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What Are The Polls For Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Approval Ratings Flounders Amid Jan 6 Revelations

New poll suggests Donald Trump would be president if ‘election were held today’

Donald Trump has faced a dip in his popularity according to a Fox News poll taken after the first January 6 hearing.

The opinion poll was conducted between June 10 and June 13, according to a Fox News report. This is days after the first January 6 hearing that was held on June 9.

The poll, which also highlighted that President Joe Biden has seen his popularity fall, showed the fluctuation in the former president’s popularity.

According to the poll, 55 percent of registered voters asked have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, compared to 44 percent holding a favorable opinion.

The poll also highlighted data taken from previous polls of the former president.

In February, 54 percent of registered voters held an unfavorable opinion of Trump, this is compared to 45 percent favorable. In December 2021, Trump received the same percentage of favorable and unfavorable votes.

According to the poll, the last time Trump held such a small favorable opinion vote of 44 percent was in late October 2020. In this poll, 55 percent of participants held an unfavorable opinion of him.

In June 2018, 45 percent of Fox News poll participants held a favorable opinion of Trump while 53 percent held an unfavorable opinion.

Newsweek has contacted Donald Trump‘s office for comment.

The first January 6 hearing, which was televised during prime time, was able to focus on Trump and his role, if any, in the January 6 Capitol riot.

Most Americans Feel Anger Fear About The State Of The Nation

About seven-in-ten Americans say they feel angry about the state of the country these days, while roughly two-thirds say they feel fearful. While majorities in both parties say this, these views are more widespread among Democrats than Republicans. Nearly eight-in-ten Democrats report feeling angry about the state of the nation 63% of Republicans say the same. And while 75% of Democrats say they feel fearful thinking about the state of the country these days, a narrower majority of Republicans say this.

Far smaller shares of Americans report feeling hopeful or proud thinking about current national conditions 46% say they feel hopeful, while just 17% report feeling proud.

Republicans are modestly more likely than Democrats to say they are hopeful . Only a quarter of Republicans report feeling proud thinking about the country these days. Still, that is substantially higher than the share of Democrats saying this .

There are only minor demographic differences in reported emotional reactions about the state of the country. Two-thirds or more across all age groups say they are angry about the state of the nation, with those ages 18 to 29 modestly more likely than older groups to say this . And roughly two-thirds across age groups say they are fearful about the state of the country these days. There are similarly no significant age differences in the shares saying they are hopeful or proud.

Former President Is Considered De Facto Frontrunner For 2024 Gop Nomination

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Former President Donald Trump may lead just about every survey of the potential 2024 Republican primary field, but there’s one key rival he continues to trail: Joe Biden.

The current president would win 42 per cent of the vote, according to a poll conducted by YouGov and Yahoo! News. Mr Trump followed close behind with the support of 39 per cent of respondents.

The results come despite Mr Biden’s underwater approval rating, which was at 42 per cent in the same survey. That result suggests that enough Americans still dislike the idea of Donald Trump taking the White House again to overlook Mr Biden’s perceived flaws.

In fact, more than half of respondents do not want either Mr Trump or Mr Biden to run in 2024 at all. Fifty-two per cent opposed a third Trump bid for the presidency, and 57 per cent were against Mr Biden seeking reelection.

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Attitudes on whether Americans think Trump is responsible for the attack on the U.S. Capitol remain relatively stable. In the new ABC News/Ipsos poll, 58% of Americans think Trump bears a “great deal” or a “good amount” of responsibility for the attack on the Capitol. This is unchanged from an ABC News/Ipsos poll in December 2021 and similar to the findings of an ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted just after the attack in January 2021.

The poll divides along party lines, with 91% of Democrats thinking Trump should be charged with a crime compared to 19% of Republicans. On whether Trump bears a “great deal” or a “good amount” of responsibility for the attack, 91% of Democrats and 21% of Republicans say he does.

Among self-described independents, 62% think Trump should be charged and 61% think he bears a “great deal” or a “good amount” of responsibility.

The ABC News/Ipsos poll was conducted after the committee held its third of seven public hearings scheduled for this month, which detail what the committee says was a “sophisticated, seven-part plan” by Trump and his supporters to overturn his 2020 election loss to President Joe Biden.

On Friday, Trump lambasted the hearing, calling the panel “con artists,” while continuing to air false claims about the 2020 election.

Poll: Trump Leads Biden Harris In 2024 Match

Donald Trump is in 1st place in another GOP poll. I repeat, Donald ...

Former President Trump is leading President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match-up, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday.

If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.

Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris.

The poll, while very early, portends trouble for Democrats in their 2024 effort to maintain control of the White House after taking it back less than two years ago. Trump has repeatedly hinted that hes considering another bid for the presidency and remains deeply popular among the GOPs conservative base.

Even if Trump and Biden choose not to run in 2024, Democrats may face some challenges. The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey found Harris leading Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a current favorite for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, by a scant 2-point margin.

In that scenario, Harris takes 40 percent support to DeSantiss 38 percent support.

The poll found Bidens current approval at just 39 percent, while majorities of respondents said that both the U.S. economy and the country as a whole are on the wrong track.

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Politico Poll: Donald Trump Holds Greater Favorability Than Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump has a greater favorability than President Joe Biden, according to Wednesdays Politico/Morning Consult poll.

While more voters defined themselves as Democrats by three percentage points , the poll revealed Trump has a greater favorability rating among voters than Biden. Trump holds 42 percent favorability, while the current president has sunk to 41 percent, down more than six points since last year.

Furthermore, Bidens disapproval rating is greater than Trumps. Fifty-seven percent of voters hold a negative view of Biden, while Trumps negative favorability rating is two points better at 56 percent.

The former presidents favorability rating is also greater than Vice President Kamala Harris , Sen. Chuck Schumer , Rep. Nancy Pelosi , and Sen. Mitch McConnell .

Bidens favorability rating has sunk in recent months. In April, the presidents favorability was 45 percent, while Trumps was 41 percent, a four point spread. In December, Bidens approval rating was 46 percent. Trumps was 44 percent. In October, the formers favorability was 47 percent, while the latter was at 43 percent.

The presidents overall approval rating was marked at 39 percent with only 16 percent strongly approving. Politicos mark of Bidens approval rating is higher than other polls. On Sunday, Civiqs rolling average put it at 32 percent, matching an all-time low.

The poll sampled 2004 voters from June 24-26 with a 2 point margin of error.

Why Polls Were Mostly Wrong

Princetons Sam Wang had to eat his words in 2016. He talks about the impacts of the pandemic and QAnon on public-opinion tallies in 2020

In the weeks leading up to the November 2016 election, polls across the country predicted an easy sweep for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. From Vanuatu to Timbuktu, everyone knows what happened. Media outlets and pollsters took the heat for failing to project a victory for Donald Trump. The polls were ultimately right about the popular vote. But they missed the mark in key swing states that tilted the Electoral College toward Trump.

This time, prognosticators made assurances that such mistakes were so 2016. But as votes were tabulated on November 3, nervous viewers and pollsters began to experience a sense of déjà vu. Once again, more ballots were ticking toward President Trump than the polls had projected. Though the voter surveys ultimately pointed in the wrong direction for only two statesNorth Carolina and Florida, both of which had signaled a win for Joe Bidenthey incorrectly gauged just how much of the overall vote would go to Trump in both red and blue states. In states where polls had favored Biden, the vote margin went to Trump by a median of 2.6 additional percentage points. And in Republican states, Trump did even better than the polls had indicatedby a whopping 6.4 points.

How did the polling errors for the 2020 election compare with those we saw in the 2016 contest?

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Question28 Do You Think The Attack On The Us Capitol On January 6 2021 Was An Isolated Incident Or Do You Think It Is Likely To Be Repeated

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoIsolated incident    44%    67%    20%    46%    48%    41%    45%    51%Likely be repeated   48     27     71     47     45     50     47     41DK/NA                 8      6      9      7      7      9      8      8                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspIsolated incident    38%    45%    50%    47%    53%    45%    49%    17%    45%Likely be repeated   57     45     43     47     41     46     43     79     45DK/NA                 5     10      7      6      6     10      8      5      9                     FOLLOWING JANUARY 6 CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE NEWS Q21                     Very          Somewhat      NotSo         NotClosely                     closely       closely       closely       AtAllIsolated incident    30%           44%           49%           55%Likely be repeated   65            48            44            33DK/NA                 5             8             7            13

Florida Gov Desantis Criticizes Biden And Fauci In Cpac Speech

Donald Trump’s popularity decline | Reuters poll shows | US elections

Not only is Trump going to campaign for other candidates he may also try to play kingmaker in congressional leadership elections. Already, he has said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., should be ousted, and some people at CPAC would like Trump or one of his chief House allies to take the speakership if Republicans win the House.

Its the worst-fitting job for him … except like being a yoga instructor, Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the convention and an informal adviser to Trump, said of the speculation that he could be named House speaker. All Im saying is if he decides to do it, I think he gets it.

Pointing to the love for Trump at CPAC, Schlapp said, Hes lost no traction.”

Trumps CPAC speech had more of a forward-looking, Biden-focused campaign vibe, criticizing the presidents handling of Ukraine, inflation and security at the U.S.-Mexico border. Still, Trump indulged in old grievances, including the lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Trump won loud applause for saying he’s “the only president of the 21st century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country.”

Russia invaded Georgia during President George W. Bush’s administration, Crimea during President Barack Obama’s administration and Ukraine last week. Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin felt emboldened by the botched U.S. exit from Afghanistan and that he wouldn’t be deterred by financial and diplomatic sanctions.

He spoke like a candidate.

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Question22 How Much Of The Responsibility If Any Do You Think Former President Trump Bears For The Storming Of The Us Capitol On January 6th: A Lot Some Not Much Or None At All

                     ADULTS.....................................................                                                               WHITE........                                                               4 YR COLL DEG                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Yes    NoA lot                42%     5%    81%    36%    33%    50%    53%    27%Some                 15     15     11     19     18     13     11     14Not much             13     21      1     17     16     10     14     18None at all          27     56      5     26     31     25     20     37DK/NA                 3      3      2      2      3      3      3      4                     AGE IN YRS..............    WHITE.....                     18-34  35-49  50-64  65+    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    HspA lot                39%    42%    42%    46%    28%    43%    36%    77%    42%Some                 23     17     12      8     13     13     13      9     20Not much             13     10     13     16     20     14     17      2     12None at all          23     25     30     29     36     27     31     10     25DK/NA                 2      5      2      1      4      3      4      1      1

Republicans Who Backed Trump Jan 6 Probe Face Fierce Backlash At The Polls

Never in nearly 42 years in Congress has Rep. Chris Smith had a primary quite like his last when he spent the final weeks getting bombarded by angry constituents who felt he crossed President Donald Trump.

The New Jersey Republican won renomination with his lowest primary vote share ever, after he voted to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. And his opponent seized on it, stoking an angry and anti-incumbent mood sweeping through Republican primaries around the country.

Republican members from Utah to Texas to South Dakota who also voted for the Jan. 6 commission have had a similar experience, marking an especially intense primary season for the GOP. The bottom has dropped out for the Republicans who did support a Jan. 6 investigation: They are running 13 points weaker than their average colleague in their primaries, according to a POLITICO analysis of 2022 primary results so far.

But even Republicans who didnt take that vote are running into stronger primary opposition than in the last midterm, the analysis shows. The average incumbent House Republican pulled 88 percent support in party primaries four years ago. Thats dropped this year to 75 percent for GOP members who didnt vote for the Jan. 6 commission and cratered to 62 percent for the incumbents who did back it.

Altogether, the numbers paint a portrait of an angry base sending a message to its ambassadors in Washington: Dont step out of line, or else.

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Donald Trumps Chances Vs Joe Biden If He Runs Again In 2024

A number of bookmakers are naming Donald Trump as their favorite to win the 2024 presidential election if he runs, but several polls suggest it is still neck-and-neck between him and Joe Biden in a hypothetical match-up.

According to OddsChecker, which aggregates betting odds from numerous sources, Trump is the favorite to be the next president by several bookmakers including Paddy Power and Betfairwho are offering odds of 11/4as well as Bet365 and SkyBet .

In comparison, Paddy Power and Betfair are offering 9/2 odds on Biden winning the 2024 election, with Bet365 and SkyBet offering 5/1.

Trump has not formally announced that he intends on running for president again, but he has hinted at it from the moment he left the White House in January 2021.

The suggestion that Trump could beat Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match-up has been backed by a recent Emerson College poll conducted on May 24 and 25.

According to those taking part in the survey, 44 percent said they would vote for Trump in 2024, and 42 percent said they would back Biden if they were the two candidates.

The poll also shows that Bidens approval rating remains low at 38 percent, down from 42 percent in an April survey.

The Emerson College poll reveals Bidens job approval is lowest among white voters at 33 percent, and highest among Black voters at 61 percent.

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