Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Who Is Running For President Against Trump

Victories In Illinois With Help From Outside Trump World

Pence was asked if he’d run against Trump in 2024. Hear his response

State Senator Darren Bailey, who got a last-minute endorsement from Mr. Trump, won the Republican primary for governor. Democratic spending in the primary, including by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, may have helped Mr. Bailey, whom Democrats saw as easier to beat in the general election than the other Republicans.

Representative Mary Miller, whom Mr. Trump endorsed months ago, won her Republican primary against fellow Representative Rodney Davis.

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Sanders suspended his campaign on April 8, amid the coronavirus pandemic that roiled the 2020 election cycle.

“We are now some 300 delegates behind, Vice President Biden, and the path toward victory is virtually impossible, “Sanders said in a virtual address to supporters. “So while we are winning the ideological battle and while we are winning the support of so many young people and working people throughout the country, I have concluded that this battle for the Democratic nomination will not be successful. And so today, I am announcing the suspension of my campaign.”

Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer

The path to the presidency famously runs through governors mansions, and Democrats looking for glimmers of hope say thats where most of the action will be in the midterms, including in swing-state Michigan.

Whitmer, whos up for a second term in the fall, declined to discuss her potential 2024 prospects in an interview with NBC News this week, maintaining that shes focused on improving conditions in her state and keeping her current position. Polls indicate she is on track to win.

She even went as far as to say she would offer Biden her support if he decided to seek the White House again. But the big question, of course, is if. Democrats have raised more concerns recently about Bidens age, leading some to urge him to step aside for a younger candidate to compete, placing Whitmer, 50, in the mix.

Like Abrams, Whitmer got serious consideration during Bidens vice presidential search, with some in his inner circle angling for her to be chosen.

He really identified with her, said one Biden ally. I think he came really close to choosing her.

She became more widely known for implementing pragmatic safety measures during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, but has also been a favorite target of her states Republicans, who still maintain Trump won the presidential election over Biden and are eager to take her out of office.

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Who Are Trumps 2020 Republican Challengers He Dubbed The Three Stooges

President Donald Trump recycled his own Three Stooges insult against a trio of Republican Party members running against him in the upcoming 2020 GOP presidential primary.

Trump hurled another The Three Stooges remark at former Republican South Carolina governor Mark Sanford Monday after he officially entered the race and became the third GOP challenger to Trump in 2020. Trump previously lumped Sanford in with former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld in late August when the president first compared them to the classic comedic trio, when Sanford began claiming Republicans were running for the hills to escape Trumps lies.

On Monday, Trump again brought up the June 2009 story of how Sanford engaged in an extramarital affair which ultimately led to his resignation from office. Although Sanford later was elected to Congress in 2013, the story of his Argentina affair and his bogus claim of being on an Appalachian Trail hike made him the focus of jokes and ridicule which he has since tried to own.

In late April, Trump first lobbed the Three Stooges insult at Sanford, Weld and Walsh as they all lined themselves up to primary the president next year. He labeled all three bad while also first calling out Sanford for the scandal.

In 2018, Sanford owned up to the 2009 scandal in an interview with NBC News after he was defeated by a Trump-backed Republican opponent for congress.

Should Trump Run Again In 2024 Heres What Republicans Are Saying

Donald Trump is running for president in 2016

While former President Donald Trump remains a commanding force within the GOP over a year after departing office, his provocative demeanor has led some in the GOP to argue he shouldn’t get the party’s nod for the 2024 presidential election.

High-profile Republicans have been splintered over whether he should run, with a few outright spurning a second Trump stint, others actively courting it, and some sidestepping the question.

Here is a look at what some of the leading Republicans have said about a second term of Trump in the White House.

Bring it on

Sen. Lindsey Graham

Once one of Trump’s loudest critics, Graham eventually transformed into a key ally of the former president, often playing rounds of golf with him behind the scenes and lauding his policy achievements in public.

Graham recently declared he would be shocked if Trump didnt run again, and last year, he told a leadership conference for the Michigan Republican Party that he hoped Trump would seek the presidency in 2024.

I dont think Trump is listening. He might be. I hope President Trump runs again, he said.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

Gaetz is an avid backer of the former president, even teasing he could carry the “MAGA” mantle if Trump decides not to run.

Sen. Rick Scott

Following Trumps 2020 electoral defeat at the hands of President Joe Biden, Scott told Fox Business host Stuart Varney that Trump had a good four years and ought to do it again, Florida Politicsreported.

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Republican Presidential Hopefuls Move Forward As Trump Considers 2024 Run

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Less than three months after former President Donald Trump left the White House, the race to succeed him atop the Republican Party is already beginning.

Trumps former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has launched an aggressive schedule, visiting states that will play a pivotal role in the 2024 primaries, and he has signed a contract with Fox News Channel. Mike Pence, Trumps former vice-president, has started a political advocacy group, finalized a book deal and later this month will give his first speech since leaving office in South Carolina. And Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been courting donors, including in Trumps backyard, with a prominent speaking slot before the former president at a GOP fundraising retreat dinner this month at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida resort where Trump now lives.

Trump ended his presidency with such a firm grip on Republican voters that party leaders fretted he would freeze the field of potential 2024 candidates, delaying preparations as he teased another run. Instead, many Republicans with national ambitions are openly laying the groundwork for campaigns as Trump continues to mull his own plans.

Theyre raising money, making hires and working to bolster their name recognition. The moves reflect both the fervour in the party to reclaim the White House and the reality that mounting a modern presidential campaign is a yearslong endeavour.

Five Gop Contenders Other Than Trump For 2024

Donald TrumpArizona GOP asks court to strike down vote-by-mail systemMcCarthy criticizes GOP members who spoke at white nationalist conference: ‘Unacceptable’First jury trial against accused Jan. 6 rioter beginsMORE casts a long shadow over the Republican Party even as his attempts to cling to power look doomed to failure.

Trump could run again in 2024. If he does, it is hard to see anyone beating him for the Republican nomination.

Although Trump lost the presidential election by around 7 million votes, he is by far the most popular figure in the nation with GOP voters. He has enormous fundraising prowess he raised about $170 million in the month after the election and he can drive media attention like no one else.

Still, Trump will be 78 by the time of the next election. He also faces financial pressures, with large debts coming due in the next few years. He will continue to command headlines but there are solid reasons why he may not run for the presidency again.

There is speculative chatter that one of Trumps children, perhaps his elder daughter Ivanka, could enter the political arena. But here are some other front-line contenders for the GOP nomination in 2024.

Nikki HaleyNikki Haley spikes the gauntlet at the feet of China and the 2024 GOP fieldCPAC announces 2022 agenda, speakers Why Mike Pence should run for presidentMORE

Haley has her detractors. Some in Trumps orbit have always eyed her warily. She had first backed Sen.

Sen. Ted Cruz

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Former Un Ambassador Nikki Haley

Haley, who is also the former governor of South Carolina, headlined an event for the Republican Party of Iowa in suburban Des Moines in June. She also attended a slew of other events on behalf of local party operations and Iowa elected officials. Haley has acknowledged the possibility of a presidential campaign, though she has said she would not run if former Republican President Donald Trump sought the office.

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Washington Gov Jay Inslee

Mike Pence is defying Trump in Georgia’s primary. Here’s why

Inslee became the first sitting governor to join the presidential field when he kicked off his campaign in early March.

The Washington governor is currently serving his second term in Olympia after more than two decades as a member of Congress, and said that while he is proud of efforts to raise the state’s minimum wage and increase access to early childhood education, his presidential bid would prioritize climate change, which he labeled an “existential threat” during his launch event.

On Aug. 21, he announced on MSNBC that he was dropping out of the race.

“It’s become clear that I’m not going to be carrying the ball, but we’re going to make sure somebody is,” he said in the interview.

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More: Joe Biden: Everything You Need To Know About The 2020 Presidential Candidate

Biden entered the race with the kind of name recognition that made him a de facto front-runner. But he’s also faced questions about accusations from women about unwanted touching, money, messaging, age, identity and ideology in a political environment vastly different from the one he began his career in decades ago.

More: Joe Sestak: Everything You Need To Know About The 2020 Presidential Candidate

Sestak began his career in the Navy in 1974, before becoming the highest-ranking military officer ever elected to Congress in 2007, according to his campaign website. He served in the House until 2011.

In 2016, he competed in the Democratic primary to unseat Sen. Pat Toomey in a tough battleground race but was defeated by Democratic rival Katie McGinty.

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More: John Delaney: Everything You Need To Know About The 2020 Presidential Candidate

“What the American people are really looking for is a leader to try to bring us together, not actually talk like half the country’s entirely wrong about everything they believe,” Delaney said on ABC’s “This Week” in January 2019, adding, “One of the things I’ve pledged is in my first hundred days, only to do bipartisan proposals. Wouldn’t it be amazing if a president looked at the American people at the inauguration and said, ‘I represent every one of you, whether you voted for me or not and this is how I’m going to prove it.'”

On Jan. 31, Delaney announced he was dropping out of the race.

“This race was never about me, but about ideas and doing whatâs right for our nation,” he said in a statement. “The unique and data-driven ideas that our campaign generated â on how to create a functional universal health care system, price carbon, advance trade, invest in rural America, cure disease, help workers, launch negative emissions technologies, reform education, and expand national service — are now ideas for the party and I will continue to advocate for them in my next chapter.”

Biden Leads Among 2016 Validated Voters

Donald Trump officially nominated by Republicans to run against Joe ...

Trump and Biden mostly hold onto their partys coalition of voters in 2016, though there are some modest differences: About 6% of Trumps 2016 voters currently say they support or lean toward Biden for president, while 2% say they are supporting a third-party candidate.

Similarly, about 4% of validated Clinton voters say they prefer Trump for president this year 1% say they are supporting a third-party candidate for president.

Biden also holds a modest advantage among those voters who say they supported Gary Johnson, Jill Stein or someone else in 2016: 49% say they lean toward or support Biden, while 26% say they support Trump. A quarter say they plan to vote for a third-party candidate again in 2020. Among those voters who did not vote in 2016, Biden also leads by 16 percentage points .

Among validated 2018 midterm voters which shifted decidedly toward the Democratic Party compared with 2016 Biden captures 54% of these voters, while Trump garners 42% support.

Again, Trump and Biden mostly hold onto those voters who cast ballots for their parties candidates in the midterm. However, about 10% of verified voters who cast a ballot for a Republican candidate for House in 2018 say they are considering voting for a candidate other than Trump in 2020. In contrast, Biden holds onto 94% of those voters who cast a ballot for a Democratic candidate for House in 2018.

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Former Rep Joe Sestak D

Sestak, a former Pennsylvania congressman and a retired three-star admiral in the U.S. Navy, dropped out of the race on Dec. 1. He entered the field at the onset of the first presidential debates in June, despite never qualifying for one.

“I know there is a tear in that fabric right now but it can be repaired by someone who can lead, and therefore unite, all Americans,” Sestak wrote in a announcing the end of his candidacy.

‘the Silence Is Deafening’

A person close to some of the biggest real estate executives in New York who backed Trump during both of his runs for the White House said this time is different. Their view is he’s taken “major hits” during the Jan. 6 hearings. None from that group are coming to defend him, at least for now.

“The silence is deafening,” this person added.

The lack of interest in Trump by some of the wealthiest Republican donors could boost fundraising efforts for other GOP presidential hopefuls. Multiple Republicans could run in 2024, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. Scott is up for reelection in 2022 but recently headlined an event in Iowa, a key state for candidates running for president. Cotton reportedly has huddled with donors to discuss a possible 2024 run.

The former president has not publicly ruled out running for the White House again in two years after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020. Despite a lack of support from corporate leaders, Trump has maintained a massive campaign war chest thanks largely to small-dollar donors.

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