Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Will You Vote For Trump

Trump Attempts To Bully Pence Into Rejecting Bidens Electoral Votes

William Barr Says He’d Still Vote For Trump In 2024

Trump still had an even more dangerous trick up his sleeve: getting his faithful vice-president, Pence, to steal the election for him when Congress convened on January 6 to perform the routine task of confirming the December 14 Electoral College vote.

This potentially revolutionary maneuver had two prongs. First, Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas filed a lawsuit contending that the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which governs the rubber-stamping of the electoral vote count, was an unconstitutional abrogation of the vice-presidents power to recognize and count electors however he wanted. Gohmerts claim was quickly dismissed by the federal courts on grounds that he had no standing to sue.

At the same time, Trump lobbied Pence publicly and privately to do whatever he could in announcing electors to deny Biden the 270 electoral votes he needed to become president-elect. Perhaps the sycophant-in-chief would give Trump an outright victory, or maybe he would simply create a dispute that would throw the contest to the U.S. House, where Republicans controlled a majority of delegations.

This is the six-point plan advanced by Trump lawyer John Eastman for VP Pence to overturn the election on January 6th.

Christian Vanderbrouk

I Dont Want The Clinton Legacy Continued In The White House

Trump is a self-made man. Regardless of getting a hefty loan from his father, he used that money to make a name and legacy for himself. I hope that Trumps experience as a businessman will enable our country to operate more effectively when it comes to managing our money.

I want to change America to serve the people instead of a political system that wants to serve itself. My life wont change much, except I will have more hope that my government is trying to make our country strong instead of pandering to its own liberal interests. My main hope is that he will help balance our budget, and secondly that he will help our economy to remain strong.

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I dont want the Clinton legacy continued in the White House. We impeached one Clinton, and there is too much scandal that revolves around the other. Why would I want that legacy in my government?

He may say controversial things, but at least he tells you what he thinks. I certainly disagree with anyone that has behaved in a racist or sexist way. However, I feel like I know where I stand with Trump. He says what he thinks, right or wrong, and I know what Im dealing with.

Rachael, 34, Indiana, small business owner

How Donald Trump Can Come From Behind And Win Michigan

LANSING Its déjà vu all over again in Michigan, where Republican President Donald Trump is down in the polls but predicting victory in an election that is little more than a week away.

Four years after his razor-thin win here, Trump and his family are barnstorming the battleground state in hopes of a late surge that could help him win a second term.

The odds are not great for Trump, who is planning to return to Michigan on Tuesday for 2 p.m. rally at Capital Region International Airport in Lansing.

  • As of Monday, Democrat Joe Biden was leading recent Michigan polls by an average of 8.1 percentage points, according to Real Clear Politics.
  • Among the 14 Michigan public opinion surveys released this month, Trump led only one by a single percentage point. In one of the most recent, Fox News had Biden up 12 points.
  • The latest FiveThirtyEight forecast pegs Bidens win probability at 94 percent in Michigan.

But Michigan elections experts arent closing the door on Trump, who outperformed the polls in 2016 to win Michigan by 10,704 votes over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Bridge Michigan asked some of the states leading political consultants and pollsters how Trump could do it again.

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Trump Urges Justice Department To Declare The Election Corrupt

Trump was also working the state angle from the other direction, conspiring in particular with Acting Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark to push Republican legislatures to investigate and possibly overturn Bidens victory.

Clark drafted a letter to Republican officials in Georgia, claiming falsely that the DOJ was investigating various irregularities in the 2020 election. The letter urged them to convene a to investigate these voter-fraud claims and consider issues pertaining to the appointment of Presidential Electors. Clark reportedly prepared similar letters addressed to GOP legislators in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

None of these letters were ever sent out because Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue refused to go along. There is no chance that I would sign this letter or anything remotely like this, Donoghue told Clark in an email obtained by ABC News.

The investigation into former President Trumps attempt to enlist the DOJ in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election has already revealed some frightening truths. Just yesterday, we heard seven hours of testimony from Jeffrey Rosen alone. Much more is to come.

Senator Dick Durbin

dont expect you to do that, Trump reportedly answered, just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.

Trump 202: Will The Former Us President Run Again

Trump Visits Campaign Headquarters on Election Day

This time last year, a newly defeated Donald Trump was in full-on assault mode.

Take for instance Dec. 20, 2020, when the former U.S. president sent 28 tweets, many times claiming voting fraud, attacking the media and those in his party he felt didnt stand up for him, and retweeting anyone spouting conspiracy theories of a rigged election.

Of course, at that point, the deadly and potentially legacy-defining Jan. 6 insurrection at Capitol Hill was just a couple of weeks away. And a few days after that, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms would permanently suspend the former president, citing fears he would incite further violence.

So without his megaphone that captured immediate headlines, in the early months of 2021 Trump receded to the background. The Washington Posts Philip Bump showed in April that Google search interest and the frequency of Trump’s appearances on cable TV had both returned to roughly the low levels they were before he ran for office.

But while his dominance of the mainstream news cycle has faded, and a myriad of legal woes stare him down, he still tops early polls of Republican voters for 2024 presidential candidates.

And the 45th president has followed through on his promise to assemble his own media empire, though how it will perform remains to be seen.

Don’t Miss: Can Donald Trump Win 2020 Election

Will You Vote For Trump In 2020

Ill vote for Amy or Biden. If not them then Trump

Amy is a moderate. Joe is historically liberal but hasnt taken the bait to go ultra far left yet. The rest are crazy and went full potato. I hope the country is smart enough not to elect a full blown socialist

Amy is a moderate. Joe is historically liberal but hasnt taken the bait to go ultra far left yet. The rest are crazy and went full potato. I hope the country is smart enough not to elect a full blown socialist

Gonolz said:I will not vote for Trump. Whether or not I vote for anyone else depends who is on the ballot and my mood. Most likely scenario is that I will just spend my time on election day at happy hour instead of a voting line.

Gonolz said:I will not vote for Trump. Whether or not I vote for anyone else depends who is on the ballot and my mood. Most likely scenario is that I will just spend my time on election day at happy hour instead of a voting line.

Trump wont even attend the inauguration.I have little confidence that Don ‘da Con will ever be indicted.This “Trump” thing is not going to go away …the man will continue to do everything he can to undermine & divide the country…to create more falsehood & anger. He will be involved in American politics for as long as he lives.

Trump Considers Plan To Use Military To Seize Voting Machines

A narrowly-missed opportunity for truly dangerous mischief was revealed in January 2022 by the New York Times: Trump looked into various avenues for using the Justice Department, the Pentagon, the Department of Homeland Security, or even state agencies, to seize voting machines in order to investigate vague allegations of election fraud. The DOJ angle was vetoed by Attorney General William Barr. The Pentagon/DHS scheme was promoted by Trump advisor Michael Flynn and Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell. Ironically, Powells legal team colleague Rudy Giuliani was instrumental in talking Trump out of going in this direction on grounds that it would provoke a second impeachment of the 45th president. But a draft executive order eventually surfaced that could have kept the machines in the Pentagons hands until after the scheduled inauguration of the next president.

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All The Republicans Who Wont Support Trump

Numerous top G.O.P. officials have said publicly or privately that they will not be backing the presidents re-election. Some have even endorsed Joe Biden. Heres a look at where they all stand.

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As November draws nearer, some current and former Republican officials have begun to break ranks with the rest of their party, saying in public and private conversations that they will not support President Trump in his re-election. A number have even said that they will be voting for his Democratic opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr.

As Mr. Trumps political standing has slipped, fueled by his failures in handling the coronavirus pandemic and by the economic recession, some Republicans have found it easier to publicly renounce their backing.

Here is a running list of those who have said they will support Mr. Biden in the fall, those who simply wont support Mr. Trump, and those who have hinted they may not back the president.

Trump Is An Egomaniac

Joe Biden To Charlamagne: âYou Ainât Blackâ? If You Vote For Trump!

I think Trump is a ego-maniac. And on his resume he would like to add the moniker of the man who gave America a shove back toward being number one again. It has nothing to do with liking his personality, his way of doing things or NOT DOING them. Because he is crazy impulsive he has no qualms to step on toes when he is on a roll, and correctness enters in his objective. So in my opinion, Trump is the only person in the playing field who could chop off heads, feet, or other current government extremities, which get in the way of what most Americans see as a path to make America over for Americans and strong again! An egotist who will not take no as an answer Trumps objective is to prove what he has said publicly is true.

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A Vote For Hageman/trump Is A Vote In Support Of Biden/harris

  • Letter from Karl Schneider | Cheyenne

I read the news article about Harriet Hageman leading Rep. Cheney in the polls with alarm. I am alarmed because it shows that a lot of Wyoming Republicans still support President Trump.

I don’t care if you love or hate Trump. There is a simple pragmatic truth. Independents will not support Trump again. Without the independent vote, Trump is not electable.

What this means is that support for Trump is effectively support for Biden/Harris. If you want four more years of Biden’s unrestricted federal deficit spending, support Trump and his followers . If you want more runaway inflation, support Trump and his followers. If you want domestic energy production blocked while Biden goes to ask the Saudis to ramp up production, support Trump and his followers.

A better position is to realistically evaluate who can defeat Biden/Harris. It is not Trump. Many Wyoming Republicans hate Cheney being on the January 6 Commission. I would ask them to reevaluate their position.

For the good of the country, the best course of action is to support her. I do.

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The prospect of this democratic collapse is not remote. People with the motive to make it happen are manufacturing the means. Given the opportunity, they will act. They are acting already.

Who or what will safeguard our constitutional order is not apparent today. It is not even apparent who will try. Democrats, big and small D, are not behaving as if they believe the threat is real. Some of them, including President Joe Biden, have taken passing rhetorical notice, but their attention wanders. They are making a grievous mistake.

The democratic emergency is already here, Richard L. Hasen, a professor of law and political science at UC Irvine, told me in late October. Hasen prides himself on a judicious temperament. Only a year ago he was cautioning me against hyperbole. Now he speaks matter-of-factly about the death of our body politic. We face a serious risk that American democracy as we know it will come to an end in 2024, he said, but urgent action is not happening.

The Big Story: Join Barton Gellman, along with staff writer Anne Applebaum and Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg, for a live virtual conversation about the threats to American democracy on December 13.

Listen to an interview with William J. Walker, sergeant-at-arms of the U.S. House of Representatives, on The Experiment.


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Trump Rallies Supporters To Stop The Steal On January 6

For weeks, Trump called on his supporters to descend on Washington on January 6 to protest Bidens election . On December 20, he tweeted, Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!

The House select committee uncovered plentiful evidence that this tweet and others represented a call to arms for extremist groups, such as the Oathkeepers and the Proud Boys, who planned to converge on D.C. Stop the Steal, a rubric invented by Roger Stone in 2016 in anticipation of a Hillary Clinton victory, became the protesters organizing slogan.

As a joint session of Congress was convening to confirm the Biden victory, Trump addressed the faithful gathered on the National Mall. We now know thanks to the House select committee testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, that Trump was infuriated by the presence of metal detectors that reduced the size of the crowd close to the stage. I dont f- – -ing care that they have weapons. Theyre not here to hurt me, Hutchinson heard him say as he prepared to speak.

Much of the debate over Trumps subsequent impeachment and Senate trial revolved around exactly what he said to the demonstrators who subsequently broke into the Capitol and temporarily shut down the confirmation of Bidens victory. Was this the smoking gun from his address?

Or maybe this?

Why Im Voting For Donald Trump

Trump election: Wisconsin prepares for vote recount

I voted for Barack Obama twice, then reluctantly for Trump. This time Im more convinced hes the right choice. Heres why.

From openDemocracys Editor in Chief: I first met Craig in South Carolina in 2006. He was the anonymous John in a story I wrote aboutdiscrimination against LGBT people in the US army and wider American society that year. In 2016, he explained to me why he’d decided vote for Donald Trump last month, he told me he was voting for him again.

Since this article was posted, however, Craig has changed his mind. His reason are laid out at the end of this piece.

Original article: 1.10.2020

The 2020 election is a bit of a joke. Four years ago, I voted for Donald Trump because I thought he was the least bad option. This time round, I feel differently.

At first, I felt pretty good about Joe Biden. I voted for Barack Obama twice and thought his former vice president was one of the stronger Democrat contenders. But as time has worn on, Ive lost faith in him.

When we got the news of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, I seriously considered changing my vote to the Democrats, or not voting at all. In the days after the news, I really questioned how I could sit right with my actions. But as things stand now, Donald Trump will be getting my vote.

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Reason #: He Will Not Help The Unemployed

Trump has also done everything he could to oppose and deny extension of unemployment benefits to the people who need them. Republicans have even opposed extending unemployment benefits to the 99ers, those who have been without work for 99 weeks or longer.

How can the Republicans be so uncaring about those that need help the most? If you want to see the unemployed of this country get help, dont vote for the Republican Party, especially Donald Trump.

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