Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How Many Chiefs Of Staff Has Trump Had

They Reflect The Vibe Of The West Wing

Jan. 6 panel turns focus to ex-Trump deputy chief of staff

A chief of staff also says a lot about the priorities and tone of the West Wing. Biden choosing a longtime Washington insider like Klain to be his chief of staff may indicate that the president-elect wants to do things differently than President Trump, who went through four different chiefs of staff in four years.

President Trump’s White House has been much more of a public-private mish-mash, as Trump has merged the lines between personal business and public affairs and used his personal Twitter account as his most prolific and reliable messaging source. Trump also wanted people by his side who weren’t afraid of breaking with standard practice or decorum including several family members.

Biden choosing someone like Klain is a clear break from the Trump mold, and jives with the president-elect’s consistent messaging that he views his coming presidency as a kind of reset for the country. Klain also notably had a leading role in the West Wing helping the Obama administration deal with the Ebola crisis, and Biden’s choice to elevate him to chief of staff also reflects a desire to deal with coronavirus quickly and efficiently.

Michael Flynn National Security Adviser

Technically, Michael Flynn resigned, but he was asked to do so by the president.

His departure followed weeks of deepening scandal in which it emerged that he had misled White House officials, including the vice-president, over his contact with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

Mr Flynn has admitted to lying to the FBI about their pair discussing US sanctions against Russia with Mr Kislyak before Mr Trump took office.

What Is He Doing Now

Just a few days after his departure, Mr Bolton resumed his former job as the head of two political action committees: the John Bolton PAC and John Bolton Super PAC.

So-called PACs promote the views of their members on selected issues, and have become an important tool for funnelling large funds into the political process and influencing elections.

Mr Bolton released a book in June 2020 – The Room Where it Happened -about his time in the White House. In it, he paints a picture of a president ignorant of basic geopolitical facts and whose decisions were frequently driven by a desire for re-election.

The White House had sought to block the book’s release citing national security concerns.

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Chief Of Staff To The Vice President Of The United States

Office of the Vice President of the United States

The chief of staff to the vice president of the United States is the chief of staff position within the Office of the Vice President, part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The chief of staff has been responsible for overseeing the actions of the vice presidents staff, managing the vice presidents schedule, and deciding who is allowed to meet with the vice president.

Trumps White House Chief Of Staff Is Target Of Capitol Attack Records Request

Trump says many candidates want chief of staff job

House select committee investigating 6 January wants telecom and social media companies to preserve records on Mark Meadows

The House select committee investigating the 6 January attack on the Capitol has instructed telecom and social media companies in recent weeks to preserve records of Donald Trumps White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The move positions the select committee on the doorstep of the Oval Office as it pursues a far-reaching inquiry into whether Trump and his White House helped plan or had advance knowledge of the insurrection perpetrated by the former presidents supporters.

House select committee investigators signaled their intention to examine potential involvement by the Trump White House and House Republicans when they made a series of records demands and records preservation requests for Trump officials connected to the Capitol attack.

In the records preservation requests, the select committee instructed 35 telecom and social media companies to avoid destroying communications logs of several hundred people, including the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, and 10 House Republicans, in case it later issues subpoenas.

The former chief of staff is among several top White House officials who may hold the key to unlock inside information pertaining to the extent of the former presidents involvement in the Capitol attack that left five dead and nearly 140 injured.

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William Barr Us Attorney General

Mr Barr, 70, came out of semi-retirement in 2019 to replace Jeff Sessions for the cabinet role. During his lengthy legal career, he also served as attorney general under President George HW Bush in the early 1990s.

Democratic critics of Mr Barr accused him of shielding his ex-boss from justice.

But despite his support for the president, Trump and many of his supporters turned on Mr Barr over his unwillingness to support the president’s election lawsuits.

His resignation comes into effect on 23 December – less than a month before his term is due to end, when President Trump leaves office.

Its Hard To Keep Track Of Everyone Who Has Been Brought In And Subsequently Pushed Out Of The Trump Administration So Heres An Up

It seems like every week there is someone else who has stepped down or been fired from President Trumps administration. In case youve lost track, heres a list of everyone who has left from the most recent exits to the oldestwhether it was their idea or the presidents.

Rick Perry Perry, Trumps Secretary of Energy, announced his plan to resign in October 2019, amidst speculation of his role in the Ukraine phone call that led to the impeachment inquiry against Trump.

Kevin McAleenan The acting Director of Homeland Security resigned in early October 2019.

John Bolton In September 2019, Trump announced that he was asking Bolton to resign, saying he “strongly disagreed with many” of Bolton’s suggestions “as did others in the administration.”

Dan Coats The Director of National Intelligence resigned after almost two and a half years.

Alexander Acosta Arguably one of the longest-serving allies in Trumps administration, Acosta resigned as Secretary of Labor after controversy arose over a non-prosecution agreement Acosta approved with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in 2008. Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in August 2019.

Sarah Sanders Sanders served as Trumps press secretary, and her confrontational meetings with the press eventually led to her stopping daily in-person briefings. She resigned in the middle of 2019 and is reportedly considering running for governor in her home state of Arkansas.

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Nikki Haley Ambassador To The Un

The former governor of South Carolina was the first non-white woman to be appointed to Mr Trump’s cabinet, and the first female, minority governor of her state.

She had limited foreign policy experience prior to her role as US envoy and was a vocal critic of Mr Trump during his campaign.

As ambassador, she affirmed sanctions on Russia would continue, and that the US military could be deployed in the response to North Korean missile tests. But she frequently clashed with the president over several foreign policy issues, including a proposed ban on immigration to the US from several Muslim-majority countries.

Notice Of Updated Methodology

WATCH: White House aide says Trump’s tweets about Pence on Jan. 6 were ‘unpatriotic’

The current table of Cabinet-level turnover has been updated from a previous version, accessible here for reference, that was based on a different methodology this change was made on May 21, 2019. This newer table provides data going back to President Reagan and adheres to a strict definition of Cabinet by only including the heads of the executive departments. While presidents often promote a position like EPA administrator to Cabinet-level status, these appointments are ad hoc, can be short-lived, and make it difficult to compare over time. Given the variability, we only include Senate-confirmed Cabinet members who are in the presidential line of succession, since this allows for greater consistency and standardization. More information on this update is available in a piece on Brookingss FixGov blog. Additionally, since Reagans presidency, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security have been added to the list . Year of departure is determined by the date a Cabinet member announced they were resigning, regardless of their final end date.

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Department Of Veterans Affairs

On March 28, 2018, Trump announced on Twitter that Shulkin had been fired. Following his dismissal, controversy erupted about efforts by the White House to privatize VA healthcare and Shulkin’s allegedly inappropriate taxpayer-funded foreign trips.
General Counsel of Veterans Affairs
Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Gordon leaving along with Coats cleared the way for Trump to appoint Maguire as acting DNI.

Turnover In The Presidents Cabinet

The chart and table below are dedicated to tracking turnover in the Cabinet. They will also be updated as additional turnover occurs. Unlike the trackers above dedicated to the presidents A Team, these resources look at every departure from the presidents Cabinet, even if multiple people have occupied that position.

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Executive Office Of The President

Every day, the President of the United States is faced with scores of decisions, each with important consequences for Americas future. To provide the President with the support that he or she needs to govern effectively, the Executive Office of the President was created in 1939 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The EOP has responsibility for tasks ranging from communicating the Presidents message to the American people to promoting our trade interests abroad.

The EOP, overseen by the White House Chief of Staff, has traditionally been home to many of the Presidents closest advisers. While Senate confirmation is required for some advisers, such as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, most are appointed with full Presidential discretion. The individual offices that these advisors oversee have grown in size and number since the EOP was created. Some were formed by Congress, others as the President has needed them they are constantly shifting as each President identifies his or her needs and priorities. Perhaps the most visible parts of the EOP are the White House Communications Office and Press Secretarys Office. The Press Secretary provides daily briefings for the media on the Presidents activities and agenda. Less visible to most Americans is the National Security Council, which advises the President on foreign policy, intelligence, and national security.

Cia Director: Gina Haspel

Trump Is Tarnishing the Military Brass

Haspel was confirmed as CIA director on March 17, 2018. She replaced Mike Pompeo after he left the post to become secretary of state.

The first woman to head the CIA, she was also first female CIA officer to serve as deputy director and before that served the agency overseas and in top management posts. Haspel once ran a secret CIA prison where terror suspects were waterboarded, and helped carry out an order that the CIA destroy its waterboarding videos.

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In Search Of A Third Chief Of Staff Trump Sets A Record

When President Trump appoints a replacement to Chief of Staff John Kelly, whose resignation he announced on December 8th, he will once again have set a record. This time it is the record for most chiefs of staff within the first 24 months of an administration. Since President Trumps inauguration, the most influential staff position within the presidency has been characterized by instability, public criticism, and huge fluctuations in influence.

Aside from those three cases, the remaining seven presidents who named individuals to that post did not have any turnover within the first two years of their administrations. Interestingly, the position during both Bush White Houses was characterized by remarkable stability throughout the first term, posing a sharp contrast to the chief of staff turnover in the Trump White House, where high staff turnover generally has been an historic anomaly.

Who Is Mark Meadows And What Role Did He Have In The Trump Administration

Meadows was the White House chief of staff in the final year of Trumps presidency. As the presidents right-hand man, Meadows had firsthand knowledge Trumps effort to undermine the 2020 presidential election results.

He met with Georgia state officials to press them about alleged election fraud and said the National Guard would protect pro-Trump people” on Jan. 6 before the riot broke out at the Capitol, USA TODAY reported.

Hutchinson, his former aide in the White House, testified before the Jan. 6 committee Tuesday that Meadows was well aware of the violence that could erupt on the day of the attack, appeared unconcerned when it did and sought a presidential pardon thereafter.

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Serial Turnover Within The Trump A Team

The turnover data above include only the presidents initial team of advisers and when one departs, the position falls out of the sample. One of the limitations of this approach is that it does not consider multiple departures within a single position, a common phenomenon within the Trump team. Set out below are the A Team positions that have had more than two occupants.

Why The Chief Of Staff Is The Most Subtly Powerful Person In Washington

WATCH: Hutchinson says Meadows predicted things might get real, real bad on Jan. 6

Typically the most well-known occupants of the White House are the president and first lady. But some of the most powerful staff are in fact the appointees who are tucked away behind the scenes. Chiefs of staff are the best example of this: They’re unelected officials who are hired into political positions with immense power and sway. Last week, President-elect Joe Biden selected longtime political operative Ron Klain as his chief of staff and the man to lead his West Wing. So if you’re wondering, here’s what a chief of staff actually does.

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Assistant To The President: Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump took on an official, but unpaid, White House role in late March 2017.

President Trump’s 35-year-old daughter contributed significantly to her father’s campaign, transition, and now, his presidency. She already had an office in the White House, but taking on an official role meant she has to comply with ethics rules.

% Of President Trumps A Team Departures Have Undergone Serial Turnover As Of January 20 2021

SUMMARY: 27/60 A Team departures have turned over twice or more.
* Authors note: For the purposes of this study, we count Michael Dubke as the first communications director, since Sean Spicer was serving in a temporary capacity until the Trump administration filled the job with a permanent candidate.
** Authors note: Notice that there are multiple deputies under the chief of staff and White House counsel. The data reflect an attempt to track just a single deputy position and note the successor. However, there is minimal publicly available information on presidential staffing. It is also the case that a new chief of staff may not have a first among equals deputy chief of staff, such that the role may have changed since the original occupant. The same is true for White House Counsel. While Greg Katsas may have been the first among equals among the Deputy White House Counsel positions in 2017, the role may have changed under the new White House Counsel, Pat Cipollone.
*** Authors note: Upon the departure of former Deputy National Security Adviser Charles Kupperman, National Security Adviser Robert C. OBrien divided the duties of that position between Matthew Pottinger and Victoria Coates. On Feb. 20, 2020, the National Security Council said that Coates had left the position and been reassigned as a senior adviser to Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette on Jan. 7, reports indicated that Pottinger had resigned.

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Jim Mattis Defence Secretary

A distinguished former Marine Corps general, Gen Mattis served in the Gulf War, the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War.

Before his retirement in 2013 he served as head of US Central Command, and went on to several private sector roles before being tapped to join President Trump’s cabinet.

He positioned himself as one of the cooler heads throughout the president’s term, and was referenced by Democrats and Republicans alike as a “grown-up” in the room – a far cry from his “Mad Dog Mattis” nickname.

Trumps White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly Listened To All Of His Calls Jared Kushner Book Claims

From Assistant to Senior Adviser: How Much Trumps Staff Makes  GOBanking

Donald Trump reportedly issued an order banning White House advisers from listening to his telephone conversations after he was informed that his second chief of staff, John Kelly, had done so during his tenure as the then-presidents top aide.

According to the New York Post, Jared Kushner writes in his upcoming memoir Breaking History that Mr Trump was unaware that the former Marine Corps general-turned-White House chief of staff was listening to his phone calls a standard practice in previous administrations until after he replaced Mr Kelly in late 2018.

The Post also reported that Mr Kushner, who was a senior adviser in Mr Trumps White House and is also his son-in-law, reveals how Mr Kellys replacement, ex-South Carolina congressman turned Office of Management and Budget boss Mick Mulvaney, informed Mr Trump that Mr Kelly had listened in on his calls just before his last day.

Before we departed, Mulvaney and I met with the president to discuss his upcoming schedule. Then Mulvaney handed Trump a document to sign, Mr Kushner wrote, according to the Post.

Mr Kushner recalled that Mr Mulvaney said the document would end the practice Kelly started of listening to all of your phone calls and told Mr Trump that Mr Kelly had given himself the ability to listen surreptitiously to the presidents calls.

Kelly did what? End that immediately, Mr Trump said, according to Mr Kushner.

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