Thursday, July 25, 2024

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A Letter To President Trump

Sending A Letter By Regular Mail

BREAKING: Democrat Partys Law Firm Has A Personal FBI Workspace
  • 1Write the letter respectfully. Regardless of your sentiments toward the President, or whether youâre condemning or praising POTUS, remember that youâre writing to the leader of the United States. Write an honest but respectful letter, stating your thoughts clearly and reasonably. Donât include any threatsovert or otherwise.
  • 2Format the letter according to White House rules. The White House requests that you either type your letter on an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper, or if you hand-write it, that you use ink and your most legible handwriting. Format it as you would a business letter, or any formal communication:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • Put your name and address, including your email address, at the top right corner of the letter, with the date written out below that.
  • Use a formal salutation, such as, Dear Mr. President,
  • Close with a formal salutation, such as, Most Respectfully,
  • Print and sign your name.
  • 3Prepare the envelope. Fold your letter and insert it into the envelope. Add your return address to the top left corner of the envelope. Add a stamp to the top right corner of the envelope. Address the envelope to:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • The White House
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    What Will Happen When The Hearings End

    The committee plans to release its final report in September, before the midterm elections.


    An earlier version of this article mischaracterized Chris Stirewalts role in Fox News projecting Arizona for Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the 2020 election. Mr. Stirewalt was part of the team that made the decision, though he did not make the call himself.


    An earlier version of this article misstated the day of the first hearing of the House committee examining the Jan. 6 riot. It was Thursday, not Friday.

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    Report: Trump Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich

    Many have said that Trump values loyalty and that he does not hesitate to reward supporters and punish those who oppose him. On Monday, Arizona Republican Attorney General and Senate candidate Mark Brnovich felt the sting of Trumps long memory when attorneys representing the former President issued a cease-and-desist letter to the Senate hopeful.

    According to The Washington Post, Brnovich was reportedly ordered to stop using Trumps name, image, and/or likeness in campaign fundraising appeals.

    Trump and Brnovich had a fall-out following the 2020 election when Attorney General Brnovich said he saw no evidence of election fraud and that there are no facts that would lead anyone to believe that the election results will change.

    Arizona was ground zero for election irregularities in the 2020 election.

    Trump withdrew support of the rising star, calling Brnovich a disappointment. When announcing his endorsement of Masters, Trump noted that Brnovich understands what took placethat the 2020 Presidential Electionwas Rigged and Stolen

    Trump formally endorsed Blake Masters in early June. However, the Daily Caller notes that Brnovich continues using Trumps photograph in fundraising efforts.

    BREAKING: President Trump endorses Blake Masters in Arizona Senate GOP race.

    Garret Lewis

    A Federal Election Commission report shows Brnovich raised more than $2.5 million.

    Recommended Reading: Washington Post Trump Won

    Who Should I Contact If Iam Interested In Vice President Mike Pences Official Records

    Vice President Mike Pences Vice Presidential records arehoused at National Archives facilities in the National Capital Region. Theserecords are governed by the PresidentialRecords Act and will be available,subject to provisions of the Freedom ofInformation Act, beginning January 20,2026.

    For more information on the records of Vice PresidentPence please contact:

    National Archives and Records AdministrationArchival Operations Division â Vice Presidential Collections700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Room G-7Washington, DC 20408

    Meadows Pressured Rosen To Meet With Italian Conspiracy Theorist

    Letter to President Donald Trump

    In consecutive phone calls, then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows pressured former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to meet with Brad Johnson, a conspiracy theorist from Italy about a video alleging that satellites in that country had changed votes.

    I told him this whole thing about Italy had been debunked and that should be the end of that, and I certainly wasnt going to meet with this person, Rosen said. He also told Meadows, If he has real evidence, which this video doesnt show, he can walk into an FBI field office in the United States. Theres 55 of them.

    A few minutes later, Rosen said Meadows called back to complain and said: I didnt tell you but this fellow Johnson is working with Rudy Giuliani, and Mr. Giuliani is really offended that you think they have to go to an FBI field office. Thats insulting. So couldnt you just have the FBI or you meet with these guys?

    Erin Mansfield

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    What Has Been Covered In The Hearings So Far

    The committees first hearing provided an in-depth look at the methodical effort led by Mr. Trump and some of his top advisers and allies to thwart the peaceful transfer of power and keep the White House. The hearing homed in on the events of Jan. 6 itself, when supporters of Mr. Trump stormed the Capitol in what Mr. Thompson described as the culmination of an attempted coup.

    The second hearing, on June 13, added more background on Mr. Trumps mind-set in the weeks before the riot. The committee showed clips from interviews with former officials and White House advisers, who testified that Mr. Trump had repeatedly been told in no uncertain terms that he had lost the election.

    The third hearing, on June 16, showed how Mr. Trumps pressure campaign on Mr. Pence aided by a little-known conservative lawyer, John Eastman led Mr. Trumps supporters to storm the Capitol.

    The fourth hearing, on Tuesday, focused on Mr. Trumps pressure campaign on state-level officials. The panel heard from Republican officials from Arizona and Georgia, who described efforts to push them to overturn the election results in their states, both of which Joseph R. Biden Jr. won.

    An Open Letter To President Trump

    Senior Fellow, Center for Global Affairs, NYU

    I find it extremely hard to call you President Trump, because sadly for America, you neither act like a president nor speak like one. You neither have the moral authority that a president needs to project nor the courage of one. You have neither the vision of an enlightened president nor the diplomatic savvy of one. You have neither the capacity to lead the nation as president nor the competence of one. You have neither the credibility that the president must enjoy nor the ability to get things done. You have neither the stability that the president must demonstrate nor the consistency of one. You do not have the countrys interest at heart like a president nor the grasp of what Americas role in world is all about. Here is why:

    Your statement about the events in Charlottesville was appalling. There is no moral equivalency between white supremacists, Nazis and the KKK and law-abiding citizens who want to preserve Americas moral values, freedom, decency and tolerance. You callously stated that there were some very fine people on both sides, which outraged Democrats and Republicans alike. Mr. Trump, there is only one side: the one of bigots and racists.

    Whereas you praise American soldiers fighting to protect our country and preserve our freedom and democracy, you arbitrarily ban transgender soldiers who have sacrificed no less than any other soliderpossibly even more so due to the difficulties they face.

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    Report: Trump Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Arizona Senate Candidate

    Attorneys for former President Donald Trump reportedly sent a cease-and-desist letter to Republican Arizona Senate candidate Mark Brnovich, ordering the state attorney general to stop using Trumps name, image, and/or likeness in his fundraising appeals, according to The Washington Post.

    Trump endorsed tech executive Blake Masters in early June, but Brnovich has continued to use the former presidents photograph in fundraising pitches to supporters. Brnovich has raised more than $2.5 million throughout his campaign, Federal Election Commission records show, and has more than $500,000 on hand.

    Your use of President Trumps name, image, and/or likeness is likely to deceive individuals into believing President Trump supports, endorses, or otherwise promotes your candidacy for U.S. Senate in Arizona he does not, an attorney for Trump wrote to the Brnovich campaign, The Washington Post reported Monday.

    The Brnovich campaign did not immediately respond to the Daily Callers request for comment on the matter.

    Trump has repeatedly criticized Brnovich for the attorney generals announcement in the aftermath of the 2020 election that he saw no evidence, there are no facts that would lead anyone to believe that the election results will change. The former president described Brnovich as a disappointment, claiming in his endorsement of Masters that Brnovich understands what took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and that it was Rigged and Stolen.

    Letter: Rollercoaster Week Results In Disturbing Court Decisions

    Judges approve special grand jury in Georgia election probe
    • Copy article link

    What a week it was. One filled with irony where, at the same time, women lost their right of choice in determining whether or not to bring a pregnancy to term, the Supreme Court made it even easier for any imbecile to purchase and carry a handgun. The irony is that the overturning of one law guarantees a population increase in some states, while in others, now including New York, increased gun violence is certain to reduce it.

    Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of todays Republican Party. Todays GOP bears little resemblance to its previous iterations. Its finest moment might have been its demand of President Nixon to resign. Thankfully, he did. Its nadir has not yet been reached but its continued decline was presaged with the visage of con man extraordinaire Donald Trump riding the down escalator before announcing his candidacy for president. That omen of decline has proven true.

    It was not surprising that, once in office, the reality-challenged orange smirker would wreak havoc and calamity on virtually anything having to do with normality and morality. For a short time, the GOP acted with faux outrage at Trumps antics but have since embraced them, then looked askance at several outrageous actions, including two which resulted in impeachment but subsequent acquittal by a now totally invested totalitarian GOP.

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    The Publication Of The Letter Citing Baseless And Debunked Claims Was Criticized For Pushing The Traditional Boundaries Of A Letters

    Twitter may be maintaining its ban on Donald Trump, but the former president is finding other ways to get his message out.

    The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday published a lengthy letter to the editor from Trump charging, inaccurately, that the 2020 presidential election won by Joe Biden was rigged.

    The nearly 600-word letter is replete with loosely sourced and largely debunked claims of fraud in Pennsylvania, a state that President Biden won by 81,660 votes, handing him 20 electoral college votes that helped secure his victory.

    Trump took issue with an Oct. 24 piece from the Journals reliably conservative editorial board, which argued that the statewide margin between Trump and Biden was too vast for a debate over the status of approximately 10,000 mail-in ballots that arrived after the Election Day deadline to be germane to the outcome. The country is lucky the election wasnt closer, the board wrote. If the election had hung on a few thousand Pennsylvanians, the outcome might have been picked by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Well actually, the election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still havent figured out, Trump retorted baselessly in his letter, before listing a few examples of how determinative the voter fraud in Pennsylvania was. Trump cited talking points from Audit the Vote PA, a little-known organization that has promoted unsubstantiated claims of election fraud, which he described as highly respected.

    Who Should I Contact If Iam Interested In President Donald Trumps Official Records

    President Donald J. Trumps Presidential records arehoused at National Archives facilities in the National Capital Region. Theserecords are governed by the PresidentialRecords Act and will be available,subject to provisions of the Freedom ofInformation Act, beginning January 20,2026.

    For more information on the records of President DonaldJ. Trump please contact:

    National Archives and Records AdministrationArchival Operations Division – Trump Presidential Library700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room G-7Washington, DC 20408-0001Email: [email protected]

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    Aia Issues Letter To President Trump Opposing Proposed Executive Order

    WASHINGTON The American Institute of Architects 2020President Jane Frederick, FAIA, and EVP/Chief Executive Officer RobertIvy, FAIA, issued the following letter today to the President of the UnitedStates opposing an executive order mandating uniform designs for federalarchitecture.

    The American Institute of Architects is writing this letter to expressits strong and unequivocal opposition to the draft executive order circulating withinyour Administration to mandate a federal style of architecture. The order, asit now stands, would dictate a specific architectural style for federal courthouses and certain other federal buildings, to be mandated by bureaucrats inWashington, D.C.

    The AIA, and its95,000 members, works to advance our nations quality of life and protect thepublics health, safety and welfare through design, as it has done for 160years. We always work with the communities to assess the most appropriatearchitecture for projects within those communities. A onesize-fits-all mandatesimply ignores needed input from impacted parties.

    We appreciatedmeeting with your staff on January 15, 2020 to discuss someof our concerns and issues impacting the design community. At thattime, it was our understanding that this draft executive order was not movingforward. We were shocked and disappointed to hear that it is still incirculation.

    AIA issued a memo to its 95,000 members on Tuesday, Feb. 4encouraging its members to contact President Trump opposing the directive.

    Understanding The 2022 Midterm Elections

    Trump, President Refugee Letter

    midterm elections are likely toshift the political landscape and impact what President Biden can accomplish during the remainder of his first term. Heres what to know.

    When are the midterm elections? The general election is Nov. 8, but the primary season is already underway. Heres a complete calendar of all the primaries in 2022.

    Why are the midterms important? The midterm elections determine control of Congress: The party that has the House or Senate majority gets to organize the chamber and decide what legislation Congress considers.Thirty six governors and thousands of state legislators are also on the ballot. Heres a complete guide to the midterms.

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    Open Letter To President Trump Urging Action On Hydroxychloroquine

    Dear Mr. President:

    We, the undersigned practicing physicians, urgently ask that you take two steps to help us treat patients according to our best ability and medical judgment, using the clinical and basic science data we already have on the effectiveness of certain established medicines in this war against COVID-19:

    1. A Presidential Directive to remove the FDA Emergency Use Authorization restriction that states Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine from the Strategic National Stockpile, are only approved “for certain hospitalized patients,” and to direct the FDA to include the option of early out-patient use of these medications.

    2. A Presidential Directive or Executive Order to a) prohibit Governors from arbitrarily restricting hydroxychloroquine to only hospitalized patients, and b) prohibit State Medical Boards and State Pharmacy Boards from threats of disciplinary action against doctors and pharmacists legally prescribing and dispensing HCQ and CQ off-label for early treatment or prophylaxis for COVID-19 in out-patients or at-risk or exposed persons.

    Restricting use to hospitalized patients means loss of the critical early window of opportunity to: prevent the virus attaching to host cells, reduce viral replication that prolongs time of infectivity and spread, reduce the number of hospitalizations and need for intubation and mechanical ventilators, and reduce risk of multi-organ damage and death or permanent lung impairment after recovery.

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