

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. President Donald Trump signed a $900 billion pandemic relief package Sunday, ending days of drama over his refusal to accept the bipartisan deal that will deliver long-sought cash to businesses and individuals and avert a federal government shutdown.

    The massive bill includes $1.4 trillion to fund government agencies through September and contains other end-of-session priorities such as an increase in food stamp benefits.

    The signing, at his private club in Florida, came amid escalating criticism over his eleventh-hour demands for larger, $2,000 relief checks and scaled-back spending even though the bill had already passed the House and Senate by wide margins. The bill was passed with what lawmakers had thought was Trumps blessing, and after months of negotiations with his administration.

    His foot-dragging resulted in a lapse in unemployment benefits for millions struggling to make ends meet and threatened a government shutdown in the midst of a pandemic.. But signing the bill into law prevents another crisis of Trumps own creation and ends a standoff with his own party during the final days of his administration.

    Republicans and Democrats swiftly welcomed Trumps decision to sign the bill into law.

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    Trumps Foreign Policy Moments

    Donald J. Trumps presidency marked a profound departure from U.S. leadership in areas such as trade and diplomacy, as well as an across-the-board toughening of immigration policies.

    In his inaugural address, President Donald J. Trump announces an America First approach to foreign policy and trade, which centers on reducing U.S. trade deficits and rebalancing burden sharing within alliances. Trump promises to unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism and emphasizes that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.

    Trump directs the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a twelve-country, Asia-focused trade agreement the United States had championed under the Barack Obama administration.

    The president signs an executive order banning nationals of six Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the United States for ninety days. The order, later amended to include an additional two countries, also indefinitely freezes refugee intake from Syria. Days later, a federal judge in Washington State blocks part of the order, beginning a series of judicial challenges. That same week, Trump signs two other executive orders concerning immigration. One directs federal funds to the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the other bars so-called sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

    The Republican Party Has Reason To Fear The Midterms

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    This fall, Trump will be on the ballot even if his name does not appear. There are growing signs the Republican party is in trouble

    Donald Trumps week from hell has turned red hot. On Friday, reports emerged that he was under suspicion of having violated the Espionage Act, removing or destroying records and obstructing an investigation. Separate inventory receipts reflect that FBI agents hauled-off a trove of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago, Trumps Palm Beach domicile and club.

    Specifically, agents found four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents and three sets of confidential documents. Whether any of this pertains to US nuclear capabilities remains a mystery.

    On Thursday night, the Washington Post had reported that the FBI searched for nuclear documents and other items, sources say even worse. For his part, Trump denied the search related to nuclear weapons, and branded those allegations a hoax.

    Earlier on Thursday, Merrick Garland, the attorney general, told reporters that the buck stopped with him. At the same time, the Department of Justice also moved to unseal the search warrant and inventory list.

    Absent objection by Trump, the justice department asked the court to make public both the search warrant and the inventory. Late Thursday, the former president acceded to the departments gambit. Release the documents now!, Trump announced on Truth Social.

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    Trump Signs Save Our Seas 20 Giving Plastics Recycling Infrastructure Potential Boost

    UPDATE: Dec. 18, 2020: President Trump signed the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act into law on Friday. A White House announcement highlighted the bill’s creation of a Marine Debris Foundation, “genius prize,” increased cooperation “to raise international awareness of plastic waste and combat marine debris” and infrastructure grants to be administered by the U.S. EPA.

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