Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Who Is Ahead In The Polls Trump Or Biden

Frustrated Voters In A Volatile World

2020 US Presidential Election: Polls show Biden ahead of Trump

While Tennessee voters are largely unhappy with the nations leadership, Gov. Bill Lee remains popular with constituents, though his approval rating did drop slightly. Lee earned a 56 percent approval from those polled, down from last years level of support but similar to results from December 2021. When breaking down attitudes by party, 80 percent of Republicans said theyd reelect Lee, compared with only 7 percent of Democrats.

Tennesseans also see a U.S. economy increasingly in trouble. Only 27 percent believe the U.S. economy is in good shape, down significantly from 47 percent of those polled last year who said the economy was very good or fairly good.

Tennesseans offer a more favorable assessment, though, of the states economy, with 64 percent responding the economy is very good or fairly good right now.

Most Americans Dont Want Trump Or Biden To Run In 202: Poll

Most Americans dont want either President Biden or his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, to run for the White House again in 2024, according to a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll shared exclusively with The Hill.

Two-thirds of voters surveyed 67 percent said that Biden shouldnt seek another term in the Oval Office, with nearly half citing their belief that hes a bad president as the reason why. Another 30 percent said its simply because Biden, who would be 84 by the time he takes the Oath of Office again, is too old for the job.

Trump, meanwhile, doesnt fare much better when it comes to a 2024 run. Fifty-seven percent said that the former president shouldnt mount another bid for the White House, despite his repeated hints that he plans to do so.

When it comes to the reason why most voters arent keen on another Trump White House run, respondents were divided. Thirty-six percent said that its because he is erratic, while another 33 percent said they believe he will divide the country. Nearly as many 31 percent pointed to his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

If the two men end up in a 2024 rematch, however, 60 percent of voters said they would be open to supporting a moderate independent candidate in the election.

National Poll Suggests Ron Desantis May Be Best 2024 Opponent For Joe Biden

U.S.-U.K. relations enter new chapter as new PM, king settle in

New polling shows Gov. Ron DeSantis and not former President Donald Trump may be better suited to taking on President Joe Biden in 2024.

A survey from YouGov shows that if a hypothetical national General Election were held now, DeSantis would take 36% of support from adult citizens polled, two points behind Biden.

DeSantis was ahead of Biden with Republicans, 85% to 3%, and with Independents, 30% to 24%. Registered voters preferred Biden to DeSantis, 33% to 30%. Biden took 84% of Democrats, meanwhile, with 3% preferring DeSantis.

Biden was ahead of Trump by three points, 40% to 37%, with adult citizens, with Trump underperforming compared to DeSantis with various demographics.

Registered voters preferred Biden over Trump by five points, 45% to 40%. Trump was up with independent voters, 33% to 28%, and with Republican voters, 83% to 3%. Trump did take 5% of Democrats, 2% more than DeSantis, but Bidens 86% maintained the 81-point spread.

In a hypothetical three-way run where Trump ran as an Independent against Republican DeSantis and Democrat Biden, the former Presidents 18% was good for third place among Registered Voters, five points behind DeSantis. In that theoretical scenario, Biden was preferred by 43% of RVs.

Republicans would vote for nominee DeSantis over a third-party Trump. Forty-six percent of them said theyd vote for the Governor, 37% for the former President, and 3% would pick Biden.

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Democrats Close The Enthusiasm Gap

Despite Bidens approval rating and the GOPs lead in congressional preference , the NBC News survey shows an improvement for Democrats since earlier this year.

For one thing, Democrats have closed the enthusiasm gap.

According to the survey, 68% of Republicans express a high level of interest in the upcoming election registering either a 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale versus 66% for Democrats.

That 2-point GOP advantage is down from 17 points in March and 8 points in May.

The pollsters who conducted the survey attribute the increased Democratic enthusiasm to the June Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

The Supreme Court ruling has shaken up the electorate, said Horwitt, the Democratic pollster.

Indeed, the poll finds that 58% of voters disapprove of the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and ended the constitutional right to an abortion, compared with 38% who approve.

And the poll finds that threats to democracy has overtaken the cost of living as the most important issue facing the country, and that the climate and health care legislation Biden signed into law last week is more popular than unpopular .

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US election 2020 polls: Who is ahead

Cheneys congressional primary loss also undermines the truth and those who care about protecting democracy.

Just 3 in 10 California voters in the poll said they supported another Biden candidacy, while 61% were opposed nearly identical to the share of the vote he won in the state in 2020. Among poll respondents who voted for him two years ago, nearly half said they opposed him running again. And among voters with favorable views of Bidens current job performance, nearly 30% said they would not like to see him run in 2024.

Nor is there a loud clamor in California for Harris, 57, the states former U.S. senator, to assume the Democratic Partys mantle. The vice presidents approval ratings have flagged, even in her home state.

Her allies see an opportunity for Harris to break from the polling doldrums by leading the administrations efforts to preserve abortion rights. Still, voters eligible to participate in the Democratic presidential primary in California those registered as Democrats or with no party preference ranked her third in a list of potential candidates for the Democratic nomination if Biden is not on the ballot in two years 1 in 10 had Harris as their top pick.

Youd think the sitting vice president would be a natural alternative , especially one from our own state, DiCamillo said. Thats not coming through in this poll.

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Maga Dating App Sent Cease And Desist Letter Over Name Struggling To Recruit Women

The MAGA dating app The Right Stuff has yet to be launched but its struggling to recruit women and has been sent a cease and desist letter over its name, The Daily Beast has reported.

The app, supported by billionaire Peter Thiel, is set to be launched later this month. It was co-founded by Johnny McEntee, Donald Trumps former body man. He was brought in by Ryann McEnany, the sister of former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

The Daily Beast writes that Ryann McEnany has been assigned a particularly tough task: convincing attractive, conservative women to sign up.

Hi, Im working with John McEntees team on an exclusive conservative dating app called The Right Stuff thats expected to launch this summer! We would love to get you on our list for early access to the app, she has written in Instagram messages to possible users, according to The Daily Beast.

Here Are The Results:

Definitely voting for Biden: 46%Probably voting for Biden: 4%

Total for Biden: 50%

Definitely voting for Trump: 37%Probably voting for Trump: 7%

Total for Trump: 44%

And 6% of people who participated in the poll answered “undecided.”

The slight bump for Biden may not be a huge surprise considering some of his recent successes on climate and health care legislation.

In just the past several weeks, Biden has signed into law a climate and prescription-drug package that accomplishes many of his partys long-held objectives Congress has sent him bills that impose strict limits on guns and set out a plan to boost U.S. high-tech manufacturing. A drone strike killed al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri, average gasoline prices have fallen back below $4 per gallon and there are signs that inflation while still white-hot may finally be cooling

Biden signs Inflation Reduction Act into law

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law and it includes the most substantial federal investment in history to fight climate change some $375 billion over the decade and would cap prescription drug costs at $2,000 out-of-pocket annually for Medicare recipients. It also would help an estimated 13 million Americans pay for health care insurance by extending subsidies provided during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Tackling Migration Us Vp Harris Backs Investment In Latin America

Amid predictions of a Trump vs Biden rematch in 2024, polls suggest voters want neither, but a new face with a focused agenda to repair the economy, the job market and control rising prices of groceries and gas, and eventually the 40-year-high inflation ahead of the winter.

Odds seem stacked against the Democrats in the upcoming Nov mid-term polls, with President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ ratings plummeting by the day and with a wafer-thin edge over the incumbent President.

The battle of the ballot is going to be over the Biden administration’s efforts to rejuvenate the economy and rid it of inflation, fears of recession, control soaring house rentals, properties, grocery prices, shortage of raw materials, scarcity of baby food formulas vs Trump’s ability to survive the tearing pieces of evidence of his alleged collaboration in assembling and inciting a riotous mob at the Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021 to not to certify Biden’s election.

However, how much of this is going to weigh in with the voters in midterms and in the primaries with the party members and funders for both the ex and incumbent is the big question.

Just 13 per cent of voters of all kinds say the US is “on the right track”, while 77 per cent said it was “headed in the wrong direction”. However, Biden would likely defeat Trump again if the election were held now, the survey suggested, with 44 per cent of voters selecting him, compared to 41 per cent for Trump.

Biden Approval Rises Sharply Ahead Of Midterms: Ap

Don Jr dismisses polls that show Biden ahead of Trump

WASHINGTON President Joe Bidens popularity improved substantially from his lowest point this summer, but concerns about his handling of the economy persist, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Support for Biden recovered from a low of 36% in July to 45%, driven in large part by a rebound in support from Democrats just two months before the November midterm elections. During a few bleak summer months when gasoline prices peaked and lawmakers appeared deadlocked, the Democrats faced the possibility of blowout losses against Republicans.

Their outlook appears better after notching a string of legislative successes that left more Americans ready to judge the Democratic president on his preferred terms: Dont compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.

The presidents approval rating remains underwater, with 53% of U.S. adults disapproving of him, and the economy continues to be a weakness for Biden. Just 38% approve of his economic leadership as the country faces stubbornly high inflation and Republicans try to make household finances the axis of the upcoming vote.

Still, the poll suggests Biden and his fellow Democrats are gaining momentum right as generating voter enthusiasm and turnout takes precedence.

This combination of factors has won Biden some plaudits among the Democratic faithful, even if Americans still feel lukewarm about his leadership.

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Most Americans Do Not Want Biden Or Trump In 2024 Poll Finds

News Nation/Decision Desk HQ poll shows majority believe duo should not run again but they dont know who theyd prefer

Majorities of American voters do not want Joe Biden or Donald Trump to run in the next presidential election in 2024, according to a new poll.

More than 60% of voters and 30% of Democrats in the NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ poll said Biden should not run again. Among all voters, 57% said Trump should not run again. Among Republicans, that total was 26%.

But most of those polled do not know who they would like to run instead, either. The vice-president, Kamala Harris, and the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, were the leading named contenders.

Biden, 79 and the oldest president ever inaugurated, has said he intends to run for a second term.

Im a great respecter of fate, he said in December. Fate has intervened in my life many, many times. If Im in the health Im in now, if Im in good health, then in fact I would run again.

His first term has been beset by crises, from the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the Russian war in Ukraine, and from the coronavirus pandemic to strong economic headwinds at home.

The Republican assault on US elections and voting rights, led by Trump, has also played out during Bidens time in the White House.

Trump has suggested he will soon announce a third presidential run, possibly as a way of avoiding potential criminal charges over his election subversion efforts and the deadly Capitol attack.

Senate Polling Averages In Competitive States


+11 Republican

+3 Republican

Nate Cohn, The Timess chief political analyst, calls it a warning sign for both the Democratic Party and for the polls. Nate goes into more depth in one of the first editions of a newsletter that he will be writing a couple of times a week for the rest of the midterm campaign.

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Familiar Demographic Divides In Vote Preferences

In the final weeks leading up to Election Day, Biden holds a 10 percentage point lead over Trump among registered voters in the presidential race . Many of the demographic patterns of support for both candidates are similar to those in the 2016 presidential contest.

Just as was the case four years ago, there is a sizable gender gap in candidate preference: Women voters continue to favor the Democratic candidate for president by 17 percentage points . This is roughly on par with 2016.

In contrast, men are divided. Today, 49% favor Biden while 45% favor Trump. In 2016, men favored Trump by modest margins in preelection polls, as well as among validated 2016 voters.

There are also sizable gaps by race and ethnicity. White voters prefer Trump to Biden , though Biden is faring slightly better among White voters in the current race relative to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And the sizable Democratic advantages among Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters are just as large for Biden as they were in 2016. Biden currently leads Black voters by 81 percentage points, Hispanic voters by 34 points and Asian voters by 53 points. Note: Surveys are conducted in English and Spanish.

Education is also a dividing line among White voters: College-educated White voters favor Biden by 21 percentage points, while those without a college degree favor Trump by a similar margin.

Biden Approval Up Ahead Of Midterms Ap

US election 2020 polls: Who dey ahead

WASHINGTON President Joe Bidens popularity improved substantially from his lowest point this summer, but concerns about his handling of the economy persist, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Support for Biden recovered from a low of 36% in July to 45%, driven in large part by a rebound in support from Democrats just two months before the November midterm elections. During a few bleak summer months when gasoline prices peaked and lawmakers appeared deadlocked, the Democrats faced the possibility of blowout losses against Republicans.

Their outlook appears better after notching a string of legislative successes that left more Americans ready to judge the Democratic president on his preferred terms: Dont compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.

The presidents approval rating remains underwater, with 53% of U.S. adults disapproving of him, and the economy continues to be a weakness for Biden. Just 38% approve of his economic leadership as the country faces stubbornly high inflation and Republicans try to make household finances the axis of the upcoming vote.

Still, the poll suggests Biden and his fellow Democrats are gaining momentum right as generating voter enthusiasm and turnout takes precedence.

This combination of factors has won Biden some plaudits among the Democratic faithful, even if Americans still feel lukewarm about his leadership.

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Biden Surges To Beat Trump By 6 Points In 2024 Rematch Poll

President Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by a sizable margin in new polling by The Wall Street Journal, after a survey from the conservative-leaning publication earlier this year showed the incumbent and the former president tied.

While Biden, 79, has repeatedly said that he plans to seek a second term in 2024, Trump, 76, has not officially confirmed any plans to runalthough he continually teases the possibility in public remarks and interviews. Meanwhile, some Democrats have expressed concern about Biden’s ability to win reelection due to his underwater approval rating and concerns about his age.

New polling released Thursday by the Journal showed Biden leading Trump by 6 points. The Democratic president was supported by 50 percent of registered voters, and the former Republican president was backed by only 44 percent.

At the same time, Biden and Trump were nearly tied when it comes to their approval rating. The current president only led the former president by 1 point, with 45 percent saying they approve of the job Biden is doing in the White House compared to 44 percent who said they approved of the job Trump had done.

The new poll was conducted from August 17 to 25 with Impact Research and Fabrizio, Lee and Associates. It included 1,313 registered voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percent

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